My Forever Valentine

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by Melody Heck Gatto

  My Forever Valentine

  A Holiday Series Novel

  Book Three

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  MY FOREVER VALENTINE (The Holiday Series Book Three)

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  Copyright © 2020 by Melody Heck Gatto

  License Notes

  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Editing by Bree Scalf

  Cover Art by Melody Heck Gatto

  This book is dedicated to my mom and dad.

  They have always been supportive of me no matter what.

  And to two of my guardian angels, who also happened to be named Alice and Ed.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter One


  As Harley Brady paid for her drink and waited patiently for the barista to finish making her coffee, she inhaled the delicious aromas in her favorite coffee shop. That heady combination of fresh roasted coffee beans and sweet mocha, together with the delicate hints of cinnamon, caramel, and hazelnut always made her mouth water.

  Obviously, many other people felt the same way about this coffee shop, because there was a long line behind her, and the seating area was packed wall to wall during the afternoon.

  Harley was halfway through her first year of study for her master’s degree in business, balancing her classwork, two part-time jobs, and her relationship. The workload was tougher than she expected, but she liked the challenge—it made her work that much harder. But as much as she loved school and was headed towards a job of her dreams, the daily routine was different without her friends at school. Not bad, but different.

  The last few years it had been her and her roommate Lily meeting up for lunch or coffee between classes. Then last year Zane and Spencer had joined their group when Lily and Zane began dating, and soon, she and Spencer were a couple. Now the others had graduated and were working, while she still had her nose in the books. But as soon as she earned this degree, she would be joining them in the workforce. And she couldn’t wait.

  As she stared at the baked goods in the café case, her stomach growled. She’d skipped lunch today in favor of getting some time in at the library, then she had to work right after her last class, and now she was regretting missing lunch. She was so hungry that even a delicious chocolate croissant wouldn’t be a substitute for a meal—as wonderful as it sounded. Then again, right now anything sounded delicious.

  Grabbing her cell phone to text her boyfriend with a dinner suggestion, the phone buzzed in her hand. Her heart fluttered. The text had to be from Spencer. Instead, when she looked at the display on her phone, a rock formed in her stomach when she saw it was a text message from Isaac, her ex-boyfriend. Earlier this morning, she’d had two texts from him waiting on her when she came out of class. It had been a year since she’d broken up with him, yet for some reason, he suddenly had a desire to discuss their break-up. He had never wanted to talk about it while they were together, so why now?

  Why is he bothering me now? Has it finally dawned on him what he missed out on? Regardless, it doesn’t matter; I have no use for Isaac anymore.

  She had no interest in talking with him.

  Harley deleted his text without reading it. But it didn’t make her feel any better. Her stomach flopped with nerves, and she did her best to ignore the flustered feeling that crept up in her when she thought of Isaac. She re-read the text Spencer had sent her this morning, to hopefully calm herself down. A wave of warmth and love rushed over her each time she thought of Spence. She hadn’t known true happiness until him.

  Isaac certainly never made me feel this way.

  Spencer: Morning, babe. Hope you have a good day. I’ll be at the coffee shop around four to pick you up.

  She smiled at the thought of him. He was the best boyfriend, and she adored him. Spencer took such care of her and she never wanted for anything; he made sure of that. He was basically the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she was sure he adored her as much as she adored him.

  Her glance moved to the sparkle of the tennis bracelet Spencer had given her for Christmas. Heat rushed through her, and a smile filled her face. Every time she thought about Spencer, she felt this way. Never before had she been so in love with a man as she was with him.

  Simply looking at his name on her phone put a goofy grin on her face and butterflies in her stomach, like a teenager with a crush.

  Looking around at her classmates sitting at their table, she couldn’t wait for this school week to be over. And even though Friday night was always date night with Spencer, ending this particular week that way was extra gratifying. She just wanted to be in his arms with zero cares.

  It had been a long week. Every week this semester, it seemed as though she had a paper due, and that meant less time with Spencer. Sure, he tried to be supportive, like always, showing up at her apartment with take-out or coffee. But the time apart while she studied was a small sacrifice for her future. And today the paper she’d worked so hard on all week was submitted, and she finally felt like she could breathe freely again.

  One more hour of group and she could start her weekend.

  Her phone buzzed.

  You have to be kidding me. It was Isaac again. He wasn’t this attentive when we were actually together.

  Returning to her study group, she sipped on her coffee as they reviewed the chapter that they’d discussed in class today. They had gotten their tests back from last week and compared scores, helping one another review their mistakes to ensure a better score on the next one.

  Harley was fortunate to be part of this study group; they had helped her through a few days when she’d been ready to give up. On the outside she displayed nothing but confidence, but inside, she was terrified that she wasn’t good enough to complete this milestone.

  It was true that she could’ve graduated last summer with a bachelor’s degree and found a great job, but she wanted her master’s. And she wasn’t about to settle. Going back was her choice.

  Flashing a smile at her friends, her uncertainty and insecurity is the one thing that none of them would ever know.

  Her phone buzzed.

  When she checked the screen, she saw that it was Isaac, again. Enough was enough. She had no time for his nonsense. Harley hit a button and blocked his number. That would solve the text messages, although his calls would still go to voicemail. She’d discovered some time ago that her phone had this glitch, and try as she might, she’d never been able to rectify it.

/>   Putting her cell phone away, she turned her attention back to the group. Laughter erupted amongst the group when one of the guys did an imitation of their Professor, and it was dead on. Right down to the tiny detail of how he always tucked a pencil behind his ear.

  She finished her drink and listened intently to the gossip among the group. They were comparing who was going to what parties on campus this weekend.

  Harley had nothing to add to the discussion. Unlike the rest of the group, her interaction with her classmates, she was not active in the college scene. She was just trying to get her degree and get out. Her life revolved around Spencer, Lily, and Zane. And that was enough for her.

  After finishing the last drop of her iced coffee, she looked at her watch. Spencer should be here soon.

  “I’m going to grab another coffee, anyone want anything?” she asked the study group, as she stood up and motioned to the barista.

  The group collectively mumbled no.

  “Hey, there, beautiful.” Spencer’s voice filled her ears from across the room.

  Harley spun around to see his handsome, smiling face. Spencer held the door open for a patron, before he hurried to her.

  Grabbing her around the waist, he wrapped her in his arms as he kissed her. His lips were cold from the winter chill, but she held his coat tightly and welcomed his loving touch and sweet kiss. After being rattled from Isaac’s calls, the only place she wanted to be was in her boyfriend’s arms.

  Once Spencer broke their kiss, Harley slowly emerged from his embrace, embarrassed that her classmates were sitting at the table watching and making immature cat calls. He kissed her neck, sending chills through her as his scruff tickled. Her face burned, and she laughed nervously as she turned to her friends.

  Her embarrassment wasn’t about being seen with Spencer—no way in the world. He was gorgeous, and she was proud to be with him. Nor was it because of her classmates and their silly comments. Not even because of Spencer’s passion. She was embarrassed because of her own reaction to him, to his kisses and touches. Every time he was near, she melted into a puddle, and that had to be obvious to everyone.

  “I’m not too early, am I?” Spencer asked with a grin. He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her to his side.

  “Nope,” one of her classmates said, as she closed her laptop. “We’re done. Just gossiping now.”

  “Good.” Spencer kissed Harley on her cheek. “Then I’m right on time.”

  “I was actually going to get another coffee,” Harley added.

  “Long day?” His sexy smirk gave her butterflies.

  “Something like that.”

  “Long week!” Don, the joker of the study group, responded.

  “Here, you guys take the table,” her classmate, Betty, said, as she packed up her laptop. “I have a date, so I have to go anyway.”

  “Me too. Party tonight at Sigma Phi.” Don shoved his laptop into his messenger bag and slung the bag onto his shoulder. “Stop by if you’re not busy.” Don fist bumped Spencer, and with a nod to her, hurried out the door.

  Spencer looked like he was going to burst with laughter when he turned to her. Like any good boyfriend, he simply shrugged his shoulders and politely waved to the rest of her study group as they left.

  “You can laugh now, they’re gone,” she said.

  “You want to head over to the massive kegger tonight?” Spencer wagged his eyebrows and said with his best frat-boy impression.

  “Ha, ha. No thanks.” She looped her arms around his waist and kissed him. “I’d rather have a quiet evening at home with my boyfriend. Unless, of course, you’d prefer the frat party?” she asked rhetorically, since she knew what his answer would be.

  “Babe, those days are long behind me.”

  She paid no attention to the hum of people’s conversations around her, even though the aroma of coffee filled her senses as Spencer kissed her. His hand caressing her cheek and his lips moving against hers almost had her forgetting they were still in the middle of the busy coffee shop. Again.

  That was, until someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Excuse me, is this table taken?”

  Harley pulled away from Spencer, regaining her composure while realizing that she was still in a very public place. She looked from the table to Spencer. “Um...”

  “No, we were just leaving,” Spencer said with a smile. “It’s all yours.”

  Spencer picked up Harley’s laptop, and put it away in her bag. Grabbing her coat, he helped her slide it on.

  He put the bag over his shoulder. “So, coffee to go?”

  “Sounds good. White chocolate mocha with skim milk, please,” she said in a sweet tone.


  “Yes, please.”

  Between classes, the library, and work today, she could use a nap right now. But instead, she’d take as much caffeine as she could get. She was beginning to consider mainlining coffee at this point of the school year.

  Spencer kissed her cheek before getting in line for her coffee.

  She couldn’t help but stare at him as he ordered her drink.

  “You two make an adorable couple,” a lady said as she walked by.

  Harley hurried over to Spencer, sliding next to him and wrapping her arms around him. She rested her head on his shoulder while he waited for her coffee. It was true, she had a hard time keeping her hands off of him; maybe that’s why comments like that were becoming the norm.

  Spending most of her childhood away at boarding schools, Harley had become very independent. She had learned how to be alone and not mind it. It wasn’t that she needed a man; it was that she adored Spencer’s attention.

  What woman wouldn’t like snuggles and kisses? Aside from being an amazing kisser, Spencer was smart and funny, he was kind, and he was always there for her in every way. He was genuine and a good man. She couldn’t remember a time they didn’t have fun together. Spencer had grown up a lot since they first met. He worked hard at his job, and now had a plan for his career, just like she did. Add the fact that he was hot, and well... She was head over heels for him.

  She’d never felt like this before, and she loved every second of it. And he still made her blush whenever he smiled at her. Harley had always wanted to feel secure with her relationship and her life, and she never felt more secure than when she was wrapped in Spencer’s arms.

  BACK AT HER APARTMENT, Spencer plated their sandwiches and fries, swatting at her when she tried to help. “Har, go sit down. I can handle it,” he said, shooing her out of the kitchen. “Sit down and relax. I have this.”

  On her way to the couch, she shrugged and said, “Relax? Did you forget that I’m the one all hopped up on coffee?”

  Spencer brought their plates full of food to the couch. With a wink he answered, “Oh, I didn’t forget. Save that energy for later.”

  Her cheeks burned at his comment, and a smile filled her face. “Well, since you put it that way.”

  Spencer pressed his lips to hers as he sat down on the couch. “It wasn’t like I cooked a four-course dinner. It was just unwrapping a couple of sandwiches. That I can do.”

  Who was she to argue? Her handsome boyfriend wanted to serve her dinner while she relaxed after a long week of classes. I could get used to this.

  “Dinner is served.” Spencer took a bite of his sandwich, then popped a french fry into his mouth.

  Dinner and a movie at home with her man—there was no better Friday night, in her mind. Once dinner was long gone, and only two empty plates remained, they cuddled together on the couch, watching the silly and mostly cliché antics on the romantic comedy that she’d picked out.

  She was wrapped up in his arms, and mid-kiss, when her phone buzzed. The only thing on her mind was Spencer, when she pulled out her phone to see who had left a message.


  Seeing the name attached to the voicemail made her breath catch in a panic.

  “Anyone important?” Spencer asked.

  “Nope.” She sh
ook her head. “No one important.”

  Harley turned off her phone and shoved it into her purse. She wasn’t going to let Isaac ruin her date night with Spencer. She was with the only person she cared about tonight.

  Spencer smirked as she put away her phone.

  With a shrug, she said, “I’m all yours tonight.”

  “Just the way I like it,” he said, his voice a sexy growl.

  She couldn’t help but laugh as Spencer nibbled at her neck. “Your scruff tickles.”

  “I think we should take this upstairs.” His eyes darkened with desire, as he stood and pulled her off the couch.

  “I completely agree.” She took his hand and followed him upstairs, intentionally leaving her phone in the living room. She didn’t need any unnecessary interruptions.

  Chapter Two


  Spencer bit his tongue and did his best not to say anything, when Harley’s phone buzzed for the tenth time this afternoon. She looked at the caller display, hit the ignore button, and put the phone back. Just as she’d done all the other times.

  Not wanting to be that kind of boyfriend, he hadn’t asked about it. If it were important, she would tell him. She’d never given him a reason not to trust her.

  Harley had been so nonchalant about the notifications last night, as though they weren’t important. She hadn’t even taken her attention away from the television when she dismissed them.

  But despite his efforts to remain unconcerned, his curiosity was getting the best of him. She was ignoring calls more often and getting lots of notifications that she never paid attention to. What was she hiding?

  He shook his head, trying to convince himself that she wasn’t concealing anything from him. Why would she? They were a couple, a pretty awesome couple at that. They were coming up on their one-year anniversary on Valentine’s Day, and he had big plans in motion for February fourteenth. He had done a lot of growing up over the last year, and he finally knew the only future he wanted was one with her in it.

  Her phone buzzed again.


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