Lilly V

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Lilly V Page 5

by Tiya Rayne

“The bloody human.”

  “You’ve heard of her?”

  “Just because we low lives do not climb out of the swamp to rub shoulders with ye’ high society people, does not mean we are not up to date with the latest news.”

  “Then you know how important she is.”

  “To whom?” Drago leans back in his chair eyeing me with a challenge. “I say we kill the bloody human and end all this war stuff for good.”

  A growl slips between my lips before I could catch it. Drago’s eyes widen before they fill with mirth.

  “Yer’ in love with the human.”

  He doesn’t ask a question so I do not reply. Instead, I lean forward placing my elbows on the table in front of me.

  “Her name is Lilly. Right now she is in the Northern Kingdom and I cannot get to her. I need a spy inside that kingdom to keep an eye out for her. I would not just ask anyone to do this job, Drago. I need you.” That was the truth.

  There is no greater fighter and no better mind in all of the Locke. I am man enough to admit that. If my Lilly is to be kept in that hellhole, she needs the best of the best on her side. And I would offer Drago my life to protect Lilly.

  Quietly Drago watches me. He doesn’t speak, his shrewd red eyes stare at me as if he’s reading my soul.

  “I know why ye’ have come to me,” He finally says, breaking the tense stare off. “If I was in love with a woman I would want me watching out for her as well. The truth is, I consider ye’ a friend when I don’t want to kill ye’. However, not even for ye’, old friend, will I take up a cause in this fight. And if I help ye’, that is what I would be doing. I wish yer’ lady friend all the luck, but I cannot help.” Drago stands, sending his chair to scratch against the hardwood floor. “No hard feelings. Stay and have a drink on me.” he says before turning around.

  I do not panic, instead I lay down my trump card. “Don’t you miss it?” I ask, even though I know he does.

  “What if I told you, she could return it back to you?”

  My words have the desired effect. I can see the tension in Drago’s shoulders as he stands with his back to me. When he turns to look at me the fire behind his irises are dancing in his eyes. He blinks and when he looks back his eyes are back to normal. He pulls the chair back out and sits back down in front of me.

  “How…..” his voice wavers and crack on the word. He clears his throat and tries again. “How?”

  I run my tongue over the roof of my mouth. This is the dangerous part of my plan. Giving out this type of information on Lilly could be life threatening. In this instant, I have to think if it was worth it. Can Drago be trusted with this type of information? My brain screams no, but I have to trust myself. Drago is a loner and he does not trust or befriend many people, but I have a secret weapon….Lilly. As much as I don’t trust Drago, I know my little human can win over the most unlikely person. I need Lilly to do what she does best, befriend Drago. If Lilly can work her magic, I know that not only will Drago protect Lilly with his life, he will never betray the information I am giving him. Maybe Lilly could even win him over to our side—that would even be a bigger bonus. With my plan once again solid in my mind, I tell him what he needs to know.

  “The human isn’t just special…..She is a pure.”

  With eyes narrowed, Drago replies. “I’ve met other pures in my many years, none of them were able to break the goddess’s curse.”

  I already knew this would be his response, so I tell him about the day in the forest with the unicorns. I watch as his face goes to skeptical, intrigue, to downright awe. When I am done, Drago sits back in his chair, one large arm rest on top of the other as he strokes his beard. He stares at me as my story, no doubt, runs through his head. I know he is trying to keep his face neutral. He doesn’t want to let on that he is near bursting at the seams with interest. I am the king of keeping my emotions in check. That is why I can easily read other people’s emotions so well. Finally Drago speaks.

  “She is most favored by the goddess daughter.”

  “That she is.”

  “And she would do this for me?”

  I pause for a second and his eyes narrow at me. “I won’t tell you it will be easy. Lilly is not like us. She values loyalty and friends. She will not be made or pushed to do anything. If you want it back, you will have to gain her friendship and trust. That is the only way.”

  Gods I’m hoping this plan works.

  He grunts at my reply, but continues to stare at me. Just then, Bilal comes to the table.

  “Assassin, we need to hurry. I’m hearing talk of a mob heading this way for our heads.”

  I don’t react to his words. I wasn’t leaving here until Drago agrees to my terms.

  “What will it be, Drago?” I prompt. “Is your ‘it’ worth joining this fight?”

  His eyes catch on fire as he stares back at me. I read the warning there. “It is worth everything.” His eyes say.

  “What would ye’ have me do? Should I rescue the human?”

  “No,” I reply with a shake of my head even though I want nothing more than to have Lilly back in my arms.

  The gods have spoken, I must allow Lilly’s sacrifice to play out.

  “The human is headstrong.” I say with a chuckle. “She has made a sacrifice to buy us time. I need you inside to watch out for her. To make sure she is protected and to keep us up to date on all things that goes on inside that castle.”

  Another stroke of his beard as he watches me. The wheels in his head turning.

  Just as Bilal promised, an angry mob burst through the door of the bar. They scan the area looking for us. Bilal pulls his sword.

  “Times up, Assassin.” He warns as the mob finally spots us and comes rushing toward us. I slowly climb to my feet.

  “I need an answer, Drago.”

  I pull my sword out of the ether, my eyes only cutting to the angry mob once.

  Red eyes blazing with mine he responds, “Ye’ have a deal.”

  I nod as my blade swipes at the first creature from the mob. I cut him down in short work.

  “I would stay and help,” Drago says as he and the wolf hound side steps an angry shifter trying to get to me. “But I can’t be seen fighting with ye’.”

  I knew that. If our plan was to work there could be no connection to us. That means everyone in this bar must go. I will take no risk when it comes to Lilly.

  “Go,” I shout over the dead body I just rammed my sword in. “Go help my girl.”

  With a nod, Drago slips from the bar.

  “Goddess daughter, I pray, I have made the right decision.”

  Bilal and I make short work of the angry mob and then clear the bar of all other occupants. We trace away from the Forbidden lands feeling confident in our plans.

  Chapter Six

  “Let me get this straight,” Medina pulls the hood to her dark green cloak further down over her head. “You had the Dark King right where you wanted him, you could have had anything you wanted, and this is what you asked for. You actually wanted to be out in this atrocious humid weather with these pathetic people?”

  “For the hundredth time, Medina, yes.”

  As much of the Locke I have seen with its lush foliage and beautiful exotic sights, the Northern Kingdom is nothing like what I’ve seen before. The sky is overcast and heavy with dark full rain clouds. A mist of moisture hangs in the air. It saturates my clothing and hair without actual rain falling. The muddy roads are narrow and barely give room for the heavy traffic. The homes remind me of row homes I’ve seen in pictures of big cities. One home or shop connects to the others, every fifth or sixth house separates from the next row by even more narrow alley ways. The sounds coming from the alleys have made me stop more than once, and it always ends with one of my chosen guards pushing me in the back demanding I, “keep it moving, girl.” The Northern Castle sits on top of a hill, its many spires look like sharp hungry teeth. Its design resembles the Margam Castle in Margam, Port Talbot, Wales. For several mo
nths in tenth grade I was enraptured by castle photography. However, this castle looks as if someone took Margam Castle and placed it in a horror film where an evil vampire or a dark witch lived. A huge covered bridge connects the town to the castle on top of the hill.

  I think the biggest difference of the Northern Kingdom from the others I’ve seen, are the people. I remember watching those classic cowboy movies with my Uncle Buddy and thinking, there was no law back then. People did whatever they wanted to do. The Northern Kingdom is a lot like that. I’ve only been amongst them for ten minutes and I’ve witnessed two fights and one murder. It’s like no one cares about the consequences of their actions. Even the women seem rough around the edges. I’ve noticed more brothels than bakeries. A bar sits on every corner, and I have yet to see one shop that doesn’t have some kind of creature standing in the doorway like a guard. And the children. Tons of children aging from toddlers to teens aimlessly running the streets alone.

  Suddenly, one of the children fall in the middle of the street. Even with her dirty hair and muddy clothes her rounded face and dark brown skin is adorable. No one stops to even look at the child. They step over her like she’s trash. I quickly rush over to the child. She looks to be only six or seven years old.

  “Are you alright?” I ask the frightened little girl with the big brown eyes.

  Her black hair is so matted it’s started to dread.

  She looks up at me and I can tell she’s hurt but trying to be brave. She has a nasty cut on her knee.

  I reach for the knee to check the damage and she pulls away suddenly.

  “It’s ok. I won’t hurt you.”

  I notice her eyes move to the heavy medallion around my neck.

  Before going out today, Nevy placed the necklace around my neck. He said it was to let everyone know that I belonged to him. I argued that the massive guards that was following me should give them a clue, but apparently not even that is enough to deter people around here. The necklace is made of pearls, but the medallion is a huge blue stone cut in the shape of a snake. I hold the necklace up so that she could see it.

  “Do you like it?”

  Her head nods with a smile and she reaches out to touch it. Before her hand close on the snake, she’s snatched up by one of my guards.

  “Do not touch the Queen!” The huge guard yells down at the girl as he shakes her small body like a dirty rug.

  “Hey! Leave her alone.” I try to pry the beast’s hands off the girl.

  “She touched you.” He explains. “She must die. Those are orders from the Dark King.”

  Seriously, Nevy?

  “I said let her go,” I warn, when the creature pulls out his blade. “….or I’ll tell the king that you touched me.”

  The guard lets the girl go so quick that she and I both stumble back.

  “Are you alright?” I turn and ask the girl.

  Her big brown eyes widen with shock only a second before she snatches the necklace from around my neck and takes off.

  “Hey!” I shout.

  The little girl runs down one of the alleys into the arms of an older version of herself. The older girl glares at me and both she and the little thief slips off behind a door in the alley.

  Medina starts to laugh behind me. I turn to face her.

  “Oh, don’t look so shocked, Girl” Medina wipes the mirth from her eyes. “Your rules don’t apply here. This isn’t like any other place you’ve ever been. Around here, weakness is comparable to death. Only the strong survive. That goes for the children too.”

  Her eyes scan around us and I follow, taking in all the faces. The Northern people have a dangerous edge to them. The look in their eyes scream danger, walk the other way. No friendly smiles, no welcoming demeanors. Everyone seems to give off this “don’t F with me vibe”.

  “Where are their parents?”

  This question pops in my mind as I take in just how many children I see alone. Not one child is with an adult.

  “Dead. Captured. Maybe even just left them.”

  Her reply is so flippant you would think she was telling me the time.

  “Don’t look so aghast. It’s hard enough trying to survive in this world as it is, you start adding little snot nose kids to the equation and the odds get lower.”

  I couldn’t imagine growing up in this world—any world without a parent really. I’ve heard the horror stories of orphaned children. At least back home the kids have ‘the system’. It has its faults, but there’re people that make sure you’re fed. People that supply shelter. Here there is nothing. These people aren’t even acknowledging all the children.

  I watch as a few more kids walk down the alley the little thief and her partner went. It seems that all the kids are either going to or coming from that alley.

  “Orphan Alley.” Medina replies to my unasked questioned.

  “Should we follow her?”

  Medina’s eyes widen like I’ve just asked her the craziest thing in the world.

  “Down Orphan Alley?” She points to where the necklace thief ran off.

  I nod, but Medina only shakes her head, her hood falling off revealing her jet black mass of silky hair.

  “No one goes down Orphan Alley. Those little shits aren’t good for much, but they take care of each other. And if you threaten one of them, they will skin you alive before you’d have time to call for help.”

  I do heed Medina’s warning about following the young girl down the alley. I even allow Medina to keep me moving, but I can’t help but to look back at that dark entrance. I didn’t care about the heavy necklace. It means nothing to me, but I am worried about the child. Not only was her knee scratched up pretty bad, but she is too young to be out there alone. I know Medina says they are tough, but they’re still just kids. They needed someone watching over them. I wonder if I could do something to make things easier for them.

  “I know that look.” Medina says from beside me.

  “What look?”

  “The look of someone that’s about to stick their nose in business that doesn’t concern them. Look, Girl, I get it. You are one of those bleeding hearts type of people. Helping is just in your nature, but have you ever considered that maybe everyone shouldn’t be helped?”


  “Come on, even if helping will cost you your life?” Medina stops walking and turns to me. Her hands go to her full hips. She studies me, those gray eyes intently watching my reply.

  I don’t answer this question right away. I take the time to think about it. Would I risk my life to save someone else, even if I knew that my actions would get me killed?

  “Yes.” I simply reply.

  Medina doesn’t argue with me, she doesn’t even second guess my response. She just turns away and continues to walk the muddy streets of the Northern Kingdom.

  It happens so fast I had no time to react. One moment I’m walking beside Medina, watching the haggard and hard faces of the people around me, and the next minute I’m swooped up on a horse racing through the streets.

  “Hold on, Lilly! I’m here to rescue you.” The thin man with the dark beard says.

  For a fraction of a second I let myself enjoy the moment. I envision seeing my boys again. I envision holding them in my arms and smelling their beautiful soft newborn scent. I can almost taste Assassin’s lips. I can feel the warmth of his touch against my skin. Then it hits me. Why I’m here, why I sacrificed all that I love to be here. And as much as I don’t want to admit it, I think about Nevy. I made him a promise. What will my leaving do to him?

  “Wait,” I try to get up from my position thrown across the horse on my belly. “No, you have to take me back.”

  “Take you back?” The man looks down at me briefly with his dark brows bunched together. “I’m rescuing you, just like he paid me to do.”

  Paid him? Who paid him?

  My rescuer snaps the reins and the horse picks up speed. The mucky ground is a blur beneath me. Dirt and debris splatter against my face. I try t
o right myself so I can tell this would-be hero to let me off. As much as I try to sit up he tries to hold me down. We tussle for a moment before I start to fall backwards. I scream as the air disburses around me. Falling from this high up, going this fast, I am sure to die or be severally paralyzed. I land with an oomph into thick arms before rolling around on the ground. When I come to a complete stop, my body is underneath a massively heavy heating blanket…..or at least that’s what it feels like.

  “Are ye’ alright?” The blanket asks from above me.

  I open my eyes to find deep burgundy irises staring back at me. For a second the pupils stretch and elongate like a cat’s. When I blink they are back to normal.

  “You’re not a blanket.” Was my intelligent reply.

  The blanket…..Man….. starts to laugh and rolls off of me. He stands to his feet and then lifts me up. He is huge. Not as tall as the giants of this realm but still huge. He had to be at least 7 feet tall and just as wide. He reminds me of a wrestler/ actor from back home. Skin slightly darker than mine, dark brown hair with the most beautiful curls I have ever seen. His hair hangs half way down his back and frames his face. With one large hand he sweeps his fingers through the front of his hair pushing the beautiful curls back off his face. Just then, a huge silver and black dog…no, wolf walks up to me and sniffs my hand. The wolf is so big that its head comes up to my belly button.

  “No, Phoenix!” The man warns, but Phoenix jumps up, his paws coming to my shoulders as he bends his head down and licks my face. His roughened tongue makes me laugh. I rub behind his ear.

  “Nice boy.” I coo to the dog.

  The huge man just stares at me, mouth wide open. Just then, Nevy appears out of nowhere. He snatches me into his arms and wraps them around me in a crushing hug.

  “Are you alright?” He sounds worried.

  “Nevy, I’m fine.”

  My out of breath guards finally catch up to me, trailed by an even more out of breath Medina.

  “Idiots!” Nevy snarls at the guards. He holds his hand out like Darth Vader and immediately the guards start to choke and gasp.

  “Nevy, don’t.” I push his hand down at his side.


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