The Age Of Love

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The Age Of Love Page 2

by Anderson, Julian

  I felt bad.

  “Hey, I'm sorry.” I replied slowly and softly. Kim nodded, as Adam got up from the table quickly, and hard, hard enough to spill his drink. Violet instantly turned around in shock, eyes wide. I closed my eyes and sighed.

  “ I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said anything.” I apologized once again. Kim looked up at me, her green eyes starting to fill up. I instantly felt ashamed of myself.

  “No, Billy. Your right, we haven't been as close lately. We keep fighting over having another baby, and I just want one. I had difficulty having birth to Violet, I had to have a C- Section and I really don't want to go threw it again.” She said.

  “I understand, I just want you guys to be happy, For Violet.” I said looking towards the window. Violet was gone.

  “Kim, where's Violet?” I asked. Her eyes narrowed, and looked behind her.

  “Jesus, probably outside. Billy could you please clean up while I go find her?” She asked, getting up from the table.

  I nodded, and started collecting the dishes from the table, they really need counseling I thought as I made my way to the kitchen. I sat down some of the dishes in there large sink, I walked back to the table, as I picked up the last two dishes from the table, the door slammed as I saw Kim and little Violet in her arms crying. I quickly walked into the kitchen, sat the dishes down and returned to the dinning room.

  “What happened?” I asked, as Kim let Violet down from her arms.

  “She fell off the steps and skinned her knee.” Kim stated. She picked her up again, told her to stop crying as she went down the hallway to the restroom.

  I bet Violet hates it when her parents fight I thought as I picked up the water

  glasses, and Violet's plate of animal crackers and her empty juice box. I threw her juice box away and started to fill they're dish washer, with the dirty dishes, and

  glass's. I filled the liquid compartment ,with the lemon scented dish detergent and closed and twisted the cap. I closed the door to it, and started it. I love how I do all this casually, as I did when I was younger when I stayed here.

  I decided to see how bad it was raining outside, I walked into there small living room, I moved there curtains with my hand and glanced outside. It was raining harder outside, thunder was starting to rumble in the sky as the lighting struck form the sky also. I looked at the road that I arrived here from, and I saw it was starting to flood, form the wide river on the bank. I let go of the curtain, letting it fall back to its original place. Kim, brought Violet back out ,her hair was wet as it stuck to her face, her face red and tears still falling from her face.

  “She just won't stop crying, I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow. Good night. ” She said, sitting Violet down on the couch.

  “Kim! What about Violet?” I could tell she was very distraught.

  She sighed.

  “Oh, god” She rolled her eyes and sighed once again. I watched her in silence as she picked her up quickly, while poor Violet still cried softly. Violet glanced at me, stopped crying with still that same stare she gave me earlier. I stared back at her, smiling trying to make her feel better. I watched her, as she disappeared from distance. I bit my lip, and felt bad. Why should Violet suffer from her parents ignorance?

  Adam walked in, with a pair of pajama pants, a pillow, and a throw blanket. He was faking a smile, as he sat down beside me. Placing the stuff next to him on the couch.

  “I'm sorry, for the way I acted. Things are back to the way they were before, and it's really hurting me, man.” He said, brushing his hair out of his face.

  “Well, try not being so stubborn with her? I know how bad you are, telling people your opinion so much, making them pissed to be around you.” I confessed.

  “Hey, I can say the same for you.” He added.

  “Well, this needed to be said, do your best to be nicer. For your daughters sake.” I said. He looked at me, nodded and replied,

  “Your right, I don't want Violet to grow up hating us.” he said.

  “Well, she wouldn't hate you, she just will be emotionally messed up.” I replied.

  He narrowed his eyes, at me.

  “Sorry, not much help.” I stated, laughing. He cracked a smile, looked at me and than we both started laughing.

  “Damn, I missed spending time with you. Remember all the s*** we got into in high school? I miss those days.” He replied, softly.

  “Same, and you got me into all of it! You dumb ass.” I replied laughing. Sometimes I miss those days, and some days I just wish I could forget them. I didn't get a long with hardly anyone in high school, since I was the “Genius” and everyone thought I was a dork. I couldn't help it that I was smart, and didn't like to act stupid, and drink and smoke and have sex just to have sex. I had sex with my first love, and she left me because she wanted someone else. I gave everything for that girl, now I think she is in rehab for being addicted to drugs. How wonderful right?

  “Well, I'm off to bed. Need anything just wake me up, night.” He said, as he made his way down the hall.

  “Night!” I called back. I felt suddenly depressed, being around Kim and Adam makes me feel even worse than usual, I wish I had someone even though Kim and Adam fight, at least they have each other, I don't have someone in my life. I really wish I did though. I felt the rain hit the roof, the thunder soothing me. I walked over to there large window, and pulled back the curtains. The rain splattering against the window with a sudden “thud” sound. Tears started to fill my eyes but I blinked them back. I'm not going to cry, I don't need anyone. I turned around to see little Violet sitting on the couch. Her eyes glued to mine, tears running down her face. I quickly made my way over to her, and sat down beside her.

  “Violet, what are you doing out of your bed? What's wrong?” I asked her slowly, to make sure she understood, her still little and all.

  “Mama, daddy fighting again.” She whispered, looking down. Tears falling from her chin. I wiped away, a few with the knuckle of my finger.

  “It's alright Violet, would you like me to put you back in bed?” I asked, softly and kindly.

  “I want to sleep with you.” She spoke sternly. My eyebrows raised.

  “Now Violet, I'm like a stranger to you. I'm not your father.” I spoke softly. She stared at me, with those blue eyes of her's. She didn't move at all , and she moved over to wear I was, and laid beside me. I narrowed my eyes, at the back of her head, this wouldn't be normal for me to do.

  “Alright, Violet back to bed.” I said. She stood up abruptly and shook her head no, I nodded my head yes and reached down to pick her up. She started to pummel her tiny fists into my shoulders and back. I paid no attention to it. I didn't know exactly where her room was, but I figured it would be the one with the door open I thought, as I walked up there white carpeted stairs. As, I arrived at the top of the stairs, I noticed there was a door open, and a little twin bed inside so I figure that would be Violets. I walked in, and slowly placed her in her bed. Tears still fell from her eyes, I swallowed hard. This poor girl I thought. I smiled, trying to comfort her. I brushed her black hair out of her face, the hair sticking to her face. I pulled up her light blue blanket, and I tucked her in.

  “Goodnight.” I said, as I left Violets>

  Chapter 2

  POV-Billy ;D

  I was awaken with a strong smell of butter and pancakes. It reminded me of when I was dating Sara, she always made me pancakes. I sighed and closed my eyes, rubbed the lids with my fingertips and tried my best to fall back to sleep. I hate memories, especially about her.

  “Billy! You up? It's time for to eat up ,we are leaving for work in 10 minutes.” Adam exclaimed.

  “Ugh, alright.” I replied. I don't usually eat break fest, only when I'm really truly hungry, today I'm not. I walked over towards there table, Kim was looking very nice this morning, with her hair pulled back with black chop sticks in her hair, she always liked putting her hair up like that. She wore a black tank top with a gray vest, with a ti
ght mini skirt, which obviously Adam didn't like her wearing. Adam was filling a dish full with scrambled eggs, pancakes, and buttered toast for me. He grabbed me a fork and made his way towards the table, he plopped down my plate, as he sat down next to me, facing Kim.

  “If you guys are both leaving for work, who is going to babysit Violet?” I questioned. Making my way up,back to there kitchen to get me something to drink. Adam drank his milk, and replied,

  “Oh, mom comes over to babysit.” I nodded, as I filled a tall glass with orange juice. I made my way back to the table. I started picking at my food, running my tongue across my teeth, and I finally asked,

  “Violet still in bed?” They look up at me, giving me a look.

  “Yes. Why?” Kim asked, moving the fork of eggs towards her mouth.

  “No reason, just wondering.” I replied quickly, face flushing. There was a very long silence. Finally they finished, and they said there goodbyes as they left. I cleared there table, and washed there dishes. I didn't want to leave a mess for Adam's mother Janet. Janet is a very good mother to Adam, but he never appreciated it until now apparently. As I was cleaning there counter, I heard the door open, and footsteps moving towards the living room. I sat down the dish towel on the counter, and walked out to meet her. When she saw me, her eyes grew large and she gave me a big hug and kiss.

  “Little Bill! I've missed you boy, why haven't you came to see me?” She exclaimed. I smiled, and laughed.

  “Well, I haven't really had much time, with work and college.” I stated. She nodded slowly.

  “Studying to be an attorney I hear, I figured you do something like that.” She said smiling.

  “I love it, even though it's a lot of hard work.” I replied softly. She smiled at me again, her dark blue eyes set on me, looking me over.

  “Well, that's good Billy.” She replied.

  “Janet? How did you get here if the main road is flooded?” I asked.

  “Oh, there's a cow path next to the Andersen’s, you didn't know that?” She sounded surprised. The Andersen's are a very old couple who has lived in the same place for many years. I can't believe I didn't know there was a path there.

  “No, well now I do, Well nice seeing you again Janet, but I must be getting home.” I said hurriedly. She frowned, and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Why are you leaving so soon? Stay and talk with me Billy.” She said sternly. I looked at her and smirked, she seemed to like me more than her own son which was quite sad.

  “I need to get home, get ready for work and study I really wish I could stay but I can't. I'm babysitting Violet tonight though.” I stated. Her eyes brightened, and she smiled.

  “What do you think of Violet? She's growing up so quick.” She said softly, almost sadly.

  “She's a sweet little girl, but Adam and Kim need to stop fighting, really for her sake.” I said.

  “I know, I know but there still so immature, they act like there still in high school Billy, it's ridiculous!” She exclaimed. I could tell that she's frustrated with her son, I wouldn't blame her.

  “It is, but I really should be going. I will come visit you some time Janet, I promise.” I said. She smiled.

  “You better, I miss seeing you Billy.” She said. I nodded, and made my way into the living room, I folded up the blanket I used the night before, and sat it on the pillow. I brushed my hair with my fingers, and made my way out. It stopped raining for once, it was pretty foggy out though, and very muddy. I sighed, I still have to go home, and get ready for work. I reached my car, unlocked it and got inside. I adjusted my mirrors, clicked my seat belt on and started the engine I headed towards the Andersen's and Mr. Andersen was sitting on the porch, smoking a pipe. He must be at least 90 now but he's still kicking, I waved he looked at me like I was a stranger, I figured. I looked to my right, and I seen the small cow path that Janet was speaking to me about. I made my way down the bumpy road.

  It was so bumpy, it made me annoyed but after a couple curvy turns I ended up in the outskirts of town, thank god ;Janet knew what she was talking about. I saw the sight of me in my mirror, and I looked like a mess, like usual but I didn't really mind. The roads were packed full of people now, and I turned to get on the right side, so I can get on the right street to get home. I stopped at the red light, and floored it on the green. I reached the road towards home. I took a right and I saw my apartment complex from the distance. I picked up my pace again, and I reached the parking lot of my apartment. I parked, locked the door and made my way inside. I smiled, there was Sara. She saw me as she sipped on her coffee she motioned for me to come over with her finger. I walked towards her, and rested my arms and folded them on her overly large secretary's desk. She looked very attractive today, her hair pulled back and everything her eyes sparkling as she talked.

  “Billy, where were you last night? I called you.” She asked. I narrowed my eyes, why was she trying to get a hold of me anyway?

  “ I was at my old friends house, his road flooded.” I replied. She raised her eyebrow, a non believing gaze on her face.

  “What? Did you think I was out with a some woman last night?” I rose my voice. Her face flushed, and she looked down.

  “ I called to see if we could go out to eat, on a date.” She spoke silently. I instantly felt like a total ass. I brushed my bangs out of my face, in embarrassment.

  “Sara, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of raised my voice, would you like to do that maybe r/>“No, never mind your obviously to busy to go out on dates.” She snapped. I deserved that I thought. Without a reply,I just walked down the hall towards my apartment. I felt like a jerk, when I usually am sweet and a gentlemen towards women, but she hurt me dearly and I'm still really not over that. I reached my door, and unlocked it. I walked inside, my apartment a mess like usual. I decided to go get dressed for work, which I didn't really have to dress up for. I sighed, as I walked into my room. I undressed, and looked around in my closet to find my shirt I wear for the bar, I found it. It was a black shirt with the name of the bar written on right side of the shirt. “Firelight Bar and Grill”, I slipped it on and put on jeans and my old sneakers. I don't understand why we work so early, its a bar. I guess its for those old drunks.


  Chapter 3

  Violet's POV

  9 years later

  “Violet! Would you come out for gods sake!” My mother exclaimed. I was hiding away again, like usual when mother and father fight, my mom believes I'm to old for@ this but I do it anyway. I folded my legs up to my chest, as I wiped my tears. I heard my mom pull on the attic door handle, but I was sitting in the corner of the attic. With an old dresser over the attic's small opening, I heard slamming of doors, and my mother's loud sobbing. I just don't understand why they won't get a divorce. They have been fighting since I was five, I just want them to stop.

  Perhaps they will stop fighting for my birthday, which is this Friday. I can hope, but I'm pretty sure that they won't. They don't give a s*** about what I feel, they don't think I recognize there messed up relationship? I've recognized there screwed up relationship ever since I was old enough to walk. I heard silence finally, and I decided to get up and stretch my legs I've been hiding up here for about an hour and a half. I do this pretty much every night, until my babysitter more like my best friend comes over. He's the only reason I smile anymore, I pushed the large dresser off the attic opening, I lift up the little door, and slid down falling to the ground under me but landing on all fours. I giggled , I'm like a cat. I walked into the living room, I stopped in the door way, there he was sitting on the couch filling out papers, probably his lawyer cases he's checking up on, he was sitting sideways on the couch his dress shirt all wrinkly in the front, he ran his fingers threw his long brown hair, as he raised his eyebrow and flipped over the paper to read the back. I leaned up against the door frame, staring. I finally coughed to alert him, he quickly glanced towards the hall he saw me and rolled his eyes.

  “Violet, why do you always do that?�
� He asked, leaning back on the couch, looking extremely exhausted.

  “Do what?” I replied, walking in the living room plopping down beside him.

  “Sneaking up on me like that.” He said smoothly. He looked over at me, staring into my eyes which made me look away instantly. He coughed, and got up from the couch.

  “Billy?!” I called out more desperate than expected. He turned eyebrow raised.

  “Why do you look at me the way you do?” I asked curiously. He instantly denied what he recently just did, which I really thought was bull s***, why couldn't he tell me the truth? I really couldn't understand his reasoning, but he made himself sound convincing, with him being an attorney in all, but he can't fool me, I know him to well.

  “ Are you coming over for my birthday, Friday?” I asked.

  “Well of course, why wouldn't I?” He replied sitting down next to me, he leaned back, I scooted over so he could lay down. I also laid down, placing my legs over his, like we usually do after my parents leave, to go out at night.


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