The Age Of Love

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The Age Of Love Page 6

by Anderson, Julian

  “You have to stay away from him Violet he took advantage of you and you KNOW it.” She solemnly responded. I threw her hands off, and I stood up.

  “YOU don't understand! I know I've done wrong, but he didn't take advantage of me! He loves me!” I exclaim but still in a whisper, hoping no one can hear us. She shook her head, her eyes showing how much she knows I'm doing something wrong, and shameful.

  “If you don't stop this, I will.” She responded, as she left.

  Chapter 11

  Billy's POV

  I wish things didn't happen the way they did last night, I really wish they didn't. I feel so guilty right now, and I'm so afraid of hurting Violet. I can't believe I took advantage of her like that, and I swore to myself that I wouldn't but I DID, and I feel so sick in side. What will I do to stop this, she's the girl that I've dreamed of my whole life, well I haven't found a woman yet that will complete me. Violet's only sixteen but I swear she's a woman, the way she goes about herself, with the

  I'm pretty sure this will be a long story, but I hope you readers will keep with it. Nd I already know how the story's going to end, nd I hope you enjoy it.. ;) <3

  shit she's gone threw, she's so strong and so loving. I was writing up some paperwork in my office, thankfully no clients of mine have came in today, though I know tomorrow I'll have a busy day. I'm trying so hard to stop thinking about Violet, it's distracting me so much. I just started on my paperwork, because this morning I couldn't do anything but drink my coffee and sulk, I really should look for a paralegal but damn, I like doing things on my own. That's one thing my mother say's I need to work on, she's always said. “Billy, you know you can ask other people for favors, or help right?” When I couldn't understand my math problems in the 8th grade and so on threw my high school years-math wasn't my favorite subject. I never wanted to ask the teacher, my mother, or my step father for some help. Maybe that's why I'm so f*ed up right now, because I've never listened. I never listened to the girl's I dated in high school, I was an ass most of the time not meaning to but I was. I didn't get my any girl friend pregnant like Adam did, but still I'm still ashamed of my past. I remember my prom night so vividly my it feels like my heart sunk down into my stomach. She was so beautiful, her name was Teresa, we dated for a year and a half. She has these big brown eyes that always looked beautiful, when I cried she'd look into my eyes and take my hands into her's. I sighed as I looked up my clients date of birth, I hate that I think about these things so much. I wish I didn't break her heart, and her trust. I don't know where Teresa is now, but I hope she has a great life and that she's met some guy who's simply perfect, unlike me. After we stayed an hour at the prom, we left early and we drove around in my car, which was than a small Volkswagen. We went by a park, the town square, and we stopped on this cliff in the country. She was quiet all the way there, and I could see her hands trembling and she was tangling her fingers with each other like she was impatiently waiting for something. I was stupid and I couldn't think of what it was, at that time. She finally turned to me and she said. “Billy, why can't you touch me in the way I want you to?” She asked. I blushed and replied with “What do you mean?” With her fair skin, I saw her cheeks turn into an even more red. “Why haven't you made love to me yet?” She asked softly looking at her feet. I looked away, I didn't want to answer that question. It was because I couldn't understand sex or what it was meant for. My father constantly had sex with women and he abused my mother, I was happy to have a step father to replace him. I thought that if I had sex with a woman, I'd abuse her to. That time, my logic was completely wrong. “Billy?” She whispered. I replied with. “ 'Cause I don't love you, Teresa.” I heard her choke back tears, and she started sobbing. “What? You can't be serious?!” She exclamied throwing her hands up, I was surprised about her reaction. “I am, I care for you but.. I don't love you.” I responded, looking down at my hands shaking on my lap. “Than why still date me for another year, I thought we could have made it to two..we're so close, Billy!? If you don't HONESTLY love me, why couldn't you have told me earlier?!” She hysterically responded. I swallowed. “I don't know, I didn't know how to say it.” I softly replied. She gritted her teeth, and she started to rip her gown. “What the hell?! Stop it!” I told her grabbing her hands. “Get off me!!” She said with a hard smack to my face. I grabbed her wrist, and twisted it than.. I really couldn't understand why I did it, I grabbed her by the throat. “You f*ing BITCH!” She started to gasp for air, than pried my fingers off of her neck. “STAY WAY FROM ME! Don't ever talk to me again! All I ever did was love you, and take care of you. F you, and stay out of my life!!” She responded as she bolted out of my vehicle. I jumped up from my desk, and I punched the wall. I can't stand reliving that night in my mind, I can't take it. I slid down the wall, tears gushing from my eyes. The one thing Teresa didn't know,was that I did love her. I only loved her, and I was afraid of hurting her. I lied to the first girl I truly loved.

  Chapter 12


  “No actually I need to get home, today's my birthday and my mom will be getting me up early.” I said. He looked relieved as he sat up from the step. He took my hand, and he walked me home./p> I was sitting in my room, staring outside my window. Letting the tears fall slowly, and not minding that they fell. The rain fell fast, and it blurred the glass. I felt the urge to just to go outside. Not even caring if I got sick, so I did. I opened the window, and made my usual way down the tree. The rain picked up and so did the wind. I started sobbing harder while twirling in the rain, my arms stretched out on the sides. Why didn't he come? I really want to know. It's like he doesn't even care about me, why wouldn't he be there? Was he ashamed?

  “What are you doing?” I heard his voice. I turned quickly.

  “Where the hell were you?!” I exclaimed. He looked away, and I felt sick.

  “Your ashamed of what we did, right?” I replied. He looked at me, and made his way towards me. He tried to hold my hand but I moved back.

  “I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that, I don't know why I did it.” He said, his lips quivering. I looked away from him, and sighed. Now what am I suppose to do? I turned back around and I stared into his eyes.

  “I won't let you leave me, I love you.” I said sternly. He brought his hands up to his head, as he turned around. Obviously frustrated, he started to walk away. I ran after him, I couldn't let him do this to me.

  “WAIT! Don't you love me to?!” I asked. He stopped and he turned to face me, I could see the tears falling. He has to love me, he has to.

  “ I do Violet, but it's wrong it's terribly wrong. In the eyes of god, and everyone else. I want to be with you, but it's not a good thing for either of us.” He confessed. I sighed, and laughed.

  “It is isn't it? It was pointless to think that a guy so perfect-” He cut me off.

  “Perfect?! If you think I'm perfect Violet, than you've obviously lost your mind!” He exclaimed. I started to cry myself because I couldn't understand what to do, I have to let him go because either way, I can't have him. I stared at him, and than I sighed and looked down.

  “Violet I'm sorry,but I can't be around you anymore.” He replied, choking up himself. I looked up and nodded as my tears started to gush from my eyes, I couldn't stop it and I didn't want to, I wanted him to see me cry. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me tightly. I cried harder and he wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my forehead. I'll miss him, and I'll the miss his eyes. Frankly, I'll miss everything. As we both pulled away at the same time, we both looked into each others eyes. I wasn't sure if it was a look of sadness or a look of lust. I think it was both when I looked into his, I was sure mine was of sadness. He didn't say anything else as he walked away from me, and I made my way back up my tree and back into my bed. As I got into my bed, I started crying more and I couldn't believe he's out of my life for good.

  I heard the yelling of my parents coming from downstairs, I looked at my alarm clock, and it read 6:35. It's Satur
day, and it's going to be a depressing weekend. I pushed the covers off of myself, what should I do? I feel like going to see Daniel, but it's 6:35 in the morning, and how would I get into his room? I have to explain to him what happened, or no, that's impossible. He'll think I'm disgusting, I'll just have to pretend. I can't pretend though, It's not like I love him? I feel so guilty, when I see him again I'm going to feel so bad. It's my own fault, I shouldn't have let Billy touch me, but I wanted him to.

  Sigh, this is so complicated. I have to go see him, no matter what. I hurried out of my bed, and made my way to my closet. I pulled on jeans, and a tank top. I finger combed my hair and pulled it into a bun. I hurried to brush my teeth, and I slipped on my favorite flats once again. I looked out my window and it was still dark, good. I hurried and ran, I hope I can get there without freezing my ass off.

  I made my way to his house, huffing and puffing like an idiot. The sun has become visible and I'm hoping his parents aren't up yet. Alright, which window is his? Oh my lord, how could I not remember this? I don't think he's ever told me? I'll just have to make a guess, and it I get caught I'll just make a run for it. Or you know what, screw that I'm knocking on the door. I slowly made my way up to the door, and before I could knock it, he hurried out the door.

  “Violet! I missed you!” He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and laughed nervously.

  “I missed you to? You've only missed seeing me a day.” I replied. He stared at me and smiled wider.

  “A girl like you, is easily missed.” He confessed with a smirk. I looked away, feeling guilty.

  “Do you think I could come in?” I changed the subject quickly, I just want to get my off of Billy.

  “My parents aren't home right now, and I'm not a loud to have visitors.” He said shyly.

  “It's not like were going to have sex.” I replied, pushing him aside and making my way into his place. It was dark and I could barely see in front of me. He flicked on the lights, and I could see how cluttered his place is.

  “Oh wow, what's all this?” I pointed to the pile of books on the floor. He quickly hurried and put them away, and as he got up he stared into my eyes.

  “I'm interested in the paranormal and shit like that, you don't think I'm a freak do you?” He asked with a eyebrow raised. I'm more of a freak than you are, I thought.

  “No, so am I” I whispered as I made my way to the stairs. I looked up at the darkness, and I wondered why his home was so dark.

  “Danny, could you show me your room?” I asked softly, smirking. He glanced over at me, and blushed. He nodded as he made his way up, I swallowed a knot in my throat as I followed. As we reached the top, he turned to his right as we he slowly walked down the hall. Shouldn't he be in a hurray to get me in his room? He stopped quickly, and I almost ran into him. He opened the door and I was surprised not to see a bunch of nudity on his walls and band posters. His room was pretty messy yet it was comfortable looking, like mine. I giggled and I looked at him, he's really sweet. He sat down on his bed, and I moved over to be in front of him. He looked up at me, and smiled, he slowly brought his hand to touch my face, I flinched and turned away.

  “I'm sorry, I shouldn’t even try.” He said covering his eyes with his hand. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “What's that suppose to mean?” I asked, sitting down beside him. He got up, and walked over to sit backwards on his computer chair.

  “I can tell when a girl doesn't like me, your obviously in love with some other guy.” He replied knowingly. I frowned, he knows which is obvious but I won't let him know that.

  “Your blind to the obvious than, the only person I care about, is you darling.” I replied, seductively. His eyes grew large as I leaned forward and kissed his lips I heard him moan slightly as I kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around me, and I got carried away. I thought of Billy, and in all the ways I loved him. It didn't even feel right though, it wasn't Billy at all. It was Danny. When we were done, and I looked up at his ceiling. I could feel my eyes filling with tears, he was half asleep on my chest but I had to get up, and get these thoughts off of my mind. I kissed him again softly, and told him I'd be back in a bit, that I had to take a bath. He murmured “Okay” . The tears fell and I felt grim. As I filled the tub with water, my world started to sway.

  I quickly opened there medicine cabinet hoping to see something that would make me feel better, nothing. I looked under the sink and I found tampons.

  A razor. I swallowed, and I looked at the bathtub. I closed my eyes as I realized what I'm suppose to do. I turned off the water, and I put my right foot in than my left. I sat down and I wrapped my arms around my legs. I sobbed and sobbed pathetically until I finally got up the courage to do what I was suppose to do. I grabbed the razor blade and my hand shook as I cursed myself to stop crying. I finally turned my wrist, I could see my purple and blue veins, my stomach curled. I closed my eyes as I quickly slit my wrist, I saw the blood and my eyes grew large. I became numb, as I started to slit my other one. I saw the water turn dark red, and I started to hyperventilate.

  I barely could see when Danny ran in with only boxers on, tears fell from his eyes

  as he quickly lifted me out of the bathtub. I could barely make out his face, my ears started to ring and his voice was muffled.

  Than there was darknes


  Chapter 13

  Lastly, the end <3

  I heard the yelling of my parents coming from downstairs, I looked at my alarm clock, and it read 6:35. It's Saturday, and it's going to be a depressing weekend. I pushed the covers off of myself, what should I do? I feel like going to see Daniel, but it's 6:35 in the morning, and how would I get into his room? I have to explain to him what happened, or no, that's impossible. He'll think I'm disgusting, I'll just have to pretend. I can't pretend though, It's not like I love him? I feel so guilty,

  I hope your not depressed by the ending, but I wanted it to end this way. I almost cried by the ending myself.. Egh. I Hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading, and tell me your thoughts & feelings. I'm working on my next novel to.. ;D

  when I see him again I'm going to feel so bad. It's my own fault, I shouldn't have let Billy touch me, but I wanted him to.

  Sigh, this is so complicated. I have to go see him, no matter what. I hurried out of my bed, and made my way to my closet. I pulled on jeans, and a tank top. I finger combed my hair and pulled it into a bun. I hurried to brush my teeth, and I slipped on my favorite flats once again. I looked out my window and it was still dark, good. I hurried and ran, I hope I can get there without freezing my ass off.

  I made my way to his house, huffing and puffing like an idiot. The sun has become visible and I'm hoping his parents aren't up yet. Alright, which window is his? Oh my lord, how could I not remember this? I don't think he's ever told me? I'll just have to make a guess, and it I get caught I'll just make a run for it. Or you know what, screw that I'm knocking on the door. I slowly made my way up to the door, and before I could knock it, he hurried out the door.

  “Violet! I missed you!” He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and laughed nervously.

  “I missed you to? You've only missed seeing me a day.” I replied. He stared at me and smiled wider.

  “A girl like you, is easily missed.” He confessed with a smirk. I looked away, feeling guilty.

  “Do you think I could come in?” I changed the subject quickly, I just want to get my off of Billy.

  “My parents aren't home right now, and I'm not a loud to have visitors.” He said shyly.

  “It's not like were going to have sex.” I replied, pushing him aside and making my way into his place. It was dark and I could barely see in front of me. He flicked on the lights, and I could see how cluttered his place is.

  “Oh wow, what's all this?” I pointed to the pile of books on the floor. He quickly hurried and put them away, and as he got up he stared into my eyes.

  “I'm interested in t
he paranormal and shit like that, you don't think I'm a freak do you?” He asked with a eyebrow raised. I'm more of a freak than you are, I thought.

  “No, so am I” I whispered as I made my way to the stairs. I looked up at the darkness, and I wondered why his home was so dark.

  “Danny, could you show me your room?” I asked softly, smirking. He glanced over at me, and blushed. He nodded as he made his way up, I swallowed a knot in my throat as I followed. As we reached the top, he turned to his right as we he slowly walked down the hall. Shouldn't he be in a hurray to get me in his room? He stopped quickly, and I almost ran into him. He opened the door and I was surprised not to see a bunch of nudity on his walls and band posters. His room was pretty messy yet it was comfortable looking ,like mine. I giggled and I looked at him, he's really sweet. He sat down on his bed, and I moved over to be in front of him. He looked up at me, and smiled, he slowly brought his hand to touch my face, I flinched and turned away.


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