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The Brit

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by Jordan Silver

  The Brit sure knew how to eat a pussy; he ate me like I was a gourmet special at a high-end eatery. His tongue delved into places inside me that had me shaking, and cumming in no time at all; and when he smacked my ass it was on.

  I whined when he took my new toy away, but I was soon happy again as he got to his knees, pushed my face down into the mattress and moved in behind me. The feel of all that hard meat sliding home was sublime, I arched my back instinctively as he pushed through.

  I was expecting what came next, so I was ready, and planting my knees firmly, I pushed back forcing him all the way in.


  "Later, we'll talk later, now finish what you started."

  Instead he pulled out and pushed me to my back before coming back inside.

  "This changes everything." He was now looking at me as though I was that rarest of flowers, as he worked himself slowly back and forth into my heat. I knew his game, but I wasn't having it. Lifting my legs around his waist I ground down on his cock as I grabbed his ass digging my nails in.

  "Fuck me Jonathan."

  "Fucking hell." He had no choice as I bit the dragon's tongue that forked around his nipple. His pounding made me ecstatic, my pussy was stuffed full and my insides were getting a workout; but I was mesmerized as I watched the emotions cross his face. He was beautiful.

  Chapter 7

  I'm not sure what's the usual protocol for these things, but in all the years of hearing my girlfriends tell it, I've never once heard them talk of going all night. Now I mean I've heard about seconds, and in some rare cases maybe thirds, but not once have I ever heard anyone speak of screwing for at least ten hours. Okay we did stop in between for a little rest and respite but never for more than a half-hour.

  Sore did not begin to cover my kitty this morning, but all through the night, when I was being pounded by the British hammer I didn't feel anything but pleasure.

  My body had been put in positions I didn't know were humanly possible, and where the hell did all that liquid come from? it's like I’d sprung a leak or something, I just stayed wet.

  Oh yeah ladies, beware of men with tattoos. Especially drop dead gorgeous ones who looked like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths; it's a con. Him and his highbrow accent and expensive clothes; he fucked like a Trojan or what I would expect a Trojan to fuck like. See he's turned me inside out, I have no idea what I'm even saying anymore.

  I'd tried sneaking out of his bed in the wee hours of the morning but the man seemed to be in tuned to me, because he grabbed me before I could make it off the side of the mattress.

  "Don't you know it's impolite to fuck and run?"

  "Um, I have to go home, I have to be at work soon."

  "What time is it, can't you call out?"

  "Um, it's five o'clock and no I can't call out I need to work." I tried pulling away from him but he pulled me back under him without much resistance from me. I'm such a slut.

  "One more, I'll let you go after I've taken you one more time."

  Okey dokey, one for the road sounds good, so what my kitty was already meowing that she was sore?

  This one was slow and dreamy, and still full of passion. The way he held my ass in his hands like it was a work of art, the gentle back and forth glide of his hips as he surged up into me. The way he whispered sweet things in my ear, like how good my pussy felt around his cock. Those words said in his voice; good merciful heavens, I was so gone.

  I think it's safe to say he's pretty much spoiled me for other men.

  Afterwards we'd cleaned up and he'd driven me home to my little studio apartment on the other side of town. It wasn't much, but it was home and it was well within my budget. My scholarship helped pay for my tuition at the university and my job as a waitress paid for a roof over my head and put clothes on my back. I ate most of my meals at the restaurant so food cost was at a minimum, and I got most of my clothes at a consignment shop. It wasn't ideal but it'll do until I got my degree in a few months. I think at twenty-two and being on my own I was doing pretty good; better than some older adults. I have a little nest egg in the bank that I paid into religiously, my rainy day stash I call it.

  "Is this neighborhood safe?" He was looking around as though he expected someone to jump out at us any second.

  "Safe enough, it's a family oriented neighborhood with lots of school age kids and single parent homes."

  "Hmm." That's all he said before kissing the daylights out of me. "I'll see you later love."

  He waited until I was inside before driving off; I hugged myself behind the closed door of my apartment. Oh my gosh, what a night, what a way to lose my virginity, I couldn't wait to tell Lisa.

  I was a little disappointed that he hadn't said anything about getting together again, but even if last night and this morning was all there will ever be between us, it was so worth it; it's a memory I will cherish forever.

  Chapter 8

  Of course by the time I got to work the doubts had started settling in. Had I moved too fast, did he think less of me even though he said he wouldn't? How could I face him now after all the things I'd let him do to me? not to mention what I'd done to him.

  I felt my face flush with heat at the memory of some of the contortions he'd put my body in. I had marks all over my body from where he'd bitten and sucked me. I had to put soothing cream on my kitty because she was extremely sore and I'd traded in my underwear in favor of going commando. I needed all the air I could get.

  The first few hours of my shift went off without a hitch, but when it drew close to the time my Brit usually showed up, I became a nervous wreck. When his assistant came in without him I was a little deflated but didn't let it show.

  "Good afternoon, may I get you something to drink?" She deigned to look at me with what I could only peg as a sneer.

  "Joanna right, yes, Jonathan told me about your little...tryst. I came ahead of him because as a woman I know how difficult these things can be. You see, Jonathan and I are engaged to be married; he has these little flings in every city we visit on business and I turn a blind eye because I'm a lady and I'm aware that there are some things people of lesser morals might be into..." I tried walking away after that but she gabbed my hand.

  "Please take your hands off of me." I will not cry in front of this she-devil. She and fucking Jonathan Smothers could both go fuck themselves the bastard.

  "There's no need to become upset, unless you were foolish enough to get your emotions involved. I never understood why you girls do that. I mean obviously a man like Jonathan couldn't possibly want anything more from someone like you other than a quick roll in the hay."

  That's it, I was done; my first inclination was to tuck tail and run, then I was going to give the table to someone else to take care of. I ran the full gamut of emotions from hurt, to anger, to, no fucking way asshole.

  Jonathan showed up half an hour later; in that time I'd stayed away from Satan's concubine, I didn't need any more of her venom spewed all over me. I approached their table with fire in my veins. No matter what, I was not going to let the son of a bitch know how much he'd hurt me.

  I practically dropped his glass of water on the table in front of him. He smiled at me but got a glare in return. Would you believe the bastard looked at me like he was hurt that I was glaring? English asshole. I hope he chokes on a chicken bone.

  "What can I get you to drink?" Asshole, oh how I wish I could tack that on.

  "You know what I drink Joanna." He tried to smile at me again, oh yeah that was gonna work, not.

  "I forgot." I spat the words at him, his assistant or wife to be or what the fuck ever she was tried to intervene.

  "Maybe we should eat somewhere else since the help doesn't seem to want...."

  "Melissa enough." He barely spared her a glance.

  I rolled my eyes and walked away to get his seltzer and lime. I was fuming on my way back, that's why I didn't see that he'd followed me.

  "What the hell's gotten into you?"

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "Bullshit, I spent the night and this morning inside you and now you're acting like I'm your enemy, and behaving like a raging lunatic."

  "Oh I'm sorry, isn't this the way all your other dupes reacted? I'm sorry if I'm not acting true to form but no one gave me the script."

  "What the hell are you on about, what others?"

  "Oh don't play games with me you man whore."

  His face flashed to anger in a second flat, and I instinctively took a step back.

  "Explain yourself. NOW"

  I jumped at the barked now and looked around to make sure my manager hadn't heard. Of course Nicole and Rachel were glued to the show, like we were an afternoon soap opera.

  "Would you keep your voice down? look your fiancee already explained how things are okay. I just wish you'd been honest up front and had the nerve to tell me instead of sending her to rub that shit in my face and pretty much call me a whore."

  "What the bollocks are you talking about?"

  "Which part didn't you understand?"

  "Fiancee, who's this person supposed to be since this is news to me?"

  "What?" What the hell, was he...?

  Chapter 9

  "Who are you speaking of Joanna? And when you're through answering that you can tell me where the hell you get off speaking to me like that."

  "What...but she said..."

  "Who the blazes is she, who are you referring to?"

  "Your assistant, Melissa, her." I flung my hand in the direction of his table where she sat looking a little green all of a sudden.

  "What exactly did she say to you Joanna?"

  I stumbled over my words at first; my heart was trying to run out of my chest. Does this mean he hadn't betrayed me, that she'd lied, made the whole thing up?"

  "Joanna, talk, now."

  So I told him every word, and to say he became angry is like saying Everest is a hill. He unbuttoned the one button that had been closed on his suit jacket and held the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. All this while I stood there not sure what I should do next. When he took his phone from his pocket and hit a button I knew something bad was about to happen.

  "Donald, void Melissa Pendleton's security clearance code, she's hereby denied all access to any Smothers holdings anywhere in the world, business and personal."

  Oh shit on a fucking stick.

  He hung up from that one, which I knew was his brother, he'd told me during one of our half hour breaks last night; along with telling me a little about the rest of his family.

  Why did I believe her, why didn't I hold onto the memory of how sweet he was after realizing I was a virgin? Or of the way he kept asking me about my ties here and if I'd ever thought of visiting England?

  He punched in another number and I shuddered to think what was coming next.

  "Scott in about an hour you'll be escorting Ms. Pendleton back to London on the Gulf Stream. She's to take a taxi from the airport, no company car; make sure she takes nothing with her but her clothing. In fact, send someone to the hotel to retrieve all pertinent Smothers’ business papers and pack up her stuff; she's not to go back to the room." He hung up the phone again as if knowing that his every word would be carried out to the letter.

  Wow, this guy was really something when riled.

  "You, come with me." He took my hand and pulled me along behind him.

  I guess it was my turn to feel the wrath of khan. I didn't know what to expect when he marched me back to his table. He stood over her for a good minute before speaking, while she fidgeted in her seat and tried her best to look confused.

  "You want to tell me what the bloody hell you said to Joanna before I got here?"

  "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand."

  "Cut the bullshit, what the fuck did you say?"

  "Jonathan, I can't believe that you'd take this person's word for whatever she's claiming over mine, we've been together for years."

  "Correction, you've worked for me for years, our families have known each other for longer, but we've never been together. Now what lies have you been spreading?"

  "Maybe the girl misunderstood my words..."

  "Which were what exactly?"

  I was about to jump in because I could see she wasn't big on the truth. I seriously contemplated decking the lying skank, but I was at work and I couldn't afford to lose my job right now.

  "I don't think I like the tone of this conversation; maybe we should discuss this when you're not so angry and we're alone."

  "Why, so you can lie your way out of it? You know what, never mind, I don't need to hear your side because I believe her. Scott will be here shortly with your things, you'll be heading back to London today. You're no longer welcomed on Smothers property, any of them."

  "Margaret will never allow that, she's my godmother lest you forget."

  "Yeah well I'll bet you everything I own that my mum wouldn't give you a second thought if it came down to you or her future daughter in law." I guess he was through with her because he then turned to me with a slightly less abrasive attitude; he was still pissed at me though obviously. "Get your things Joanna, we're leaving."

  I think I went into shock at about the time he mentioned daughter-in-law. My legs wouldn't cooperate and Jonathan had reached the end of his rope it appeared.

  "I said get your bloody things we're leaving. I can't stand to look at this slag one minute more or I'll commit bloody murder."

  Melissa seemed stuck to her seat as I came out of my trance. "I can't just leave in the middle of my shift, they'll fire me."

  "You're not working anymore, they can stuff their bloody buggering job. Now do whatever you have to do and let's get out of here."

  I moved on automatic pilot, excited and scared in equal measure. Could this really be happening? these things didn't happen in real life did they?

  Lisa met me halfway with my bag in hand. "I heard, now go, call me whenever you're settled. I'll tell Kate that you had an emergency just in case things don't work out and you have to come back someday. Though from the looks of it he's pretty much hooked. Good luck Joanna, you deserve this always remember that." She hugged me as the tears started to gather in both our eyes.

  "Are you stupid, you're really going to fall for this?"

  "Back the hell off Nicole, don't listen to this jealous hag Jo, go, be happy." She pushed me back towards the waiting Jonathan who had come up behind me. I left the restaurant on a cloud with my hand in Jonathan's. If I ever woke up from this dream I'd be so mad.


  Chapter 10

  My crazy British boyfriend (and doesn't that sound yummy) has been moving on autopilot for the past two days and that's no exaggeration. I have no idea what has been going on. First we left the restaurant and burned rubber out of the parking lot. I started to ask him where we were going but the look he gave me suggested I keep my trap shut. I followed that silent directive thank you very much.

  When we reached his apartment building, I was practically dragged from the car, through the lobby and up to his penthouse. I guess he was really steamed because he didn't even try to cop a feel in the elevator.

  Once inside the privacy of his apartment, it was a different story though. I was stripped, literally; rough hands just tore the clothes from my body before I was pushed up against a wall, my back to his front, his teeth sunk into my neck...

  One of his big hands came around and cupped me where my soreness was all but forgotten, and by the time he pushed two of his long thick fingers inside I was a sopping mess.

  I reached my hand back to touch him, but he caught it and put it back on the wall over my head with the other one. He rubbed his hard cock against my ass teasingly, making me whine and push back, begging without words; seeking that fullness that I'd learned all throughout the night. My kitty was throbbing in need and that liquid heat was running down the inside of my legs, even as I felt the wetness on his cock head...

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  "You were very disrespectful to your mate, that's not allowed, ever. I'll have to punish you to ensure this never happens again." I pushed my fingers in and out of her heat, while holding her hip in place with my other hand.

  "Fuck my fingers until I tell you to stop." I slapped her ass for emphasis until she moved to obey me.

  "Good girl, now this is what your punishment is going to be; I'm going to fuck you, eat you, lick you and whatever else I want to, but you'll not cum, not once. Now keep your hands up there and don't move them; every time you disobey that will be an ass paddling."

  Without any warning I drove my whole length into her still tight pussy from behind. She screamed and got up on her toes as I stroked hard and deep for ten thrusts, while fondling her clit. Just as she was about to peak, I pulled out.

  "Kneel and service me with your mouth." I wrapped her glorious hair around my fist and took her down to her knees in front of me.

  I wiped my leaky cock across her lips but kept the prize from her greedy mouth. One of the things I'd learned about my girl during our night of marathon sex was that she loved sucking my cock. Apparently she'd kept her virginity as long as she had by giving her one serious boyfriend as a teen head.

  That was a subject better left alone, the thought of my baby with anyone else made me have unhealthy thoughts. Didn't matter though, since her lips won't ever be on anyone else's cock ever again. Only mine, everything that she had to give was mine for the taking, and I planned on enjoying it all while giving her a life I'm sure she'd love. But first, I had to make her pay for her insubordination.

  "Suck him." She opened her mouth and took me in halfway, which was about all she could take for now. We were going to be working on that a lot, I loved having my cock sucked, so my wife was going to have to become an expert.


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