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Romp Page 11

by Munro, Shelley

  “Ring her back now. Signal me if you need an interruption.”

  Nodding, Liam hit dial. “Hi, Rachel. What’s up?”

  “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you since the weekend.” Her voice measured a register only slightly less than a screech.

  Liam scowled and held the phone farther from his ear. “I’ve been busy.” Damn if he intended to apologize. He was glad he hadn’t asked her out again. While they’d had an agreeable time during their two outings, and they’d ended up in bed after the second one, he hadn’t wanted her enough to follow-up for another date.

  “Too busy to spare a few minutes?”

  Liam didn’t bother answering her accusation. He didn’t owe her explanations. His gut instinct had warned him beforehand and he’d made a point of telling her their sleeping together was a one-off. He hadn’t wanted to treat her like a commodity.

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Wait! Don’t hang up. I’ll meet you at the cafe. You have to eat, right? Can you spare half an hour around midday?”

  Liam got the idea she’d keep pestering him until he agreed. “All right,” he said grudgingly. “Midday at the cafe.”

  “See you then.” Rachel disconnected the call.

  “What was that about?” Fletch asked.

  “She wants to meet me at the cafe.”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “Not by me, she isn’t. We used a condom and it worked perfectly.”

  “Is it wrong of me to feel jealous?”

  “Jesus.” Liam glanced around to see if any of their workers were eavesdropping. “Not at work.”

  “But we can at home?”

  “Yes.” Hell, agreement had come so easily, yet with Rachel he wanted to run a mile, and preferably toward Fletch and Gaby. Thinking about the implications of this made his head hurt. “I don’t suppose you’re free for lunch today.”

  Fletch smirked. “As it happens I have an opening in my calendar. It’s a date.”

  Liam’s teeth ground together. “Fletch.”

  “I’ll behave. Promise.” Sincerity glowed on his face and Liam relaxed.

  “I wonder what she wants.”

  “Only time will tell. Let’s get this frame finished,” Fletch said.

  Three hours later, he and Fletch entered the Sloan cafe.

  “Do you see her?” Fletch asked.

  “Yeah, she’s sitting in the far corner. Food first or go and see what she wants?”

  “Talk to her first. We might want to leave.”

  “Good point.” No matter how Liam studied this situation, his gut bucked with trepidation. What the hell did the woman want? If she thought she was going to pressure him into a permanent relationship, she needed to rethink her strategy. He strode over to the corner table, aware of Fletch at his heels.

  “Did you have to bring him?” Rachel narrowed her bright blue eyes and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

  “We both needed to eat,” Liam said.

  “What I have to say to you is private.”

  Fletch shrugged. “No problem. Liam, should I order you coffee and something to eat?”

  “Better get it to go,” Liam said. “We don’t want to be late to our meeting with the suppliers.”

  Fletch ambled off, leaving them alone. Liam took a second to appreciate the view before turning back to Rachel. “What’s so important for you to hound me for days?”

  Stung by his words, she glared. “If you’d returned my call, I wouldn’t have needed to hassle you.”

  “Clock’s ticking.” Dammit. He didn’t usually act with cruelty. “I’m sorry. We’re busy at present and have deadlines to meet. How can I help you?”

  “I’m pregnant. You’re the father.”

  Liam stared at her. “Me?”

  “Yeah, isn’t it great? You’re gonna be a father.” She grinned at him. “We need to talk about wedding dates. We have a lot to do. We don’t want our baby coming into the world without—”

  “Wait! No way. We only had sex once.”

  Some of the happy glow left Rachel. “Pregnancy only takes one time.”

  “We used a condom.”

  “Condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective. You know that.” Rachel pulled a small diary from her handbag. “We can get married next month.”

  Panic struck Liam, robbing him of speech. He let her prattle on about churches and dresses and bridesmaids.

  “Liam?” Rachel finally realized he wasn’t listening to her.

  “I’m not marrying you.” No way did he want to marry Rachel. Gaby and Fletch… No!

  “But you have to.” This time Rachel was the one to show alarm.

  “No, I don’t. You can’t make me. If the baby is mine, I’ll support you in any way I can, but I won’t marry you.”

  “You’d walk away from your own child?” Moisture welled in her eyes until a tear rolled down her cheek. She looked pretty when she cried. Most women didn’t. “I thought you of all people would understand and want to provide your child with a stable upbringing. I can’t believe you’re denying everything.”

  “Because my mother was the town tramp and I have no idea of the identity of my father? Think again.” Liam stood, desperate to get away from her.

  “But we’re having a child.”

  “And I told you if the baby’s mine I’ll support you financially. I have to go.” He strode from the cafe into the sunshine, ignoring the interest of the other customers.

  “Liam! Wait up.”

  Liam slowed his steps for Fletch to catch up. “You heard?”

  “Everyone in the cafe heard. You realize you’re going to be the bad guy in all this? People will say you take after your father. They’ll dredge up stories about your mother again.”

  “Yeah.” Liam stopped to rub his hand over his face. “Big difference though. My father walked away without looking back. I offered to support her. Fletch, I can’t marry her. I can’t, not when you and Gaby…” He trailed off, unable to voice his feelings or his fears.

  “I get it.” Fletch squeezed his shoulder in silent support. “You were kinder to her than I would’ve been. Who was she going out with before you? How do we know she’s not trying to stick you with someone else’s baby?”

  “That was my first thought. Hell, maybe I’m being unfair and she is carrying my baby.”

  “She can’t make you marry her.”

  “Her father will come after me with a shotgun.”

  “They don’t have shotgun weddings anymore. You gonna tell Gaby?”

  “I wouldn’t hide something like this from either of you.” Liam checked for interested bystanders. “Even if we weren’t sleeping together, I would’ve told you both. You’re my best friends.”

  * * * * *

  The old inn was English in style, quiet and elegant and perfect for their first date. Gaby smiled at the idea because it was a date even though there were three of them.

  Liam had booked a private table, one overlooking the cottage garden in the courtyard at the back of the restaurant. They’d dressed for the occasion. She wore another dress—this one black and white—while Liam and Fletch wore black trousers and nice shirts. Liam wore pale blue while Fletch wore cream.

  “Hi, Tina,” Fletch said to the waitress. She was Katarina’s granddaughter and a few years younger than Gaby. “We have a table booked.”

  “Are you celebrating something special?”

  “We are,” Liam said. “Gaby has some good work news.” He tapped his nose as he grinned at Tina. “It’s top secret.”

  “That must be why Nana and Granddad said they couldn’t come to dinner the other night.” She giggled. “They make me laugh with their secret squirrel stuff. This way. I saved the table you requested.” She showed them over to the table and once they were seated, handed them menus and a wine list before bustling away to attend to new arrivals.

  Gaby scanned the menu and decided to order th
e fish of the day—blue cod—plus a salad.

  “I’m having the rack of lamb,” Fletch said.

  “Me too,” Liam said. “You guys want wine?”

  Fletch set the menu down. “Nope. I’m gonna have a beer.”

  “I’ll have a glass of wine,” Gaby said. “Alice and James gave me a bottle of French champagne today. It’s in the fridge chilling.”

  “French champagne?” Fletch whistled. “That’s too good to waste on me.”

  “I can’t think of more perfect people to share it with.” Gaby leaned closer to whisper. “We don’t have to drink champagne out of glasses you know.”

  A noticeable shudder went through Fletch, and Gaby winked at Liam.

  “You’ve hooked him,” Liam said.

  “It’s a date.” Fletch’s voice was husky with promise. “Damn, is it hot in here?”

  “Guess what we talked about at the board meeting today?” Gaby knew they’d never guess.

  “Tell us,” Liam said.

  “Sex in a public place.”

  A wicked smirk crawled across Fletch’s face. “You can grope me under the table. Either of you, but I’m not taking off my clothes for everyone here to watch.”

  “I don’t think that’s the sort of public place they had in mind,” Liam said. “I’ve had sex at the swimming hole and once when I went camping with my girlfriend at the time.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Fletch said. “We’ll have to keep those locations in mind.”

  “As long as we don’t do it on the beach,” Gaby said. “I have it on good authority I’ll get sand in my hoo-ha.”

  Fletch’s guffaw broke off abruptly. “Aw, hell. Guess who just walked in with her parents?”

  Liam groaned. “Rachel?”

  “Got it in one,” Gaby said. “She was hot and heavy with Bryce Ross, not so long ago. You really think she’s telling the truth?”

  A heavy sigh came from deep in Liam’s chest. “It’s possible I’m the father, but if she thinks she can trap me into marriage, she should rethink her plans. A baby isn’t a good excuse to get married these days.”

  “Didn’t Bryce shoot through in the middle of the night, disappearing from town and leaving a heap of debts?” Fletch asked.

  Liam spoke in a low voice. “The gossip mill said he’d pulled a swifty on Rachel’s father, stealing and on selling a heap of supplies. He used to work for him.”

  “Fletch. Liam.” Robert Scott, Rachel’s father stopped by their table. “And it’s Gabrielle, isn’t it?”

  “Gaby Montgomery, our house mate,” Fletch said, completing the introductions.

  “Liam. Fletch. I’m pleased to meet you, Gaby,” Rachel’s mother said.

  Rachel remained silent but flashed a smile.

  “Do you boys intend to put in a bid to work on the housing for the new subdivision?” Robert asked.

  “We’re hoping to take a look this week,” Liam said. “We’ve been flat out finishing the Gibson house.”

  “You boys do good work,” Robert said. “I’d like to award the contract to a local. If you have any questions, call me.”

  “Thanks, we’ll do that,” Fletch said.

  “Enough business, Robert,” Rachel’s mother said. “Let these people enjoy their dinner.”

  “I’ll look forward to your bid,” Robert said, and with a wave they left to go to their assigned table.

  “Rachel’s parents don’t know about the baby yet,” Gaby said.

  “Doesn’t seem like it,” Fletch said.

  Liam frowned, his blue eyes swirling with emotion. “The contract for the subdivision is a huge one. It would set us up with work for the next eighteen months. If, or rather when, Rachel decides to tell her parents, we can kiss any hope of getting the job goodbye.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Fletch reached over and placed his hand over Liam’s, squeezing lightly. “Don’t worry about it. There’s lots of work around at present. If we don’t get this contract, we’ll get something else.”

  The waitress arrived to take their order, and they relaxed, the chat flowing as it usually did between them. The meal was amazing and Gaby couldn’t remember enjoying herself on a date as much as she did with Fletch and Liam.

  Back at the house, Liam opened the champagne. “A toast,” he said. “To Gaby and her amazing inventions.”

  “To Gaby,” Fletch echoed.

  “I want to thank you both for helping me test my designs.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart,” Fletch said.

  “It was a real hardship,” Liam added with a smirk. “We’re available anytime you need help with testing.”

  But what about now? The question tickled the tip of her tongue, although she wasn’t brave enough to voice it aloud. Coward.

  “We should adjourn to the bedroom,” Fletch said.

  “Gaby?” Liam scrutinized her as closely as Fletch, neither saying a word while they waited for her decision.

  Gaby picked up her glass. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Fletch took her free hand in his and led her down the passage with Liam following close on their heels. As usual, they ended up in Fletch’s room. The master bedroom had become their room by default.

  “Off with your clothes.” Fletch took the glass from her and set it, plus his, on the nightstand. He kicked off his shoes and socks and sprawled out on the bed. “Give us a show.”

  “Music?” Gaby was all for a striptease. An excellent way to rev the libido.

  “Liam can sing.”

  Liam toed off his shoes, peeled off black socks and sprawled beside Fletch, their shoulders brushing with comforting familiarity. He started to sing an old rock classic, husky voice pitch-perfect while Fletch eyed her in expectation, a smile hovering around his sexy lips.

  Right, they wanted a show. She’d give them one. She loved to dance.

  She started with a slow rotation of hips, rocking to the beat of the song. Liam’s voice strummed across her senses while the heat in her men’s gazes thrilled her no end.

  Her men?

  Gaby faltered momentarily before picking up the beat again. Go with the flow and worry about the other stuff later. Her hips rocked. She shimmied and did a creditable pop diva strut before smoothly sliding down the side zipper of her dress. A wink and a sexy pout accompanied the subtle shoulder shrug that slid one side of her bodice down and bared the curve of a breast.

  “I didn’t notice she wasn’t wearing a bra,” Fletch said.

  “I did.” No mistaking Liam’s sexy drawl for anything except suggestive.

  “Keep singing,” Fletch ordered. “Otherwise I’ll have to start and that will really kill the mood.”

  Gaby shuddered and it had nothing to do with her partial undressed state. Fletch’s singing sounded like a bullfrog on a bad day. She turned an imploring gaze on Liam. “He means it. Please don’t subject us to that torture.”

  Liam hurriedly started singing again, laughter threading the husky lyrics of his chosen song.

  She swayed, released her grip on her dress and, with a swivel of her hips, the fabric slid down, hitting the floor with a whoosh. Still rocking to the beat of Liam’s song, she stepped out of the fabric.

  “That’s it,” Fletch said. “I can’t wait.” He leaped off the bed, scooped her up and tossed her onto the mattress.

  “Fletch! I haven’t even had a chance to take off my shoes.”

  “No problem. We’ll do it,” Fletch said, sitting at the foot of the bed. He cradled one of her feet in his hand, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Liam?”

  “You’re all on your own,” Liam said. “I’m not the impatient one.” He winked at her seconds before lowering his head to kiss her. And what a kiss. There were no preliminaries. It was the kiss of a man intent on sex, an experienced man who knew exactly what moves to make. A confident man. Gaby clung to him, enjoying the ride.

  When Liam lifted his head and stared at her, the atmosphere thickened. A sharp tug on one foot made her glance at the foot of t
he bed.

  “Hello? I’m here.” Fletch’s disgruntlement came through clearly.

  A spurt of uncertainty grabbed her. How did they make this work without one of them feeling left out? She shot a quick look at Liam. His smile was reassuring, and he followed it up with another wink.

  “Feeling left out?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Fletch unbuckled and removed both of her shoes as he spoke. He tossed them to the floor.

  “Come up here.” Liam bent to whisper in her ear, his sultry suggestion warming her inside and out. “Lose the clothes first,” he added. “We have plans for you.”

  For once, Fletch seemed at a loss, his normal confidence absent. “What about you guys?”

  “Our plans don’t require us to lose all our clothes,” Gaby said sweetly. “Hurry up. Time’s a-wastin’.”

  Fletch stood and slowly removed his shirt, black trousers and underwear. “Should I be worried?”

  Liam snorted. “Only if too much pleasure throws you. Stop being such a wimp.”

  Fletch crawled up the bed, and as soon as he was in range, they both jumped him. Liam pushed him flat against the mattress while she went down to the business end. When she glanced up, she saw Liam kissing Fletch in the same way he’d kissed her.

  The tension seeped out of Fletch, his taut muscles relaxing. Gaby couldn’t tear her eyes off the two men. Their kiss was aggressive for the most part, but then Liam gentled the contact, seducing and cajoling a response. Fletch moaned and his arms wound around Liam, pulling him closer so their chests brushed.

  A sigh whispered from Gaby and she fought the urge to finger herself. Need hummed through her, but she wanted to draw it out. Smiling, she trailed her hand over Fletch’s hipbone. His partial erection had filled out, his cock bobbing in the air.

  Bending her head, she placed teasing kisses on his hip, gradually moving closer to his groin. She heard a moan, felt the shift in his breathing when she kissed his shaft and made a tiny, teasing foray with her tongue. His scent drifted over her as she tormented him. As much as her body clamored for action, this was right where she wanted to be—tormenting Fletch with Liam as her partner in crime.

  She upped her tempo, swirling her warm, wet tongue over the head of his cock. His hips jerked, driving his shaft deeper into her mouth. Gaby went with the offer, tasting his pre-come and pulling out all stops to drive him crazy.


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