Demons (Devil's Reach Book 2)

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Demons (Devil's Reach Book 2) Page 19

by J. L. Drake

  “If you ever need anything, you know we could use you at the house.”

  I smiled at his offer. “Appreciate that, but I think it’s better for me to stay down here and you up there.” I knew he got my reference. Too many skeletons kept me rooted in the dirt.

  “The offer doesn’t expire.”

  “Good to know. Oh,” I pulled out my phone and brought up a still shot from the club’s outside cameras, “know who this is?”

  Mike took it from my hand an examined the image. “No, but if you send it to me, I can look into it.”

  “Yeah, okay. He said his name was Zay. Said he knew Tess’s mother, and we both know him from somewhere.” I sent it to his phone.

  “I’ll see what I can dig up.”

  I offered my hand—not something I did. He blinked before he took it. Mike had been a loyal friend to me for years and had helped me out even when he shouldn’t have.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  I glanced over at Tess, her face lit up with excitement as she talked with her book friends, and nodded.

  “Does your sixty-some-year-old father really want to fight you publicly?”


  “You don’t think he’s planning on bringing anyone else in?”

  “Despite his huge ego, I’m sure there’s someone or something else coming.”

  “Why not grab him right before?”

  “My father is all about the attention, the performance, and the win. To bring him to his knees and prove I’m better is the victory I want. Whether it’s with him or some jacked-up asshole he brings in.”

  “Then what?”

  I allowed myself a moment to relish the darkness inside, my mood shifted, and I felt the old urge to hurt him fill me. “Then I kill him.”

  “What about everyone else?”

  “My father has something on Doyle. He made that clear at the station. I just need to know what it is, so I can swing the power to my side. As for Detective Aaron, he was working for Clark to get Tess back. They have something on me, but I’m working on that.”

  “Any idea what it is?”

  “Yeah, I might. You remember when that strip joint Billy owned went up in flames a few years back? There was a huge explosion, and they lost millions in their meth lab.”

  Mike thought for a moment. “Ah, yeah, bunch of guys were killed when it exploded, but quite a few more were trapped down below. Burned to death or something? Santa Barbara?”

  “Yeah, well, I was in town that week for something else. A friend asked me to pay Billy a visit to discuss something. Things went south, but I left before anything went down. Billy was a piece of shit and not worth my time. I just did it for a favor.”

  “Any witnesses?”

  “Just one, but she went MIA, and no one else would talk. It was ruled an accident, but my guess would be they have photos of me that day.”

  “Shit, seriously?”

  “Look,” I leaned in closer, “we both know I don’t kill sloppy. When I do, I do it right. I walked into that one. Bad timing.”

  “You trust that friend who asked you for the favor?”

  For a split second, I hesitated, but shook off the feeling. “I do. But it’s no secret many people want to see me dead. If the info was brought to the cops and put the right way, it could look bad.”

  Mike dropped his head and squeezed his eyes shut and sighed.

  “And Doyle? Any ideas what he has on him?”

  “Doyle is a power trippin’ little asshole who hides behind his badge. He’s just lookin’ to make my life shit. He’s the least of my problems.”

  Mike grabbed some peanuts from the bowl on the bar and peered over at me.

  “Say it.”

  He half smiled. “And for the elephant in the room? You think she’s safe?”


  “Your father knows how you feel about her. You don’t keep women around, and you’ve never done something like this.” He full-out smiled and waved at his friends.

  I ran my hand down my beard and wished she’d never come to the church that day. Maybe the devil wouldn’t have seen my fear.

  “She can always come back with us, you know.”

  “I’ve thought about that.”

  “Where can I go?” Tess asked. Shit, the girl moved fast. She shouldn’t be eavesdropping or butting in my conversations. She needed to know her place.

  “You don’t listen or interrupt me when I’m in a meeting.” I grew angry fast. “You need to learn your role, dammit, Tess.”

  “And what is that, exactly?” Her hands flew to hips, and her eyes shot fire.

  “You’re the girl I’m fucking. Not an old lady or—” I stopped myself when I heard my own words echo back at me. Fuck my father. My own temper was going to kill me.

  “Well, the girl you’re just fucking,” her eyes seemed to change, “wants to thank you for your thoughtful gift.”

  I took a moment to calm myself. I knew I needed to back off here, but the grin on Mike’s face pissed me off.

  “Mike,” I controlled the urge to punch something, “offered his safe house for you until this shit with my father ends.”

  Tess’s face softened, and her posture relaxed. She smiled sweetly over at Mike. He was enjoying this way too much.

  “I deeply appreciate the offer, Mike, more than you know, but for now, I’m fine at the club.”

  “Not your choice to make, sweetheart.” I ground my teeth.

  Her eyes flickered over to mine. “Funny how I just made it, honey.”

  “Tess,” I warned.

  “Trigger.” She matched my tone.

  Mike snorted a laugh as she walked back to the table. “You’re fucked, Trig!”

  We ordered another round and joined the others at the table. Tess was in the middle of a story Mark found hysterically funny. Cole had his arm around Savannah, and they both laughed, engulfed in her story as well. I felt Mike’s eyes on me and squinted at him, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

  Once Tess was finished, she looked back at me and smiled. Her eyes raked across my face.

  “Tess,” Mike called, “can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “There’s something to your story at the church that confused me.”

  Tess stood straight. I knew it wasn’t a topic she liked to talk about.

  She cleared her throat. “Okay.”

  “You got to the church by hiding in the ammo truck, right?”


  Mike nodded. “You slipped out and raced into the church, where you found Trigger and Allen talking?”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “But then you went to the bus station.”

  She shook her head. “No, I went to the trailer to grab my stuff, and then went to the bus station.”

  “But how did you get there?”

  Her slim fingers skimmed down the long stem of the champagne glass as she considered her answer. “When I raced down the driveway, I ran into Tristan. He freaked out that I was there and took me back to the trailer.”

  “Really?” First I’d heard about this.

  She nodded at me before she turned back to Mike. “I grabbed all my stuff, and when I went to find Gus, Big Joe said he’d give me a lift.”

  The table went quiet, and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

  “Wonder why that was never shared?” Mike glanced at me.

  “That’s Joe for you. He’s loyal where loyalty needs to be. He did nothing wrong,” Tess said. “He wanted to stop me, but I told him I was leaving with either his help or with Loose.” She peeked at me over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Trigger, but I played dirty, and even he said you’d kill him if he took me. I promised I’d never tell, but to get me out of there.”

  My mouth went dry. Big Joe had always been loyal, but I knew he did bend the rules at times. I knew the club always came first with him, but the fact that he knew where she was when I was flipping out fucki
ng bothered me. I wasn’t done with him.

  “If you’re going to be mad at someone, it should be me. He saw the situation for what it was and did what he thought you’d want him to do.”

  “Well,” Savannah broke the tension, “I don’t know about you guys, but I could use some food.”

  “Music to my ears.” Mark snatched up the menu and started to prattle off the appetizers.

  Tess leaned back in her chair and looked up at me. I knew she was worried, and in a way, it showed me how much she had protected my club by protecting one of the family.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “He should’ve told me.”

  Her eyes closed, and I saw how much it bothered her. Without thinking, I rested my heavy hand on hers. She glanced down at the contact and slowly laced her fingers through mine. I tensed but didn’t pull away.

  I tuned back to Mark speaking with the waiter. “Mozza sticks—no, wait—sweet potato fries. No, you know what? Just bring one of everything.”

  “Watch your fingers when you place it in front of him,” Keith joked. “He has sharp teeth.”

  “I have a healthy appetite.” Mark shrugged. “Don’t project your negativity on me just because I can eat whatever I want and look this fabulous.”

  Keith stuck a finger in his face. “What did I tell you about using the word ‘fabulous’ outside the house?”

  Jesus Christ, you’d think they were married.

  “Yeah,” Cole laughed, “I really need to second that shit.”

  Mark rolled his eyes but rubbed his stomach when the plates arrived.

  Tess appeared right at home with everyone, and she and Savannah seemed to like each other. They were all good guys, and I could understand why Mike fit in. He was lot more outgoing than I would ever be. My bike and bar were my comfort zone. I liked space and didn’t have much to say in a group. Never did.

  The girls went to the bathroom, and Keith and Mike were talking. I finally relaxed and got out my phone.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Trigger was alone at the table when I returned. Savi took a call from Abigail, who was watching Olivia, and needed a few minutes.

  “How are you doing?” I shifted into my seat next to him.

  He tucked his phone away and leaned his arms on his knees to rub his face. “Fine.”

  I wondered if he was still angry that I hadn’t told him about Joe. As always, he was hard to read. I decided to probe a bit. “You and Mike have a good chat?”


  I took a sip of my drink, but decided to keep at it, even though I risked poking the beast.

  “I know you don’t like crowds.”


  “So, why did you do this?” I wanted him to say it was for me. Just once, I’d love him to say he was thinking about me out loud.

  His attention was glued to the door. “Mike wanted a meeting, and he thought you should come along.”

  “So, it was all his idea to bring Savannah and Cole and the guys.”

  Throw me some kind of bone here, dude, just a little shred of emotion.

  “You got something you wanna ask, Tess, just ask it.” He stunned me for a moment. Shit, let’s dance!

  “I want to know why you did all this.” I slapped my hand on the table to make him look at me. His eyes flickered with anger. I knew he hated when I took control. “Give me the truth.”


  “Why not?” I challenged.

  “Jesus, Tess, not here.” He glanced around.

  I was never the girl who made a scene in public, or even remotely liked drama, but I really wanted him to say he had done something nice for me. It seemed important for him to say it out loud.

  “Sorry, guys.” Cole was suddenly at the far end of the table. “Don’t meant to cut the evening short, but we need to go.”

  Savannah grabbed her purse and waited for me to stand. “Story of my life, but I wouldn’t change a moment of it.” She hugged me like she really meant it. “I’ll call you. Happy late birthday, Tess. It was really nice getting to know you.”

  “You too, Savi.” I really did mean it. “Thanks for everything.”

  The guys all wrapped me in bear hugs before they disappeared, and I was left with the memory of the nicest gift anyone had ever given me and the moody gift-giver.

  I grabbed my stuff and pushed my chair in. “I think I’ll walk back.” Before he could speak, I headed for the door. I didn’t get far before I heard him behind me. His arm swiped around my waist and pulled me hard against a wall. Trigger trapped my arms and pressed them back against the cold concrete.

  “I don’t do drama. I don’t do public fights—”

  “I’m not asking for a high school relationship, Trigger!” I snapped, knowing it pissed him off. “I just want you to know that I know I’m more to you than just a fuck buddy. You know my history, and you still care about me. I need to know I count for something in this fucked up world! I know you get that, Trigger, because you just proved it to me by what you did back there.”

  He grabbed my chin and held my head in place. His eyes burned into mine. He struggled for words then dropped his hands. Just as I thought he would walk away, he spoke with his back turned to me.

  “You know I’m not good at all this feeling shit. I’ve never had to explain myself to anyone before. I feel this way, I feel that way. Fuck. You are my woman. That’s enough.” He shook his head.

  Suddenly, it dawned on me. “I get a question that you can’t veto, and you have to answer.”

  His mouth opened to say something, but he quickly shut it.

  “I told you my deepest, darkest secret. That took me out of my comfort zone, and you promised me a question back.”

  He cursed then shook his head for me to go on.

  I couldn’t help but feel the power, but there was still a part of me that was frightened to hell.

  “Tell me why you came back for me.”

  He didn’t move. Said nothing.

  “Never mind, Trigger. Just drop it. I guess I just wanted more.” I knew I wouldn’t get any farther, and now we were both pissed off. I wished I had let it go.

  I started back toward the club. I struggled with the fact I let myself feel something, only to get rejected. We both agreed we wanted nothing from each other. So, what the hell was I doing?

  I needed to stop pushing him or I would be seen as another Peggy, and that would be the end of us—no, the end of me.

  I had to accept him for what he was. I had to get over my pity party and learn my place with him. I had the club and Brick. They were all family now.

  When I got back, I noticed I was alone. I was so consumed with my thoughts I assumed he was behind me.

  When I walked in, Big Joe’s forehead creased as he pushed off from his post and looked around.

  “You by yourself?”

  “Just needed the quiet.”

  He turned back around to me, his head slightly tilted like he was listening to something. “Where’s Trigger?”

  “I think he went to visit Mud or something.”

  His puffy eyebrow rose to question my lie.

  I pointed over my shoulder. “Brick inside?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded, but when I attempted to move, he blocked my path. “Everything good? Trigger seem okay to you tonight?”

  “Same as normal. Why?”

  “He didn’t mention anything to you?”


  “Like…” He shook his head. “Never mind.” He opened the door, and I moved inside. I was too mentally fried to ask what the hell he meant. “Watch your step.”

  My foot stepped down into something tacky, and then my eyes took in the mess.

  “Oh, my God.”

  The place was trashed. Beer bottles were everywhere, not a table was clean, and all the guys were piss loaded drunk.

  “Tess!” Rail called out from beneath a chick who looked half his age. “Girl, you missed out on one hell of a night.

  “I can,” I paused to kick a pink bra out of my way, “see that.”

  “Please tell me you got my text!” Brick said from the booth. Minnie was passed out next to him.

  “No.” I shook my head but froze when I saw Fin under the pool table with his blanket and book, looking at pictures.

  It was past midnight. Why was he here? Where the hell was Vib?

  “We had a party.” Rail laughed from somewhere.

  No shit.

  I headed for my room, ignoring the others who wanted me to join them. I changed into yoga pants, a tank top, and a big, comfy sweater. I grabbed a blanket and pillow and set the box of books on my shelf for later.

  My phone buzzed with an incoming message.

  Savannah: Hey, I’ll be in town next week. We should meet up.

  Oh, that would be fun.

  Tess: Sure, call me with the details.

  Savannah: Will do!

  I went back out and reached for Fin under the table. “Fin, come with me.”

  I wondered where his brother was and headed outside where it was quiet and clean.

  “Where’s Denton?”

  “He’s with Aunt Jaqueline. Mom is sick.” I wiped the snot from his nasty little nose.

  “Why didn’t you go with them?”

  “I don’t like to go with her. I like to be with Uncle Trig.”

  I lifted him up on the back of Trigger’s pickup then hopped in and covered us both with the fuzzy blanket. The pillow was tucked behind us, and I took the book from his hands.

  “What are you reading?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know, but I like the pictures. This one,” he flipped a few pages, “is my favorite. I like the red rocket ship.”

  “It is pretty cool.” I couldn’t help but ask. “Fin, were you in there the whole night?”

  He nodded with a small yawn. “I couldn’t find Dad or you, so I just waited.”

  “You were in the bar with all those people?”

  He nodded, unfazed by my horror. It was bad enough he saw what he did in the run of a day, but it sounded like a whore-fest tonight.


  “Mmm.” I tucked the blanket around my sides. The air was cold tonight, and the temperature was on its way down. I heard a small meow from underneath us and wondered who else was camping out here tonight.


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