Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade

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Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade Page 2

by David Guenther

  “I’ll even ride part way into town with you to help you protect your new treasure,” Short Blade offered as he slammed the back gate of the transport closed. He climbed into the carriage next to the tailor and the assistant started to drive.

  As they entered a rough part of town, Short Blade noticed that the roads had not been improved in the area, and there were many beggars on the corners and near the alleys. “This will be good for me,” he said, motioning for the driver to pull over. As the transport stopped and Short Blade jumped out, a tailgater almost hit them.

  “You there!” Short Blade called out as he waved to a beggar he had seen on previous trips. The old Jacka only had a single pair of arms left, but he remained proud for having once been a warrior. “Knife, I forgot, what rank were you when you had to leave the service?”

  The beggar puffed out his chest as he began to speak, happy to talk about his service. “I was a senior sergeant in the infantry–”

  Short Blade cut him off. “That’s what I thought. I want you to meet me at the city shuttle lot at ten o’clock. Bring twenty warriors you can trust. I’ll have a contract for you. Can you find twenty good warriors? I own a large farm and am having trouble with thieves. You and your team will be armed and living in the field. Is that a problem?”

  The old Jacka straightened his back, feeling once again like the warrior he had been. “I only have two arms, sir–”

  Short Blade interrupted him again. “You have years of experience. I want you for your mind and your mouth. You will be in charge. Tell me now if you think you can’t do it.”

  “I will not disappoint you, sir. I’ll get the best troops I can find.”

  “Sergeant, here’s a bonus for taking care of this for me,” Short Blade said, handing the old Jacka a small gold coin. “This is for your experience and knowledge. You alone will get a bonus like this.”

  The sergeant saluted, pocketed the coin, and set out to find twenty warriors.

  Short Blade walked along the street, glad to have a few moments when he didn’t have to deal with any problems. The growth of the city seemed to be out of control. To the east of town he could see new homes being built with the new materials instead of in the traditional ways. Uneasily he realized that he was looking out on behalf of Dan Daniels, even if he hadn’t been tasked to.

  The cowboy boots were starting to make his paws sore, and he decided that he’d done enough walking. He thought about hailing a cart so he could just enjoy the ride back and try not to find anything else to worry about.

  The huge Jacka came out of the shadows, followed by ten more, all dressed in the black clothing of criminals. “Short Blade, you humiliated my cousin when he tried to collect the coins at the lot. His humiliation is mine. I am not bound by any law, as I am a criminal. First, you will lose your coins. Then, I will spill your blood.”

  “Are you too cowardly to take on a mere runt all by yourself?” Short Blade countered. “You bring an army of Jacka trash to ensure the job gets done, since you are a runt in spirit. Am I to fight you all at once, or one at a time?”

  Short Blade noticed some movement behind the criminals and knew the situation had just changed. “I’ll tell you what I will do. Those of you who slink out through the gate now won’t be hurt. Even as we speak my army is behind you, and I will not stop them from attacking you. You have ONE MINUTE!”

  The criminal laughed as his cronies glanced behind them and a few bolted for the gate.

  Short Blade grinned, showing his full teeth, and glared at his antagonist. “Just you and me. Come on, runt. Take my bag of coins away from me or run like a dog out that gate. I have no more time for you, coward!”

  The criminal howled as he ran the twenty yards toward Short Blade and reached for Short Blade’s neck with all four of his upper paws. Short Blade ran forward and ducked, grabbing the criminal’s crotch with two of his upper paws and his knees with the other two upper paws. Getting as tight a grip as possible, he pulled the larger Jacka’s knees above his waist, sending his back slamming hard onto the pavement and knocking the wind out of him.

  “I am done with you. Now crawl to the gate like the lowlife you are, or I will take your life this night.” Short Blade hazarded a look toward the rest of the criminals and was astonished by what he saw.

  His twenty-one beggars were lined up behind the criminals. Each was in full uniform, standing ready with a projectile rifle that had a bayonet attached to the tip. They appeared to be ready to do a bayonet charge at his command.

  Looking back to where his opponent had been lying on the ground, he was equally surprised to see the large Jacka low crawling toward the gate, his compatriots following right behind him. Short Blade let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “Senior Sergeant, march the troops to me. I’ll do an inspection now, before we depart.”

  The warriors marched forward in perfect unison, no cadence necessary. Each was attired in a full blue uniform, impeccable right down to the perfect crease in each leg, with shiny black belts and boots. They each also had a leather backpack with a blanket tied along the top and side. It appeared all they would need would be pay and food.

  “My compliments, Senior Sergeant. I’m impressed with the quality of the troops. Get them aboard the shuttle and we’ll leave immediately.”

  The Fire cruiser Vengeance, orbiting Viz

  3 April 2129

  “Mr. Harve, you have been identified as a high-ranking civilian engineer from the Libra navy. I am offering you the chance to enlist in the Fire Ship Fleet as a maintenance officer. We have many ships captured from the Libra that we need time to learn how to operate. You would be the maintenance officer for the Vengeance. If you serve well, you may be allowed to retire to Jacka in a community of fellow Libra. The alternative is to go to the planet’s surface here on Viz and wait until our politicians and those of the League of Planets decide for you.”

  The Jacka speaking to Harve did not appear to care which choice Harve made.

  “I will serve the Fire Ship Fleet. In a year, when your people have learned all there is to learn about your new ships, I will volunteer to teach your designers how to build even better ships. There are few choices for my people any more.

  “Thank you, Mr. Harve. Do you know where we can find the pirate navy? We need to destroy it before it becomes too strong.”

  “I don’t know the coordinates. The home base is in a system of a dozen planets in orbit around a huge gas giant. They’ve managed to build a station out of a dozen or so cargo ships they put together. They’re formidable. I’ve seen the station protected with no less than a dozen mixed ships.

  “Thank you for your honesty. Do you think they’re being supplied by any planets?”

  “I would be surprised if they weren’t. The navy had many bases filled with supplies. Toward the end of the war, many ships refused to move war cargo since they disappeared. I would go after those bases and collect the supplies before they are taken or go missing.”

  “It’s a shame you are Libra, Mr. Harve. You are both intelligent and honest. Those traits are in short supply these days. You may go to the office outside. They will have you sign your commission papers and then indoctrinate you into the Fire fleet.

  “Sir, you say I will be the maintenance officer. Does that mean I will have Jacka Fire sailors under me?”

  “Yes, and other species. Any sailor who doesn’t follow your orders will be reprimanded. Discipline is more important than ever.”

  Harve went out to sign the contract and found that pay was based on species. As a Libra officer he would make less than a Jacka sailor on the same ship. Harve swallowed his pride. He would fix this once he had become part of the solution from the inside.

  When he arrived at supply, he got even more of a shock when he saw that the uniforms and equipment were a mishmash of whatever the Fire fleet had managed to capture or buy on the open market. He realized it could be in his best interest to wear Libra-designed gear.

  The Jacka on base were all respectful of his rank and saluted without any hesitation. As Harve had suspected, they had grown accustomed to Libra authority when the Jacka had served as mercenaries for the Libra. That was why saluting him was so easy for them. The port officer was polite when he requested transportation to his ship.

  “Sir, it will be a little while, but I can get you on the next shuttle to the Vengeance with no trouble. I’m sure they’ll be glad to have you,” the sailor said with a smile.

  “Why do you think they’ll be so glad to have me, sailor?” Harve asked, feeling as if there was a secret he didn’t know.

  “Sir, the original ships of the Fire fleet were captured from the Libra by the humans, who modified them so they’re almost entirely automated. They can even repair themselves. But the ships the Fire fleet captured from the Libras are almost useless. They don’t know how to use or repair them. Most of the crews are Libra or any species that volunteered to sail on them. The only Jacka are the officers and a heavy security force to maintain discipline."

  “Sir, there’s a shuttle heading for the Vengeance. You can catch it on pad thirty-one if you hurry. It’s an unscheduled flight, but they’ll wait for you.”

  Harve took off in the direction in which the sailor had pointed before realizing he didn’t know the Jacka numbering system. The field of simple concrete pads was numbered in Jacka, Libra, and a few League of Planet numbers.

  “Over here!”

  Harve saw there was only one shuttle with its engines running, so he headed for it as he tried to make out what the crewman was shouting.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t hear what you were saying over the engine noise,” Harve yelled as the hatch was being shut.

  “Doesn’t matter now,” the crewman told him. “Strap in tight. The lieutenant thinks he’s flying a fighter!”

  “I heard that, chief! But it’s good advice,” the pilot called out.

  Harve felt the blood rush to his toes as the shuttle launched at forty-five degrees, at maximum allowed power. The lieutenant was quickly out of the atmosphere and flying around doing acrobatics as the shuttle slowly made its way to the cruiser between rolls and maneuvers.

  “That was too short. Should we do it again?” The chief replied by popping the hatch open so they couldn’t leave the cruiser. Harve took that as a sign to get out fast before something else happened.

  The cruiser was already filling up with new crewmembers as Harve found the admin officer and got his berthing assignment. The cabin hadn’t been touched since the ship had been captured. Family pictures and personal possessions were still in the room. The last occupant had been the same size as Harve. The back of a desk drawer contained the officer’s valuables and side arm. These might come in handy one day, Harve thought.

  “Maintenance officer to the flight deck,” blared over the ship’s speaker system. Harve hopped up to run to the flight deck. As he rushed along the passageways, repaired damage still showed like ugly scars..

  “Sir, MO Harve reports.” The captain standing in front of him was the biggest Jacka Harve had ever seen.

  “What did you do during the war, Harve?” Senior Captain Thrust seemed to roar, he was so loud.

  “Sir, I was a civilian navy engineer responsible for designing ships and making modifications. Before that I worked in logistics, fielding supplies to the different types of depots.

  “Good. We can use those skills. The ship runs on a twenty-hour day. Everyone works ten hours on, then ten off. When you have free time, you will use it to figure out how to better automate the ship or document training for new officers and crew. Any questions?”

  “Will the ship be getting an AI, sir?” Harve asked, looking anxious.

  “I doubt that, MO. Do you think you could modify the ship if we were to get a hold of one?”

  “I would do my best to integrate it into the ship’s systems, sir. Especially if I could see another ship that has already had the upgrade.

  “I know the briefings for new personnel are minimal. One thing I know they didn’t tell you. After myself and the operations officer, you are next in line for command of the ship. If we are both killed and some other officer tries to interfere with you taking command, it is your responsibility to shoot that officer. Do you understand?”

  Yes, sir, I–”

  “You will be trained on ship handling as well as all ship’s systems. The XO is assembling a roster to ensure that everyone has bridge time to stay current.” Harve wondered if the captain was clairvoyant, the way he seemed to know what Harve was going to ask.

  “Unlike many other Jacka officers, I spent over a dozen years on cargo ships, and then patrol ships, before we got the big ships. The only reason I’m not on one of the AI ships is that I know what I’m doing. You are dismissed, MO.”

  Daniels World (previously the Flem home world)

  3 April 2129

  Dan Daniels was sitting in his lawn chair enjoying the view from his back yard. There was nothing but grass for two hundred miles in all directions except for an orchard of fruit trees from a dozen different planets.

  “You want some fresh lemonade, Dan?”

  Juanita had taken the elevator up from their underground home and caught him by surprise.

  “Certainly, my lady.” Reaching for the lemonade, he decided something else would be tastier. Juanita was wearing a bikini that showed off her perfect body.

  “Forget it! I know that look. I came up to be nice to you, and with it being so beautiful, to enjoy the sun.”

  “Okay. I have work to do, anyway.” He tried to grab at her, but she ducked his move and sat down in another lawn chair. Turning back to the screen that appeared to be floating in front of him, he went over the reports once again.

  The Jacka council was trying its best to get every penny it could for the ten clans that made up the council. Dan had let loose an army of attorneys and bankers from Earth to monitor business and industry loans from the Gray Panthers. They were keeping everyone as honest as he expected. The importation of new grasses and plants was already helping to recover desert lands at an astounding rate. Farming and forestry were beginning to thrive. The population would no longer need to be controlled because of food shortages.

  The Fire Warriors were doing their best to protect the League of Planets. Now that the war was over, though, new threats were materializing. Some planets that still retained warships had turned to piracy. The Fire Warriors had only caught a few of the pirates, and the League was getting frustrated.

  When the war ended, the Dixians initially had been content just to return home. Now, they’d decided they wanted to join the galaxy and participate in trade, and they had let their potential new trading partners know that they would not tolerate their ships being disturbed in that pursuit.

  Dan was already reading between the lines and realized that if a Dixie ship were damaged or destroyed in League of Planets’ space, they would send their fleet to get justice. He imagined Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard, the grand admiral of the Dixie fleet, rattling his saber for war—even after the Fire fleet had saved his fleet when he attacked the Libra home world.

  Back on Earth, the mothballing of the Gray Panthersfleet was going more easily than expected. The ships of the fleet were still one hundred percent operational. They were all in orbit around the moon, their AIs using the droids onboard ship to perform all routine maintenance. Various governments were keeping the Gray Panthers’ attorneys busy, trying to sue for anything they could get before the entire operation was transferred to the lunar base. To the last man, the entire fleet had accepted being reassigned from active duty to positions in the Gray Panthers reserves. With the transition, they were permitted to continue their nanite therapy, thereby keeping their perfect health and immortality.

  “Dan, trouble.”

  He looked up from the monitor and saw what Juanita was warning him about. A hundred feet away was one of the planet’s few indigenous life-forms.

  The creatu
re was almost a foot tall and covered in blue fur. It had strong hind legs that could propel it up to ten feet. Apparently it was a herbivore, since it had a habit of feasting on Dan’s apples.

  Dan reached for the old automatic he had by his chair. The ancient .22LR pistol was more noise than anything else. Dan aimed at the creature as it hung upside down from a branch, devouring a McIntosh. The animal was perfectly in his sites when Dan heard Juanita sigh loudly. He squeezed the trigger and the apple exploded. The animal dropped to the ground and hopped toward its hole, making a chittering sound until it disappeared into the ground.

  “You can be a real asshole, Dan Daniels,” Juanita said, trying to look mad but smiling in spite of herself.

  “Next time I’ll get the little shit, and we can have fresh meat. I wonder what Blue tastes like?” Dan got up, walked over to the tree, and picked up the remains of the apple. He tossed the pieces toward the hole and was rewarded with a loud screech, followed by lots of chittering. He couldn’t help but laugh as he returned to the lawn chair.

  As he continued going over the reports, it occurred to him that he should make it possible for the Fire fleet to have AIs for the new ships they had confiscated, to ensure that they could never be used against Earth. This was a political nightmare. Just the job to give to Short Blade, he told himself.

  Jacka home world

  4 April 2129

  Short Blade opened his bedroom window for some fresh air and found that his new army was already awake. The two rows of ten single tents were spaced perfectly. One warrior was standing by a fire, waiting for a huge kettle to heat up. The senior sergeant was a couple thousand feet away, drilling the rest of the troops.

  “Got yourself an army, I see,” Ramirez called up to him from the barn, where he was drinking his morning coffee. “What are you going to feed them?”


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