Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 113

by Gina Kincade

  First and foremost, he had his duty to the pack. He had to help keep them safe and, as he drove along the twisting roads that fed into the interstate highways, he was determined to do just that.

  The bright eyes of the cat staring at him through the air holes of the carrier were decidedly unnerving. He picked up the carrier and tucked it on the spacious floorboard behind the passenger’s seat and turned the radio on to a low hum. It was going to be a long night and tomorrow an even longer day.

  He didn’t see any other cars on the highway but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being followed.


  Joanie woke when the rocking motion of the vehicle stopped. Mouth dry and eyes gummy from sleep, she blinked in an effort to orient herself. Where the hell was she? Sunlight edged its way through the glass and she groaned, the bright morning sun too much for her fever addled brain.

  Memories of the hot doctor putting his hands on her bare ass haunted her the entire time she’d been asleep and dreams ping ponging through her mind weren’t helping with the aroused state she woke up in.

  Then she remembered her tacky comments and wanted to climb under the seat. Had she really asked him to fuck her? With these lips?

  Oh boy.

  Maybe she could just die here and get it over with. The levels to which her scandalous mouth would sink when on drugs apparently knew no boundaries—at all. He probably never wanted to speak to her again.

  Her body hurt. The throb in her foot hadn’t abated. Instead, the fire had twisted her muscles and traveled through her entire body. She griped the edge of the seat and tried to get a grip on her churning stomach.

  A cat carrier sat behind the passenger seat.


  The cat gave a low thrumming sound and she smiled. Yep. That was her baby. He’d cared enough to at least get her cat. That was something.

  A car?

  No. Judging by the spacious seat she was draped across, it was more like some kind of SUV.

  A low feline growl let her know he was all right and a small measure of relief settled through her. That is, until she thought about the sexy eyed doctor going through her apartment searching for the elusive beast.

  God. Had she put her underwear away or had she left the basket of laundry on the floor next to the bed? She couldn’t remember and, at this point, there wasn’t a whole lot that could be done about it anyway.

  The driver’s side door opened and quickly shut, muffling the voices outside. Pulling herself slowly up by her elbows, she gazed out the window.

  She didn’t know what she’d been expecting but the manor sized log cabin home hadn’t been it. Like something from the Twilight movie, the building was all glass and wood and nestled in perfectly with the surrounding woods.

  “Do you want some water?”

  A small bottle of water wiggled over the top of the seat. Joanie turned and met a shock of brown hair and a pair of hazel eyes.

  “Hello.” Her voice cracked sounding strange even to herself.

  “Hi. I’m David.” The child's voice was young but the solemn expression on his face was far older than his years. “You saved me and my mom.”

  Joanie didn't know what to say. She opened her mouth to respond but shut it again and offered him a small smile.

  How old was he? Ten?

  Her eyes fluttered shut and she tried not to think about yesterday. When she did the churning inside of her worsened.

  “This is weird for you, huh?” David climbed up so his arms rested on the top of the seat.

  “I guess you could say that.” She took the water and cracked open the top, taking a drink. The cool liquid slid down her parched throat and she sighed. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. You were human and all, too. Mom says she's sorry she hurt you.”

  “Where is your mom?” Joanie tried to sit up but the fever and whatever drug they’d given her made movement difficult.

  “She’s still sleeping. Glenis will come and get her in a minute.”

  “Who’s Glenis?”

  “The Alpha’s wife. She’s a better nurse than Dr. B.”

  The door to the back of the vehicle opened up and a face peered in. “I heard that, squirt. And I’m not a nurse.”

  Joanie tried to see, but the bright morning sunlight wasn’t making any friends with the headache pounding through her head. His shadowy form blocked out the light for a moment and then he was gone. But that voice—she’d know it anywhere.

  The bastard had kidnapped her. He’d spanked her and made her want things she couldn’t have. The fact that she’d verbalized her sexual wasteland of a life didn’t make it any better. Being mad was way better than being embarrassed. If they hadn’t stuck her with the needle, she never would have fallen… she did fall, right? Into his lap on the bed.

  Or did he carry her?

  Good grief. Why couldn’t she remember anything anymore?

  The point was, he’d actually put his hands on her and spanked her—on her bare ass. She grimaced, picking at the threadbare hospital gown, and wondered how in the heck she was going to get inside without mooning half the household population.

  Why should she even care? She was the kidnappee.

  Anger slid through her and her hands curled into fists. Kid here or not, she was ready to give him a piece of her mind. She blinked and started to get out of the car when she heard someone else approach.

  “Well, you should have been. If you’d been a nurse maybe you’d have more sense. Did you have to stuff them in the back of the vehicle?” A woman sidled in and shooed him away.

  “Glenis, there wasn’t much choice. I had to get them out as fast as possible. There's also a good chance we were followed. I didn’t see anyone, but something just doesn’t seem right.”

  “Tell Brand. We’ll get some eyes on the road. Right now, I have sick wolves that need my care. Now, my good doctor, either help or get the hell out of my way.”

  The door to the sport utility vehicle opened and she nearly tumbled out as a fiery redhead with her lips pressed together in disgust narrowed her eyes at her.

  “And who in the hell is this?”

  Chapter Seven

  Joanie sat at the kitchen table and watched Glenis work her mortar and pestle. The room was bright, large banks of windows letting the sunlight shine inside. Ginger colored cabinets and forest green marble counters warmed up the room. The artful brown ceramic tile used as the backsplash and floor brought it all together to form a space that was both easy to clean and welcoming.

  Schubert sat on the window ledge gazing out into the morning light, his tail swishing in contentment. No doubt he’d been fed something delightful.

  “He seems happy.”

  Glenis smiled. “As well he should be. Greedy man ate twice what I put out for him.”

  Joanie grinned and shook her head. A change of clothes and a shower had worked wonders with the woman fussing over her and Schubert at every turn.

  The center island was filled with herbs in pots and poultices in several stages of completion. On the stove, a large pot of stew bubbled, and the rich aroma made her mouth water.

  After getting her comfortable, Glenis had brought her here, placing a hot cup of fresh cinnamon tea in front of her.

  “Does he kidnap all the women he brings home?”

  The buxom redhead turned, a look of surprised concern on her face. “Why would you think that?”

  “He brought me here against my will.”

  The other woman sighed and wiped her hands on her apron. “The man is an idiot sometimes but he means well.”

  “By kidnapping me?” Her head still swam, but the tea helped. What she really wanted to do was go to her room and lie down.

  The other woman considered her for a moment. “The Moon is coming and we can't leave you to your own devices in a human hospital. If Hexen knows who you are, it could be a problem. Didn't you see what they did? Chasing down a woman an injured woman and a pup?”

bsp; Did she? She was trying hard to remember but it was still a blur.

  “Why can’t I remember?”

  “It’s the fever. Your body is changing. The wolf is settling in and that can be a tough experience.”


  Joanie had seen her in her mind’s eye, but talking about it out loud sounded like she’d fallen down a rabbit hole. Hell, she’d felt the wolf’s presence when the doctor was near. Like she wanted to climb a freaking pole. Or him.

  Oh God.

  Joanie rubbed at her throbbing temples and tried to find a reasonable explanation for what was happening to her.

  “You have to understand something.” Glenis set down the herbs she was working with and came toward the table where Joanie sat. “You were human yesterday. Now, you are one of us. You may not want to believe it but, here you are. The sooner you come to terms, the easier your transition will be.”

  “It’s crazy,” she whispered. “All of it.”

  “I know.” Glenis reached out and took her hand. “I was on the other side of the table once upon a time. It was easier for me because I knew about the wolves. But, when I met Brand… well. Being a witch didn’t stop me from mating with the man I was meant for.”


  There was that word again.

  “Why do witches hate shifters so much?”

  “Not all witches,” Glenis corrected as she rose from the chair.

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  “Are you familiar with the story of the Hatfields and McCoys?” Glenis went back to grinding herbs with her mortar and pestle.

  “I've heard of that.”

  “Well, that's kind of what's happening here. Misunderstandings and a whole lot of idiots that keep stirring the pot.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re not that much different.” Glenis glanced up from her herbs. “Witches and wolves both live and die by the grace of the moon. Both sides have gotten greedy and want it all for themselves.”

  “How do you mean?”

  Glenis pursed her lips. “Wolves change with the full moon. They revel in the wildness; become a little piece of Mother Nature. Witches follow the ebb and flow of the tide. Our powers rise and fall depending on what the intent is and what time of month we’re performing magic or a working.”

  “You make it sound like a menstrual cycle or something.” Joanie grinned.

  Glenis snorted and laid her pestle down. “I hadn’t thought of it quite like that, but I suppose it does bear some resemblance. I do get a little bit cranky during the dark of the moon.”

  “Oh man.”

  “Yep. Brand knows better than to get under my feet then.”

  “So, what’s happening tonight?”

  “Ah. The Gathering. Every three months the pack gathers for a run. Solidarity and healing for everyone. In times like these it’s especially important.”

  “Do you… change?” The question had been burning in Joanie’s mind.

  “Yes.” Glenis regarded her thoughtfully. “I do.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  The other woman sighed and leaned back against the counter. “The first time was a bitch. I’ll never forget it.” She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and let out a breath.

  “I won’t have a choice, will I?”


  “Is this why…” Oh lord. She couldn’t even get the question out. Joanie wanted to ask if this was why she felt such an intense attraction to Royce despite the circumstances.

  “Go ahead.”

  “How did you know Brand was the right one for you? He didn’t steal you or anything did he?”

  A loud burst of laughter escaped the other woman’s lips. “No. I’d love to see him try.”

  Joanie gave her a sheepish grin.

  “No. Our parents were on the Counsel together and we had to deal with each other every month while they pounded out policy and rules. Then, one meeting, we found we had more to talk about than how foolish our parents were being.”

  “So, they’ve been fighting for a while?”

  “Too long.”

  “It’s stupid.” But as she sat there, images raced through her mind. The pup in the alley. The wolf buried underneath the pallets, and the bite. Her transition from wolf to woman and the horrible man who stalked them until Tim put him down.

  God. Tim was a witch?

  Her boss?

  A giggle slipped from her lips before she could stop herself. This was real. All of it. And she was going to be a werewolf.


  “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  She hadn’t seen a thing. How many times had she walked past someone and not known they were a shifter or a witch?

  “Why don’t you go rest? For now, you focus on getting on your feet. We’ll talk more later. I need to get this medicine up to Clare.”

  A young woman came through the swinging kitchen door. “Glenis, you needed me?”

  “Yes. Sonia, this is Joanie. She was just going back to her room to rest a bit. I need some help with the bread for tonight.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She wanted to help, despite the feeling of slipping into the Twilight Zone. Normal tasks would be a blessing, but when she stood, her vision blurred.

  “I think maybe you’re right. I will rest awhile. Right now, it’s kind of like I’ve traversed into another dimension.”

  Glenis nodded. “Get some sleep and I’ll see you later.”

  Joanie stood.

  “Just give it time. You'll adjust. The changes in your body are going to come fast. You’re feverish still. Go. Sleep.”

  Joanie made her way out of the kitchen, back through the living room, and up the stairs. Still dizzy, she paused to catch her breath half way down the hall and leaned against the wall.

  She heard voices and put her head inside one of the rooms. It was the woman and her son. Clare. Her name was Clare. She lay still beneath the covers, her face a pasty white. Her son, David, read to her from one of the magazines next to the bed. He spied her in the doorway and grinned at her, placing the magazine on the bed next to his mother.

  “You're awake. I'm glad you're feeling better.”

  Joanie smiled. “I think I am. But I'm going to go rest now.”

  “Okay. Just not too long. Everyone's coming. They want to meet you.”

  “Everyone who?”

  “The Pack. We have a really nice family.” He glanced at the woman on the bed, a bit of his smile slipping away.

  “How's your mom?”

  “She's still not feeling well.”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “It's okay. You saved us both. We’ll never forget it ever, ever, ever.” The boy held up the Snoopy Band-Aid on his hand.

  “Did you hurt yourself?” Joanie frowned.

  “Nope,” he replied. “This is for when I got hurt trying to get away before.” He held up the band aid. “It's okay. It'll go away in a day or two.”


  “We heal fast.”

  “Wow.” She’d always heard that about shifters in the romance novels, but who knew what was actually true and what was pure fiction.

  “Thank you.” He threw his arms around her and gave her a quick squeeze.

  “You’re welcome.” She stepped back and a cramp seized her body. Joanie stifled an oath and held on to the door knob for support.

  “Are you still dizzy?” David asked. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No. Its muscle cramps.” The events of the last day and a half were catching up with her and she felt like she was going out of her mind. She supposed being kidnapped hadn’t exactly helped in that department.

  “Sorry. I keep forgetting. I'll take you to your room.”

  Forgetting what, Joanie thought. That I was human?


  He led her by the hand to her doorway.

  “You rest. Then you'll be up tonight to meet everyone. Maybe, if you feel like it later, com
e find me on the trail by the orchard. It’s really nice.”

  “Thank you, David.”

  He gave her a quick hug and a smile, leading her inside and helping her to sit down on the bed.

  “See you later.” He darted off back down the hall, shutting the door behind him and, as she settled back against the pillows, Joanie tugged a light afghan over herself and slipped into an uneasy sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  “Were you followed?” Brand shut the back of the SUV and watched his two pack members being taken inside the main house. Glenis had helped Joanie inside but he hadn’t missed the scathing look their new pack-mate had sent him before she disappeared. At least she was moving on her own steam.

  He’d officially gone off the deep end. Kidnapping patients wasn’t in his normal procedure, that was for sure. He had to speak with her. To let her know it was for her protection and nothing else. Especially nothing to do with the permanent fucking erection he seemed to get whenever he thought about her.

  The main house always took his breath away every time he saw it. Brand’s father had been a skilled carpenter and created the structure to be a part of nature, not separate from it. It truly was a marvel. Part tree house, but all home, Brand’s wife had used her talents in the magical arts to further the unique flavor of the place. Here, at least, witches and wolves lived side by side, most of the time harmoniously.

  Out in the world, amongst humans, was something else entirely.

  Royce shifted on his feet. “I didn’t see anyone obvious.” He met Brand’s eyes and found the man scrutinizing him.

  “Good,” he nodded. “I’ll have a couple of the boys keep watch, as always. The rest of the pack will be here tonight and I don’t want one of those Hexen bastards here fucking things up.” Brand frowned and started toward the house.

  “I agree.” He followed the Alpha up the steps and inside his childhood home. The scent of pine and the homey aroma of apples baking immediately gave him a sense of peace despite what had happened.

  Beyond the main house lay the woods and several cottages for the families that lived on the property. Thousands of acres of land belonged to the Cypress Pack and Brand worked hard to keep the property protected and well maintained. Their apple orchard, and the cider and apple butter it produced, kept a steady income.


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