Dandelion Dreams

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Dandelion Dreams Page 7

by Amali Rose

  “Well, that’s all very noble, Sunshine, but some women don’t want a man providing for them, you know. Considering your mom still works, I would say she falls into that category, right?” I have to stifle a snort at that. She has definitely got my mother figured out.

  I think back to all of the arguments we had when I was younger. My mom always encouraging me to ‘follow my bliss’ or some shit like that, rather than supporting my goal to follow the money train.

  “Right. She never really got on board with the plan.”

  “Do you ever regret it? The hours you put in, everything you missed out on to achieve an unachievable goal?” Her voice is softer now. “You deserve more than a late-night fuck on a piece of office equipment, Mason.” She meets my eye, challenging me. “So do I.”

  I feel as though she just sucker punched me with those three words. But she’s right.

  “Yeah, you do, Crazy.” My hands find my hair and tug carelessly as I try to figure out how to make her understand. “I don’t have time for a relationship, Cassidy. It wouldn’t be fair to start something I can’t make a priority.”

  I take her in as she considers my words. She’s twirling a lock of hair around her finger with an unreadable look on her face, and in that moment, I realize how much trouble I’m in. Because as much as the desire to fuck her consumes me, the bigger danger is how much I like her.

  She’s passionate and intelligent, and even though she expresses it in the most unorthodox ways, her heart is as big as her mouth.

  She brings a lightness to my life that it’s lacking, and I cling to it every time she walks away. And make no mistake, she will always walk away. A man like me could never be enough for a woman like her.

  “You know what I think?” She quirks an eyebrow at me, almost daring me to deny her. “I think that’s complete bullshit.” Her eyes light up with defiance, and she crosses her legs, leaning forward. “You have the best possible team working under you, but you refuse to delegate anything of significance. There’s absolutely no reason why you need to be at the office sixteen hours every day, as well as spending weekends there. I think you use your work as an excuse to avoid living.”

  I open my mouth to defend myself, but immediately clamp it shut. Because she might possibly have a point. Cassidy’s face is animated as she continues.

  “Any woman that matters is going to understand that you have a demanding job, but as long as you’re always making an effort to put her first whenever you can, that will be enough. Loving her is the most important thing. You do that, and you’re gold.”

  Her words make their intended impact, and in an effort to deflect, I turn the tables on her.

  “What about you? From what I hear, you’re not really into relationships either.”

  “Aw, have you been asking about me, Sunshine?” She holds her hand over her heart, in a faux swoon. “I’m so flattered!”

  Not prepared to let her off the hook, I persist. “No, seriously. You called me on my shit, now it’s your turn.” I can tell I’ve pissed her off, her expression turns indignant in the blink of an eye.

  “I do relationships. I just only do them with people who deserve the gloriousness that is me. And I haven’t found anyone who does since—” she cuts herself off and her eyes widen.

  “Since who?” My voice is urgent. I want to know about whoever this dipshit is.

  “My college boyfriend.”

  “Your college boyfriend?” I can’t hide my disbelief. “No man has lived up to a boyfriend you had, what? Ten years ago?” I immediately regret my tone, as I watch her withdraw into herself.

  “He was special.” Despite her posture, her voice is defiant, and I find myself feeling jealous of this unknown asshole.

  “If he’s so incredible then why did you break up?”

  Cassidy starts wringing her hands in her lap, and her teeth find her bottom lip once again. “We didn’t.”

  Her statement pulls me up short, and I’m momentarily confused. “What does that mean?”

  “He died.” Her hands stop twisting and she lays them flat on the ground beside her, as if trying to steady herself. Well, fuck.

  We sit in silence for a few minutes while I try to fight my instinct to comfort her. I give up. I stand and move beside her, where I take a seat, and gently take her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. “I’m sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago. He was in a car accident.” She lays her head on my shoulder. “I have tried, you know. I loved him, and I know how lucky I was, but I want that kind of love in my life again.” She sighs, and her palpable sadness causes a painful ache in my chest. “I’m beginning to think that lightning doesn’t strike twice though.”

  This statement gives me a moment of pause. “Isn’t that good though? Lightning striking kind of sounds like a bad thing.” She lifts her head and I turn to see her looking at me incredulously.

  “Haven’t you ever seen Sweet Home Alabama?”

  I roll my eyes before replying. “Can’t say that I have.”

  “Uh, well, you should! Josh Lucas is totally fuckworthy in that movie.”

  “And that is how I decide on my movie viewing. By how fuckworthy the lead actor is.”

  “Ugh, whatever. Anyone who’s seen that film knows that lightning strikes can create true beauty. It’s what we should all be holding out for.” Her head finds my shoulder again, and as an easy silence falls over us, my lips find her forehead and place a gentle kiss.

  “I like you, Mason.” Her voice is small, but confident. “And I’m scared. The last time I went all in with someone, I got crushed. The idea of letting someone in like that again, just to lose them, terrifies me. But I can’t keep fighting how I feel about you, and I’m kind of sick of trying.” She inhales deeply, her body shuddering slightly. “So maybe we start acting like the grown-ups we’re supposed to be, and give this thing a go?”

  “Are you suggesting I man up, Crazy?” Cassidy snorts out a laugh at my question.

  “Fuck no. I’m suggesting you woman up, Sunshine.” Her smile is huge, and there is a light in her eyes that I haven’t seen before. A light that I want to see every damn day. I’m so fucking done trying to resist her.

  I lean down and place my forehead against hers.

  “Work could be a problem. I am your boss, and this would be breaking all kinds of rules.” I close my eyes, waiting for her response, and hoping she doesn’t back off. But when I open them, she’s looking at me mischievously.

  “You mean it would be,” she lowers her voice to a whisper, “taboo? Just like Skyeballs’ dirty books!” She cackles out a laugh.

  Unable to hold myself back, I slant my mouth over hers, and slip my tongue inside, enjoying her shocked moan. My tongue slides against hers before pulling back and I bite down on her bottom lip. The noise she makes is like a lightning bolt to my dick, and my self-control snaps. Pulling her across so that she is straddling my lap, my hand lands on her neck, tracing the gentle slope while she reaches for my belt buckle, our mouths never parting.

  The feel of her pussy grinding against my hardened cock is making my head fog. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I stand, taking her with me. I push her against the wall as my fingers deftly work the zip on her pants, and when my hand slips into her panties, I slide two fingers through her slit and tease her clit. She pulls away with a gasp, her mouth open, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.

  But just as we get in a rhythm, her pussy pushing back against my palm, desperately seeking release, the elevator shudders and comes back to life, moving us up toward our rooms.

  We both still, and my eyes snap to hers where I see my frustration mirrored.

  “Don’t go getting any ideas, Mr. Alexander, you have a job to finish when we get to my room.” She captures my lip with her teeth, and bites down before pulling away and straightening her clothes.

  “Looking forward to it, Miss. Jensen.” I bring my fingers to her mouth, lightly tracing her lips and coating them with a light sheen of he
r arousal before stealing a final kiss. Fuck me, she tastes good.

  Once we’ve fixed our clothes, I grab her hand and drag her close to the doors so we can make a run for it as soon as they open. Never before have I been so eager to have my head buried between a woman’s thighs.

  “Easy there, Sunshine. We have all night.” Looking down at her, I see humor glinting in her blue eyes.

  “Yeah, and we’re going to need every second for what I have planned.” I smirk at her excited expression, and when the doors open I drag her through.

  We don’t have a moment to lose.


  I glare out the plane’s small window, listening to Mason as he talks on his cell beside me. I am frustrated as hell after we were interrupted before we even got started last night. The shrill ring of his phone interrupted us as we hustled back to the hotel room, and he was drawn into a seemingly endless parade of important calls.

  I left Mason to it and took care of myself, like every woman should be able to do. But when you’ve been promised dick, and not just any dick, but the dick of all dicks, well then, a bit of porn and my BOB just didn’t cut it. Princess was not a happy pussy.

  The pilot’s announcement asking us to turn off our phones and electronics sounds, and Mason ends his call, lifting his ass slightly so he can pocket his phone.

  Since we are flying home on a Saturday, he is dressed casually, and this is the first time I have seen him out of business wear. His legs are encased in a pair of old worn-in faded jeans, that mould to his ass perfectly. And yeah, I was totally checking him out. His outfit is completed with a black Foo Fighters t-shirt that stretches over his broad shoulders, and a pair of black Chucks. The shirt gives me an opportunity to examine his ink, and my eyes trace over the intricate swirls of the tribal design that covers his forearm. The claws of what looks to be some kind of bird peeks out from under his sleeve, and I find myself wishing I could reach over and yank it up to see what he has hiding underneath. Basically, he looks sexy as fuck, and thoughts of joining the mile-high club are playing across my mind, when his deep voice interrupts me.

  “I’m sorry about last night.” His face holds nothing but sincerity. “It was fucking bad timing. This Thompson guy is a pain in my ass. If this account wasn’t going to generate so much income for the company, I wouldn’t be putting up with all his shit.”

  Mason’s eyes are tired, and I reach up and stroke my hand along his cheek. He leans into my touch, closing his eyes.

  “He sounds like a bit of a cock muncher.” His eyes pop open at my statement, and I can see the humor they hold.

  “A cock muncher?”

  “Well nobody likes a cock muncher, yeah? Those things require a certain finesse, and teeth are generally frowned upon.”

  His laugh is loud and wonderful, making me tingle in all the good places. He doesn’t laugh much, and that thought makes me sad. I make a promise to myself to change that.

  “How much sleep did you get last night, Sunshine? You look tired.”

  “Not much. I think it was after two by the time I finished dealing with shit. It was too late to bother you, so I jerked off, had a couple of drinks, and then turned in.”

  “Me too! Well, I drank first and then flicked the bean, ‘cause that shit makes me sleepy.” I hold my fist out to him for a fist bump, but he just looks at it bewildered.

  “You want me to fist bump you because we both had to get ourselves off?” He’s looking at me as if I’m crazy, so I quickly lower my hand.

  “Pfft, your loss.”

  The flight attendant makes her way down the small aisle with the drinks cart, and we both grab a water, while I also snatch up a bag of honey roasted peanuts. These little fuckers make flying totally worth it.

  “So, we should probably talk about the work thing. If we do do this, we’ll have to keep it a secret. Is that going to be a problem?”

  I’m struggling to open my nuts, and only listening to him with one ear. I seriously don’t know what he’s so worried about. Secrecy will only make this hotter.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” I finally pop the bag open, spilling some in the process. Mason picks up a few stray nuts from his lap and hands them to me, drawing my eyes to him. “It’s not like I’m going to be working there forever, you have more interviews lined up this week. You might actually find someone who can meet your bizarrely high standards. I honestly don’t know why it’s taken you so long.” I shake my head in exasperation. “I don’t think there’s been anything wrong with the people they’ve sent.”

  “They weren’t you.” At this confession my head swings around, and he shrugs, “I like working with you, Crazy. It makes the days a little bit easier.”

  I feel my face soften, and a million questions rattle around in my head, but I settle on the one that has me the most curious. “If money wasn’t a consideration, what would you have done?”

  “I would have been a social worker.” His answer is immediate. He takes hold of my hand, and starts teasing his thumb around in soft circles as he continues. “When I was a teenager I used to go to this after-school program that was run by a non-profit. The guy that ran it, Michael, was awesome. He kept us on the straight and narrow, and gave us the guidance that we didn’t always get at home.” Concentrating on our hands, he continues his gentle touch. “But it was more than that. He actually cared about us. He helped me find a program that donated sports equipment to students in need, so I could play football. When I was struggling in History, he found a volunteer tutor for me. He just made life that little bit easier. It would’ve been cool to pay it forward, and do that for someone.” Shaking off the seriousness, he leans over and places a kiss behind my ear, causing me to shiver. “I make sure I donate money to a bunch of programs so I don’t feel like a complete asshole.”

  “You know it’s not too lat—” my words are cut off as we hit some turbulence and my hands latch onto the armrests so tight that my knuckles turn white.

  Mason chuckles at my reaction.

  “Is my girl scared of flying? I didn’t think you were scared of anything.”

  “I’m not,” I hiss. He laughs, and I swear to my god, Channing Tatum, that if my hands weren’t glued to these armrests, he’d be getting a purple nurple right about now. Because sometimes no matter how old you are, a purple nurple is the answer.

  “How about I distract you?” Mason nuzzles into me, and his teeth nip at my earlobe which sends a direct jolt of pleasure to my clit. “How about I tell you everything I have planned for you when we get home?”

  “That might work. It would have to be pretty good though. You think you’re up to the challenge, Sunshine?”

  A wicked smile is his only response.

  Mason throws the door to his apartment open and motions for me to enter. As he follows me through he pushes the door shut with one hand, and grabs me around the waist with the other, swinging me around and pushing me up against the wall.

  His hands cup my face, and his mouth lands on mine while his hips jerk forward, pushing his already hard cock into my pussy. I failed to put on panties this morning, and I can already feel my arousal dripping down my thighs. After spending a five-hour flight listening to all the filthy things he had planned for me, I could almost come from this alone.

  “I can feel you, Crazy, you’re so fucking wet, I can practically smell it.” He thrusts up, causing me to gasp.

  “Fuuuuck. Do that again,” I demand.

  He grinds against me again, dragging his hands down my body until they find the hem of my Maxi dress, and pulls it up until it’s bunched around my waist.

  His tongue wrestles with mine fiercely; but as he slides a hand down, seeking the heat of my pussy, he slows our kiss until the intensity of his mouth, combined with the sensation of his fingers trailing along my skin, cause my head to spin and goosebumps to break out.

  When his fingers find my bare cunt, he stills for a moment, pulling his head back and smirking down at me.

  Then in a movement t
hat makes my heart stutter, he roughly picks me up and heads further into the apartment.

  I’m oblivious to where we’re going, my mouth is on his neck, and my tongue is tracing a delicious pattern, enjoying the taste of him.

  I’m suddenly thrown down effortlessly, landing on a cloud that I quickly realize is his bed.

  Mason is on me before I even realize what‘s going on. My dress gets pushed back up and his hands are splayed on my thighs, opening me up for him.

  He looks up and holds my eye as he lowers his head. His hot breath causes my pussy to pulse and just before I feel his tongue leisurely lick along my slit, he winks at me.

  Before I can respond to that dick move, the heat of his tongue forces a loud moan from me, and my hands quickly tangle in his hair.

  Pulling away, he thrusts two fingers in me and starts moving them slowly.

  “You taste fucking amazing, baby. I might just spend the next few hours eating you out. You want that?” His lips close around my clit, and he sucks it roughly before using his tongue to circle it quickly, with the perfect amount of pressure. I’m desperate to come already, and my hands push down harder on his head.

  He removes his fingers, and I let out a hiss at the loss of sensation, but they are quickly replaced with his tongue and as he thrusts it in and out, his thumb finds my clit and rolls over it, creating the perfect riot of sensations. I feel my orgasm building and start to roll my pelvis, riding his face as best I can from this position.

  “Oh god, fuck me Mason, oh my fucking god, don’t stop. Pleasepleasepleaseplease, don’t stop.”

  His tongue and thumb both pick up speed and in a matter of minutes I am coming spectacularly, screaming out my release.

  Mason slows his movements as my body goes limp, and my hands loosen their grip on his hair. When the tremors of my body subside, he places a final kiss on my clit before lifting his head and moving up along my body. Our mouths clash, and when he sucks my tongue into his mouth I taste myself on him. It’s fucking delicious.


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