Love Birds: The Complete Collection

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Love Birds: The Complete Collection Page 32

by Ruth J. Hartman


  “Something amiss?”


  “Is that so?”

  She huffed out a breath. How rude! “You insufferable…”

  “Yes, go on.”

  “You’re a pompous…”

  “This is fascinating. Please continue.”

  “Well… I… you’re as mean as a… a… goose.” She jumped from the bench, turned on her heel and stomped away, back into the ballroom. The room was noticeably warmer than the hall had been.

  Of all the nerve. Treating her as a plaything, having sport with her affections. Wreaking havoc with her emotions. How dare he just…?

  She stopped suddenly, nearly bumping into a short stubby man in a tall skinny hat. She curtseyed and excused herself as he grumbled something and stepped around her.

  Conrad had every right and more to tease her and make her think he’d not go through with the marriage. She’d blackmailed the poor man, for heaven’s sake. Amelia pivoted and nearly ran into the same little man again. Why was he always in her way?

  “Have a care!” He righted his hat, which had been knocked askew.

  “A million pardons again, sir.” She hurried across the ballroom, barely missing being tangled in others’ slippers and boots as they danced.

  When she reached the doorway to the hall, she slowed and then stopped. Pressing her hand to her midsection, she took a deep, calming breath. You can do this, Amelia. Do whatever you have to, to keep Conrad. He’s worth everything.

  She took one step then another, until she reached Conrad, who still sat where she’d left him.

  He lifted his gaze to hers, his eyes sparkling with merriment. The corners of his mouth curled up. “As mean as a goose?”

  She grimaced. “Please forgive me. I realize that with your aversion to anything avian, making any reference of one in relation to you was quite off-putting.”

  “On the contrary, I found it imaginative and amusing.”

  She plopped down next to him. “You did?”

  “Why, yes.”

  “So… you’re not upset?”

  “Do I appear to be upset?”

  “Well, no. But are you of a mind to… call off our agreement?”

  He reached across the small space between them and placed his finger beneath her chin. “Amelia. Look at me.”

  She raised her gaze to his, staring at those ice-blue eyes… eyes that both entranced and enchanted her. “Yes?”

  “I am not letting you go. Are we clear?”

  Relief swept through her, but she couldn’t imagine any coherent words coming from her mouth. So she simply nodded.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  The day was clear and crisp. Birds darted among tree branches as Conrad stepped cautiously down the walk at the Bird Sanctuary, hoping to avoid dirt, bird droppings, or anything else disgusting. Of all places, of all the locations in London, why did his betrothed insist on having the wedding reception outdoors? Here? When her mother said that the wedding had already been planned, she’d only been partially truthful. Amelia would get a say in the reception, at least.

  The wedding, of course, would be a simple ceremony with immediate family in attendance. I only wish my whole family could be there. But others would not understand if Andrew and Cecilia were in attendance. Someday, I plan to change that. If it’s in my power, I will better their livelihood and station.

  Amelia tugged on Conrad’s arm. By now, he’d grown used to her habit of doing that, so he paid close attention to his balance as she did so. Falling was embarrassing enough. But falling in front of his mother, mother-in-law, and Lucy and Oliver would have been mortification times ten.

  Behind Conrad, his mother grumbled something about vile creatures. Since this was her first visit to the Sanctuary, she was in for some unpleasant surprises as he had been. Hopefully, she would not be bombed by bird droppings, as had been his unfortunate experience.

  Even she didn’t deserve that.


  Amelia pointed up. “Look at that.”

  Wonderful. I’m assuming it’s yet another bird. I hope I won’t be sorry… He slowly leaned his head back. And squinted. Oh no… It’s not possible…

  A common cuckoo looked down at their group and made eye contact. With him. It flapped its wings and squawked loudly, looking as if it performed a song and dance on a stage.

  The bird left its perch, flew in a tight circle and dove toward them. Or rather, toward Conrad. This can’t be happening. Not again. Conrad closed his eyes and prayed that the bird would ignore him. When nothing happened, he dared to open his eyes. With a sigh, he relaxed. Ah… I must have gotten lucky this time.

  Everyone in their party stared at Conrad. Actually, his hat. He swallowed. “Why are you all…?” Did his hat sit askew? He despised when that occurred.

  Amelia giggled and then slapped her hand over her mouth.

  Lucy smiled as well. “It seems you have a… visitor.”

  Oh dear… So that means the bird is…

  Oliver bit his lip against a smile, but his eyes held merriment. “Here, Lofton, allow me to assist you. Crouch down a little, would you?”

  Aghast at something having taken up residence on his hat and having to crouch down near the ground, Conrad nevertheless did what was asked. His knobby knees were nearly in contact with the path. Please hurry…

  Oliver stepped forward and reached out. “Here now, little cuckoo, let’s not bother the good earl.”

  Good earl? Conrad lifted one corner of his mouth. Who would have ever thought someone would say that about him? And especially Oliver? Conrad’s hat shifted slightly as Oliver gave it slight pressure from the top. Another bird squawk followed and Conrad braced himself to be covered in bird droppings. I should have brought more than one handkerchief today. From my past experience, I might have known better.

  Oh the nightmares he’d had since the first time it happened. The cuckoo squawking at him, diving at his head, dropping its vile substance on Conrad’s hat, coat, boots and face. In my mouth… He shuddered.

  “There. All set.” Oliver stepped away.

  “Is it… Am I… Um, my hat?”

  Amelia laughed and took his arm, helping him to stand. “Everything is fine and the bird flew away. You and your hat have come out unscathed. Why did you look so worried?”

  “The cuckoo and I have an unfortunate history, I’m afraid. There’s something of a vendetta on his part.” Although I had insulted him first.

  Amelia raised her eyebrows.

  Conrad glanced at Oliver. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I guess all of my former work here at the Sanctuary comes in handy at times.”

  More grumbling came from Conrad’s mother. She frowned and pointed at Conrad’s head. “That disgusting bird is exactly why I don’t want the wedding reception here in this horrid place.”

  Amelia gasped.

  Conrad took Amelia’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before turning his attention back to his mother. “But this is where my bride wishes to have it. It’s her favorite place on earth.” He narrowed his eyes. “And this is where it shall be.”

  “Well!” His mother stomped her foot.

  Perfect. Wasn’t it bad enough she did that at home? But in front of others?

  Lucy eyed Amelia and angled her head toward Conrad’s mother. “Perhaps we should continue to look for the best location?”

  “Yes.” Amelia smiled. “You’re right.” She leaned against Conrad. “Come along, dear.”

  He winked at her. “Delighted.”

  Conrad’s mother mumbled louder.

  “Do pipe down, Lady Lofton.” Mrs. Talbot’s voice came from behind them as well.

  Amelia snickered but didn’t turn around. She and Conrad kept walking.

  Uniting their two mothers into extended family would be interesting, to put it mildly. It would be a miracle if they didn’t come to blows before the wedding even occurred.

  Up ahead, du
cks quacked and splashed water as the group neared the pond. Amelia’s eyes lit up. “Let’s go see them.” Fighting very hard not to roll his eyes, Conrad allowed her to pull him in that direction.

  “What’s this? We have to walk through the grass?” Conrad’s mother screeched.

  It couldn’t be helped. Conrad did indeed roll his eyes that time. Why she’d insisted on coming today was beyond imagination, since Amelia had told her that was to be their destination.

  Perhaps she didn’t want Mrs. Talbot to have the upper hand in the planning of the reception. That would be just like his mother… nosy beyond reason. She should have been born a cat.

  Then he remembered meeting Amelia’s cat. And, that said cat would very soon live under his roof. With him. He huffed out a breath.

  “Something the matter?” Amelia slowed her steps.

  Don’t let anything ruin this for her, as much as you dislike it. “Of course not, just… inhaling the fresh air.”

  “You were listening to me the other day and are taking my advice? Thank you.”

  He forced a smile. “Certainly.”

  The sound of boots clomped behind him as the group veered from the path to the grassy field, muddy since last night’s hard rain. A laugh from behind sounded like Lucy’s followed by a deeper one from Oliver. And the mothers argued about something… The words abhorrent and repulsive were bandied about.

  Be quiet Mother! He clenched his teeth. Must she be a constant whining, embarrassment? But weren’t you the same, not too long ago? Realization struck. I’m just like her. I’ve inherited all of her negative attitudes and offensive jibes at others. But I want to change. Desperately!

  The Shipleys and the mothers paused beneath a tree. Oliver pointed up and was explaining something to them.

  I bet my mother is just thrilled with that.

  He turned back to Amelia. A ray of sunshine caught her red hair and it gleamed. How he longed to stop, turn her toward him, and remove the pins from her hair, letting the tresses blow about in the breeze… and then he would—

  “…the ducks?”


  The corners of Amelia’s lips rose. “And just what were you dreaming about?”

  “Dreaming? I wasn’t—”

  She poked him in the chest. “I know a dreamy expression when I see it. Could I be so bold as to hope it was about me?”

  Yes, you can, because yes, it was. “Now, I don’t want to give away all of my secrets, do I?” Not this one, and especially not about Andrew and Cecilia.

  She took a step closer. “Secrets? I love secrets.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed, Miss Talbot. My secret will not leave my lips.” At least not today. Not until I’m certain I can trust you with it. And with my heart.

  “Oh pooh. Then I guess I’ll have to amuse myself with choosing the reception location.” She turned and motioned to the rest of the group to join them.

  Lucy waved back, said something to the others, and they made their way through the mud and grass. She reached Amelia and touched her sleeve. “Have you found it?”

  “Not yet. Just wanted everyone to admire the ducks.”

  “We always love to do that, don’t we Oliver?”

  Lucy’s husband smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. Conrad longed for the day when a simple touch to Amelia’s hand or shoulder wouldn’t be considered outlandish. Just a couple more weeks until they’d be husband and wife.

  Two of the ducks swam in circles and then upended, heads below the pond’s surface. Their back ends pointed to the sky as they searched below the water for food.

  Lucy laughed. “I remember a time when someone I know thought that behavior distasteful.”

  Conrad nodded, acknowledging his guilt.

  Oliver smacked Conrad lightly on the shoulder. “You do know our teasing is good natured?”

  Lucy nodded.

  Warmth, the type that comes from knowing he had true friends who cared about him, encircled his heart. “Of course.”

  Mother joined them and stood next to Conrad. “Good heavens! What are those ducks doing? That’s disgusting!”

  Amelia and Lucy both bit their lips, holding back laughter. Oliver turned away, but his shoulders were shaking.

  Mrs. Talbot stepped forward on Mother’s left. “What’s all the fuss? Haven’t you seen a duck’s tail feathers before?”

  Her face reddened. “But… I… if that’s what you’re calling—” She pointed. “—that.”

  Seeing oneself through others’ eyes was quite revealing. Even more, recognizing his own flaws when viewing his mother’s would have been disheartening, had he not determined to change.

  The ducks quacked and made their peculiar proop-proop sound as he watched them swim about. Strange that he could stand at the water’s edge and no longer feel intense fear of being so close to them. He still didn’t love it as Amelia did, but it was definitely an improvement.

  His mother had her handkerchief out, holding it over her nose.

  The pond was quite smelly.

  Conrad clapped his hands once. “Let’s carry on, shall we? We’re on a mission today, are we not?”

  “Yes.” Amelia grabbed his arm. “I want the reception to be at the Sanctuary, but still haven’t found that perfect place.”

  Mother grumbled and followed them back across the muddy grass, although she and Mrs. Talbot were consistently several paces behind the younger set.

  Next they came upon a larger pond. The goose pond. Conrad shivered as he remembered being submerged in the cold water in the not-so-distant past. His steps faltered, but once again Amelia yanked him forward, forcing him to face his winged nemesis.

  “Look.” Amelia pointed. “It’s that same goose. And…” She squinted. “It has my handkerchief. In its bill.”

  “Truly?” Conrad focused on the largest goose floating across the pond. It did indeed have a piece of pink cloth dangling from its bill. “It’s almost as if he’s taunting us with it.”

  “Too bad it’s ruined now, but I did love that handkerchief.” She gave Conrad’s hand a squeeze. “But don’t think I’ve forgotten your valiant efforts to make its recovery.”

  “I only wish I’d been successful.”

  She lowered her gaze to his lips. “You might not have been successful in the handkerchief’s retrieval, but I wouldn’t say you were unsuccessful.” Her lips curved in a smile.

  Was she remembering being flung atop him when she’d pulled him from the pond? Heat filled his core. “Ah… I see.”

  Lucy stepped beside Amelia. “Oh my, look at that.”

  Amelia peered at the water again. “You mean my handkerchief? Wait, is that goose wearing… a hat?”

  Lucy giggled. “Yes. That would be mine.”

  Oliver took his wife’s hand. “I can vouch for that.”

  “It’s true. Oliver tried so very hard to save my hat from the thieving goose, but all he ended up getting for his efforts was a fall in the pond.”

  He pressed his forehead against Lucy’s. “That’s not all I ended up with.” He smiled.

  Amelia raised her eyebrows and looked at Conrad. He shrugged. Seemed the goose was adept at not only thievery, but in bringing together couples, as well.

  A grove of trees shaded a large area to their right. Late season wildflowers of pink and yellow swayed in the gentle breeze a few yards away. The purring sound of turtledoves could be heard somewhere nearby. Conrad stopped and angled his head near Amelia’s. “What do you think?”

  She tapped her finger to her chin, spinning in a slow circle as she gazed up and down, right and left. “Yes. This might just do. It’s quiet and peaceful, with shelter from the sun or rain under the trees. I can hear the birds and see the flowers.” She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”

  Gasps arose from their mothers, who had finally caught up with them. Chubby fingers that Conrad recognized as his mother’s, wrapped around Amelia’s wrist to tug her away.

  “I’ll thank you, Miss Talbot, to kindly unhand my son. The earl.”

  Mrs. Talbot, not to be outdone, wagged her finger very near Conrad’s nose. “I’m sure you have something to do with this, Lord Lofton. You’ve obviously used your wiles on my daughter for her to react in such a way in public.”

  Mother number one and Mother number two then faced each other. They assumed identical poses. Feet set apart, Shoulders squared. Glares that could maim.

  Oh heavens! They look to be ready for a duel!

  Conrad and Oliver each took hold of one of Lady Lofton’s hands and pulled her away. Amelia and Lucy did the same with Mrs. Talbot. Conrad looked over his shoulder just as Amelia did the same. Their gazes met.

  What have we gotten ourselves into, Amelia?

  Chapter Twenty-five

  “Lord Lofton, someone is here to see you.” Giles had a look of distaste on his face.

  “Who is it, Giles?” Conrad looked up from buttoning his jacket.

  “She said her name was Miss Fletcher. She’s dressed as a commoner, so I cannot imagine her reason for simply appearing on your doorstep with a request to see you. Shall I send her away?” He turned partway back to the hall not even waiting for an answer of which he assumed would be assent.


  Giles stopped, angled back and raised his eyebrows. Would he think Conrad had reverted to his previous, grouchy self with the servants? That his recent kindness had been but a momentary lapse?

  “Pardon me, Giles, for my tone. But I wish to speak with her. Please show Miss Fletcher to the parlor. She is someone of great importance to me and may very well be a frequent visitor in the future. I would expect of you to be courteous to her.”

  With his eyebrows rising even higher, Giles blinked. “As you… wish, my lord.”

  Oh no… What I said might sound like she is my… That she and I… He held up his hand. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “It’s not my place to think anything about… anything, my lord.” He coughed and slid a gaze to his right. Was he longing to escape the uncomfortable conversation? To flee to safer ground?

  “Nevertheless, it’s not what you’re thinking. Please just show her to the parlor, see that she is comfortable and I’ll be there momentarily.”


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