Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 118

by Gina Kincade

“What about it?” Her stomach turned a bit. Guys didn’t like hearing about your exploits with other men, did they?

  “How many times did you hook up with the guy that couldn’t restrain you properly?”


  “Yeah, him. What was it? Six, seven?”

  “One.” Melody swallowed against the lump of fear in her throat. “It was our first time…playing.”

  “Cool. How did you find him?”

  Melody stared at the toes of her black heels. “A friend.”

  “She’s in the scene?” Curtis turned to face her and blocked her view of the only observer outside with them.

  “No, he isn’t. He just knew a friend that was willing to…to show me what it was like.”

  “Yeah? So what did you do together? Before the whole falling down and not getting up.” He leaned toward Melody, which made her more uneasy instead of less.

  “He…” She shook her hair and grabbed for any scrap of courage she could muster. “He tied me to the bed and made me come.”

  “Yeah? How?”

  “What do you mean how?”

  “Did he put his cock in your pussy?”


  “In your mouth?”


  “Toys in your pussy?”

  “Yes, but first he used his fingers. Geez.” Melody was starting to regret calling Curtis. “What about you? What was your last date?”

  “Last night, actually. I like to take back control after a series of long shifts by making a sub dance to my tune. This time it was Alexa. We’ve played, oh, seven or eight times before, I guess. This was the first time I’d gone over to her place, though. Normally I like to have all my toys, but she was convincing, so I packed up my toolbox and headed over there.

  “It was really weird, at first. The whole place was dark except for a candle in her bedroom. When I got there, she was sitting cross-legged on floor, meditating y’know? I thought maybe someone had robbed her because the room was empty. Mattress on the floor, candle and almost nothing else. Could have been what she really wanted was someone to make her feel safe.

  “Just then she opens her eyes and they were dark. I mean, she has mellow brown eyes normally, but they were black. That was when I figured out what she’d been doing.”

  “What was that?” Melody hadn’t noticed them coming closer together, but now her breasts were touching his chest and his hand rested on her hip. It was warm and his long fingers curved down over her ass.

  “Getting into deep subspace. She had put herself so far down that she didn’t even answer me when I asked if she was ready. In her mind, she was a piece of meat, so I set about tenderizing her.”

  Melody shivered. “Beating her?”

  Curtis nodded. “Yep. It was more abrupt than we usually play. Normally, I work up to the real pain. It’s nice to alternate, right. Pain, get the nerves on fire, pleasure. Then back to pain, but something about her seemed to ask for the beating now. I got her belly down on the floor and sat astride her lower back, using my hands until they stung.” He held his palms up, brushing her breasts to do so. “By that point her butt was bright pink and even a little purple, but she wasn’t crying, barely even wincing. If she had been, we’d go with Plan A, like I said, switch to the vibrator. No go, so I moved on to my paddle. It’s my go-to when a sub really wants breaking. Plastic with the wicked little studs on it. I cracked it on the back of her thighs.” He made a chopping motion, one hand into the other.

  Melody had gotten so wrapped up in the story that she jumped when a woman tapped Curtis on the shoulder.

  “Sir? Your table is ready.”

  “Oh, great, thanks.” He held the door for the hostess and Melody, following the ladies to the booth in the corner.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Yeah, the red on tap. Where was I?”


  Melody shook her head. “Uh, white wine. You had taken the paddle.”

  “Yeah, right. So that thing leaves beautiful bruises—waffle things that last for days. I lay a nice track of them down the back of her thighs. By the time I get to her knees, she’s sweating. She may not be crying out, but her body is definitely feeling pain. Checking her face, though, I know she’s waiting for more. I don’t have a lot more that isn’t really hardcore—blood and needle play. I did have a Wartenberg wheel, but after the licking I’ve given her, I’m wondering if that’s just going to tickle. Still, it doesn’t penetrate the skin, so I grab it.”

  Melody was leaning across the table. Honestly, his story was as fascinating to her as anything she’d read, mainly because, this wasn’t a story. He’d done this the night before!

  “Now, I can’t work her ass or thighs. Those are too badly bruised. So instead I put it on the small of her back and roll up her spine. Holy shit, that did what an hour of beating couldn’t. She screams out and arches her back, driving the pins in. I grab hold of her hair and plant my knee on her ass, holding her in an arc like that.” He sets his elbow on the table and bends his arm back. “Then I run that fucker over her nipples. Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks.” He took the mug the waitress set on the table and slugged back a gulp.

  Melody perched on the end of her seat and had to focus a moment to comprehend that the waitress was asking a question.

  “Little Song? Ready to order?”

  “Uh, I’ll have a mushroom swiss burger.”


  “Uh…” She searched for a menu, but Curtis put his hand over hers.

  “Pretzel,” he ordered for her. “With ketchup, pickle, and mustard.”

  “Yeah, what he said.” Dropping her shoulders, Melody relaxed as the waitress left. “Then what happened?”

  Curtis swallowed another mouthful of beer before continuing. Melody took a gulp of her wine before remembering what it was and spluttered, grabbing the napkin holding her cutlery.

  “Then I rolled that wheel down her sides. She nearly bucked me off and some of her hair got torn out. Not like chunks, just a bunch of strands. So I let her go and got the pillow from her mattress. Wedging that under her hips, I keep her face to the floor but use a strap on to plug her up. You ever put one of those on backwards?” His hands made a motion to mime the dildo going into her.

  “You can do that?”

  “Of course, you can do that. I don’t do it often. I like to have the option of popping myself in there.” His cocky smile broke the spell enough for Melody to come back to her senses. He was just a guy after all. “Then I broke out the vibrator and used the wheel on the inside of her thighs. She was practically thrashing when I finally backed off. Thrashing and sweat slicked from her scalp to her toes. She was also done. She didn’t use a safe word, but when she hadn’t spoken through all of that, all she had to do was whisper, ‘stop’ to get me off her.”

  “So when did you come?” Melody asked, confused.

  Curtis grinned so broadly that Melody could count his pearly white teeth. “I didn’t. Fuck that was a good night.” He leaned back and drained his mug. “Where are those burgers? I’m starving.”

  “Me too.”

  “So, Little Song, tell me about what’s-his-name.”

  She shook her head.

  “What? You don’t trust me?” he asked. “That doesn’t bode well for us playing together.”

  “I trust you, but…it’s nothing like what you just described.”

  “Yeah? Neither was my first scene with Alexa. You work up to these things. So tell me what he did. Or even better, tell me what he didn’t do that you wish he had.” He leaned across the table until their noses almost touched.

  “I-I don’t know. He made me come so hard, teasing me with his fingers until I was clawing to keep him from my clit.” She frowned into her wine. “It sounds dumb next to your story.”

  “Hey, now. Don’t judge. He get you squirting?”


  “Too bad. I bet you were close to it, though. Am I right?” He sat
back, which helped Melody think more clearly.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never squirted before.”

  His mug hit the table with a thump. “Are you shitting me? Never?”

  She shook her head.

  “Excuse me. That was rude. I mean, I don’t know what your experience is or anything. Which is why I asked the question earlier.” He pulled her list out of his back pocket and Melody’s fingers itched to have it back. It seemed stupid now. “This will be very enlightening, but what I really want to know is where’ve you been, how you got there, and what worked for you. Tell me about your past, Little Song, and I’ll script you a fucktastic future.”

  Melody licked her lips and started at the beginning. “I lost my virginity on prom night.”

  Curtis sat back and nibbled on a french fry. Despite her stories and experiences being so much smaller, shorter and lackluster, he hung on her words and she could swear she saw ideas flickering behind his eyes. Any regret she may have felt earlier evaporated completely.

  Chapter Five — Honesty and Openness

  Words spilled from Melody, making Curtis grin. When he’d suggested sharing her history, he hadn’t expected her to start at the literal beginning. He only half-listened to her story of awkward virgin sex in the back of a car. His focus was on the pink in her cheeks and the tips of her ears. Her freckles stood out and despite her apparent embarrassment, her voice was steady and smooth, melodic in a way he hadn’t heard in the ambulance. Her confused words had been jerky and broken. Likewise, her phone message had consisted primarily of expletives.

  Tonight he was discovering her, replacing his first impression of a blood-caked, confused cutie with one that overcame her fears and was willing to risk much in the hope of getting what she wanted. Melody made him laugh and warmed his heart. She was utterly honest in her horrible, hilarious, deeply personal details, which went beyond attractive to admirable. The longer she talked, the more certain he became that as a sub, she would hide nothing. That went beyond attractive to sexy as hell.

  His fingers spun the folded up sheet of paper with her list of limits. The white square stood out on the dark brown table, set away from their plates and glasses. Melody’s eyes stayed trained on it while she confessed.

  Although there was nothing wrong with anything she revealed, it did feel like she was airing her dirty laundry, shaking the skeletons in her closet.

  “And that was when Frank introduced me to Damon. I have to admit, despite all the hate you heap on him, he gave me the best orgasm of my life.”

  “I don’t hate him,” Curtis corrected. “I’m just intolerant of incompetence.” He grinned but she didn’t smile back, and he didn’t blame her. “Sorry. I can see you enjoyed your time together, and that’s good. I just wish you’d found someone better to share your first BDSM experience.”

  Melody’s fingers stretched across the table to touch his hand, the one playing with her paper. “Someone like you?”

  Where had the lump in his throat come from? It felt suspiciously jealous and that was simply unreasonable. Regardless, his voice was extra gravelly when he gave his honest answer. “Yeah.”

  “I do too.”

  Curtis covered her hand with his free one. “Not tonight.” It was too soon. He needed time to plan something suitable and she needed time to digest what he’d told her and what she’d told him. “But soon.”

  “After your next shifts?” she asked, her brown eyes wide and deep.

  “No. Tomorrow maybe, or the night after. I won’t subject you to that until we’ve had a couple easier encounters.” He squeezed her hand, feeling the delicate bones in her fingers.

  “You don’t think I can handle it?” she asked, sitting up and sticking out her chin.

  “No, I don’t. I want to be sure you can. So, soon.”

  She took a deep breath and his attention was drawn to her chest for only the second time that night. Her breasts were full and her shirt revealed a modest bit of very tempting cleavage. “I guess I understand that. Thank you for the burger,” she said, opening her bag and digging around. When she started to pull out a wallet, he stopped her.

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll get it. You can grab the next one.” The first statement earned him a brow-creasing frown but the latter made her smile and her face lit up. Her eyes became brighter and she smiled wide, showing off straight, white teeth.

  “Next time,” she whispered. It appeared she liked that probability.

  “Definitely a next time,” he agreed. Lifting her hand in both of his, he brought it to his mouth and brushed his lips over her knuckles.

  Melody licked her lips. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to do something tonight?”

  He kissed her hand again. “How far away do you live? I’d love to walk you home. It’s a beautiful night.” Was he laying it on too thick? It felt like it, but her smile only grew. Maybe she liked cheese?

  “It’s a bit far to walk, but we could drive there and then walk around the neighborhood park.”

  Releasing her hand, he waved to the waitress. “That’s a deal. Check!”

  Melody took a moment at her door to slip out of her heels and into a pair of comfy sneakers, a pair that caught Curtis’ eye.

  “Are those Geox?” he asked, squatting to look at the sturdy white shoes. The soles were thick and the laces tightened to hug her foot. He’d always wondered why women wore heels. They seemed impossible to walk in and made even standing a health risk. These may not be pretty, but they could easily be made prettier.

  “Uh, yes? I think?”

  “Those look perfect for a long shift. Where’d you get them?”

  “I really don’t remember.”

  Curtis stood and noticed Melody’s cheeks were pink again. “Pity. I’d love to find a pair. You look like you’ll enjoy this walk more now.”

  The tension melted from Melody, letting her shoulders drop in relief. “Yes. The park is that way.”

  Curtis took her hand and walked on her left, closest to the street. “Do you walk often?”

  Melody shook her head. “I usually take these to the gym. I don’t have a walking buddy.”

  Curtis stepped closer, his hip brushing hers in a very light check. “I could use a walking buddy.”

  Melody turned to him, her smile, evident in profile, was more brilliant full on. “Then we should. This isn’t the nicest neighborhood for it.” Her words were muffled by a passing truck.

  “The Jefferson Park has a nice trail through it. We could meet there next time.”

  The blush came back as Melody looked away. “I was hoping next time we might do more than walk.”

  Curtis stopped, pulling her back by the hand and spinning her slightly. He caught her in his arms and held her close, leaning in to press his lips to hers.

  He’d caught her completely by surprise and her lips were parted and slack for a second. Her fingers scratched over his scalp, through his hair. When he touched his tongue to her top lip, her own slipped out to meet it.

  Another car passing made him straighten. Melody was in no hurry to stand again, leaning on him and puckering up again.

  “We’re becoming a spectacle.”

  She grumbled, her lips twisting into a frown. “I suppose. I don’t mind being a spectacle.”

  He took her hand and teased, “I got that impression from your time with Jeff.”

  Her mouth opened and closed on air several times, probably trying to find a way to deny that she’d let the college boy take her on his lap during a football game.

  “I’m not saying I’m against pushing limits in public, but I’d rather have a tiny bit of privacy.” He looked her way and wasn’t surprised to see pink cheeks. “Do you wear blush?”


  “Because you really don’t need to. You’re pink all the time.”

  She grumbled again. “No, just around you.”

  That made him smile. “Lucky me.”

  He caught sight of her sticking out her tongue from t
he corner of his eye.

  “If you are going to act like a little girl…” He let go of her hand and turned, one arm wrapped around her chest, bending her forward over his knee. The other connected with her skirt covered bottom twice.

  She squealed and squirmed free of his light grip. Her shoulders heaved with heavy breaths and her expression reminded him of black thunderstorm clouds.

  He kept his own face stern, daring her to call him out, to claim she hadn’t deserved the playful spanking.

  They stood like that for several seconds before she let go of her held breath and stalked in the direction of the park again.

  Curtis took two quick strides and took her hand again. “What? You didn’t like that?”

  Her eyes flicked in his direction although she didn’t turn her head. Her gaze quickly returned to the sidewalk ahead. “I didn’t say that.”

  “That’s right. I liked it. I’d like it better without that skirt in the way. How far to the park? Does it have a bench I can bend you over?”

  The last of the irritation making lines on her forehead and mouth disappeared, replaced with a smile. “As a matter of fact, it does.” She increased her pace and Curtis was happy to match it.

  It was late enough that the park was empty, all the kids home and getting ready for bed. It was also dark enough that he only got a vague impression of the trees and shrubs surrounding the playground equipment. A street lamp lit the metal and plastic structure, but left the rest of the park to the imagination.

  The bench was on the edge of the light. Melody stopped in front of it and turned to him. “What do you want?” she asked.

  “I want you to kneel on the seat and bend over the back, Little Song.”

  She climbed up, using his hand for support and leaned on her elbows on the back of the bench.

  “Bend a little more.” He brushed a hand up her back to encourage her and guided her to press her thighs against the wooden slats.

  Melody looked back over her shoulder. “What are you—”

  He put his hand to the back of her neck and pushed her head down. Her throat tightened under his hand as she gulped. His free hand pushed up her skirt. She had panties on, and he tugged on the elastic band, pulling them down her hips.


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