Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade

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Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade Page 21

by David Guenther

  “If it won’t interfere with our mission to get back to the ranch, and Captain Short Blade approves, then go ahead. I’m not sure if I’m in the chain of command yet,” Poland commented, enjoying the banter with the AI—especially when he could pull its leg.

  “Phoenix, Commander Poland is responsible for maintenance of all assets. When the Beater is fully operational, make sure that update is delivered to it. Let me know when the modifications to the secondary air system are complete.” Short Blade was pleased that when Poland addressed the AI he still deferred to him, acknowledging him as the captain.

  “Instructions for the upgrades are understood, Captain Short Blade. We’re now close enough to the farm owned by Namid to land if you wish.”

  “Yes, Phoenix. Please bring up the view of the landing for us. You can see here, Commander, just how good the Phoenix is by the landing. You did an outstanding job when you designed the Phoenix.”

  Poland was about to reply when he saw a slim young woman come into view and light a smudge pot to show the wind.

  “Doesn’t that woman know she doesn’t need to do that? The Phoenix can determine wind direction and strength.” Poland sounded upset, as if he wanted an apology for the insult against his creation.

  “That’s Namid, our veterinarian. She’s also a military veteran and was used to working with helicopters. She thinks she is helping, and I haven’t had the heart to tell her otherwise. By now, she might think she was the butt of a joke if we were to correct her. I don’t want to hurt her feelings or insult her,” Short Blade explained as the shuttle landed.

  Poland looked at the little alien, whom he had learned to respect under different circumstances, and found his admiration continuing to grow. It should be interesting to see what kind of boss he’ll be, he thought.

  “Come, we should help her get the medical supplies into cargo bay one. She’ll also have additional supplies that Jimmy and Guns requested. I want to keep those separate in cargo bay two.” Short Blade was interrupted as the hatch opened and Namid entered carrying a box half her size. Poland went to assist her and was rebuked.

  “I have this one,” Namid told him. “There’s plenty more in the pile next to the closest building.”

  Poland moved to the side to avoid getting pushed as she kept going, obviously struggling under the weight of the box.

  “Hi. It’s nice to meet you too. You know, if you take one of the grav sleds there in the corner, you won’t have to worry about hurting yourself or dropping any boxes.”

  Poland grabbed one of the sleds on his way out, ignoring the hostile look Namid gave him.

  “That’s the pompous ass whose wife tried to kill him? I can understand why. Nice to see you, Short Blade.” Namid grunted softly as she lowered the box to the floor, trying not to drop it in the process.

  Short Blade began to worry. It’s going to be a long trip home if these two can’t get along, he thought.

  Namid grabbed a grav sled on her way out, having to step aside as Poland was already returning with a sled full of supplies. Her face reddened as he looked at the sled in her hands and smiled.

  “This should be a fun trip back, Short Blade. Think we need to go back to the Orient and get me a bodyguard?”

  Short Blade was forming an answer when Poland began to laugh as he unloaded the sled. I hate human humor, he thought as he went to help Namid.

  “That’s the Boy Scout you came to Earth for? I hope he was worth the trip,” Namid said as she dropped a box on the sled.

  Clearly, she was angry about something, but Short Blade couldn’t understand why she was upset. He decided the best course of action was to get the shuttle loaded and get the trip home underway as soon as possible.

  Thirty minutes later, both cargo bays were loaded and Short Blade was relieved that there had been no more arguing between the two humans. Looking at the two dirty sweating members of his crew, he made a decision on the spot.

  “I’m going to lock down cargo bay two, since we won’t be drinking alcohol on the return trip.” That will keep these two from getting drunk and killing each other, Short Blade figured as the two humans glared at each other. “Phoenix, you may now depart for Glory. I’m going to take a shower and catch up on my paperwork. You two can each take a cabin.”

  “Nice meeting you, ma’am,” Poland said with a grin as he ducked through the hatchway and into a cabin, quickly closing it behind him. Namid stood for a moment with her mouth open before going to her cabin. She wished she could slam the hatch.

  Awhile later, Poland began to feel pangs of hunger. He left his cabin to check out the chef unit. He was eager to see if it was as good as the one that had been on the Beater.

  “Chef, I’d like a six-ounce sirloin steak cooked medium, with a baked potato.” He waited a minute, figuring the unit would request additional information. When it didn’t, he decided to check the cabinets to see what else was available. His discovery of a bottle of wine was perfectly timed, as the unit announced that his meal was ready. Grabbing a glass, he sat down at the table and was just starting to uncork the bottle when Namid entered. Seeing Poland, she looked as if she was going to turn around and leave.

  “Look, we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other,” Poland said. “Let’s start over, shall we? Can I offer you a glass of fine wine?”

  The delicious smell of steak and the offer of wine were too much for Namid to pass up. “Sure, Commander,” she said as she pulled out a chair. “I want to apologize for my earlier remark about your wife. I was tired and hungry, and I just want to get back to my dogs.”

  Poland pushed his plate toward her. “I saw you eyeing my steak. I haven’t touched it yet. Consider it a peace offering,” he said as he got up to order another one for himself

  Namid cut into the steak and took a tentative bite. Only then did she realize how hungry she truly was. She dug in, stopping only long enough to sip some wine.

  “The steak is wonderful,” she said. “The wine is sweet, but different. I’ve had wine from all over the world, but I’ve never had any that tastes like this.”

  Poland took a sip and could tell from the sweet taste that it was a desert wine, but he couldn’t identify it either. The bottle’s label was smeared and illegible. The chef unit announced that his steak was ready, so he got his plate and joined Namid at the table. After taking a bite, he decided that a master chef must have programmed the unit.

  “This chef unit is much better than the one on the Beater. I guess it must have the database from one of the bigger ships with a large crew. They tend to make sure the units are well-programmed on those ships—it helps to prevent mutiny,” he joked.

  Namid listened to Poland talk until he became quiet and ate. She started to feel a little flush, and then a little light-headed. I was a bitch to the poor guy, she thought. At least he’s single now. Where did that idea come from? I guess he is kind of cute for an old guy. She reached across the table and put her hand on top of his.

  As he looked into her eyes, he thought, I wonder why I didn’t notice earlier how cute she is? I’d bet she’s not even a sociopath like the one I just left. Boy, her hand sure is soft and warm. I wonder if—

  Namid rose and took his hand firmly in hers, afraid to let him go as she turned to go back to her cabin. He stood but didn’t follow her. Instead, he pulled her to him. She arched her back and he had to bend down to reach her. As their lips met he reached behind her, cupping her ass cheeks and picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself tight against him. The last thought Poland had as he made his way to his cabin with her was how good her breasts felt as they pressed against his chest. At that point, neither could think of anything besides coupling with each other.

  As the hatch closed to Poland’s cabin, Short Blade walked into the eating area and saw the half-eaten food and the empty wine bottle. Aw, crap. Where did that bottle of marriage wine come from? he thought. At least, I no longer have to worry about Namid and Poland trying to kill ea
ch other.

  Twenty-four hours later, when he still hadn’t seen either of them come out of the cabin, he asked the AI for a status report. “Phoenix, can you tell me if Namid or the commander are in any physical trouble?” He braced himself for bad news.

  “Captain, they both appear to be in fine health. I suspect they’re slightly dehydrated, as they haven’t had anything to eat or drink in the last twenty-four hours. Neither has had more than a catnap in that time. Both are showing strong stamina in—”

  “That’s enough information, Phoenix!” Short Blade blurted out. He didn’t want any additional details as his mind began to fill with erotic thoughts of the dancer he hoped would be waiting for him. “This is crazy. Phoenix, what’s the estimated time until we reach the Hades Nebula?”

  “We should reach the nebula in one hour when we depart the worm hole.”

  Short Blade figured he’d use the opportunity to try and cool off things between Poland and Namid. “Communicate to Poland that when we reach the nebula he’ll be taking the helm to navigate us out of the wormhole and through the nebula to regular space. Tell him that I usually do it, but I want him to get some experience with the Phoenix.”

  While he waited for Poland to report, Short Blade went to the cockpit and reviewed the status of all systems. After fifteen minutes had passed, he got up to go find Poland, but Poland met him as he walked through the hatchway.

  “Sorry, Captain. I have no excuse for arriving so late.”

  Short Blade noticed a string of small wounds on his neck that looked like they continued under his shirt. His eyes were bloodshot, and a day’s growth of stubble was on his cheeks. The cologne he was wearing didn’t hide the scent of recent sex from Short Blade’s acute sense of smell; his body odor was mixed with Namid’s. He carried a large bottle of water and seemed to be parched.

  “There’s always a first time, Commander. You’re familiar with the layout of the controls, I assume? They’re slightly different from the Beater’s.” Short Blade noticed that the commander appeared to be more like his old self as he sat at the console.

  “I designed the console so it was more user-friendly for human operators than the Beater’s, Captain. There shouldn’t be any problems. Looks like I just made it. Sensors are showing that the exit of the wormhole is less than five minutes out.”

  The hatch slid open and Namid stepped into the cockpit. Short Blade smelled soap and shampoo on her and noticed that she was still wet. She was wearing Poland’s smelly T-shirt from the day before, and when she leaned over to give Poland a kiss on the cheek, Short Blade was surprised to see that it was the only article of clothing she had on. She also had numerous small bite marks on her legs and around her neck.

  “This is so exciting to go through the Hades Nebula. I can’t believe how beautiful it is!” Namid said as she stood behind Poland and rubbed his shoulders.

  Short Blade was concerned about Poland’s ability to concentration.

  “Namid, please get me some water from the chef unit. I need to observe the commander, and I’m very thirsty.”

  Namid looked at Short Blade as if she had just noticed he was there. Suddenly aware of her attire, she simply nodded yes and backed out of the cockpit.

  “Phoenix, please delay Namid for at least five minutes. Sorry, Commander. I think she’s too much of a distraction for you while you’re navigating the nebula.”

  Poland nodded slightly as he tried to thread the needle between a pair of gravity wells. According to the sensors, the shuttle was being pulled toward them both. He adjusted his course and increased power to pull away from them, and once the hazard was behind them, he visibly relaxed.

  “Thanks for letting me navigate through the nebula. Having to concentrate so intently on what I was doing really helped clear my mind. I can’t believe how I spent the last twenty-four hours. It was wilder than either of my honeymoons. Even now, my mind keeps going back to her.”

  Short Blade debated telling him what had happened, but Namid returned, this time fully clothed, and handed him his water.

  “You're most kind, Namid. This'll hit the spot. How are you feeling? You look tired.”

  Namid gave him a huge smile and then leaned down and gave him a hug. “That’s so sweet that you care. I’ve never felt better in my life.”

  Turning and dropping to her knees next to Poland’s chair, she watched as he maneuvered the ship.

  “Captain, permission to engage the FTL drive for the remainder of the trip to Glory?”

  Short Blade nodded yes, then rose to his feet and stretched his arms. As the FTL drive was engaged, he watched the screen go gray.

  Daniels World

  30 April 2129

  Dan was pacing back and forth in his command center, wearing only an old pair of running shorts and drinking a beer.

  Damn. Where the hell is Short Blade? There was a time when I used to be able to get anyone I wanted, when I wanted them. I wonder if he’s ignoring my hails, he thought.

  “Honey, you need to get out of this hole in the ground. Let’s go up to the surface and watch the stars. It’s a beautiful night.”

  Dan turned around and saw Juanita standing in the open hatchway, wearing only a short, simple, white shift. He let his eyes linger, appreciating how beautiful she was. She turned and walked down the hall, then stopped and glanced at him over her shoulder before continuing on her way. He decided she had the right idea and caught up with her as she sat down on the wicker loveseat. A small pail of beers on ice sat on the ground next to it. He started to reach down and pull one out.

  “Not so fast, Romeo. Before you sit down, get the fire pit going. Show me you’re useful for something.”

  Dan thought of a dozen snappy comebacks, but instead he pressed the igniter and a blue fire started instantly. He sat down next to Juanita and she scooted closer to him, handing him a bottle of beer after she’d taken a sip.

  “So, what has you so anxious that you’re spending all this time down in your cave? You’re supposed to be semi-retired, you know. You have to let somebody else start taking care of things.” She laid her head on his shoulder and looked up into the sky, not expecting an answer to her question.

  “I have to coordinate the search for a couple of Dixie ships that were hijacked in what used to be Libra space. The space has been claimed by the League of Planets, and they’ve declared that if Dixie sends any warships into their space, they’ll consider it an act of war. The league has been losing ships too and has had little luck recovering any of them, which has to be embarrassing. I want to send in Short Blade with the permission of both sides, but I haven’t been able to get hold of him. I have a rough idea of where he should search but no idea how many ships the pirates have or any other pertinent information to give him.”

  “My guess is the pirates are from the planets that were part of the Libra Alliance but decided to go rogue after the war,” Juanita said. “Can you access data on how big the Libra navy was when the war ended, and how many ships are now unaccounted for? Then you could figure out which of those ships most likely went back to protect their own home worlds, and whatever number of ships is left is probably the number of pirate ships.”

  Dan tensed as he realized that something so simple had been overlooked, and that no one from his own staff or from the League of Planets had brought it up. Someone had the numbers, but whoever it was, was hiding them. He decided to break the promise he’d made to himself about not spying on his neighbors.

  “Grub, are you monitoring us?” Dan knew the answer, but he still waited for the AI to reply.

  “I am, sir, and have anticipated your request. We have a complete copy of all data captured during and after the capitulation of the Libra Alliance. The data is still in its raw form, but I’m in the process of categorizing and cross-referencing it for easy access. That will take at least two to four hours. One of the main problems is that the government of the Libra Alliance was highly dysfunctional. The civilian side of the government wouldn’t re
lease information about ships lost, and it inflated the total number of ships for propaganda purposes. And there are still records that haven’t been deciphered. I have another AI devoting his time solely to that task. Those files were encrypted using special programs that originated from the Republic. Much of their coding procedures are unknown to anyone outside the government.”

  Dan rubbed his temples, annoyed that he couldn’t get the information he wanted right away—on top of not being able to contact Short Blade. The smack to the side of his head took him by surprise, and he turned to look at his assailant.

  “Don’t pout!” Juanita chided. “Now drink your damn beer, hold me in your arms, and forget about work—or I’m going back inside, dammit!”

  His surprise turned to amusement, and he took a swig of his beer before tightening his grip on her. She melted into his side, and he tilted his head back to look up into the night sky, letting his mind go blank. The temperature started to drop slightly and Juanita moved just enough to reach the light blanket she’d brought out. She covered them both and put her head back on his chest. Before long, Dan started feeling drowsy. When he felt her hand slowly slide from atop his chest to the top of his shorts, the unexpected move brought him back to full alertness. Juanita felt him respond and decided to warn him before it went any further.

  “Settle down, cowboy. You’re not going for a ride tonight. I just want to cuddle.”

  Dan looked down into her face, and she looked up at him and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. He took another swig from his beer and accepted defeat, relaxing once again into the cushions of the loveseat. Juanita once again let her hand trail downward to Dan’s waistband. Her fingers moved through his pubic hair and she began to touch him. As she opened her hand to grasp him, Grub spoke.

  “Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt your plans to have sexual intercourse, but I knew you would want this information immediately.”

  “Argggh!” Juanita jumped to her feet and stormed off toward the house. Dan sat holding his beer, confused, as he watched her go.


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