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Love Birds: The Complete Collection

Page 10

by Ruth J. Hartman

  Pain, hot and searing, burned through her chest. Why? Why had she been allowed to meet the most wonderful, caring man who ever lived, only to then have him ripped away? Her fingers clawed at her sides, as if trying to regain her hold on Oliver, on the life she dreamed of.

  But she knew her father. His word was law, at least as far as it concerned her. It was over. Her brief, wonderful glimpse of heaven… gone.

  At least, she would need to explain to Oliver… try to explain… She shook her head. There would be no easy way to tell him the truth. But she must. She owed him at least that. Even though it was much too little, too late.

  Tomorrow. She’d tell him tomorrow. Because the longer she waited, the harder it would be.

  She turned toward the door to leave, unable to look at her father any longer. She’d never be able to look at him again without remembering this moment. This awful, terrible moment.

  Three steps toward the door and she reached out her hand toward the knob.

  “Oh and, Lucy…”

  The tap-tap of her boots on the floor stilled, but she didn’t turn, didn’t reply.

  “You’ll not be returning to the Bird Sanctuary. Am I clear?”

  No! I must return. I need to tell him, face to face.

  “And if you’re thinking of sneaking away to see him, I’ll know. The butler is under strict instructions to make sure you don’t leave the house, don’t have any visitors, and don’t send or receive letters.”

  It seemed her father was one step ahead. He’d won. Closing her eyes, she nodded. And opened the door to the entryway.

  To her future.

  To the rest of her life as Mrs. Conrad Croome. Lady Lucy Lofton.


  Oliver waited by the Sanctuary gate. He’d not seen Lucy for three days. Where could she be? Anna hadn’t been about either, as she and Richard had gone to the next village to visit Richard’s mother. Did Lucy not come because Anna wasn’t available to chaperone?

  A smile tugged at Oliver’s lips. Chaperone. At least they could be reasonably confident Lofton wouldn’t attempt the position again. The man had run shrieking from the Bird Sanctuary, his loud voice scaring a multitude of birds and several visitors. They’d be cleaning feathers from the path for weeks.

  Feathers from the birds, not the visitors.

  Although, one woman did turn so quickly toward the screaming man that her hat had flown off of her head.

  He chuckled. At least the goose hadn’t absconded with it. Only Lucy’s hat would do, apparently.


  How he longed to see her, speak with her, walk beside her, and hold her hand. And… kiss her. They’d very nearly done just that before being interrupted by Anna and Richard and their announcement.

  There hadn’t been much chance for a moment alone between that and Lofton’s departure. That vile snake seemed to have a knack for mucking things up. Him? Lucy’s chaperone? Certainly, by all standards, Lucy should have one. Anna, the obvious choice, had other interests now. But Lofton?

  Did the man honestly think Lucy would have any interest in him? Oliver had seen the way she looked at Lofton, the way she spoke to him. If the other man couldn’t see that she loathed him, he was even more obtuse than Oliver originally thought.

  Turning toward the gate, he frowned. He wished she would have come anyway to see him. It seemed, at least he hoped, that she felt the same way for him as he did for her.

  Something in his chest, down deep in his heart, told him that she was the one. That he loved her. And he was convinced that she loved him for himself, as she had no notion of his true surname and thought him a common laborer.

  There was no reason for him not to express his intentions toward her. Shaking his head, he sighed. And he’d made sport of Richard marrying his first wife after a week. Yet here he was, only having known Lucy for a scant few weeks, and he contemplated doing the same.

  Perhaps not in a week’s time, but he had no desire to wait. Richard was correct. When one met that right, perfect person, there was no reason to delay. And it seemed Richard was to be so fortunate twice in his life. Wasn’t it fortuitous that Richard would fall in love with Lucy’s maid? The women seemed quite attached to one another. Richard and he had been close for some time, as long as Oliver had been volunteering at the Sanctuary. He thought of the older man as family. Could the four of them form a new type of bond?

  Tears stung the back of his eyes. And now, with his father so ill, so near death, it seemed he’d rely on Richard even more in the future for advice and friendship. A strong desire to have his father meet Lucy before he… died overtook Oliver. He wanted them to become acquainted in the short time that remained.

  In order for that to happen, though, Oliver needed to speak to her. It didn’t seem appropriate under the circumstances for him to visit her home. He’d not met her father and had not been invited. Without Anna present for him to ask after Lucy, Oliver was at a loss. Should he simply wait for her? Hope she visited today?

  A sparrow squawked on the path behind him. Oliver sighed. With Richard absent, there was more work than normal to do. Best get on with it. And if he was fortunate, it would help take him mind off of Lucy, and perhaps pass the time more quickly until she returned.

  He walked back up the path, startling the talkative sparrow into awkward flight. A soft breeze lifted Oliver’s hair, reminding him of Lucy’s dark curls cascading over her shoulders that first day when her hat had come loose.

  His boots stepped along the path, slowing when an older couple came near. He lowered his head, stepped off of the path to let them pass, and waited. Others must see him as what he pretended to be. A Sanctuary worker. Not a wealthy heir to a large fortune in the not so distant future. If people realized who he really was, he’d not be left alone to work with his beloved birds.

  Back on the path, he reached the work shed. A small saw was in order. He’d noticed a partially broken branch earlier by one of the pine trees. No sense leaving something sharp exposed for a child to cut his hand on.

  The coos of a pair of nesting turtledoves came from his right. He stopped, closed his eyes, and let their soft conversation soothe him. Such gentle birds. So peaceful and quiet. Keeping to themselves, not bothering other birds. Building their nest together and raising their babies. The perfect life.

  Again, Lucy’s face crossed his mind. That’s what he wanted. With her. Love. Family. Building a life together, raising a family. He opened his eyes and continued on toward the pine tree. If anyone could know his present thoughts, they’d think him mad. He barely knew the woman. Had only just made her acquaintance. But it mattered not. Not to his heart. Not where it truly counted.

  He found the wayward branch, and mindful of the sharp edges of bark, he grasped it tight to saw it off. Back and forth. Over and over. Lucy and Oliver. Lucy and Oliver. Somehow, their names went together perfectly. Just like the sweet turtledoves.

  Steps sounded behind him. “Need a hand there?”

  Startled, Oliver turned. “Richard, hello! Thought you were visiting your mother.”

  He shrugged. “Just back.”

  “And how is she faring?”

  “Older, more feeble. It’s a good thing we went. I’m afraid if I’d waited a few months to take Anna to meet her…” He swallowed and turned his head.

  Oliver gave the branch a final tug, and it let loose of the small fibrous edge that had held on. He set the saw down on the ground and reached into his pocket for his handkerchief. One, so he could wipe the sweat from his brow, and two, to allow Richard a moment to compose himself.

  “I’m sorry to hear of it, Richard. I do understand. More than you know.”

  Richard raised his head, eyes moist and mouth turned down at the corners. “Oh? Not your father, then?”

  Oliver nodded. “I’m afraid so. I only just found out that he… hasn’t much time left.”

  Richard stepped forward and patted Oliver on the shoulder. “It's a sad state, is it not, to lose one’s parent?�

  “Yes. Quite sad.” Longing to speak of something else, he cleared his throat. “Say, is Anna here at the Sanctuary?”

  Richard shook his head. “I took her home. She missed Lucy terribly these last three days.”

  “As have I.”

  “You’ve not seen her? I know Anna is supposed to be her chaperone, but I’d assumed perhaps someone else would have accompanied her.”

  “No. I have not spoken to her since you were last here.”

  “Is something amiss between you? I thought you were…”

  “No, nothing amiss. I’m not quite sure what to make of it, truth be told.”

  Richard smiled. “Well, just let me ask Anna for you, all right? She’ll get the lay of the land, so to speak, now won’t she?”

  Calm settled over Oliver’s mind. “Yes, of course. If anyone knows what’s what, it will be your Anna.”


  Lucy felt Anna’s warm embrace down to her toes. Oh, how she’d missed her. And needed her comfort and advice.

  Anna drew back and touched Lucy’s face. “What’s this? Tears? I was only gone three days, love. But, yes, I did miss you, too. Terribly.”

  Lucy swallowed against the lump in her throat. The words wouldn’t form. The awful words that told of the end of her dream with a life with Oliver. And foretold of the nightmare to come. That of marriage to Conrad Croome.

  “What is it, Lucy? What’s wrong? This is much more than just missing me, I’m sure. Come, let’s sit down.” She led Lucy to the settee next her bed. Anna wrapped her arms around Lucy’s shoulders, drew her close, holding her and gently swaying back and forth, as a mother would a small child. “Tell me, what has happened to upset you so?”

  Wiping tears away from her eyes, Lucy sniffed. “It’s… O-Oliver.”

  “Is he not well? Has something happened to him?”

  “He’s f-fine. As far as I know.”

  “What do you mean? Haven’t you seen him? I assumed you’d take Carlton with you to the Sanctuary, as you’ve done before.” She chuckled. “Before you were found out and had to take me along.”

  Anna’s feeble attempt at humor did nothing for Lucy’s wretched state of worry. “I’ve not been allowed to… go… there.”

  “Oh, is that all? Well now that I’ve returned, we’ll have that taken care of in short order, won’t we? Tomorrow, we’ll have Carlton take us—”


  “What’s that, dear?”

  “I can’t.”

  “But of course you can. I’ll go with you. I assure you, it’s no hardship for me to go there. Especially not now.” She sighed, blowing warm breath across Lucy’s forehead.

  “You don’t understand. I’m forbidden to go back.”

  Anna pulled away and looked at Lucy. She placed her finger beneath Lucy’s chin and raised her face so they were eye to eye. “No, you’re right. I don’t understand. Help me to understand.”

  Lucy sat back against the settee, wiping more tears from her face. All she’d done for three days was cry. It seemed unimaginable that she’d have any tears left. Letting out a deep sigh, she closed her eyes and then opened them, focusing on Anna.

  “Father found out that I’d met Oliver. And that he isn’t wealthy. He’s livid about the whole affair, forbids me to see Oliver anymore.”

  “Oh, my.”

  “There’s more.”

  “Go on.”

  Gritting her teeth, Lucy forced the words out.” And… he is insistent that I marry.”

  “Marry? Who, dear? Who must you marry?”

  “Conrad Croome.”

  Anna’s eyes widened and she gasped. “That weasel? He’s to be your… husband?”

  Fresh tears poured down Lucy’s face as she nodded. “Yes, and I don’t think I can bear it, Anna. I just don’t!”

  Anna pulled her close again. “No wonder you’re so distraught. Now it makes sense. But… perhaps if I went with you, without your father’s knowledge?”

  “It won’t do. Father said he’d have Alfred watching me. I’m not to go anywhere or have visitors or send or receive any messages.”

  “My, my, this is a quandary.”

  “Father has put his foot down. There’s no changing his mind. It looks as if I must marry that man. And marry him soon.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Oliver glanced up from clearing weeds near the walking path. Richard hurried toward him. Would he have news from Anna of Lucy? He set his rake on the ground and waited.

  “I’m so glad to find you.” Richard took a gasp of air.

  “Claim your breath, man. What’s the problem?”

  “It’s Lucy. I’ve found out something. Something you’ll…”

  Oliver’s heart hammered against his ribs. Was she hurt? Ill? Had some terrible mishap befallen her? Now impatient, he wished he’d not allowed Richard a chance to catch his breath. He swallowed hard, forcing himself to wait.

  One final deep breath and Richard faced him. He reached out his hand and placed it on Oliver’s arm. So the news was not good, then.

  “Oliver, I’ve spoken with Anna. There is indeed a reason why you’ve not seen Lucy here for the last few days.”

  “What? Please, just tell me.” His mouth dry, he swallowed.

  “She’s to be married.”

  Oliver’s eyes widened. His chest constricted in pain, as if kicked by a horse. How? When? Who? He’d not actually voiced the questions out loud. “But—”

  “Remember that daft imbecile, that Lofton fellow?”

  “Of course, no one could forget that idiot.”

  “He’s the one.”

  Oliver frowned. “The one for…?”

  “She’s to marry him.”

  “Impossible! She can’t stand him.”

  “True, that. However, it’s what her father has said will happen, and he’s not budging on the issue.”

  “It can’t be. It just cannot be.” Suddenly unable to breathe, Oliver swayed on his feet. Strong hands grasped his arms and lowered him to sit on the ground.

  Richard crouched in front of him. “Oliver? Do you feel ill?”

  Oliver closed his eyes and nodded. “I do feel ill. But not my stomach. In my heart.” He opened his eyes and peered at Richard. Oh, how he needed the older man’s advice.

  “Yes, I understand, for if it were Anna…” He turned his head. “Sorry. That’s not what we’re speaking of, and you—”

  “Not to worry, Richard. You love her as I do Lucy. It’s only natural your thoughts would go to her.” He shrugged. “What am I to do? There must be something. Anything.”

  Richard sat down as well. “There is one thing I can think of. But it will involve you making a choice.”

  “What kind of choice? I love her with all my heart. There is no other for me.”

  “No, not another woman that you love. But you do love something else, as well.”

  “I don’t—”

  The turtledoves flew over them and landed in the nearest tree. Of course, it was the Sanctuary of which Richard spoke. Oliver did indeed love it. Everything about it. He’d even been at odds with his father because of it. The birds, the land, the ponds and trees. The thought of not being here to see it and help care for it tore at his heart. It had become such a huge portion of his day. His life.

  If he asked Lucy’s father for her hand, he’d most likely have to give up working at the Sanctuary. He’d have to dive into the family business wholeheartedly and stop going by Oliver Barrow. He couldn’t retain his anonymity and work with the birds while at the same time openly confessing to her and her father who he really was.

  Once word got out that Oliver Shipley was marrying Lucy Ashbrook, all eyes of the community would be upon them. Gone would be his tendency to hide in the shadows, stay out of the limelight by avoiding anything to do with his peers.

  That would all change. Could he do it? Could he give up his work as a laborer at the Bird Sanctuary?

  For Lucy, yes.

Lucy, he could do anything.


  Oliver tugged on his cravat. It didn’t normally seem so tight. Today, though, it felt like a noose. He might jump from his own skin if he couldn’t calm down. Nervous jitters plagued his stomach. What he was about to do would determine his whole future. And Lucy’s.

  But he had to talk to her father. That was the key. To convince him that Lofton would be a terrible husband for his daughter and that Oliver would be the perfect choice.

  He dusted miniscule pieces of lint from his sleeves for the tenth time and then put on his hat. With a quick nod to his valet, he headed out of his bedroom and into the hall. As he hurried down the stairway, he held on tightly to the well-worn banister. No use falling and breaking his neck just when he was about to ask for a woman’s hand in marriage.


  His father’s voice, now noticeably weaker, beckoned him from the study. Oliver peeked in the open doorway and then stepped inside.

  “On your way, then, son?”

  “Yes.” He clenched his hands into fists and then opened them, trying to relax. When would the crazy butterflies in his stomach cease torturing him?

  “I wish you well, Oliver. Are you sure this woman is worth all the trouble? Sounds like you’ll have some fancy talking to do to convince her father to change his mind about the other man in question.”

  “Lucy is well worth it. She is every bit to me as Mother was to you.”

  Tears formed in his father’s eyes, threatening to spill onto his cheeks. With a wrinkled hand, he dashed them away. “Then go to it. If she is the one for you and you have no doubts, then go and convince her father. Whatever it takes.”

  “I haven’t a single doubt, Father. She’s the one. I haven’t been acquainted with her very long, but I just… know.”

  His father smiled. “Then don’t stand here talking to me. Go!”

  Joy filled Oliver’s heart at his father’s encouragement. His mouth lifted in a grin. “Yes, sir!”

  He turned and headed out the door toward the carriage. He’d instructed the groom to have the carriage ready and informed the driver that he wouldn’t be needed today.


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