The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone)

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The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone) Page 15

by Adams, A. D.

  That evening as they all settled in for the sunset Dawra brought up the subject.

  “It will soon be time for you two to have your cave.”

  “I know mother. We have been looking and found a nice place.”

  “You have!” Dawra said with surprise. Few young dragons even think about it.

  “Yes, it’s very nice; we can take you there.”

  I would like to see it, but I also have found some places you should consider. We’ll look at them all starting at sunrise.”

  The next morning the three flew off to look at all the caves. They first went to the ones that Dawra found. The first was very much like the one they presently lived in. It had a small stream flowing from the back, but it was not protected from the wind. It was deeper than their present home, which would help with the wind, but it still was not perfect. The second cave Dawra showed them was in a box-shaped crevice that did protect it from the wind, but there was no water in the cave. They would have to carry water in. This did not please Fienna, and that cave was ruled out. The next was in the wall of a sea cove. It was protected from the wind, and a waterfall did cascade over the top of the wall and fell partially across the front of the cave’s opening. The water splashed into the cave creating a small misty area in the cave’s opening. They did not rule this cave out. The cove was one of the many that were cut off from the coast beaches, and Terra could exercise and relax in it. Dawra saved the best for last. It was a cave on a high cliff that over looked several small islands. The islands were in such a position that their peaks sheltered the cave from the sea winds. A large spring rose out of the ground in the back of the cave and drained through a hole next to it. The spring formed into a small pool, before it drained, large enough for Terra to bathe in. The cave had a number of layered steps, several of which were large enough for Fienna to sleep on. This was obviously a wonderful cave and would work for them.

  They then began the flight to the cave that Fienna and Terra had found. As they flew up and over the cliffs, Dawra wondered where they where going. She followed as Fienna turned inland and flew toward a large crack in the rocky terrain. They finally flew down into the crack where a small lake came into view. Dawra could see that as they descended a sandy path had been created. It led from the lake to a large cave opening fronted with a large slab of flat rock. They landed on the rock, and Dawra was impressed with the cave’s opening, and the lake that looked just big enough for Fienna to bathe in. They walked into the cave, and it was quite spectacular. Its interior seemed like an enchanted place with the reflections of the great crystal finger that hung from the roof, which were more beautiful than anything Dawra had remembered seeing. A stream ran through the cave. It was cold and clear as the crystal that hung from the cave’s ceiling. A large flat terrace several levels above the stream would be a perfect place for Fienna to sleep and slightly above this terrace was a small shelf that would suit Terra.

  Dawra had to admit that this was an ideal place, but it was so close to the ground. No dragon had ever lived this close to the ground. As Dawra looked through the cave and then the outside, it was obvious how excited the two were about this place. They had even created the path from the cave to the lake. It was well protected,and Dawra thought no one would know where they would be staying. That would make this place safe. Terra could stay here while Fienna was hunting and would be able to leave the cave without help. She saw that even though she had found nice caves for the two of them to stay in this place was the best suited for the unusual arrangement they had. She agreed to their new home.

  It would still be one more season before Dawra would allow them to move, and in that time, she wanted to help them with their new home.

  That sunset Fienna and Terra excitedly talked about their new cave.

  “Fienna, I think we should tell Setilan where our new home will be.”


  “She is our friend, and I think she would like to know.”

  “She doesn’t know where we live now.”

  “That’s true, but she did help you with the sand, and I think she is a good friend and deserves to know.”

  “Well, just her, no one else.”

  “If that’s what you wish. We’ll tell her after my sunrise lesson when were alone.”

  The next sunrise Terra and Fienna were at the cove ready for his lesson. After the lesson, Terra asked Setilan to stay a while, and she did.

  They told her of their new home and that after the season was over they would be moving there. After describing the crevice and the pool, she told them that it was possible that there was a path from the sea to the pool through underwater caves. She had many times traveled in these caves and found fresh water pools. They asked Setilan to keep their new home a secret. They wanted it as private a place as possible and she agreed.

  “Now how can you show me where it is?” Setilan said almost to herself.

  “Well, why don’t we fly down the coast, and Fienna will land on the cliffs. You can then swim to us, and we will fly a little farther, and then you can again swim to us. After a while, we’ll reach the cave,” Terra said with Fienna shaking her head in agreement.

  “That sounds good, is it far?”

  “We should be there by high sun. Can you get rid of those that follow you around?”

  “Oh, those guards are not very smart; I can lose them. Go to that high clif, and I will be there as soon as I’m alone.” Setilan pointed at a cliff down the shore.

  “We’ll be waiting,” said Terra.

  It wasn’t long before Setilan’s head popped out of the water below them, and Terra pointed down the coast. Setilan watched where Fienna landed and swam to them. Soon they were at the spot on the coast just opposite the crevice. Setilan dove down and found a rather large cave below where Fienna and Terra were sitting on the cliff. She surfaced and signaled them to wait at the pool, and then she dove again. The cave’s opening was large, but it slowly narrowed until it was only big enough for two or three large sea nymphs to move through. The light slowly diminished but that made little difference to Setilan; she could send out sound, and when it returned, her mind converted it to pictures.

  She didn’t really need light to see. The caves must have once been dry.

  She could tell this by the large fingers hanging from the ceiling. That only happens in land caves. She soon saw a dim light and started to swim toward it. She could see that it was an opening to a pool, and from the taste of the water, it was fresh water. When she surfaced in the pool, she saw Terra and Fienna lying on the flat area at the end of a sandy path. It must have been the path she had helped Fienna create.

  Setilan swam to shore, and there where the two of them sunning themselves.

  “Weren’t you worried about me?”

  “No, I knew you were fine,” Terra said in an unconcerned voice.

  “How did you know?”

  “I just know things like that. I don’t really understand how, but I do.”

  “Well, are you two going to show me around?” Setilan said in a mildly angry voice.

  “Don’t be angry. I’ll show you around,” Terra said in a soothing voice.

  Fienna stayed at the shore sunning herself as Terra showed Setilan the path and cave. She was impressed as Dawra was with the cave’s beauty. Setilan calmed down; she could not seem to stay angry at Terra.

  No one seemed to be able to do that. When they returned to Fienna, the three of them swam and played in the lake. As sunset approached, Setilan returned to the sea through the underwater path she had found, and Terra and Fienna returned to her mother’s cave.

  Chapter 43 - Preparing to Leave

  (It is Hard to Leave a Place of Comfort.)

  351 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons

  The seasons on Tone varied depending upon where you were. The misty valley of humankind had four seasons, although they seemed like one long cycle of rain with a few changes. The growing season was warm and moist and became the time for the
growers to produce what food they could. Then a time of cooling occurred, which was used to harvest the crops, and then the miserable cold rains started. Finally, the cold rains gave way to a short dry warming period, which was the planting season and then the cycle started once again. There was, of course, one constant during most of the seasons. RAIN!

  The dragons, however, seemed to only see two seasons. There was the warm pleasant time when dragons could stretch out and sun themselves, and the stormy colder season that had less sun and cooler sun-risings. During this time, violent storms would sometimes blast the coast causing the dragons to stay in their caves for sun-risings at a time.

  It was the colder season, and a good time for Fienna and Terra to start getting their new home ready.

  Dawra had started them off by showing Fienna a cliff were she could get light but gritty rocks. These were odd rocks. They weighed almost nothing, but they were very coarse. The rocks had air bubbles all through them, and Fienna wanted to know where they came from.

  Dawra told her that sometimes mountains blow up and very hot bright red and orange material came out of them. When this material cooled, it turned into this rock. The rock was good for one thing, polishing surfaces. Dawra showed them both how to polish the area they would be sleeping on. The rocks broke into dust as they were rubbed against the surface that they would sleep on. After doing this for what seemed to be an eternity, both Terra and Fienna came out of the cave. They were both covered with dust. When they looked at each other, they both started to laugh. When Dawra turned and saw them from where she was relaxing, she also started to laugh at their odd appearance. Terra ran to the lake saying “I’ll beat you.” Fienna took off leaving a cloud of dust in her path. She dropped into the lake just before Terra jumped in, “I beat you,” and they both started splashing around and laughing. It took another three sun-risings to finish the polishing. At the end, there was dust everywhere in the cave.

  “Mother, how do we get all that dust out of the cave?”

  “Come with me; I’ll show you.”

  The three of them moved to just beyond the sleeping area then turned toward the cave opening. Dawra stood to one side, stretched her wings out, and started to beat them. The wind started to blow the dust toward the cave’s opening. Fienna started to do the same thing within a short time almost all the dust had blown out of the cave and was settling on the sandy path that Fienna had made.

  Several sunrises later, Fienna and Terra had went to their new home to bathe in the lake. Dawra decided to join them after hunting. As she flew over the crevice, she saw a third creature on the beach with Terra and Fienna. She began her descent when the three of them saw her; the third one jumped into the water and disappeared. Dawra landed next to Fienna, and the two knew what she wanted to know.

  “Mother, I know you want to know who was with us. I’m going to tell the story of how we all met. It may take a while, why don’t you get comfortable.”

  Dawra decided to let Fienna tell her story. Fienna started by telling her how they liked to lay on the coastal beach in the afternoon to sun themselves. This was fairly normal, for many dragons did this. She went on about how one sun-rising she was sleeping, and Terra was near the water when he heard something and then saw a creature like himself. So he went over to this apparent female. As he approached, her arms turned to tentacles, and she tried to grab him.

  “Sea Nymphs. I told you to be careful of them,” Dawra said in anger, not at Terra but at the nymphs.

  “I know mother but let me continue before you judge.”

  “All right.”

  Fienna continued with Terra’s body glowing orange and repealing the tentacles. The Nymph fell from the surprise and hit her head badly.

  She was in fact perishing. Then Fienna wanted to leave her, but Terra could not, and he healed her. It turned out she was the daughter of the king of the Sea Nymphs, and he was very grateful to Terra for his daughter’s life. Since that time, the sea nymphs have considered Fienna and Terra as true friends and always treat them with great respect. The one that just dove into the water was Setilan; the one Terra had saved.

  After Fienna’s explanation was over, Dawra said nothing for a short time. She was thinking. She now knew that Terra was more than she had ever suspected. No living land creature had ever made friends with the sea nymphs. Yet, he not only made friends, but they owed him the life of their ruler’s daughter, a debt that would be impossible to repay.

  Terra amazed her. He seemingly wanted nothing but to live with Fienna and here he was a friend with both dragons and sea nymphs.

  “Fienna, Terra. It’s all right; you can be friends with these Sea nymphs but don’t trust them completely.”

  “Why mother?”

  “They have been known to be untrustworthy, be careful.”

  “We will mother.”

  “Terra promise,” Dawra said.

  “I promise.”

  “Good, now can you call your little friend back? I would like to meet her.”

  Fienna hit the water lightly with her tail, and the little creature came walking out of the water. She was two heads shorter than Terra and physically much smaller. Dawra had never paid much attention how much bigger Terra was than other creatures since to her he was so small. She now realized that he was much larger than other humans.

  Well, that didn’t matter; he would never leave Fienna. Dawra moved her great head close to the sea nymph and carefully looked her over and sniffed her small body. She smelled a little like a swimmer and a little like Terra. Then she told Terra to tell her that she could be their friend, but if she or any of her people ever hurt either Terra or Fienna, the sea nymphs would have to deal with the wrath of the dragons. Terra didn’t want to say it, but Dawra stared at him with determination, and he finally told her. Terra said she understood and that her kind would protect Terra and Fienna with their lives if need be. That seemed a little extreme but was an acceptable answer.

  That sunset Dawra told Lowlack the story.

  “He is something more than just a human with magic. I am not sure what but more. Each time we think he cannot gain anymore power he does. He also seems to possess the rare art of befriending others in such a way that they are ready to die for him without question,” Lowlack said in a serious voice.

  “I believe you’re right. Do you think Fienna’s in danger being with him?” Dawra said with concern.

  “I think Terra could protect her from anything. She is safer with him than anywhere on this world. I haven’t seen this new cave; can you take me to it tomorrow?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  The next morning Dawra, Lowlack, Fienna, and Terra flew to the crevice. The cave and the lake impressed Lowlack. It was indeed a perfect place for the two of them.

  Chapter 44 - A Teacher Needs Help

  (Everyone needs help Sometimes.)

  351 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons

  Terra’s lessons continued as the sunrises passed. Seana slowly became larger as her child grew within her. Soon she would no longer be able to come and teach Terra, but she promised that as soon as she could she would start his lessons again. Seana wanted another to take over during her absence, but Terra refused the offer, preferring to wait for “his teacher” as he had started to call her. She was very pleased with his decision.

  One sun-rising as Fienna and Terra lay on the shore of their private little lake, Setilan surfaced and started to frantically swim toward them waving her hands. Terra stood up and greeted her as she emerged from the water.

  “What’s wrong Setilan?”

  “It’s Seana, her baby. “ Setilan had to stop and catch her breath before she could continue.

  “She’s having trouble; the baby may die the healers say. She wants you to come.”

  “Can they bring her here?”

  “No, it’s too dangerous. They may both die if she is moved.”

  “Fienna will you take me to her?” Terra said.

  “Underwater aga
in! I didn’t like that.”

  “Please, she is in danger, and I like her.”

  “For you, my Terra, I will go.”

  Terra mounted Fienna and told Setilan to meet them at the entrance of the palace. Fienna took off. She flew to where the palace was and circled for a time giving Setilan time to arrive. Then she dove toward the water and entered it as if it were air. As they entered, their bodies started to glow orange. At the entrance of the palace, Setilan was waiting; she waved them to follow her. She swam as Fienna flew through the water. They came to a small building were Setilan swam to the opening in the top.

  “Fienna, I’m going to swim into the building. You come and put your head through the hole after I enter it.”

  “Will I keep the air around me? You generate this glow for the two of us.”

  “I didn’t think about that. Let’s try. I will stop touching you for a moment, and we will see what happens. “

  Terra slowly allowed himself to float free of Fienna and then let go of her. He kept his hand close, so he could touch her if anything happened. A thin orange rope started to form between the two. The glow still protected her, and he floated a little farther away with the rope of orange ever lengthening.

  “It’s all right; you are still glowing. I’m going to swim to the hole; follow me.”

  Terra swam through the hole and down to a seaweed bed that Seana was lying on. Setilan followed, and Fienna stuck her head through the hole to watch. He had promised on the flight here not to ever be out of her sight. Seana was in great pain, and two surprised healers were around her. They floated back as Terra approached, half watching him and half watching the great dragon’s head above them. He placed his hand on her swollen middle. As Terra touched her, he could see in his mind’s eye the baby and its surroundings.

  “The baby is strangling. A cord of some kind is around its neck.”


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