Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 138

by Gina Kincade

“I can’t wait to slip my tongue between those wet lips of yours to see if you taste as good as you smell,” he told her.

  Cortney’s breath hitched, and her cheeks flushed, but a fresh wave of arousal perfumed the air.

  “Do you want me to taste you, Cortney? Do you want my tongue on that pretty little pussy of yours? Is that how you want your orgasm tonight?”

  She made a soft whimpering sound and arched her back.

  “I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you want.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want you to lick me.”

  The moment the words left her mouth, he closed the distance separating him from his prize. He gave her one long, slow lick, tasting her through the lacy material still covering her. Nothing had ever tasted so good. He wanted to bury his face between her legs and feast on her until she screamed his name, but then it would be over, and he wanted it to last. Pulling away, he thumbed across her clit in soft, gentle strokes until she writhed on the mattress. She clung to the bedspread, digging her fingers into the material to keep from moving.

  “You make the sexiest sounds when you come,” he said. “Are you ready? Do you want me to make you come?” He blew his breath, heated by the phoenix’s energy, over her swollen clit before flicking it with his tongue.

  “Yes, fuck, yes. Please,” Cortney begged as she thrust her hips up, seeking more contact.

  As much as he wanted to draw it out, he couldn’t. He took the flimsy material keeping her from him in his hand, and gave it a sharp tug. She gasped at the sound of tearing lace, then moaned as his lips found her naked flesh.

  Nothing could have prepared him for the force with which his phoenix surged forward, pushing for release. His cock throbbed and heat rushed over every inch of his body. Tiny yellow flames erupted all over his skin, seeking entrance—seeking her. He speared his tongue as deep into her pussy as it would go, using his thumb to stroke Cortney’s clit as he feasted. Her sighs and moans grew louder. She gripped his hair, tugging hard as her thighs shivered and shook on either side of his face.

  The need to mate rose fast, and hard. It took everything in Draven not to take her—claim her. Flames licked up her arms where she gripped his head and swept over her pussy as he devoured her, to congregate on her clit. She moaned and jerked beneath him as the first wave of her orgasm tore through her.

  Draven didn’t let up, licking, fucking her with his tongue, tasting her, taking her in as she ground her pussy into his mouth over and over. Each sigh that slipped out of her mouth made his cock jerk and throb. Fuck. He’d never wanted anyone so bad in his entire life. Soon, he’d have her. But not yet. If his cock got anywhere near her drenched pussy, he wouldn’t stop until he’d filled her with his seed. He’d let the phoenix take her at the same time, and she’d be theirs. But she’d hate them. And that, he couldn’t allow.

  Chapter Ten

  Cortney couldn’t catch her breath. If she thought the orgasm he’d given her earlier in the day was amazing, it was nothing compared to what just happened. Draven still lay with his face between her thighs, but he’d stopped eating her out. He took long, deep breaths, his whole body tense.

  When she finally released the death grip she had on his hair, he met her gaze. His eyes glowed that bright amber she’d already associated with his phoenix. He clenched his jaw, and he looked as though he wanted to pounce. And that was fine with her. After the orgasm he’d given her, it was only right that he have one as well.

  She didn’t know much about his species, but one thing she knew was that they didn’t carry human diseases. Their phoenix side eradicated them as soon as anything entered their systems. As for her, she’d passed her physical with flying colors, and she was on birth control, so there was no reason not to enjoy each other.

  “I think it’s time I get to do some exploring, don’t you?” she said as she lifted herself onto her elbows.

  A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he said nothing.

  “Hey, if I did something wrong, I’m sorry. I…”

  He pushed himself up from the bed and took a couple of steps back. “You didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, you were perfect,” he said, his voice rough and gravelly.

  He stood there looking at her. His cock, long, and hard, pointed at her, teasing her. She wanted to touch him. Taste him. Give him the kind of pleasure he’d given her. “So why are you all the way over there?”

  “I can’t do this right now,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair, obviously frustrated.

  “Why?” If he didn’t want her, she’d understand, but his body didn’t lie.

  He took a deep breath, then turned to pick her jeans, and then her T-shirt up off the floor before handing them both to her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked as she slipped her shirt over her head and shimmied her butt so that she could stand to drag her jeans over her hips.

  “The phoenix is strong, but I’m in control. Always,” he told her. “That doesn’t seem to be the case where you’re concerned. It’s fighting me hard right now. It wants you, Cortney. If I bury my cock deep inside you like I want to, I won’t be able to stop it. It will claim you. You’ll be mine and the thirty days won’t matter anymore.”

  Cortney’s heart raced. What the hell? His words were like a cold shower, dousing the lust racing through her veins.

  Just like that, he could take her freedom away, and she’d have had no choice in the matter? That was fucked up. She took a step away from him, then another until she reached the bedroom door. She had to get out of there. Shoving the guilt at leaving him unsatisfied aside, she reached for her bag and ducked out the door.


  Fuck! His whole body ached, and it wasn’t just the fact that he was still hard as fucking steel either. Draven paced the length of his bedroom like a caged animal. He clenched and released his fists, trying to dispel the energy the phoenix was emitting. He’d done the right thing sending Cortney away. Claiming her when she wasn’t ready for it would have been disastrous. He wasn’t an idiot. Forcing a lifetime commitment wasn’t the answer, but damned if he didn’t want to march into her room and do it anyway.

  He’d been a fool to suggest he would pleasure her each day and take nothing for himself. Of course, when he’d made the offer, he hadn’t anticipated the phoenix’s reaction or the overwhelming need to claim her. It was more than a simple want. The primal urge pounded through him with each breath he took.

  When they’d left the hospital that morning, he’d thought claiming his mate would be easy. That Cortney would feel the mate’s pull and want to be with him, but the look of horror that crossed her beautiful face when his words sunk in had told him otherwise. He wasn’t ready to give up. Not by a long shot. He’d just have to make every single day of the thirty count.

  For now, he had to get out there and release some energy. Otherwise, he really would go crashing through Cortney’s door and claim her.

  Draven pulled on a pair of shorts. There was no point in getting dressed when he was just going to strip once at the top of the turret. He hesitated with his hand up at her door, then shook his head at his ridiculousness. He couldn’t pussy foot around her for the next month. They’d have to learn to live with each other and deal with the craze.

  The soft music she had playing on the other side went silent at his knock. She hadn’t yet opened the door, and already his phoenix was pushing more energy at him. He took a deep breath. He didn’t know what he expected, but the small smile she gave him hadn’t been it.

  “Thank you for being considerate of my needs before,” she said before catching her bottom lip between her teeth. Her cheeks flushed a deep red. “I mean, for not claiming me when you could have. Not the orgasm.”

  He tried hard not to smile as her eyes rounded when she realized what she had said, but it was a losing battle.

  “Crap. I mean, I’m grateful for the orgasm, too, but—”

  His laughter burst out of him before he could stop it. “It’s okay. Really. I understood
what you meant,” he assured her.

  “Good.” She leaned against the door frame. Her eyebrows lifted as she waited.

  For a second, he forgot why he was there. Even without the mating craze, Cortney was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever met.

  “Was there something you wanted?” she asked.

  “I’m leaving for a while. Going to go out flying. I wanted to let you know.”

  “Flying? You’re going to shift?” she asked as she straightened again.

  “I have to get rid of some of the phoenix’s energy. I won’t be gone long.”

  “Can I watch? I’ve never seen a phoenix in real life.”

  He needed to put some distance between them. Otherwise, the energy would just keep building, but with the excitement shining in her eyes, he couldn’t deny her. “Of course, I’d be happy to introduce you to the phoenix.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cortney followed Draven up the winding staircase. She felt like a princess climbing the tower with her Prince Charming. There was a lot about Draven that intimidated the hell out of her, but he was charming, she’d give him that. And sexy. Very sexy. With the sun setting over the lake, and the pale light filtering through the trees, the view from the turret took her breath away.

  “It’s so pretty from up here.”

  Draven smiled. “I’m glad you like it. Sometimes, when I don’t want to deal with anyone, I come up here to have my coffee in the morning.”

  “Do you often have to hide for your morning coffee?” she asked. She wasn’t a morning person—at all. Having people stop in each morning would drive her nuts.

  “Sometimes. I’m the head of the Odyssey, so if there’s a problem, they come to me. It’s not too bad most of the time.”

  For the first time, she noticed the tension in him and wondered if his position was hard on him. He’d looked like he took it all in stride when they’ been with his people, but having all the responsibility on his shoulders had to be trying, especially when he had to deal with things like what happened with Kirk earlier that day.

  He gazed over the lake and took a deep breath. “I’m going to have to take my shorts off before I shift,” he said before he turned to her again.

  Did he expect her to turn away? It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen him naked already. Although the constant sexual energy still pulsed between them, it wasn’t as intense as it had been. Besides, he had put a stop to his phoenix when it had pushed for the claim. If he doubted his control over the phoenix, she didn’t.

  When she didn’t turn away, he raised an eyebrow.

  “Did you need me to turn my head? You didn’t give me the impression of someone who was shy,” she teased.

  He shook his head and grinned as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband, holding her gaze. “I’m not shy. Had I known you wanted to see me naked again, I wouldn’t have bothered with the shorts at all,” he said as he shoved them down and off.

  She couldn’t keep from admiring his body. The man was well built—all over. She licked her lips. Draven moaned, drawing her attention.

  “I’m trying to be good and keep my distance, but if you keep looking at me like that, I can’t make any promises.”

  “But I want to see you shift.”

  He closed the distance between them, brought his hands up to her cheeks, and gave her the most tender kiss she’d ever received. “I won’t be gone long.”

  He stepped away again and spread his arms out to his sides. Pale yellow flames burst from his skin, growing brighter and stronger with each breath he took. It was a little hard to see through the brightness surrounding him, but fiery feathers transformed his arms into massive wings. His body morphed into that of the phoenix. Cortney had never seen anything more stunning.

  Draven tilted his head to the side, watching her reach out. A soft burst of energy zipped through her fingers as she caressed the fiery feathers. She knew from seeing pictures in magazines and having watched a documentary or two that the phoenix was a massive bird. But seeing Draven shifted stole her breath. He wasn’t just big. He was majestic. Powerful. He looked like the king of his domain, and in his Odyssey, he was.

  He stretched his wings out, spanning well over ten feet before hopping onto the edge of the turret. He turned his head and looked at her again, then flew high into the air.

  Higher and higher he climbed before he took a sharp left and came plunging toward her. He swooped close, then flew high into the sky once more.

  A flash of blue out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. One minute, Draven was playing in the air on his own, the next, another phoenix, a little smaller, but no less powerful, flew into the air with him. He chased Draven for a second, but then with a piercing screech, Draven spun and started chasing the other.

  Cortney couldn’t help but laugh. She’d never seen anything like it. Energy sizzled in the air, making her hair stand up with the static it created. How wonderful would it be to soar high up in the sky and see the world from up above? When she’d been a kid, she’d jumped off the porch railing so she could fly like a bird. She’d also broken her arm and spent the rest of the summer in a cast. She grinned at the memory. Maybe a part of her knew all along that a phoenix was destined to be her mate.

  She kept watching until the two were nothing more than a speck of light in the distance before heading back in. With everything that had gone on, she hadn’t had a tour of the castle and had no clue where anything was. She grabbed her phone and put her favorite playlist on and headed back downstairs. She wouldn’t snoop, but if she was going to be living there for the next month, she should at least know where the kitchen and living areas were.

  The kitchen was massive. Not that she expected anything less for a home that big, but still. She could just imagine a dozen women working in the kitchen, preparing meals for the entire Odyssey. Kids running around, and their squeals of laughter as mothers shooed them out of the room. The space had an old world feel, yet boasted many modern day amenities. A couple of wood burning ovens lined one wall, but then stainless steel appliances were tucked into another area. If she could cook, she was sure the room would impress her. She snorted at the thought of her trying to prepare a meal for so many people. Yeah, so not happening.

  Cortney made her way down a short hallway and peeked into what looked like a study. She wouldn’t go in there. Not unless Draven invited her. Beyond that, she found a great room. Several leather couches created a seating area around a fireplace. Frames and photographs covered the mantle. Some were black and white, while others looked like they had been taken yesterday.

  An older man and woman smiled at her from one of the pictures, and she didn’t have to guess as to who they were. Draven was the spitting image of his father, right down to the crooked smile. All except for the dark hair. That, he got from his mother. She hadn’t met either of them. If this was their Odyssey, they would have been present. Especially if their son had brought home his mate. At least, she would have thought so.

  One of her favorite songs came on, and she raised the volume, swaying to the sensual sound as she continued her exploration. Cortney didn’t hear Draven come in until he was right behind her. She whipped around, only to have him catch her in his arms. He brought his hands to her hips.

  “Don’t stop,” he urged as he led their slow dance. Lifting her hands to his shoulders, she moved along with him, chest to chest, their gazes locked on one another.

  When the song ended, a loud, upbeat song blared from her phone, breaking the magic. His gaze dropped to her lips, but then he pulled away to sit on one end of a leather sofa, leaving her reeling from the loss. He leaned back and crossed his ankle over his knee.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I thought I’d look around a little.”

  “Not at all. If things go my way, this is going to be your home. Explore all you want.”

  His words should have had her back peddling, or at least freaking out a little, but they didn’t. Maybe she was getting used to the idea, or may
be the shock had worn off.

  “Thank you for letting me see you shift. You’re quite beautiful.”

  Draven grunted and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m rugged and manly. And sexy. Not beautiful,” he said, but his eyes twinkled, and the corners of his lips tipped up in a smile.

  She nodded gravely. “Right, yes, you’re all those things. But you’re beautiful too.”

  His cheeks turned a light shade of pink at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  “So who was that flying with you?” she asked as she came to sit with him.

  “That was Kirk. He was trying to suck up for putting me through all that today.” Draven grinned as he gave her a sidelong look. “Little does he know that I should be thanking him. Had he not gotten himself killed, I never would have seen you and that stunning aura of yours.”

  “So what did he do, anyway? He was unresponsive when they brought him in. We didn’t get a chance to look at him too closely because his heart gave out before they could examine him.”

  “He was trying to save a kitten of all things,” Draven said with a smile. “He’s an irresponsible kid, but he’s got a heart of gold. From what he told me, a little girl was crying because her cat was on top of an electric pole and couldn’t get down. So instead of waiting for the proper help, he climbed the pole and rescued the kitten. Unfortunately, when he reached for it, the cat went scrambling down, and Kirk hit one of the wires. Got himself electrocuted.”

  “Wow. How heroic. Stupid as fuck, but heroic, too,” she said. “So, does he remember it? Does it hurt?”

  Draven shrugged. “He remembered the kitten and the little girl, and of course, the jolt of electricity, but after that, things went black until he came back. As for the pain, yeah, when we get hurt, we still feel it. And if we come back, as he did, the pain is still there. Kind of like it’s in stasis and waiting for us. Fortunately, we heal fast, and the pain goes away quickly.”

  “What do you mean, if?” Weren’t they always reborn from the ashes as the legend said?


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