Love Birds: The Complete Collection

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Love Birds: The Complete Collection Page 57

by Ruth J. Hartman

  “You are terrible. Rotten.”

  “Rotten? Like an egg?” He jiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  “If you will.”

  “What if I won’t?”

  “I really don’t know what to do with you.”

  “I can think of a few things, if you’re of a mind to hear them.” He closed his eyes halfway and leaned near her.

  “I’m not.”

  Daniel straightened. “Pity.”

  “For you.”

  “And you.”

  “And how might that be?” Not that she would mind being kissed by him. Not in the least.

  Daniel waved his hand. “Never mind… if you’re not interested, then I’m not going to divulge any of my secrets.”


  “A man needs to have some mystery.”

  “Is that so?” Leah narrowed her eyes.

  “Of course. Why else would women fall at our feet? We need something to keep them seeking out our attention. It they knew the truth of us, they might not want to keep our association.”

  “I see no one falling at your feet.” She glanced at his boots, trying hard not to smile.

  “Perhaps I’m not at my best today. Or they’ve all taken a holiday at the same time.”

  “I’ve never seen women fall at your feet.”

  “Would you care to—”


  “Sounds like the queen has spoken.”

  “I’m no queen. Only a lady’s companion.”

  “You’re beautiful enough to be considered royalty.”

  Leah waved a hand in his direction. “Go on with you. The things you say.”

  He shook his head sadly but barely suppressed a grin. “It’s as I said. I’m so misunderstood.”

  Putting merriment aside, Leah touched Daniel’s hand. “I wanted to thank you again for helping me with the gown. I could not have done it alone. It was quite the daunting task, was it not?”

  “You’re welcome. It was worth missing a whole night’s sleep to see you much relieved of your distress.” The corners of Daniel’s lips were no longer raised. His head tilted a little to the side as his eyes studied hers.

  “I believe you mean that.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Sometimes I wonder…” She angled slightly away to better see out the window, not wishing to finish her thought.


  Leah shook her head. Why had she brought it up? She loved his teasing side. But wouldn’t it be delightful if he were also sincere in his efforts to woo her? To be the sort of man she could depend on to take care of her and her family?

  Leah glanced back at him, afraid she’d hurt his feelings by not answering. But how was she to tell him what was in her heart? How she’d love nothing better than to sit closer to him, allow his kisses and caresses. However, common sense overrode her longings for physical touch.

  Daniel shrugged, edged closer to the opposite side of the carriage and closed his eyes. “Might as well take a nap, then.” He opened one eye, smiled, and then closed his eye again.

  Relief swept through her. At least he didn’t seem upset. Daniel was so sweet, so thoughtful. What other man would have stayed up the entire night helping her mend Cecilia’s dress? The idea had even been his suggestion. Her heart melted a little bit more when she thought of him bent over the fabric of the gown, squinting in the low light as he took slow, careful stitches so the dress wouldn’t look altered.

  Her heart longed to be with him, but Leah wasn’t confident in his returned feelings for her. Yes, he teased and flirted, even said he’d marry her if only she’d have him. But his constant light-heartedness sent off warning bells in her mind. If she did marry him and he didn’t feel the same way that she did, it would break her heart. Better not to attach herself to him in the first place.

  The bumping of the carriage along the road was like being pushed about in a pram. Soon, Leah’s eyes were heavy, as if something tugged her eyelids downward. She gave up trying to stay awake. Why bother, since Daniel had fallen asleep and was snoring anyway? She was so very tired from working the whole of the night prior. Sleep beckoned her like a warm embrace. Her last conscious thought was that it would be lovely to be held in Daniel’s arms every night of her life.



  She opened her eyes, blinking away blurriness. When her vision cleared, all she could see was black.


  Have I slept so long it’s now nightfall? The trip wasn’t to be that long. Has the coachman perhaps gotten us lost?

  Something touched her shoulder, and she jumped. A glance to the side showed Daniel’s hand. She straightened and peered down. The black was his coat that her face had been pressed against. How long had she slept practically in the man’s lap? What must he think? “Oh!” She pulled away from him and slid to the edge of the seat.

  “Pleasant sleep?”

  “I…” She smoothed her hand over the side of her hair. Was it crushed to her head? How lovely that must appear. She reached her hand to her lips and eyed her glove. Drool. Why did she have to do that when he was near? He’d think her nothing more than a toothless cow, its mouth watering for cud. Had she gotten any on his jacket? A quick peek didn’t show a damp area, but then his coat was black. Perhaps she’d been fortunate and hadn’t gotten the man wet.

  “I hated to wake you, but we’ve arrived.” His voice was low and gentle, nearly a whisper.

  The setting of the enclosed carriage and his nearness felt intimate. I mustn’t allow that. It can come to nothing between us. He only wants to play and be light-hearted. She needed to remove herself from his presence. At least being so close to him.

  “We have?” Leah leaned forward to see out the window, hoping the action would seem natural and not contrived to be exactly what it was — her wish to not have him so temptingly near.

  The carriage had stopped in the drive of the largest house she’d ever seen. A mansion. The Radcliff’s home was quite large, as was the Lofton estate where she had previously lived and worked. But this… She’d never seen the like.

  “You were sleeping so peacefully.”

  Leah gazed at Daniel, curious now about the circumstances in which she’d found herself a few moments ago. “And how was it I happened to awaken practically draped across you?”

  He lifted one shoulder in a shrug.

  “You have no knowledge? I suppose it occurred on its own?”

  “Maybe it was…” He twisted his mouth in concentration. “The wind?”

  Leah laughed. “The wind blew me into your chest?”

  “It could occur.” Daniel crossed his arms.

  “I think not.”

  “Leah, have you so little imagination that you couldn’t see something like that happening?”

  She poked him in the arm. “You, my good man, are mad.”

  “Don’t start comparing me to Percy again.”

  A giggle bubbled up from Leah’s chest. “Goodness, you can always make me see the humor in things.”

  “My inner jester is showing again, I take it.”

  “I’d say so. Why you’d even—” Leah jumped when a shuffle came from outside the carriage.

  “You two ready to depart the carriage?” Mr. Radcliff stood at the open door, his eyebrow lifted.

  “Oh. Yes.” Leah climbed down first and then Daniel. How embarrassing. What must he think of us?

  Daniel’s snicker from behind her didn’t alleviate Leah’s embarrassment in the least.

  Cecilia met her at the front of the carriage. “Did you enjoy your ride?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Are you certain?”

  Leah nodded.

  Cecilia took Leah’s arm and moved a few yards away from the men. “Has something happened?”

  “Not really… happened.”

  “Did Daniel… did he—”

  “Heavens no.” Although a part of her wished he had.

  “Then what has y
our face resembling a ripe strawberry?”

  Leah’s hands flew to her cheeks. “Is it?”

  “Something must have happened.”

  “Truly. Nothing. I, well, I did fall asleep.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. It was a long ride. I took a nap, myself.”

  “But… when I awoke, I was… somehow I had ended up—”

  Cecilia leaned closer and lowered her voice. “What is it? You can tell me.”

  “I was nestled against Daniel’s chest.”

  “Oh… my.”

  “Now you understand.”

  “Yes, but you say nothing happened.”

  “It didn’t.”

  Cecilia placed her hand briefly on Leah’s shoulder. “Then there’s no reason for concern, is there?”

  “But Daniel is having sport with me at my expense.”

  “Come now, my dear. From what you’ve told me, he does that often, does he not?”

  Leah let out a breath. “True.”

  “Had you expected anything less?” She raised both eyebrows.

  “I suppose not.” Expectations and wishes were often worlds apart.

  “There now, see? It’s all fine.” Cecilia kept hold of Leah’s arm and led her toward the house. “Mr. Radcliff said some grooms were at the ready to gather all of our things and deliver them to our rooms. Let’s go inside. I’ll acquaint myself with Lady Bradington and if you’d like, you can go to your room and rest for a while.”

  “Thank you. That would be nice.” Leah turned her head and peeked behind them. Daniel was talking to Mr. Radcliff beside the carriage. With Leah’s skin still sensitive with gooseflesh from being so near Daniel, suddenly all she wanted was to lie down and relax.

  Chapter Five

  Since the maid had stepped out on an errand for Cecilia, Leah finished doing up the buttons on Cecilia’s dress. “There now. As beautiful as ever.”

  Cecilia smiled. “Thank you. And you are beautiful, as well. It won’t be long before the right man comes along and steals your heart.”

  He already has. It’s not meant to be. But she only nodded. What good did it do to keep bemoaning the fact that the man she loved wasn’t the right choice for her circumstances?

  Cecilia smoothed down the lace above her wrist. “A large party of us will be visiting Lord Bradington’s boat. He’ll take us for rides around the lake. Would you like to come along?”

  “You and Mr. Radcliff go ahead. Perhaps I’ll take a stroll by myself, clear some of the cobwebs from my thoughts.”

  “I’m assuming the cobwebs might be about Daniel?”


  “Are you certain he doesn’t desire to marry you?”

  Leah nodded. “I keep thinking that if that was his intent, he would have made it clear by now. Aside from that, I’ve come upon him several times when he’s been teasing some of the maids. It sounded very much like he does with me, so I’m not at all sure that the way he is with me is anything special.”

  Cecilia took Leah’s hands in hers, giving them a gentle squeeze. “My dear friend, don’t lose heart. The perfect man is out there for you. I promise.”

  “How can you promise?” Oh that it would be true.

  “Because for someone as beautiful, giving, and caring as you, a happy ending cannot help but happen.”

  Leah chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

  With a laugh, Cecilia waved and headed for the door. “Believe me, dear Leah, I feel strongly that love is in your near future.” With a swish of her skirts, Cecilia turned the corner into the hall.

  Not wanting to waste another moment in the stuffy house, Leah checked her hair in the looking glass and then hurried from the room.

  The house was so large she feared getting lost in one of the many hallways. She could hear the gossips now. Did you hear? Miss Hunter, friend of Mrs. Radcliff, died of starvation after losing her way in Lord Bradington’s estate.

  Surely it wouldn’t come to that. Would it?

  “Going somewhere?”

  Leah gasped and turned. “Daniel!” At first she’d been startled. But when her heartbeat slowed, she felt a wonderful warmth flow through her. How did he have the power to turn her insides to the consistency of pudding?

  “Would you like some company?”

  Leah found herself nodding. “That would be lovely.” What am I about? I’m doing the very thing I know I shouldn’t.

  Daniel placed his fingers at the small of her back. “It’s right through here, then we turn left, left again, and then right.”

  “How do you remember that? Have you been to the Bradington’s on a previous occasion?”

  “No. Perhaps men are—”

  “Don’t you dare finish that thought, Daniel Barlow.”


  “Were you or were you not going to imply that men are smarter than women?”

  One side of his mouth rose in a mischievous grin. “It wouldn’t have been an implication. I only speak the truth.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Of course.”

  Leah bristled at his words but just as quickly laughed. “I know you’re teasing me.”

  “How did you know?” He leaned closer. “Tell me so I can avoid giving myself away in the future.”

  She stole a glance at his lips. “One side of your mouth rises when you’re telling an untruth.”

  “It does?”


  “Hmmm. And… which side might that be?”

  Leah’s gaze lowered again to Daniel’s mouth, which at the moment was awash in a wide smile on both sides. “That one.”

  “Sorry. Don’t know which one you mean.”

  Knowing she shouldn’t but unable to resist, Leah touched her finger to the left side of Daniel’s lips. The skin was soft, while the area above it tickled her finger where a half-day’s worth of stubble appeared.

  No. I can’t do this. I mustn’t.

  She removed her finger but was still within a few inches of Daniel’s mouth when his fingers closed around hers.

  “Leah, there’s something about you. Something that draws me in. Makes me want to—”

  “Want to…”

  Daniel leaned closer, his gaze taking in her eyes then lowering to her lips.

  He means to kiss me. Her heart raced. Heat swept through her core. She closed her eyes, wanting to feel the touch of his lips against hers more than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Wait, Leah. You can’t. It won’t last and kissing him will get you nowhere.

  She placed her hands on Daniel’s chest, halting his actions. “I… I can’t.”

  “You can’t?”

  She took at step away. “I’m sorry.”

  He blinked. “So am I. More than you could know.”

  I do know. Believe me. “I was actually on my way out for a stroll.” She pointed vaguely toward a window. “Perhaps we can speak at another time?”

  Daniel frowned. “Of course.”

  The grounds were alive with groups of guests playing games. Pall Mall, Battledore and Shuttlecock, and challenges of whist were being played at tables set up in one of the gardens.

  The sun, bright and hot, beat down on Leah’s shoulders. She’d remembered to don her hat but, in her haste to leave the house, had forgotten her parasol, much to her chagrin. But out here was worse. She reached into her reticule and pulled out her fan, giving her face a few swishes of air. It didn’t do much good, just moved the hot air around a little.

  With a sigh, Leah headed past the noisy groups of people and walked along a path that wound around through a copse of shady trees. After she walked several minutes, the sounds of the others could barely be heard. A smile crossed her lips as a small songbird trilled something to Leah’s left and another bird answered from several yards away. So sweet. Were the birds speaking to each other about where to build their nest?

  A branch snapped on the ground somewhere behind her. She whirled around, relieved when she saw wh
o it was. “Daniel, did you follow me?”

  He stepped closer. “What would ever give you that idea?”

  Leah raised one eyebrow and shook her head. “You shouldn’t be out here walking with me. Someone might see us.”

  Daniel pointed over his shoulder. “We’re too far away. No one will know. Would you mind terribly if I walked with you?” He tilted his head a little to the side, looking more adorable than usual.

  She was nearly defenseless in the wake of his charms, but she’d not let him know that. She huffed out a breath. “I suppose it would be all right, as long as no one sees.”

  He smiled. “Wonderful.” Then he took off at a fast clip, making it difficult for Leah to keep up.

  “If you wish for me to accompany you, you’ll need to slow down.”

  Daniel stopped and shaded his eyes with his hand. “Of course I want to walk with you. I’m sorry if I moved too quickly.”

  “It felt more like running than walking.”

  “You know what would accomplish our goal without you having to exert too much energy?”

  I know I’ll regret asking this… “What might that be?”

  He stepped closer. “I could always carry you.”

  Leah stepped back and put out her hands. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I wouldn’t?”

  “Daniel…” She glanced around to make sure no one else had followed them along the path. “Don’t. Please.”

  He let out a sigh. “But it would have been so enjoyable.”


  He snickered. “Very well.” He held out his arm to her.

  Leah stared at it as if she’d never seen one before. Taking his arm on a stroll felt too familiar.

  “Leah, ’tis only in the interest of benefiting you. This way, I can help you keep up.”

  She eyed him. His half-smile was absent. “I suppose.”

  “Excellent.” His white teeth gleamed in the bright light of the day.

  Birds called to each other from treetops and bushes. A brown bird darted in front of them so close that Leah gasped and grabbed Daniel’s arm tighter.

  He stopped. “Not afraid of a tiny bird, are you?”

  “No. I like birds. Just wasn’t certain if that one would hit us or not.”

  “I like them too.”

  “Since I acted as a chaperone to Mr. and Mrs. Radcliff before they wed, I was fortunate enough to visit the Regent’s Park Sanctuary. It’s such a beautiful place.”


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