Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1

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Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1 Page 8

by Karen Erickson

  To financial advisor Charlie Manning, his client Brittney is a shallow beauty out to spend all of her money. He thinks she should rein it in. She thinks he should loosen up, and resolves to help him do just that—in a very naughty way.

  The passion between them burns hot and fast, and Charlie comes to realize Brittney’s heart is as big as her newly fattened bank account. She’s not only smart, but beautiful and sexy. And he can’t resist her.

  Still, Charlie is aware that Brittney’s keeping secrets from him. If only she would trust him enough to tell the truth!

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Fortune’s Deception:

  Brittney was going to turn him away. She had to.

  With a sigh, she threw her brush into the sink and pulled her hair into a high ponytail. No reason getting glammed up if she was going to spend the night alone. She’d realized the minute she walked out of his office she had to do this, sever all sexual ties with her financial planner. She should’ve never done it with him in the first place, and she’d made more than her share of mistakes in her life.

  Then he called her at six, his voice so sexy, a little gruff as he spoke. When he asked if he could come over, she didn’t even hesitate with her answer. Just hearing him talk made her sex weep with moisture, caused her nipples to stiffen into tight little aching buds.

  She’d hung up the phone and known immediately she’d made a mistake. No way could he come over to her house and essentially fuck her brains out. She didn’t want to lead him on, didn’t want him to think she could offer him something more. Relationships were not a part of her life, they never had been. She didn’t do consecutive dating, didn’t do any of that stuff. She had no idea how to do any of it.

  Of course, what she and Charlie had certainly couldn’t be called dating. That description was downright laughable. No, one illicit encounter in his office did not constitute dating, but she had a feeling he was a serious kind of guy.

  She didn’t care to stick around long enough to have someone hurt her, because that’s what always happened. Nothing could last forever. She’d suffered enough through her entire childhood, taking blow after emotional blow when she’d been young and had no defenses. All of it had been so painful, so heartbreaking. Never, ever again would she put herself through something like that willingly.

  Could she recall one serious boyfriend throughout her entire string of so-called relationships? Not really. She was the good-time girl, the one guys liked to hang out with, the one they liked to bang, especially because she was no-strings. No fuss, no muss, just fun.

  Mister Number Cruncher Charles Manning probably didn’t even know the meaning of no fuss, no muss. He was probably intent on finding a woman ready to settle down with, looking for a relationship. He reeked of commitment. His cologne was probably named Commitment.

  That was so not her style.

  The doorbell rang and she ran her hands down the front of her cotton tank dress, her palms suddenly sweaty. She hated having to turn him away, didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes, on his face, but it had to be done. One minor encounter with the man and already she was in over her head. She couldn’t imagine how an actual sweaty mattress session with him would make her feel.

  Be strong. She lifted her chin, straightened her posture and walked with determined steps to the door.

  All thoughts of being strong and dumping his sexy ass flew right out the door with her first sight of him on her front porch. Her jaw dropped open in surprise, her mouth going dry. He looked deliciously sexy with his hands stuffed in the front pockets of worn jeans, a black T-shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. He smiled at her, dimples flashing, brown eyes filled with sexual heat behind the wire frames of his glasses. Her heart skipped a beat and her entire body roared to life, eager for his touch.

  Just one more time, what can it hurt? She could take it, she thought as she grabbed his hand and yanked him inside, kicking the door shut behind him. She pushed his big body against the door, flattened herself against him and pulled his head down.

  “Nice to see you, too,” he murmured just before her lips captured his.

  They kissed long and slow, wonderful lazy kisses. His tongue traced the outline of her lips and she opened her mouth to him, her tongue dancing with his. His hands slid up and down her sides, dragging her dress up with every pass until they slipped underneath, cupping her panty-clad ass.

  She moaned into his mouth and pressed against him, unable to help herself. He got the message, lifting her, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  “You’re strong,” she said, peppering tiny kisses all over his face, darting her tongue out to lick his skin.

  “You’re light.” His dark hair rubbed against her face as he moved down to kiss her neck, nibbling the sensitive flesh.

  A shiver consumed her when his teeth hit an extra touchy spot. “You’re sweet but I’m not that light.”

  After they’d won the lottery, she’d been on a non-stop eating binge at the finest restaurants she could find. She had to be packing at least an extra ten pounds since she’d started.

  “Mmm, you smell good. Taste good.” His lips were soft as they cruised up her neck, skimmed her jaw before finally settling on her mouth. He drank from her, his mouth languid, his tongue teasing and she clutched at him, sank her hands in his hair to keep him there, right where she wanted him.

  Oh, the man could kiss. She could do this all night. So slow, so soft, utterly decadent. His tongue searched her mouth, wet and warm and tasting faintly of mint. She tunneled her hands into his silky hair, the dark strands wrapping around her fingers and she undulated against him, wanting more. His erection brushed against her, huge and urgent and her nipples hardened to almost painful points.

  “Take me to my bedroom,” she whispered against his mouth, licking at his lips.

  He lifted his head, glanced around. “Hell, where is it? Your house is huge. How much did you pay for this monstrosity again?”

  Brittney tugged on his hair, making him yelp. “You should know and besides, there will be no talk of financial matters tonight, please. You need to focus on the task at hand.”

  “Which is?” He smiled, dimples flashing again and her tummy fluttered at the sight of them.

  She could look at those cute, sexy dimples over and over and never tire of it.

  He’s throwing a kink—or two—in her plans…

  Educating Jane Porter

  © 2009 Dominique Adair

  A Jane Porter Story

  Last night Jane met the Master of her dreams…

  Tall, dark and very Spanish, Antonio Villareal is a lover unlike any Jane has ever known—undeniably sexy and more than willing to help her explore her submissive side. To find a master who’s a natural dominant is one thing. But kind and considerate, as well? She can hardly believe her good fortune.

  Antonio is well aware that Jane is determined to keep their sexual relationship temporary. But he has a different plan in mind.

  In the morning he introduces her to his best friend…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Educating Jane Porter:

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Jane.”

  His voice was smooth, cultured like a fine brandy or the perfect cigar. When he assumed the chair next to her, his scent, a mixture of lime and healthy male, tickled her senses.

  This man was hot, really hot. She’d never considered going to bed with another man so quickly after bedding Antonio, but—

  When she became aware both men were giving her a curious look, she cleared her throat.

  “Uh…it’s lovely to meet you too.”

  Santos flashed her a smile that was both amused and pleased.

  You’re acting like a complete hick.

  “So what brings you…uh…here, this weekend?” Inwardly she groaned. Of course he was here for Antonio’s birthday. They were friends.

  Santos’s brown eyes twinkled. He took her hand and raised it to his lips.

  “My friend tol
d me the women were exquisite.”

  His lips touched her skin, igniting a quick flash of heat. When his tongue touched her knuckle she shivered.


  She didn’t miss the glance the men shared. Her sex clenched.

  “Isn’t she as beautiful as I described?” Antonio slid into the chair directly opposite Santos. Between the two of them they’d effectively pinned her in the corner of the terrace.

  “That she is.”

  “Blonde, elegant, confident.” Antonio’s hand slid under the table to settle on her left knee. “What more could a man ask for?”

  “I don’t know if I’m all that.” Under the stare of both men, her cheeks heated.

  “You are, and much more.” Antonio’s smile was intimate. He gave her knee a gentle squeeze and a warm ribbon of heat unfurled in her stomach.

  “You’re making her blush.” Santos sounded amused.

  “I enjoy making beautiful women blush.”

  Her lover’s hand slid up the inside of her thigh pushing her skirt along with it. She sent a silent thank you to Kitten for requesting full-length tablecloths. Whatever he was up to, no one would be able to see under the table.

  Antonio gently pressed his hand against the inside of her leg indicating his desire. Reaching for her glass, she opened her legs several inches.

  “It appears you do it well,” Santos spoke.

  Another hand touched her right knee, and she started. Her gaze flew to Santos’s face, but he wasn’t looking at her. A waiter approached with them with three bowls on a tray.

  “As you ordered, Señor Santos.”

  “Thank you, Ramon. The sun is warm, and this will be much appreciated.”

  Ramon placed the first bowl in front of Jane.

  “I hope you like lime,” Santos said. “I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

  “Why yes, thank you.”

  In unison, their hands slid further up the insides of her thighs, gently tugging them apart. Jane snatched her spoon as the waiter completed his service. He left with a slight bow.

  Antonio’s hand squeezed her upper thigh. Santos’s hand moved upward and without thinking, she spread her legs. His pinky nudged her mound, and a rush of liquid filled her pussy.

  “The flavor is exquisite.” Antonio spooned a small amount of his peach gelato and offered it to Jane. “You’ll find this to be a singular experience.”

  Though she wasn’t entirely sure he was speaking to her, she obediently opened her mouth. The creamy substance landed on her tongue bringing with it the cool taste of peaches and cream.

  Santos’s fingers nudged her pussy.

  “It is most pleasant.”

  Her gaze flew to his face. He was watching her with an odd little smile. His finger parted the slick lips of her pussy to delve inside. Electricity shot through her body when he touched her clit.

  There is a stranger with his hand on your crotch!

  Panic overtook her and from deep in her throat, Jane squealed. When she slammed her legs shut, she wasn’t entirely sure if it was to keep him out or to hold him hostage.

  “There is a shy quality to this dish.” Antonio was speaking. “But if you savor the flavor, absorbing every nuance of its sweetness, it’s well worth the effort.”

  Hell, they weren’t talking about the gelato…

  “Yes, I see your point,” Santos murmured. Scooping up a small bite of raspberry gelato, he offered it to her.

  “You will enjoy it, I promise you,” he said.

  Her stomach dropped. This was the moment. Santos wanted an invite into her bed. Her gaze darted to Antonio.

  “I assure you, it is a flavor you must try.” His smile deepened. “The experience will change your world.”

  Their hands on her thighs exerted enough pressure to alert her to their intentions. Need burned low, hot in her pussy. Her nipples ached with the need to be touched, sucked.

  She wanted both of these men.

  Jane opened her mouth to accept the bite. Cool raspberry delighted her tongue even as she relaxed her thighs. Spreading them wide, she gave them entry to her darkest desires.

  “Pleasing, is it not?” Santos asked.

  She couldn’t even enjoy the bite because their hands were perched at the top of her inner thighs. At the first touch of her clit, Jane swallowed the bite.

  At the second stroke, her hips thrust forward.

  “It’s lovely.”

  Her voice was shrill to her own ears. Quickly spooning a bite of her gelato, she stuffed it into her mouth.

  “Soft, creamy. It’s perfection.” Santos stroked her clit.

  “Sweeter than candy. I think we should indulge as much as possible before the party tonight,” Antonio said. “It has been a while since I’ve indulged my love of sweet cream.”

  A finger prodded her vagina. Her breath caught, and she was penetrated. A second finger joined the first, stretching her. Delicate nerves leapt to life sending a gush of liquid need into her pussy. Her grip on the spoon tightened, and her knuckles turned white.

  Judging by the angle, it was Antonio who was finger-fucking her under the table. Her nipples hardened, creating tiny points against her thin sweater. Fighting the urge to caress them, she took another bite of the gelato. The creamy dessert was melting under the warm sun, much like she was under the table.

  From the right, a finger touched her clit. Her hips shot forward in a silent plea for more.

  A bite of peach gelato appeared in front of her, and she licked it from the spoon. Antonio’s greedy fingers in her pussy began to thrust while Santos stroked her clit. Antonio leaned toward her, and his lips brushed her cheek.

  “I’m going to eat your pussy, Beauty.”

  A whimper slipped from her lips. Her gaze was focused on her dessert bowl, now filled with green cream.

  “And then, after you come against my tongue, I’m going to put my cock into your hungry pussy and fuck you until you come again.”

  Explicit images crashed through her mind…her naked body, both men feasting on her flesh. Two cocks, thrusting, thrusting…

  A sharp pinch on one nipple was all it took.

  Antonio caught her chin and pulled her toward him. His mouth took possession of hers stifling her cry. Their tongues mated as her orgasm whipped through her body. The whole situation was so carnal, so explosive. Jane was rocked to her very core.

  The spasms eased, and so did the kiss. His mouth gentled, and his fingers in her pussy did the same. They removed their hands leaving her feeling empty, shattered. Antonio broke the kiss.

  “You pleased me very much, Beauty.”

  She ducked her head, and he slid his arm around her waist then pulled her against his side. With the taste of Antonio thick on her tongue, she peeked up at Santos.

  His gaze was direct, hot. Her eyes widened when he raised his left hand to his lips. His tongue slipped out to taste her cream, and his gaze turned fierce.

  “That was quite enjoyable.” Antonio was speaking to Santos. “Aren’t you glad you took my advice and indulged this morning?”

  “It was unforgettable.”

  Santos’s gaze burned into her flesh, and she looked away. Just thinking about what they’d done under the table was enough to cause her heart to flutter. She’d just allowed two men, virtual strangers, to finger her under a table.

  In public.

  A rush of yearning moved through her body. Exhibitionism was a secret fantasy of hers, one she’d felt destined to remain unfulfilled. Her pussy clenched. Now, she wasn’t quite so sure.

  “I don’t know about you, Antonio, but I’d like to taste more.” Santos tossed his napkin on the table. “Shall we move our tasting upstairs?”

  She loves them too much to change them. Until they turn the tables on her…

  It’s Raining Men

  © 2009 Crystal Jordan

  In the Heat of the Night, Book Three

  Every one of Candy’s werewolf instincts tells her that Michael is her mate. He’s a
lawyer—smart, sophisticated, and handsome. The catch? He’s gay. There is no way she’s going to try to change who he is. Then she meets his lover Stephen, a seductive Fae-siren jazz singer, and she’s positive she’s got a screw loose somewhere. Mates with not one, but two gay men?

  She’s definitely doomed to be single forever.

  Michael and Stephen know that their unexpectedly flirtatious advances have thrown Candy for a loop. But there’s method to their madness—they’re both serious about her. And they plan to make sure she never spends another birthday alone.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for It’s Raining Men:

  Fire flooded my system, and my hips moved in the kind of sensual rhythm I couldn’t control. I clung to him, opening my mouth on his neck to suck and nip at his salty flesh. The wolf demanded that I bite down hard. I shuddered, holding back on my instincts to move against him in wild abandon. He pushed his pelvis into mine, working me in the hard, insistent tempo that took me right to the edge of orgasm but didn’t allow me to fall over. “Michael, I’m so close. Please, I need more.”

  “Not yet, not yet.” He froze, and I died a little. My claws slid forward and dug into his shoulders. He grunted and shrugged against my hold. I loosened my grip, stroking an apologetic hand down his back.

  He startled when he looked at me, his mouth falling open in shock. I pressed my fingertip to my mouth, and I felt my fully extended fangs. My eyes would be icy werewolf blue, the wolf wanting her mate. And my appearance obviously scared the shit out of him. I expected to feel a pierce of regret, but the wolf was too much in control, and I was too far gone to care that he would reject me. Unwrapping my legs from around his waist, he set me on my feet. I nearly cried out again, for entirely different reasons. My clawed fingers flexed and I turned away, not daring to look at him. The emotional pain would come later, when only the woman was left to deal with the hurt.

  “That was hotter than I imagined it would be.” A strangled note had entered the siren’s voice. When I glanced at Stephen, I saw he was stroking his cock through his pants. “And I have one hell of an imagination.”


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