Sweet Seduction Shield

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Sweet Seduction Shield Page 9

by Nicola Claire



  "Marie?" Kelly prompted. "Your thoughts, please. This is a drinking session, you are entitled to blame your swooning on the booze."

  "Um, I don't know," I said quietly, my eyes flicking from one expectant woman to the other and then landing on Ben.

  He sighed, loud and long. "I'll get a start on the dishes," he offered, pushing up from his lounger and heading towards the door. He stopped at Abi's chair and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. She blushed, he chuckled. And then he was gone.

  "I won't even ask," Kelly said, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, those two can't help themselves."

  "Would you, if you had a man like Ben?" Abi asked.

  "Touché, sweet pea," Kelly replied, returning clear blue eyes to me.

  I shook my head in defeat.

  "What do you want me to say? I met the man two days ago. He barged into my office, proceeded to ogle my butt while I was under my desk and has been a pain in it ever since."

  "Oh, I like that description," Abi declared.

  "What were you doing under the desk?" Kelly asked. "Hold on! Did you get under the desk before or after he arrived?"

  "Good question," Abi said and then high-fived Kelly.

  I laughed. "Sorting a tangle of electrical cords and it was before he walked in."

  "Damn," Kelly said, downing another shot. "Could've been a good story."

  "It's still a good story. He ogled her butt," Abi offered, then added, "And still does."

  "Does not!" I blurted.

  "Oh, he does," Abi shot back. "Constantly."

  "Whatever," I replied, pouring my next shot down my throat hoping the burn would wipe the memory of Pierce's butt fetish out of my mind. It didn't.

  "So, he likes your butt," Kelly said, fingers out to tick a list off again. "Has sworn to protect you." Second finger ticked. "Stormed off muttering about how beautiful you are and spanking said butt." I glared at Abi who just shrugged and started pouring more shots. "What else?"

  "There is nothing else," I declared in frosty ice princess voice. "He's a cop wanting more filth on a criminal so he can secure the right sentence in court."

  Silence met my clipped words.

  "You really think that's the only reason why he's offered you protection?" Abi asked, sounding way more sober than I knew she was.

  "It's his job, isn't it?" I declared.

  Abi flicked a glance at Kelly, who sent a silent message back to her friend I had no hope of deciphering.

  "It's just," Abi began, then thought better of what she was going to say and instead said, "Fuck it. Let's just drink."

  We all licked salt off our hands, tipped back the shot glasses, then sucked on our limes, gasping through the explosive taste combination and subsequent burn.

  "Bloody hell, the deck's spinning," Abi announced.

  "So are the stars," Kelly chimed in.

  I giggled. Jeesh, giggled!

  "Well," Kelly said eventually. "He probably knows all about this conversation by now, anyway."

  The haze of inebriation shimmered, but didn't completely clear.

  "What do you mean?" I slurred.

  "Nothing's a secret for long," Kelly announced dreamily.

  "Except Fred's real name," Abi offered from her reclined position, now out flat on a lounger off to the side.

  "You can't make me talk!" Kelly cried out in a fake tortured voice, hand fisted above her head.

  "But I can watch you," Abi declared, pointing a waving finger at Kelly. "Very closely. One day you'll slip up and then we'll know who it is." She gasped again. "Is it Adam?"

  "No!" Kelly said exasperatedly.


  "Not telling!"



  "Um," Abi mumbled, clearly trying to think who else they both knew. "Oh, God!" she groaned. "You're not corrupting Lucas, are you? That boy is practically half your age."

  "Abigail!" Kelly shouted. "I work with him!"

  "OK, not Lucas, then who?"

  "Give up now, sweet pea. My lips are sealed."

  "You just don't want ASI to know," Abi announced.

  "How would ASI find out?" I asked, enjoying their bantering and feeling extremely relaxed watching it play out.

  "Because Eric will be listening in," Abi answered, then sucked in a breath. "It's Eric!"

  Kelly groaned. Then sat upright and took great care to talk clearly for some reason. "Not that you aren't cute and all, Eric. But dude, you are so not my type. Sorry," she added and flopped back down again.

  I looked over my shoulder and then all around the back yard.

  "Who are you talking to?" I asked after spotting no one else near us.

  "Eric at ASI," Kelly said, as though it made complete sense.

  I had to think about that for a moment, brain synapses were definitely not firing as they should.

  Nope, still didn't make sense.

  "Run that by me again?" I asked.

  "Sweetie," Kelly said, rolling over onto her side and giving me a small smile. "This house is monitored by ASI. Cameras, microphones, perimeter alarms, et cetera, et cetera. All of which is listened to by Eric in ASI control."

  "Then, transcripts and updates are given to Detective Pierce," Abi offered, also giving me her own apologetic smile.

  I sucked in a mortified breath of air and tried to sober up immediately.

  "What did you think Ryan meant when he said this was the safest place for you and Daisy?" Abi asked softly.

  I shook my head back and forth, unable to form an immediate reply.

  "We thought you knew," Kelly offered as explanation.

  "Fucking Ryan," Abi declared. "Always so freaking secretive."

  "I'm gonna kill him," I declared before I could filter my brain from my mouth.

  Kelly stiffened, and then started to sit up.

  "Have at it," she managed to slur and then shuffled over to Abi who had started to breathe deeply. "Take me to bed or lose me forever, sister!"

  "What?" Abi mumbled, crawling to her feet with Kelly's help. "I'm not sharing my bed with you. What will Ben say?"

  "Oh, sweetie, I'm sure I could convince him that three's better than two."

  "Good luck with that," a male voice said from behind me, making me yelp.

  A warm palm came down on my shoulder stilling my flight as Pierce leaned in and whispered, "Missed me?"

  I shot to my feet anyway, the world spun drunkenly and I ended up slap bang in the exact place I was trying to avoid; Pierce's arms.

  "Whoa," he murmured. "Are you pissed?"

  "Tipsy," I corrected, somehow it sounded better.

  "Tipsy," he repeated in a deep drawl, mouth curved in a half smile. "Now, isn't that just my luck."

  I froze, still in his arms, and slowly dared to look up at him. Intent brown pools of whiskey - or was that tequila? - stared back at me. But what the hell did he mean?

  "Let's have a heart to heart, shall we?" Pierce declared, leading me to the closest lounger and sitting us both down.

  Somehow I knew I was in for a whole lot of trouble, but in my current compromised state I wasn't exactly sure what form that trouble would take.

  "You can't be trusted," I mumbled, as he lay me against the slightly raised back of the lounger, placing himself by my hip, so he could face me.

  He chuckled. "Oh, Gorgeous, under normal circumstances I'd argue that point, but right now, you might be onto something."

  "You can't make me talk," I said, deciding to take a leaf out of Kelly's book.

  Pierce started laughing. "Is that so?" he drawled, clearly enjoying my drunken state.

  "Nah-uh," I said shaking my head from side to side, making the world start a wonky spin cycle. "A girl's gotta have her secrets."

  Who knew I was this talkative when tipsy?

  "And what secrets are those, Marie?" Pierce whispered, starting to stroke lightly over the skin on my arm, making the fine hairs rise up and distract me.

  "I've never told anyone," I murmured, watching his movements with intense fascination.

  "Why not?" he encouraged.

  "Because it's the only ace I have up my sleeve." His movements stilled for a second, then started up again, making me release the breath I'd suddenly held.

  "It's that important a secret?" he asked, his voice low and deep, and despite the topic quite sexy.

  "The biggest. It would ruin McLaren," I declared, relaxing back into the recliner, feeling lulled into a blissfully dreamlike state.

  "How?" Pierce asked, a little firmer than he'd been until then.

  I swatted away the niggling concern at his change in tone and mumbled, "His whole world could be pulled apart."

  Silence. My eyes closed, the blurry stars disappearing, the hum of Auckland late at night filling my ears.

  "What's the secret, Marie?" Pierce asked, sounding far away, even though I could feel his large, hot palm gripping my arm now, rather than stroking it.

  I shook my head. "Can't tell you," I whispered, snuggling down further. "You'd risk us to use it."

  "Trust me," he pressed and I yawned. "Marie?" he shook me slightly, but I pushed him away and frowned. "What secret do you have on McLaren?" he demanded.

  My eyes sprang open at his businesslike tone.

  "What?" I said, suddenly very awake and feeling a little sick to my stomach.

  Pierce hovered over me, determination flashing in those once melted pools of brown.

  "You son of a bitch," I whispered. He cocked his head and offered a shrug of his shoulders.

  "This is not over," he declared, standing up and then reaching down to help me to my feet. I swayed, the world tipped sideways and then I was in his arms. "You are the most stubborn woman I have ever met," he added, as he stalked into the house carrying me. "I can help you, if you'd just fucking let me."

  "Fuck you!" I spat. The jerk had tried to get me to spill my secrets, while I was drunk. Drunk!

  Angry and fractured thoughts were streaming through my mind, but all cut off abruptly when he mumbled, "I fucking wish."


  But clarity was lost to the countless glasses of tequila and the feel of a soft mattress at my back.

  And to the too gentle touch of someone's fingers, as they delicately brushed the hair from my face and whispered in my ear...

  "Sweet dreams, Tiger."

  Chapter 10

  I Wasn't Quite Sure What To Do

  I am not a forgetful drunk.


  When I wake up the next morning I have the obligatory headache, but also the unwanted memories of exactly what ridiculous things I may have done while under the influence the night before. I can never feign ignorance, because the truth of my actions usually make me blush.

  Today was no exception.

  My cheeks flamed when I walked into the kitchen, burning brighter still when I realised Pierce was not alone. I had thought Daisy was in the penguin painting room with Abi, but instead she was sitting next to an attentive Pierce, showing him her latest masterpieces; vibrantly coloured drawings on several sheets of paper.

  But she wasn't his only companion.

  A tall, broad shouldered, blond haired man was leaning against the kitchen bench with a steaming mug of coffee in his hands. Mischievous blue eyes came up to meet mine when I crept into the room. I held his gaze for a second, but could feel the heat of Pierce's from the other side of the table. Willing myself to be an adult about my drunken behaviour last night, I straightened my shoulders and turned my attention to the detective, receiving what sounded like a chuckle from the blond stud.

  "I'm surprised to see you up and about," Pierce announced in way of greeting. "Abi and Kelly haven't surfaced as yet."

  "I didn't have that much to drink," I defended, taking a seat at the table and pouring my own cup of coffee as though I didn't have a care in the world.

  "That's not the way I remember it," Pierce muttered, a small smile stretching his lips.

  "Don't doubt my recollection of the night's events, Detective Pierce," I replied. "I remember exactly what you did."

  The blond suddenly spat his coffee back into his mug, making Daisy giggle and me realise just what I'd said. The blush deepened. Not missed by Pierce.

  "Well, now," he drawled. "Just what did I do to upset you you, Tiger?"

  "You know what," I shot back, offering Daisy a wink, trying to make the whole conversation nothing but adults mucking about and being silly. My ruse worked. She tittered and returned her attention to her drawings, taking a bite from a piece of toast off to the side.

  I could get used to all these people helping to tend to my daughter's needs. Or start to feel inadequate that they were beating me to it.

  "So," the blond said into the ensuing silence. "Marie, my name is Adam Savill. I work at ASI and will be guarding Daisy today."

  My cup of coffee met the table's surface with a thud.

  "Why does Daisy need guarding?"

  "Because," Pierce said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest, "we're going to be grabbing some clothes and necessities from your flat."

  "Is that wise?" I asked, thinking returning there was a unnecessary risk right now. "We can make do with what we've got, or purchase more."

  "No need," Pierce argued, a sense of finality in his tone. "We'll be in and out before you know it. Besides, this may be the only opportunity you'll get to check on things at home for quite some time."

  "What does that mean?" I demanded.

  "Exactly what it sounds like. You'll both be on lock-down here for the foreseeable future."

  I frowned into my coffee. Just how long did it take to locate one measly criminal?

  "You've got no leads on McLaren's man?" I asked.

  "Nothing workable," Pierce admitted. "So, grab a bite to eat and we'll make a trip to Grey Lynn. Ben will be shadowing us, Abi will stay here with Adam to keep Daisy happy. We'll be back by lunchtime."

  It seemed so easy, but at the same time, it still sounded so unnecessary to me. Just what was Pierce playing at?

  "I'm not really hungry," I admitted, rather than voice my fears out loud.

  "You need to eat," Pierce declared. "In two short days you've lost weight."

  My eyebrows lifted at that little observation. How the hell did he notice that?

  "I've watched you, Marie. You've hardly eaten a thing since you've been here. Unless you count tequila slammers."

  I glared at him for a moment, then huffed an incredulous breath of air out.

  "Of course the transcripts you've received from your peeping tom security system here must have helped to determine that," I retorted archly.

  Adam snorted into his coffee and received glares from both Pierce and myself.

  "I'll, ah, go touch base with Ben, then," Adam suggested.

  "Can I come?" Daisy asked. "Ben said he had more paint for me to use."

  "Of course, Squirt," Adam replied with a big smile. "I reckon he's probably got even more rooms for you to decorate if we ask him nicely."

  "You think?" she asked excitedly, as she followed the black clad guy from the room.

  Silence followed their departure. I couldn't look at Pierce, so just stared at my cooling cup of coffee.

  Finally he broke the tension first.

  "I wasn't lying when I said you need to eat. You have to look after yourself too, you know, Marie. I watch you chase after Daisy and make sure she's happy and all right, but you neglect yourself in the process."

  "That's what parents do," I said softly. He nodded slowly in agreement. "Got any kids, Pierce?"

  "Ah, no."

  "Married?" Where were these questions coming from?

  His deep, intense brown eyes met mine over the rim of his coffee cup.

  "No," he said resolutely, as though marrying was the last thing he'd ever want to do.


  "So, just yourself to look after, then," I surmised. "Oh, and all those membe
rs of the public that need protection the likes a police detective can provide."

  "What's your point, Marie?"

  "We all have something we're prepared to sacrifice ourselves for. I would do anything to make sure Daisy is happy, safe and well. You'd do anything to make sure the public is happy, safe and well. I guess we both have our priorities right."

  "Why do I feel like I'm being judged for the job I am committed to do?" he asked quietly.

  I met his eyes and held his fierce gaze with one of my own.

  "I'm not judging you," I argued softly. "I'm merely pointing out I understand your priorities, and letting you know mine."

  "Ah," he said. "And you believe keeping your secret is a priority."

  "And you don't," I pointed out.


  He didn't look away, but something shifted in his gaze. I'm not sure if it was comprehension, or understanding as such. I'm not sure if he suddenly realised why I couldn't ever let him know what I had done. But I think he saw me differently in that moment. Realised I wasn't a pushover. Acknowledged that I had a spine.

  And for a split second I saw that male appreciation again. That look he'd had that did strange things to my pulse.

  Detective Pierce considered himself a knight in shining armour. He searched for damsels in distress. It was what he did. But he was also attracted to my strength right then. Turned on by my willpower and the priorities that I had set.

  I didn't want a reaction to that light that flicked on in his eyes. I didn't want to feel drawn to him, more than I already was. For all intents and purposes, we were on different sides of the law. I'd benefited from criminal behaviour in the past, through living with Rick when he worked for Roan McLaren. I'd stolen property; albeit an item owned by a drug lord, but it had still been theft. Despite my reasons why.

  And now? Now I withheld evidence in an ongoing investigation. Evidence that could help the Police put more than just Roan McLaren away for good. It could help them take down a plethora of criminals, in an assortment of illegal activities over the course of several years.

  Pierce believed I had a civic duty to divulge my secret.

  I believed I had a parental duty to protect my daughter from harm.

  An attraction of any sort between us was doomed.

  I cleared my throat and picked my still half full cup of coffee up off the table, taking it to the sink to wash it out. When I turned around to leave the room, with some confident comment about freshening up before we headed out on my mind, he was standing right there. Watching me, seeing right through me.


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