Day of the Cheetah

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Day of the Cheetah Page 20

by Dale Brown


  This day had been years in the making-two years of rede-

  signing and computer testing by the engineers after the plane

  had returned to Dreamland; three years of rebuilding by a bat-

  talion of workers, and three years of experimentation and testing

  by the engineers and test flight crews. Now, the first newly re-

  designed B-52 bomber called the Megafortress Plus was ready

  to break its cherry.

  A weather map came up on the screen and Lieutenant Colonel

  Jacobsen, HAWCs staff meterologist, stepped to the podium.

  "Good morning, General Elliott, General Ormack, ladies and

  gentlemen. You picked a wonderful day for this flight." A re-

  gional surface weather map came on the screen. "Strong high

  pressure dominates the region. This high pressure dome has re-

  duced visibilities in the restricted areas in the past few days, but

  some overnight breezes have pushed most of the gook out of the

  way. You can expect clear skies, perhaps some scattered thin

  stratus at twelve thousand feet.

  "For the air-to-air portion of your flight: no significant weather

  in R-4808 Pahute Mesa launch area. Possibly a few puffy clouds

  on the east side of mountain ranges but otherwise no restrictions

  to visibility. Winds forecast at twenty knots from the north at

  fifteen thousand feet. For the air-to-ground portion of your flight,

  excellent weather conditions will persist. Visibility may be as

  low as twenty miles on the surface, with winds light and varia-

  ble. Bombing range area will be 'severe clear,' possibly some

  hazy conditions, temperature seventy-eight degrees. Good luck

  and good hunting."

  Ormack took over as the screen changed again. "Status of the

  chase aircraft are as shown. Everyone's in the green as of this

  hour. Please report maintenance delays to job control on present

  channel eight. Colonel Towland is the operations controller in

  the command post and he will reassign backup aircraft as nec-


  The screen changed to a detailed high-resolution map of the

  restricted areas around Dreamland. The map was put into mo-

  tion by computer, drawing the flight path of the Megafortress as

  Ormack spoke: "Route of flight is as follows: we will launch

  via coded message and follow the Groom Victor One departure

  to Angel intersection. Once at Angel, we will orbit as necessary

  at thirty thousand feet until one-five hundred Zulu time, then

  proceed downrange toward the intercept area.

  "Once in the intercept area two AQM-175 tactical dome air-

  craft launched from China Lake Naval Weapons Center will be

  directed by airborne controllers to engage the B-52. The Mega-

  fortress will carry two AIM-120 Scorpion missiles in wing pylon

  canisters and will engage the drone aircraft at will. The engage-

  ment will continue for one hour or until the drones are de-

  stroyed. Flight crew personnel and airborne controllers will

  follow standard rules of engagement for safe separation of air-

  craft. All flight crew personnel will take directions from the

  airborne controllers. If not destroyed, the drones will be recov-

  ered by parachute, and the Megafortress will proceed to the

  missile drop zone."

  The screen changed again. "The Tacit Rainbow anti-radiation

  loiter missile drop test will be at twelve thousand feet, in roughly

  the same area as the intercept zone. A simulated Soviet SA- 14

  surface-to-air missile site will engage the B-52 . . . Dr. Tork? "

  Wendy Tork came to the podium. She was wearing a bright

  orange flight suit and black leather zip-up flight boots-even the

  baggy flight suit looked dynamite on her.

  "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," Wendy began, her

  energy contagious even at the early hour. "We will be testing

  the new array of strategic and tactical pulse-Doppler electronic

  countermeasure jammers aboard the Megafortress Plus, as well

  as the Tacit Rainbow mod three anti-radar loiter missile. The

  purpose of this flight is to evaluate the Megafortress' capability

  to penetrate sophisticated Soviet coastal defenses using its own

  assets, and at the same time create penetration corridors for

  other aircraft using the Tacit Rainbow anti-radiation missile.

  These will lay the groundwork for fleet modernization of existing

  B-52 aircraft as well as develop new capabilities for follow-on

  aircraft such as the B- I Excalibur and B-2 Panther Stealth

  bomber. "

  A high-resolution photo of the anti-radar missile flashed on

  the screen. "First developed ten years ago, Tacit Rainbow is a

  small winged aircraft with a one-thousand-pound-thrust turbo et

  engine, a ring laser gyro inertial navigation unit and coupled

  autopilot, a broad-band programmable seeker head with multi-

  pulse and digital radiation capability, and a one-hundred-pound

  high-explosive warhead. The missile is released within fifty miles

  of a known or suspected enemy surface-to-air missile site. The

  missile orbits the area using its inertial autopilot until it detects


  emissions from the nearby enemy radar. The missile then leaves

  its orbit and homes in on the radar and destroys it. The missile

  can orbit for as long as four hours and has a small enough radar

  cross-section to avoid detection by hostile anti-air units. A B-52

  bomber can carry as many as twenty-four of these missiles, al-

  though we see these Tacit Rainbow missiles carried with a mixed

  load of offensive missiles and gravity weapons aboard Navy and

  Air Force strike aircraft . . ."

  Patrick realized how much he envied these men and women.

  And listening to these briefings and organization of the Mega-

  fortress Plus project tended to underscore his own apparent fail-

  ure with the DrearnStar project, now on hold mostly because he

  failed to keep tighter control on his test pilots and to recognize

  the need for more complete and useful test standards and secu-


  He was in charge of nothing right now except cleanup. Sure,

  he had been given the Cheetah program, but that was already a

  thriving project nearing operational deployment. He was just

  another caretaker, marking time.

  His eyes automatically sought out Wendy's, and he found her

  looking in his direction. They exchanged faint smiles. She had

  been watching him off and on the whole time. Better snap out

  of it, you stupid mick, he told himself. She'll have enough on

  her mind without worrying about you.

  The briefing ended and the flight crew moved toward the exits

  and the bus ready to take them to the flight line. McLanahan

  went to each crewmember and wished him or her a good flight.

  "You should be going with us, Patrick," Angelina Pereira

  said, giving him a very unmilitary hug. "This is your plane.

  You belong on her. You and General Elliott too."

  She was wearing the same orange flight suit as Wendy, and

  she too looked dynamite in it despite being fifteen years older

  than Wendy. Her hair was more gray then he remembered
, but

  her eyes still sparkled. Angie would always be a handful for any

  man-she had married and divorced twice since the Old Dog's

  first mission. He could still see her in the denim jacket she had

  worn when she climbed aboard the Old Dog eight years earlier,

  and he could remember her gratitude when the Russian caretaker

  at Anadyr Airbase in Siberia gave her a full-length sealskin coat

  in exchange for her denim jacket, even though at the time the

  jacket was covered with General Elliott's blood. That coat today

  had to be worth at least five thousand. She would not have parted

  with it for five million.

  He could also remember her dropping into marksman's crouch

  as she fired on that same Russian airbase caretaker after he dis-

  covered who they were and ran off to warn the militia. One

  minute she was eternally grateful to the guy; the next she was

  trying to blow him away. She was one tough lady, all right.

  "Not this time, Angelina," Patrick said with a halfhearted

  smile. "But I'll have the fire trucks and the champagne ready

  to hose you guys off when you land."

  "It's your project as well as ours."

  "Not any more. Besides, you guys did all the work

  "No, you did. Back over Russia." Like him, she had been

  thinking back to the Old Dog's first mission. "Even though you

  won't fly with us your name's still on the Old Dog, on the crew

  nameplate. It'll be there as it's flying." '

  "But I'm not the radar nav any more-"

  "No, you're not, you're the seventh man, Patrick. Sorry to

  sound corny, but you're the soul of the Old Dog - "

  She squeezed his hand, picked up her helmet bag, and walked

  off. He saw Wendy then, watching him once again from the back

  of the conference room. He went over to her.

  "How do you feel, Mrs. McLanahan?"

  "Wonderful. Happy.. Nervous. Excited. I've got butterflies the

  size of B-52s in my stomach . . . Are you going to be okay?"

  "Sure. I I

  "Wish you were going with us. You deserve it more than

  anyone else." She could tell he was unconvinced. She smiled at

  him. "When should we break the news?"

  "At the post-flight reception tonight."

  "Can't wait." She gave him a kiss and hurried off to join her


  He called out behind her. "Good luck. See you on the

  ground. "

  Wendy flashed him an exaggerated thumbs-up. "Piece of

  cake," she called out as she rushed off to catch the crew bus

  As the crew of the new Megafortress Plus headed off to begin

  their mission, Staff Sergeant Rey Jacinto was nearing the end of

  his tour of duty on the graveyard shift, on patrol guarding Han-


  gar Number Five at the flight line at Dreamland. It was the

  absolute pits.

  He had done everything wrong. After four years as an Air

  Force security guard he knew how to prepare himself for a

  change in shifts-plenty of exercise, the right amount of rest,

  not too much food, no caffeine or alcohol twelve hours before

  the shift. But this time everything had gone to hell. His wife had

  car trouble Monday afternoon and so he was up all morning

  towing it to his brother-in-law's place. It had been hot, dusty

  work and he couldn't resist a couple of beers at two o'clock in

  the afternoon-that only violated the eight-hour rule by two

  hours. No big deal.

  His body began asking him for sleep at three o'clock, but the

  car needed a new water pump and his brother-in-law insisted

  they could do it before he had to leave. Then, to top it all off,

  he sat down at six o1clock for homemade pizza. Knowing that

  he hadn't had any sleep in twelve hours and he wasn't going to

  get any in the next twelve, he downed nearly a whole pot of

  coffee after polishing off four huge, thick slices of pizza.

  Rey felt pretty good as he reported for duty at seven-thirty for

  the shift-briefing, inspection, weapons checkout and post,

  changeover, but when he parked his an-nored assault vehicle in

  front of Hangar Number Five, things began catching up with

  him. The combination of caffeine and lack of rest made his mus-

  cles jittery. The night air was cold, so he turned up the heat in

  his V-100 Commando armored car, which only increased his

  drowsiness. He had brought his study materials for his bachelor-

  degree class, but the thought of even trying to listen to an hour's

  worth of audio textbooks on micro-economics was too much.

  By four A., four hours from changeover, Sergeant Jacinto

  was struggling to stay awake. Everything was quiet on the ra-

  dios-no exercises, alerts, weapon movements, nothing. With

  the B-52 down the way in Hangar Three being readied for a

  flight, a security exercise would be too disruptive and would not

  be called. The engineers who had been working on the XF-34A

  DreamStar in Hangar Five had long since departed, and the

  munitions-maintenance troops weren't scheduled to arrive until

  after his shift-change. Even nature was conspiring to screw him

  up. Thin clouds blocked most of the bright moonlight, so the

  ramp and most of the area were completely dark, and there were

  no birds or animals making their usual noises on the dry lakebed


  aircraft ramp. It was'a dark, quiet morning. If he didn't go

  completely crazy he was going to die from the strain of trying

  to stay awake.

  Rey had just completed his hourly walkaround inspection of

  Hangar Five, checking all the doors and exits. He was so bored

  that he even began to pick up scraps of paper and pieces of junk

  on the ramp. He returned to his truck and keyed the radio.

  "Red Man, this is Five Foxtrot." Red Man was HAWCs

  Security Control Center.

  "Go ahead, Five."

  "Requesting ten mike for relief."

  There was a pause, then: "Five, that's your fourth potty break

  tonight. "

  "It's Rey's time of the month," someone else on the security

  net chimed in.

  "Cut the chatter, " the security controller ordered. "Five Fox-

  trot, unable at this time. Stand by. Break. Rover Nine, this is

  Red Man. Over."

  "Rover Nine, go." Rover Nine was one of only two M113

  armored combat vehicle-equipped crews that cruised around the

  huge compound, doing errands and relieving the post guards as

  necessary; they had numbers higher than two to hide the fact

  that there were only two of these heavily armed roving patrols

  on the flight line.

  "Five Foxtrot requests relief for ten mike ASAP.-

  "Stand by," came the reply in an exasperated voice. A few

  moments later: "Red Man, we're at the shack getting coffee-

  Five Foxtrot's been drinking the stuff like it's going out of style."

  Rey Jacinto cringed as his code name was broadcast on the net-

  boy, was he going to get it when this shift was over. Good thing

  none of the other guards could leave their posts to get on his

  case. "We'll be another ten here, then we need to check in with

  the main gate. Ask Five Foxtrot if this is a number two o
r if he

  can use the piddle pack. Over."

  Rey was fed up with all this-they weren't letting him off easy

  tonight. He was just bored and sleepy. He keyed his micro-

  phone: "Break. Red Man, this is Five Foxtrot. Cancel request

  for relief. Request the comedians in Rover Nine bring some wa-

  ter when they're done stuffing their faces at the flight line kitchen.

  Over. "

  "Roger, Five Foxtrot. Rover Nine, you copy?"


  "Affirmative. Advise Five Foxtrot to stop massaging his little

  one-eyed helmeted reptile and stand by. Rover Nine out."

  There were a few more comments on the net-no one liked

  to give the hot-dogs on Rover Nine the last word-but soon si-

  lence once again descended over the area.

  By now Rey was struggling to keep his eyelids open. The

  worst part of any guard's tour, no matter how well one prepared,

  was the hour or two just before sunrise. It was a barrier, a psy-

  chological one-the body demanded sleep at this hour no matter

  how much rest it had earlier. Rey Jacinto's head was bobbing up

  and down off his chest. He had already stripped off his fatigue

  jacket, flak jacket and webbing so as much cold air could hit his

  skin as possible. It wasn't helping.

  He was thankful to see the lights of a big blue Stepvan supply

  truck check in at the outer perimeter. The blue "bread truck"

  van, towing a missile trailer, headed right for him. He was feel-

  ing a little ornery by now, and this was his chance to get his

  blood pumping again. Quickly he pulled on his combat gear and

  webbing as the truck pulled up.

  When the truck stopped in front of Jacinto's armored car, he

  got out, carrying his M-16 rifle at port arms, and ran in front

  and off to the driver's side of the van. He held up the rifle, filled

  his lungs with cold desert air and yelled, "Driver! Stop your

  engine, leave your headlights on and everyone out of the van.

  Now! "

  The driver and one other man, both in Air Force green fa-

  tigues, jumped out of the van and stood before Jacinto in the

  glare of the van's headlights. The younger man, a two-striper,


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