Misled: A Bad Boy Mafia Romantic Suspense

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Misled: A Bad Boy Mafia Romantic Suspense Page 5

by Penelope Marshall

  So much so, I clutched her waist and pinned her to the cot, ramming myself even harder inside of her. Every thrust drawing her further into my world, and me into hers.

  As her eyes stayed fixed on mine, something inside me shifted, and I no longer felt scared about tomorrow, or the day after. I was content at the moment we were in, my body meeting her every movement with a harder one of my own.

  I released her hips and jerked against her, gripping the soft flesh of her thigh as I gritted my teeth, moaned, and closed my eyes. I was on the verge, and as I thrust deeper, I waited for my inevitable release. My hard abs rubbed against her as sweat began to bead on my forehead.

  Breathless, rocking with pleasure, her body caved under my trembling mass, going limp as a hurricane of gratification washed through me—tantalizing every cell. She reached for me, and cradled my head against her heaving chest.

  Her head tilted back with my final thrust, and the overwhelming heat which had settled between her legs exploded, sweeping over her entirety. Her body quivered. My deep grunts followed closely behind—my pumps shallowing as I came inside her.

  I was speechless as enchanting brown eyes met mine. Softly pressing our lips together, we lay there, silently, for a few minutes—reveling in what just happened—reveling in each other.

  "I've wanted to do that since the first time our lips touched," I exhaled, breaking the silence.

  "Funny, I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw Sal talking to you at your apartment."

  I skimmed the shell of her ear with my bottom lip. "Should'a said something."

  "I've never had to ask."

  I tightened my hold on her. "Did you mean what you said?"

  "I've said a lot of things today."

  I enjoyed her coyness. "That you want me to stay with you."

  She held my face in my palms. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."

  "Then we'll do this together."

  "I felt safe with you before, but now I know I won't have to worry anymore. I know you will do everything in your power to keep me safe from Sal."

  Sliding my arm underneath her, I rolled her on top of me as I situated myself on the cot. "Tell me why you don't want to get married?"

  "I told you already. Men are prison sentences of a different sort."

  I traced my finger from her brow to her long bangs, lodging a tendril of hair behind her ear. "I've seen a shitty marriage, so I've never been in a real relationship, but you—it couldn't have been that bad. Spoiled little rich girl syndrome?"

  "You don't know what it's like being a woman in that family. I swore I'd never willingly give a man that power. My mom took her last breath never knowing freedom. They say she died of a broken heart after my dad died, but I think she killed herself because she didn't know how to be free. That won't happen to me."

  Running my fingers through the ends of her hair, I pressed my palm to the back of her head, pulling her lips toward mine.

  "Well, then I guess it's good I don't wanna get married either."

  Her eyes widened. "You don't."

  "What? You expected me to just fall head over heels for you? You're probably used to that, aren't you? Men falling all over themselves for your beauty."


  "Oh, don't play that woman game with me. You know you're beautiful."

  "There's hearing something all your life, but that doesn't mean I accept it."

  "Who damaged you?" I whispered, caressing her cheek with my thumb.

  She pushed herself off of me, pulling her clothes back on. "No one. I've been damaged for as long as I can remember. My father never wanted a girl. Girls are weak he always said. Girls are only good for one thing, maybe two. Then when my brother came along—well—let's just say I enjoyed not having the spotlight on me anymore."

  Pushing myself up on my elbow I turned to her. "Looks like we both have daddy issues."

  "You could call it that, but I don't wanna talk about him anymore. I wanna forget him, and my brother."

  "How about Cane? You wanna forget him, too?"

  "I tried to talk to you about him earlier. You didn't wanna hear it."

  "I already know what happened. I don't need you to explain it."

  "And who'd you hear it from?"

  "Sal told me."

  "And you believe everything he tells you?"

  "I know a lot of shit about Sal. Shit he tells me that he doesn't tell anyone else."

  "You don't think that makes you a liability?"

  I paused, contemplating the question she'd just posed.

  "Tell me then—what happened?"

  "What does it matter now?" she asked, opening the can of beans to warm up.

  I stood from the bed and pulled my pants up, buckling them before looking for my shirt. "It matters to me if it mattered enough for you to want to explain yourself."

  She spooned the beans onto the small pot sitting on top of the hotplate. "Sal killed Cane."


  "You heard me."

  "Then why send me to get you? He could easily clean up Cane on his own. No sense involving outsiders."

  "I dunno. I walked in on him twisting a knife in Cane's stomach. Cane reached out for me and mumbled something like Sal's not it, but before he could say anymore, Sal pulled the knife out and stuck it in Cane's throat. His eyes widened as the blood spewed all over and all I could do was scream like a girl. My father would've turned over in his grave."

  "Then what?"

  "Sal saw me standing there with my hands over my mouth, then pulled the knife from Cane's throat and chased after me."

  "How'd you get away?"

  "I made it outside before he did, so I hid in the bushes. I thought for sure he'd see me, but after he had searched up and down the street, he gave up and ran back in the house calling for Elias and everyone to help. That's when I took off to the only place I knew I'd be safe."

  "That was a big gamble. I could've turned you right over to him."

  "You could have—you almost did, but you didn't."

  I shook my head. The whole situation was insane. Sal was insane. I'd always been on the other end of the hunt, and now that I was the one being hunted, my perception had drastically changed.



  "Where the fuck is he, Sloane? I thought you were the fucking best?"

  "He's disappeared. He must've known you were tracking him. He's a fuckin' ex-SEAL. He knows how to survive."

  He leaned in, blowing hot, smoky breath into my face. "If he survives, then you don't. I want someone's head, and I don't care whose it is."

  "I did everything you asked."

  "Well, then you shouldn't have lost my money in those sure fire stocks of yours."

  "I told you there'd be a small chance you could lose your money. You knew that going in."

  He shoved me onto my seat. "Who are you to tell me what the fuck I know?"

  The thugs behind him pulled out their guns and held them at their sides. "No one. I'm not anyone to tell you what you know, Salvatore."

  He slapped me hard across my face. "Find them!"

  I wiped the blood which had begun to stream from the corner of my mouth.

  "I can't hear you!" he shouted in my ear.

  "Fine. I'll find them. But this is it. I don't owe you after this."

  "You'll owe me for as long as I fuckin' say you owe me." He spun around, beckoning for his men to follow.

  Good old Elias stayed behind like usual. I couldn't even take a piss without him following me into the bathroom. Good thing I had a rather large bathroom, so he wasn't forced to hover over my dick. But, who knows, he might've liked that.

  I turned back to my computer and ran a search for Isaiah's phone. Nothing. Now I was sure he'd gotten rid of it.

  That's my boy.


  I stepped out into the light of day, sliding on my sunglasses. The night before had been full of scotch and women, and the sunshine wasn't helping the mi
graine I already had brewing from my anger and hangover combined.

  Fucking Cane.

  If he'd only kept his mouth shut, none of this would've happened. I couldn't understand why people couldn't keep their goddam mouth's shut—everyone needs to be a hero, I guess.

  "Boss, what do you want to do with Sloane after we find them?"

  I glanced over my shoulder to Sloane's front door. "I want you to kill that asshole. Anyone who betrays their friend out of a little-perceived fear shouldn't be able to breathe the same air as me."

  He held the door open for me. "You got it, boss."

  "Make that bitch scream, too."

  "Yes, boss," he agreed, closing the door behind me.

  "Take me home; I need a fuckin' aspirin."


  "Are you ready to go?" I asked.

  "I think so. Do you think this is gonna work?"

  "As long as we can get Sloane to wire us money, we'll be clear. I just need to get to a pay phone."

  "Do they even make those anymore?"

  "I'm pretty sure we can find one." I laughed, stretching my hand out for her to grab.

  She twined her fingers with mine and shot me a wink. "We?"

  "Don't get all mushy on me. I liked that sassy side of you," I replied, slapping her ass as she walked up the stairs in front of me.

  Making it outside, I locked the door behind me and headed for the car. I pulled off the tarp and threw it in the trunk on top of Chriss' body, which had already begun to smell.

  "Fuck, I forgot about him."

  Mellissa leaned her hip against the car, covering her nose as she spoke, "What are you gonna do with him?"

  I looked around the field encompassing the bunker. "Nothing better than wide open spaces. I think there's a shovel in the bunker. I'll be back."

  "You do that. I'll watch from inside the car."

  "Not into manual labor?"

  "Burying bodies is not my forte."

  "I thought that was mob 101?"

  She shook her head, cringing her nose at me. "Ha, ha, very funny."

  I chuckled. "I thought it was," I said sarcastically before walking back into the bunker.


  He came back with a wooden-handled shovel and made quick work of digging a makeshift grave. I kept a look out to make sure there were no witnesses. It was a job I'd grown accustomed to and was actually quite good at. I could tell if a car was an unmarked FBI vehicle, or if people on the street were just common vagrants, or if they were indeed undercover surveillance.

  Throwing the shovel on the ground, he picked up Chriss' decaying body and threw him into the hole as beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. His nice clean shirt began to moisten from the sweat accumulating on his hard body.

  He shoveled the loose dirt onto Chriss, covering him up like he wasn't even there.

  "That should be it," he said, patting the ground with the shovel to smooth out the grave.

  "I just wanna say thank you, again, for saving my life."

  He threw the shovel into the trunk. "No need."

  I grabbed his arm, staring him straight in the eyes. "Yes, there is a need. You need to know I am grateful."

  He unclasped my fingers from his arm, and brought my hand up to his lips—sweetly kissing my palm. "I know. But you saved me, too."

  "From what?" I whispered softly.

  "From myself."

  I smiled. I knew the confession was a big step for someone like him, and its significance wasn't lost on me.

  He winked at me. "Now, let's go look for a payphone."

  I shut the trunk and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before jumping into the passenger seat.


  It'd been at least an hour, and the few pay phones we'd found were either broken or couldn't make the connection after ringing several times. I hopped into the car and rubbed the scruff beginning to form on my jaw.

  "Looks like we're gonna have to take a trip to Sloane's."

  "How dangerous is it?"

  "At this point, I'd rather be in a gunfight in the middle of Fallujah than have to do this, but we have to take the risk."

  She turned her head, facing the passenger window, biting her thumbnail. I didn't want to say any more to worry her, so I twisted the key and stepped on the gas, heading straight for Sloane's house.

  It didn't take very long to get there, but as soon as I parked, Mellissa perked up. "That's one of Sal's cars in the driveway."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, I helped pick out those rims."

  I threw the car into reverse and slowly drove down the street.

  "What are you doing?" she asked, sitting straight up in her seat.

  "Seems to me Sloane is how Sal was tracking us. That fuckin' bastard."

  "So now what?"

  "I'm going in there!"

  "For what?"

  "That motherfucker almost got me killed."

  She grabbed my forearm. "But you're not dead. You're alive and so am I. Isn't that enough?"

  I shook my arm from her grasp. "Fuck no."

  "All you men are the same. Revenge first, questions later."

  "Say what you want, but he needs to answer for the betrayal," I growled, parking the car down the street and around the corner. "Stay here."

  "No, I'm going."

  "It's not safe."

  She reached for the door. "Nowhere is safe."

  I grabbed her wrist and yanked her toward me. "Stay here for me, please?"


  "Because—because I couldn't stand to lose you."

  Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine. I'll stay."

  Cupping my hand to her cheek, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. A rush of electricity ran through my body and straight to my dick. I wanted to drag her over onto my lap and fuck her in broad daylight, right in the middle of the upstanding, suburban neighborhood. My palm traced down her neck, passing the side of her breast before making its way to rest on her thigh—my thumb caressing the lovely joining of her legs.

  She clutched onto the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to her, but I broke our kiss before we could reach the point of no return—well—for me, at least.

  "Stay here."

  She nodded as I reached under my seat for my .380.

  "I'll be back." I hopped out of the car, glancing over my shoulder one last time before rounding the corner to make sure she wasn't trying to get out and follow me.

  As I continued toward the house, my sight of her was impeded as she disappeared behind a huge oak tree situated in the middle of the corner house's lawn.

  At least with her safe, I could focus on Sloane. I couldn't believe that son of a bitch sold me out. What could he possibly want from Sal? He was definitely wealthier, so it couldn't have been money.

  Walking down the street, I proceeded slowly, as to not attract attention from the uptight stiffs, and nosy housewives that trolled the massive bay windows littering the front of every home. The last thing I needed was for them to call the cops—not with what I was about to do to Sloane.

  Ducking into the small walkway on the side of Sloane's house, I peered through the window into his office where I caught sight of him typing away while a rather large man stood at the door. His stance suggested that Sloane was not there of his own volition, but I couldn't take any more chances with my safety or Mellissa's. I proceeded to the back door, pulling out my gun from my waistband. Easing against the wall, I quickly pushed the handle of the sliding glass to see if it was locked. The door slid open effortlessly, and without much noise. Hopefully, no one heard even the slight rumble of the rollers as it moved. I peered in, my gun following shortly behind, sweeping the room for any more of Sal's men.

  The living and dining rooms were empty, so quietly I moved toward the office door. I would need to time the blitz attack just right to glean the maximum return for my effort. I stood squarely with the door, knowing the guard was standing on the other side, and with all the power I could muster,
I rammed the sole of my shoe next to the door's handle. The door exploded open, propelling shards of splintered wood into the air.

  The guard flew forward, pulling his gun out of his shoulder holster as he fell to the ground. He rolled over, pointing the gun directly at me, but I already had him in my sights. I pulled the trigger, causing the bullet to careen across the room, catching him in between the eyes. His head flew back, slamming into the ground, leaving blood spatter all over Sloane and his three-piece-suit.

  He stood from his seat. "Thank God you're here, Isaiah."

  I pointed the muzzle at him. "Uh, uh, uh. Sit your ass down."

  He plopped down in his seat, holding his hands in the air. "What are you doing?"

  "The real question is—what the fuck are you doing with Sal's guy in your office?"

  "Have a seat and I'll tell you."

  My eyes narrowed, watching where he placed his hands. I wanted to make sure he wasn't alerting Sal to my presence. "No, I think I'll stand."

  "Okay, okay. Can you at least point the gun somewhere else?"

  My brows furrowed with impatience. "I'm fucking waiting. Tell me what the fuck he was doing here before I shoot you in the fucking mouth for lying to me."

  "Sal lost a lot of money 'cause of me. I mean a lot of fuckin' money in the stock market."

  "And then?"

  "I told him there was a chance shit could go south, but he didn't wanna hear it. And he really didn't wanna hear it after it actually happened."

  "So you're his bitch, now?"

  "If by bitch you mean, I have to work for him otherwise he'll kill me, then yup, that's exactly what I am."

  "What the fuck, Sloane? Why the fuck did you sell me out like that?"

  "I didn't have a choice but to play the part, but I didn't give him any information. I'm not an ex-SEAL like you. I can hack shit, and that's it. Taking on the mafia, that shit ain't me. I got one fuckin' skill, but I stalled him as best as I could."

  I cocked my gun and aimed it right at his mouth. "I can't even fuckin' believe we're having this conversation. I fuckin' trusted you."

  The quickening breath of someone coming up fast behind me caused me to spin around, ready to shoot the intruder at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, the muzzle of my gun met the flesh of Mellissa's forehead instead of one of Sal's armed guards.


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