Heir to the Sundered Crown (The Sundered Crown Saga)

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Heir to the Sundered Crown (The Sundered Crown Saga) Page 30

by Matthew Olney

  Luxon smiled at his friends.

  “I wish. I’m just glad to be home.”

  “A lot of things will change now that there is a wizard back in the world,” the Nightblade said. “The mages will no doubt elect you as their new leader.”

  Luxon looked away awkwardly.

  “I don’t know about that. I just want to go home and have a long rest.”

  “Back to Hannah more like,” Yepert chimed in.

  The boy hadn’t left Luxon’s side since Cliria’s defeat. He had vowed to never let his friend out of sight again.

  “Where’s Kaiden?” Luxon asked flashing his friend a grin.

  “He’s not left Alira’s side since the battle. With his order wiped out he’s got a lot of thinking to do,” Ferran replied.

  They looked up as Davik approached them a wide smile on his face. In his arms was a small boy.

  “The Prince here wanted to meet the mighty wizard,” he said jovially. Luxon shook the boy’s hand causing the prince to giggle in delight. The others bowed.

  “It is an honour to meet you my King,” Luxon said smiling at the boy. “I hear it was you who scared off Danon. I’d love to know how you managed that,” he added.

  “I used this!” the boy said with a laugh. In his hands was a stone covered in runes. The shape of a sword glowing faintly on its surface.

  “May I?” Luxon asked. The boy frowned a moment before handing over the stone. Luxon gasped. As soon as he touched it he felt powerful magic coursing through it.

  A vision flashed into his mind.

  ‘A golden sword cast back a cloud of darkness, images of a ruined tower nestled in the heart of a dark forest. Serpents writhed and fought; men in strange armour march over desolate battlefields and wage war. A huge lock with a square shaped lock, the stone belongs within it on the other side of a mighty stone door lies the sword of the gods.’

  Luxon staggered backwards dropping the stone.

  “What is it?” Yepert asked his tone full of worry. He took Luxon by the arm and held him steady.

  Luxon looked at Davik.

  “It’s a key...” He muttered. He shook his head to clear it. “Keep that stone safe.”

  Davik raised an eyebrow. He lent down and picked up the stone. Alderlade snatched it back to hold it tightly to his chest.

  “Whatever you say...wizard,” the old warrior replied uncertainly.




  Cheering crowds lined the streets of the capital, ticker tape streamers filled the air and fireworks exploded noisily casting dazzling light above the city.

  Coming down the main avenue which led to the city’s heart was a procession led by Archbishop Trentian. The old man held his head high as he walked, his long gold inlaid ceremonial robes glinting in the hot midday sun. A smile was on his face as he savoured the joy coming from Sunguard’s citizens. The tyrant Rason was gone and the true heir would sit upon the throne.

  Behind were a hundred other priests in similar garb and behind them was a large horse drawn carriage. Inside sat Elena, Davik and the soon to be anointed King Alderlade the First. The little boy waved happily at the crowds.

  Behind the carriage rode the Barons of Champia, Bison, Blackmoor and Robinta. Each man wore their finest clothes and each had a highly polished sword on their hip. The child baron of Balnor rode alongside them his face red with embarrassment.

  Noticeable by his absence was the Baron of Retbit.

  Luxon and the others were amongst the excited crowds.

  He felt pride at having achieved what he had done.

  There would be a new King, one that would be guided by wise and noble men and one that would give hope to the people.

  “Retbit didn’t yield,” Ferran muttered darkly. “The fool will still press his claim.”

  “With the rest of the realm arrayed against him Retbit will not last long,” Kaiden said placing a hand on the Nightblades shoulder.

  “He still has a large army and rumours abound that fell things are afoot in his lands.”Ferran replied.

  Since his rout from Caldaria the baron’s forces had been mysteriously quiet. Even with Balnor weak as it was the forces of Retbit had not crossed the Ridder River. Something was amiss.

  Luxon’s thoughts drifted to Accadus.

  Now that he knew that it had been Danon whispering to him he felt uneasy. The Dark wizard had told him to spare his foe in Caldaria. Accadus had a part yet to play he had said. Luxon kept his concerns to himself.


  Davik lifted Alderlade up and placed him gently on the huge throne before bowing deeply and taking his seat next to Elena in the front row.

  The boy looked tiny, his little legs unable to reach the marble floor.

  Archbishop Trentian smiled at the grizzled warrior. In his hands shone the King’s stone which he placed at the thrones base. A priest stepped forward and carefully handed him a golden crown.

  Gently Trentian placed the too big crown upon the wriggling boys head. Alderlade cooed in wonder as the gold circlet touched his head.

  “Alderlade, son of our beloved King Rendall and his sole surviving heir, you are the rightful bearer of the Sundered Crown. As it did back in the days of the first kings the crown symbolises the reunification of a divided people, now it does so again.”

  The Archbishop then turned to address the packed cathedral.

  “Here sits our new King. As he is so young he will need a guide, a mentor to teach him how to rule, a noble to teach him wisdom and justice. Which of you will do this?”

  A silence replied. Sat in the front row were Elena and Davik. Next to them were Luxon and his friends. All eyes went to Davik, who sputtered and shook his head.

  “I cannot...” he stuttered his face going red.

  Elena laughed.

  “No greater teacher could a King wish for,” she said gently.

  The crowd began to chant his name until it grew into a roar of noise. Trentian laughed and banged his crook onto the floor to quiet the crowd. He looked at Davik with a smirk.

  “It seems Davik that the people have chosen you to become regent until our King comes of age. Do you accept this great responsibility?”

  Davik coughed. He was stunned. A wealth of emotions crossed his features as his mind raced. Eventually his expression firmed.

  “With great humility I accept,” he answered.

  The crowd cheered.

  Once again Trentian banged his crook on the marble floor.

  “We have a Regent. Now we must have a privy council. Who do you choose to rule alongside you until our King comes of age?”

  Davik looked to the crowd.

  “I anoint the Barons who have proven their loyalty to the crown,” he began pointing to the gathered Barons sat in the second row. Each man stood and bowed including the child baron of Balnor. “And I also choose the one who saved us all so that we can be here today. I anoint the wizard. Luxon Edioz,”

  Luxon’s eyes widened as he heard his name. Murmurs of discontent spread through the crowd.

  The Archbishop stepped forward annoyance on his face. He leant close to Davik.

  “Are you sure? He is a magic user. You know the law. No magic can be practised outside of Caldaria. It is only because of the dire situation in Eclin that he and his fellow magic users have not been arrested already!”

  Luxon stood and took a deep breath.

  “I have to decline.’ He began slowly, ‘Perhaps someday our new King will change the law that discriminates against my kind, but until that day I will respect the law,” he said sombrely.

  The rest of the ceremony passed without incident.

  Luxon and the others filed out of the cathedral the fresh air was a welcome relief from the stuffy darkness of the old building.

  “I cannot believe it!” Sophia growled. “After all you did...”

  Luxon smiled. “You cannot blame them. The scars of the Magic Wars run deep and they do have a point. All that tran
spired was because of magic, besides I have other things I need to do.”

  Yepert looked at his friend in surprise.

  “Like what? I thought we were going back to Caldaria?”

  Luxon smiled at his friends.

  “Cliria told me that my mother yet lives. I have to find her, I need to know that she is safe,” he replied.

  “Well you’re not going anywhere without me.” Yepert said stubbornly.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Luxon laughed.


  Luxon and Yepert said their goodbyes to their comrades and made their way out of the capital. The sun shone brightly in the sky and the birds chirped happily as they flitted to and fro.

  They walked along the King’s road until they reached the top of a nearby hill. The view was breathtaking. The tall spire of Sunguard stood proud and strong and the turquoise waters of the flowing Ridder River glistened in the sunshine.

  Sat at the top of the hill was Umbaroth. The dragon had made itself scarce after the events in Eclin. Already men had been drafted to hunt down the dragons that had escaped the void.

  Luxon smiled at his old friend. The long years he had experienced in the void had made their bond strong.

  “My friend,” he greeted happily.

  Umbaroth lowered his head so that it rested on the ground.

  “I’m afraid that this is where we part ways young wizard,” the dragon said a hint of sadness in his deep rumbling voice.

  Luxon’s smile faded.

  “Come with us,” he said hopefully.

  Umbaroth shook his massive head side to side.

  “I cannot. For the first time in countless ages my kind is back where it belongs. Many of my kin will be lost and confused. I must find them and keep them safe. I will find us a home, one where we can fly in the blue freely and without fear.”

  Luxon nodded in understanding. He placed a hand on the dragon’s snout.

  “I understand. May you be successful in your quest old friend,” he said wiping his eyes as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

  Umbaroth reared back so that he stood at his full height. He flapped his great wings and took the skies.

  “If you ever need me, you know how to summon me!” Umbaroth said as he flew off into the clear blue sky.



  Accadus sat on his father’s throne. At his feet lay the body of the man who had raised him, the blood oozing from his bloated corpse still warm.

  “It is done then?” a voice said from the shadows.

  Accadus wiped the blood stained dagger on his cloak before sheathing it into his belt.

  “It is,” he said coldly.

  A figure stepped out of the darkness a wicked grin splitting his face. His golden armour glinted in the candle light, his face hidden in shadow.

  “Excellent. You will take his place as ruler of Retbit. Eclin was a setback but this...this could work in our favour. What of your brother?”

  Accadus snorted derisively; “His head is on a spike outside the city walls. He wanted to pledge loyalty to the child king I did not.”

  “Good, good. We will bide our time. There are allies I shall seek out and when the time is right it will begin in earnest,” the figure said darkly.

  “What will begin?” Accadus asked.

  The figure smiled.

  “The true war for the Sundered Crown of course. The war that will see darkness reclaim the world. I will teach you and you will be my apprentice, my most powerful weapon. ”

  “Yes... my master,” Accadus said bowing deeply.

  The End

  A brief history of Delfinnia and the world of Esperia


  Part 1- Creation and origins (2,000ABT- 1 year OM)

  This period is also known as the age of myths, none of what follows has been proven to be real aside from the tale of Danon.

  The Gods

  In the beginning of the universe there was nothing but darkness. Sitting alone in the empty cold was Aniron the first of the Gods. She floated throughout the blackness, sad that she could not see. Boredom was her nemesis and so to entertain herself she clapped her hands and created the stars. With light she could see, but still she was not impressed. So she decided to create the worlds. For eons she flitted from world to world marvelling at their wonders but still she was not impressed. So she decided to create life. If she could exist, then why couldn’t others? She wanted to share what she had made. So she took a part of her essence and gave birth to other gods to keep her company.


  For a while the new gods played and were happy amongst the stars and worlds that Aniron had created, but one, her eldest son grew sad. Vectrix grew jealous of Aniron’s creations and wished for the power to create as she had done. One day when Aniron was walking on the world of Esperia, her favourite, Vectrix came to her.

  “Why can only you create?” he asked of his mother. ‘I too want to create, I want your power, for I have visions of such wonder and beauty that it would make you weep.”

  Aniron smiled at her son. She took his head in her hands and kissed him deeply. The two made love on the surface of Esperia, their lovemaking creating life in the process. After they were done Aniron held Vectrix in her arms and whispered; “Look what we have created, new life that is not god, but beautiful nonetheless.”

  Vectrix watched in awe at the life that had appeared. Beasts of all kinds roamed Esperia, the oceans were full of fish, the skies of birds and the land flourished with flowers and beauty. He wept.

  “This is beautiful indeed.’ He said ‘but it is not mine. This is your favourite world.’ His voice grew louder, creating the winds, and his tone grew angry creating the mountains as it cracked the land. “You tricked me into making life on your world, the power is still yours!” he cried.

  Angry at Aniron’s betrayal he reached down and snapped off the top of the tallest mountain. With all his might he hurled it at his mother striking her down. In his rage Vectrix stole his mother’s power; the wounded Aniron was powerless to stop him. He absorbed her until there was nothing left but her voice on the winds. Realising what he had done Vectrix fled Esperia and cowered.

  The Heavens war

  When the other gods discovered what Vectrix had done they wept. Their sorrow was replaced with rage and greed. Aniron’s power was up for grabs, if Vectrix could take it for himself then what was stopping them from acquiring it from him?

  God slaughtered god, as each battled for the right to kill Vectrix and take their mothers power. The universe which Aniron had created was torn asunder as worlds were destroyed and stars extinguished. Finally, after eons of fighting only three gods remained.

  Vectrix, Rindar and Esperin were the final gods left standing. Vectrix had not been idle during the war. In his hidden sanctuary of the world of Vectra the god had been busy using his mother’s power. He created the void, his own universe which housed beasts of his creation. Instead of being beautiful his creations were twisted and evil, his rage having corrupted his mother’s power. He used his monsters to enslave the other worlds until only Esperia remained.

  Rindar and Esperin defended their mother’s world from their vile brother’s hoards but they were not strong enough to oppose him. The three gods battled in the skies of the world until Rindar was struck down. To stop Vectrix the god of Light came up with a plan.

  “We must become one to defeat evil” he told his sister. Esperin was the goddess of darkness and despite her powers she was no match for Vectrix. She joined with Rindar, light and dark merged into one to become Chiaroscuro.

  The new god battled Vectrix, wiping out his monsters and casting them into the universe between, the void. However, despite their combined might the new god could not destroy Vectrix. It was a stalemate.

  To break the deadlock in their struggle the two gods met on Esperia. There they agreed to a challenge. Vectrix lent some of Aniron’s essence to Chiaroscuro.

  “I will prove t
o you that my creations are worthy of life.” Vectrix said. “Use the power I granted you to see if you are worthy of this gift you seek. Seeing no other way to break the deadlock Chiaroscuro agreed.

  Vectrix created the Necrist. Millions of the hideous creatures burst from the dead things of the world.

  “I bring life from death” Vectrix boasted.

  Chiaroscuro thought for a long time at what to make. Finally the god created something that combined the essence of both light and darkness. Man.

  The first men were tall, strong and embued with power. To give their new creations the power to defeat the Necrist Chiaroscuro granted them some of its own power in the form of magic.

  Man waged war with the Necrist. Using magic the first men destroyed the Necrist banishing the beasts to the Void. The war had taken a heavy toll on Chiaroscuro’s creation. Out of the millions that had been created only two men remained, Niveren and Danon. Niveren was the embodiment of Light whilst Danon was of the dark.

  “We have won the challenge brother.” Chiaroscuro said. “Too much death has resulted from this war. Instead of killing you we will allow you to slink to your own creation and remain there till the end of time.”

  And so it was that Vectrix was banished to the Void and Chiaroscuro became the one god of the universe.

  Niveran and Danon

  As reward for their victory against Vectrix the two men were showered with gifts from their god. The most important being the creation of women to keep them company and to ensure that Mankind would last. Niverin was given Esma as his wife whilst Danon was given Cliria.

  A few years after the war the two men settled down. Niveren raised a family and prospered but to Danon’s dismay he remained fatherless. Cliria was sad that she was unable to have children, both of them prayed to god but no answer came to them. Niveren meanwhile had founded a city on the top of the mountain which Vectrix had snapped in two when he killed his mother. The city was named Sunguard and the children of Niveren prospered.

  “Why have I been forsaken? Did I not fight as well as my brother?” Danon cried to the heavens. “Why has my brother been blessed and I have not!”


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