Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 70

by Gina Kincade

  Adam chuckled as the waiter returned again this time with their food. “Fine, thanks. At least I’ll have a nice scar, right? I hear chicks like those”

  She shook her head and her face got serious. “No way. You’ll have minimal scarring. I did a damn good job sewing you up.” Her face softened and she laughed out loud. It was melodic and he wanted to hear it again.

  “My apologies. I didn’t mean to insult your work.”

  She giggled again and rolled her eyes. The soft laughter was complemented by birds chirping. Her smile faded and she leaned forward and dug into her purse.

  “Crap.” She sighed and swiped her finger across the phone. “Hello?”

  Adam smiled at the waiter as he returned with their food and set their steaming plates in front of them. Erin mumbled into the phone a few times before hanging up. She sagged forward and covered her face as she stared at her dinner.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re going to hate me.”

  “Why?” he asked with a frown. He doubted whatever was going on would frazzle him.

  “I just got called into work. Go figure the one night I plan something when I’m on call.” She picked up her fork and dipped it into her baked potato.

  “When do you have to be there?”

  “An hour.”

  He motioned to their dinner. “That’s plenty of time for us to eat.”

  She bit her lip and met his gaze. “You’re not mad that I have to leave?”

  Mad no. Disappointed, yes, but not because he wanted to get laid, though he had been looking forward to that. It was because he was enjoying her company. He shook his head and pointed to himself. “Police officer. Trust me, I know how it is to be on call.”

  Erin let out a relieved breath. “I haven’t been called in in months, and of course tonight three people decided to call in sick. The hospital isn’t even busy…” She paused, knocking on the wooden rail that lined the patio. “But they obviously can’t be short staffed either.”

  “It happens. It just means we’ll have to go out again.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’d like that.”

  “Me too.” What was he saying? What was he doing? This felt like more than a no-strings relationship. Things were getting real. Crap. I’m enjoying my time with her. I should’ve known better than to get involved with someone I was already kind of friends with. He should tell her to forget about going out again, but the words got stuck in his throat. I’m so screwed.

  Chapter Four

  Erin trudged into the employee lounge, grabbed her cell from her purse, and flopped down on the couch, twisting so her legs rested on the arm of the opposite end. It was nearly 6 am and she’d be getting off in an hour. The night had been non-stop up until ten minutes ago.

  She turned on her phone and sighed. Three new texts. One was from her mom and two from Adam. She read the one from her mom first and let out a relieved breath. Her mom had offered to keep Caden for the day until four so she could get some sleep. She sent a quick text thanking her and then opened up Adam’s text.

  How’s your night going?

  She rolled her eyes as she scrolled to the next one. That had come through just after midnight.

  Must be busy since you didn’t answer. I’m off tomorrow, or is it today? Anyway, stop by in the morning if you’re up for it. I could use some personal attention from my favorite nurse.

  Heat rushed through her at the implication. The exhaustion ebbed away as excitement coursed through her. Her fingers hovered over the letters, ready to type a witty reply.

  Her mood was crushed when the lounge door flew open. One of the other nurses popped in. “Erin. Get up. We have two ambulances inbound. They’ll be here in three minutes.”

  Erin jumped up, tossed her phone back in her purse, and ran out. She had to make sure the trauma rooms were prepped and ready. No sooner had she left the lounge then the door burst open and paramedics rolled a middle-aged man through on a stretcher. So much for three minutes.

  The paramedics were already doing CPR and she jumped in to help, guiding them to the first trauma room. A doctor rushed up to them from behind Erin.

  “How long has he been unresponsive?”

  “Unsure. His wife found him this way in bed. We’ve been unable to get a heartbeat.”

  “How long have you been doing CPR?” the doctor asked.

  “Twenty-four minutes. He’s already been given 6 mg of epinephrine.”

  Erin shook her head, already guessing what the outcome would be and it wasn’t good. They wheeled the man into the trauma room and together lifted him onto the bed.

  “His wife’s in the other ambulance. She fell down the stairs trying to get to the phone to call 911. I don’t think there is much hope, but we promised her we’d do everything we could until we got him here,” the paramedic said as he backed out of the room.

  Erin hooked the man up to the monitors and got the defibrillator ready while cursing under her breath. Barring an extreme miracle, they were going to be the bad guys today.

  “Charge to 200,” the doctor ordered.

  Erin handed the panels to the doctor and charged the defibrillator.


  She stood back. The man’s body jolted up and she watched the screen. Nothing.

  “Charge again.”

  Erin reset the machine and stood back as the doctor delivered another shock.


  “Charge to 225.”

  Erin set the machine and nodded at the doctor.


  The man’s body lurched, but no change. Erin sighed and looked to the doctor for instructions.

  “I’m calling it. Time of death 6:09 am.” The doctor set the pads of the defibrillator down and Erin flicked the machine off. It had been worth a try. Her heart dipped as a scream pierced the air. She turned, watching as another set of paramedics wheeled a woman through on a gurney. Erin briefly met her tear-streaked eyes before quickly glancing away. There wasn’t much she hated about her job, but losing a patient and seeing the family’s grief was the worst.

  Her heart went out for the woman in the trauma room next door. Even if you loved someone with your whole heart, they’d leave you eventually, one way or another.

  It was a jaded way to think but she couldn’t help it. There was truth behind it.


  Erin glanced at her phone as she walked down the long hall to the parking garage. Just a little before eight. After a semi-busy night, the ER sprang into action the last bit of her shift. There’d been two more traumas and she’d lost another patient.

  It was a horrible way to end her day. She was exhausted and mentally drained, but too amped up to go home and sleep. Adrenaline from the efforts to save the last patient still coursed through her.

  An idea crossed her mind and she tapped her thumb on her phone, pulling up her messages.

  Adam’s text popped up and she let out a breath as her fingers skimmed over the keyboard.

  Are you up?

  Erin hit send and held her breath for a moment. When no reply came, she shook her head and made her way to her car. She dug her keys out and opened her door. The inside was already humid even though the sun had only been up a few hours. Turning the key, she blasted the AC. Her hand went to the gearshift at the same time her phone chimed. Her heart skipped a beat and she let go of the gearshift and dug her cell from her purse. Adam’s message appeared and she grinned.

  I am. Are you off? Do you want to come over?

  Erin bit her lip. She should go home and get some rest so she could spend time with Caden this afternoon without being dead tired, but the idea of going to Adam’s was too alluring. As long as she got a few hours’ sleep she’d be fine.

  Yes. What’s your address?

  Adam’s reply was quick and she grinned when she read his address. His apartment was only a few blocks from hers. She could go have some fun then get home shower and nap before her mom brought Caden home.

bsp; I’m on my way.

  Heat blossomed in her belly at what she was about to do.

  Her phone chirped with a new text.

  I can’t wait.

  Neither could she. She put the car in gear and drove as fast as she could without going too much over the speed limit. Adam had been kind the other day, but any other officer would’ve written her a ticket. That was an expense she couldn’t afford.

  Twenty minutes later she pulled into Adam’s complex. She slowed the car to a crawl as she looked at the door numbers until she found his unit. Parking next to his Mustang, she paused for a moment, checking herself in the mirror.

  Her hair and makeup were okay, but the blue scrubs left a lot to be desired. She should’ve texted him before leaving the hospital, not on her way to her car. Then she could’ve slipped back into her red dress. Too late now.

  She climbed out of the car as her heart began to race. Booty calls weren’t something she did. She’d always been a relationship girl, but after what happened with Kirk, she wasn’t sure she was ready to open up to someone else. Could she ever trust another man around her little boy? Would they treat him right? She shook her head and sighed. Now wasn’t the time to think about that. She was here to have fun and let loose. A fun, no strings attached relationship might be good for her.

  Erin knocked on the door and blew out a breath as she ran a hand over her hair. It was still tied in a tight messy bun at the back of her head. Before she had time to question her appearance again, the lock on the door clicked and then it glided open. Adam stood in front of her, shirtless and only wearing his boxers.

  She grinned as she stepped over the threshold. Adam shut the door and his lips found hers as he backed her against the steel frame. His tongue dipped into her mouth, causing her to gasp as she dropped her purse on the floor and cupped his face.

  Adam’s hardening length pressed against her thigh and she groaned at the feel. Need took over as one hand dipped down his chest to the hem of his boxers before slipping inside. She took his cock in her hand and rolled her thumb over the tip while stroking it.

  He growled at the contact and stepped back, never once breaking their embrace. Erin kicked off her shoes as they stumbled toward what she assumed was his bedroom. Desire pooled in her core. She pushed her pants down and somehow managed to remove them while continuing to kiss Adam.

  His kisses were deep, his tongue tracing along her teeth as his hands crept up her shirt to cup her breasts. She moaned at the contact. Desperate for more, she grabbed his firm rear with her other hand and gave it a squeeze. It was tighter than she’d thought.

  I wonder how much he works out?

  The thought flitted from her mind as her knees hit something and she fell backwards. Her hand released Adam’s throbbing member. She hit the soft mattress and giggled.

  Adam peered down at her with a wide smile as his hands went to her black lace panties and rolled them down her legs. Next he tugged off her socks. She pushed up to her elbows so he could remove her top and bra. Then lay back down, leaving herself completely bare to him.

  He beamed at her as he dropped his boxers to the floor. She licked her lips as his thick, large member came into view.

  Erin scooted back so her head rested against the pillows. Her eyes raked over Adam, taking him all in. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him the first time they'd been together. It had been rushed and they hadn’t had the opportunity to explore each other. This time would be different. She wanted to see every inch of his body.

  His chest was toned and hard. She reached up and trailed her fingers over the fine plains, loving the way they felt beneath her fingers.

  “Rollover,” Adam said, tapping her knee.

  She lifted her brows, but didn’t ask why, instead choosing to follow his wishes. The bed dipped down as Adam climbed on. He nestled himself between her thighs, his erect length grazed against her butt cheeks and she hissed, wiggling her hips, eager to feel him inside her.

  His hand went to her lower back as his fingers traced the tattoo near her right hip.

  He dipped down so his mouth was right next to her ear. “A butterfly. I like it.” HIs mouth nuzzled her lobe before he placed open mouth kisses to her neck and back.

  Adam’s hands went to her shoulders and he gently kneaded her tender flesh, helping to relieve all the tension from a long night’s work. She sighed and relaxed as he massaged her entire back.

  It was nice. No other man had ever taken the time to warm her up like this before. It was an odd mixture of relaxing and being turned on as his large cock grazed over her body with his movements. She didn’t want the massage to stop, yet she wanted him to bury himself deep within her too.

  “Do you like that?” he asked as he bent down to kiss the base of her neck.

  She groaned in response, causing him to chuckle.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” His hands went to her ass, gently kneading the flesh. Then they slipped around to the front of her hips. “Lift up.”

  Erin lifted her butt as Adam positioned himself between her thighs. He continued to rub her back with one hand. The other hand went to her slick folds where his fingers ran over her core.

  “You’re already so wet for me, Erin,” he said. He removed his hands and she gasped as his cock took their place.

  Adam thrust forward, gliding into her. His hands held her hips as he set a slow steady pace. Erin grinded against him, enjoying the feel of the new position.


  Adam ran his hands up and down Erin’s back as he pushed in and out of her tight, wet heat. She felt amazing. One time with her wasn’t going to be enough this morning. It was too bad she’d gotten called into work. He could have had her last night and then again this morning. They’d make the most of the time they had today.

  He ran his hand down her spine as he thought of all the different ways he wanted to take her. She shivered from the contact and moaned. He repeated the action, enjoying the mewls that escaped her throat. Would he ever grow tired of hearing them?

  This was a dangerous game he was playing. He cared for Erin. More than he should for a woman he was just having fun with.

  He moved his hands back to her bottom where he spanked her, causing her to cry out each time he did. Adam continued to move against her, loving the way her core enveloped him like a glove. He was going to come soon if he didn’t stop. There was no way he was coming without her.

  Adam stopped his movements and withdrew, causing Erin to whimper in protest. She glanced at him from over her shoulder. He winked at her as he nestled himself on the pillows beside her.

  Erin grinned and slipped her legs around his hips and positioned her center over his cock. She pushed down, allowing just the tip of his length to enter her before pulling out. He groaned, his hands went to her hips as she sank down on him again but withdrew. She was playing with him and he loved it.

  The next time she pushed down, he drove up into her. Erin hissed and settled down his shaft, taking his entire length in. She placed her hands on his chest and ground her hips against him. Her eyes fluttered closed and she tucked her lip between her teeth.

  He watched her for a long moment, enjoying the way her face changed as she moved against him. Her breasts bounced wonderfully and he couldn’t resist the urge to reach up and cup them. They were firm and fit into his hands perfectly. He rolled his thumbs over each nipple.

  “Do you like that?” he asked.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Are you going to come for me, Erin?” he asked, blinking up at her.

  She nodded as she moved her hips faster. He pumped into her, timing his movements with hers. Her cries of pleasure got louder until she screamed out his name, collapsing on top of him.

  Adam flipped them over and grasped her legs at the knees as he pushed into her. Her inner walls clenched around his cock and he only thrust into her a few times before he spiraled over the edge with her. He groaned as he leaned forward and captured her lips.

  The k
iss was soft and sweet, allowing him to take his time to explore her mouth. She sighed contently and he rested his brow on hers before rolling off. He kept her close, wrapping his arms around her and nestling her against his body.

  Snuggling wasn’t a good idea. It was intimate and led to confused feelings. At this point though, he wasn’t sure who was going to be confused. Erin or him? He was getting too close to her. It didn’t matter how many times he warned himself, he couldn’t stop the feelings he had for her. What if he was falling for her? What if she didn’t fall for him? That would be bittersweet justice. It’d be what he deserved after hurting so many women. Hopefully that wasn’t the case.

  Chapter Five

  Erin groaned as she rolled over. Her eyes blinked open and she frowned, assessing the strange bedroom. Dark sheets covered her naked body and the black curtains were drawn shut, allowing only a small stream of sunlight to filter in. The spot next to her was empty but the smell of bacon wafted in the air.

  She sat up, clutching the sheets to her chest as she peered into the front room. Adam stood at the stove, shirtless. The counters blocked her view from seeing if he was in the buff too. Butterflies fluttered in her belly at the thought. How long had she been out? Was there time for them to go another round? Her stomach grumbled, drawing her from her thoughts. She needed to eat something before she could do anything else.

  Her eyes drifted around the room until she found her clothes laid out in a neat pile on top of a tall dresser. Wrapping the sheet around her, she stood up and walked across the room, slipping on her garments before making the bed. She made her way out into the kitchen.

  Adam glanced up at her with a smile as she entered. “Afternoon, sleepy head.”

  “Afternoon?” she looked at the clock display on the back of the stove. 1:30. Crap, I was asleep longer than I thought.


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