Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series) Page 13

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  “There’s a little Mediterranean bistro near Henry’s, shall we grab something to eat there?” He asks as he navigates his way through the lunchtime traffic.

  “Fine with me.”

  James pulls the car into a pay by phone space and we eat in the little bistro before heading a few doors down to Henry’s.

  The main doors are closed on the black and silver coloured frontage but we find the VIP entrance open, I still think it’s odd that the place has no signage, yes there’s a small plaque at the front but it doesn’t appear to be lit up and certainly wasn’t that night we came along.

  He holds my hand as we walk across the main area of the club over the dance floor and towards the office. There’s plenty going on, cleaners, bar staff tidying and restocking the bar and a whole group of people, including a very pretty young woman, fussing around the raised DJ’s booth.

  The doorman who sorted a car out for me the last time I was here approaches us “Mrs. Drake ma’am.” He says as I walk further towards the office.

  “Nial’s waiting for you.” He looks at The Bossman and acknowledges him, “James.” He offers his hand to James and a firm handshake coupled with the seemingly ceremonial backslapping takes place.

  We follow the doorman, who I know to be Clive, through to Nial’s office. He opens the doors and there’s Nial sat behind a disorganised looking desk. He stands and offers his hand, “Alex, James. Good to see you both. Please sit. Can I get you a drink? Tea, coffee, something stronger, we’ve got loads of the stuff!” He laughs at his own joke. He stinks of spirits, badly. I’m sure if I lit a match the place would explode!

  “Tea would be good please.” I take a seat in front of his desk, placing my handbag and portfolio to the side of me and look sideways at James.

  “Just water for me mate.” James adds.

  Nial walks through the door and calls to someone at the bar to bring in drinks. I sit uncomfortably in my chair trying not to lean back too far, James frowns at me as I wriggle in my seat, “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look comfortable.” Hell, he knows there’s something wrong.

  “I’m fine,” I smile, “absolutely fine.” I bet he’ll go ape shit when he sees what I’ve done!

  Nial returns after a few minutes and crashes down in his leather chair.

  “It’s really good of you to come in Alex, but I didn’t know you two were working together?” He looks between the two of his, first me and then James.

  “We’re not.” I say as I reach for James’ hand, “we are together!”

  “Oh, right I see. You worked a quick one there James, nabbing the boss before anyone else got a chance!” He pauses. James gives him the filthiest look I think I’ve ever seen on anyone’s face. “It’s nothing to do with nabbing the boss Nial. It’s something a little more conventional than that, mutual attraction!” He’s brittle.

  Nail laughs, “Not like your normal bang ‘em and run then mate!” he quips, clearly asking for a bruising. I cringe and hope that the next thing out of his mouth is a little more business like?

  “Well, what would you like to see while you’re here?” He addresses me directly. I glance and see James’ fists have gripped his chair hard, really hard and his face is thunderous, ready to, well punch the living daylights out of Nial I suppose I mentally pray that the two supercharged, testosterone filled males calm down before anyone causes any harm.

  “It’s just a chat. I know that Maggie had little involvement in the club and, well to be honest I don’t really want a great deal to do with it either, but I’d like to know a little more, just be a bit more involved than Maggie was, even if it’s a bi-monthly meeting! You know, a fifty percent investment in a place is worth keeping tabs on, I’m sure you’d agree?” I explain, setting my cards clearly on the table.

  “Yes, definitely.” He fiddles with a pen on his desk as the door opens and a young girl comes in with a tray of drinks, a tea, water and what looks like some kind of spirit in a tall glass.

  She places the tray on the edge of Nial’s desk and leaves, he’s the first to pick his drink up and take a large slug. “Cheer’s.” He says.

  I look at James as I pick up my cup of tea, he returns the confused look, we’re clearly thinking the same thing drinking in the middle of the day?

  “So, I guess from the deposits in my account that things are still going well, with the club?” I ask.

  “Yes fine, well as well as can be expected giving the current climate out there. Numbers aren’t quite as high as they used to be but we still do pretty well.” Nial fiddles with a pen, a paperclip and a scrap of paper, he seems very agitated and unfocussed.

  “Do you have a balance sheet I can look at? I have no information at all, just a copy of the agreement that you signed with Maggie when she advanced you the cash to set up, about five years ago I think?” I feel I’m staring at Nial, something’s not quite right here.

  “It’ll be five years at the end of November.” He says as he takes another drink of whatever’s in that glass.

  “Right, so do you have any figures I can look at?” I press him.

  “Sorry Alex I don’t. They’re all with the accountant, he deals with everything.” The pen falls to the floor and he scrambles to pick it up. I look at James, I’m totally confused and so glad that James insisted he came along with me.

  “Oh, so you can’t tell me how much was made last month or how much we owe?” I ask.

  “Not off the top of my head.” He says defensively.

  The music starts to pound from the main area within the club, it’s dampened slightly in Nial’s office, I assume there must be a certain amount of sound insulation.

  “D J ‘B’ is doing a set for us tonight, she’ll just be setting up.” Nial adds as the strains of Avicii creep through to his office, another one of Anna’s favourites that I recognise, Wake me Up I think?

  James shuffles around in his chair, I think he’d like to say something but feels uncomfortable doing so.

  “Well Nial, if there’s nothing you can tell me I may as well go.” I’m aware that my tone is matter of fact but I feel uncomfortable and he knew I was coming, the very least he could have done was have some documentation ready.

  “I’m sorry it’s been short.” Nial stands from his side of the desk, I’m sure I see him sway. He’s pissed, I’m certain of it.

  “I bet you are.” James says under his breath, I don’t think that Nial hears him but James is rewarded with a glance in his direction.

  “I do want to see the figures Nial! Can you arrange them for me please? We’ll come back on Saturday night. My daughter’s home from the states on Saturday, we’ll bring her out for a few hours, jet lag permitting, I’ll collect the figures from you then. Is that okay?” I place my tea on his desk and get ready to leave.

  “It’s fine Alex, I’ll make sure there’s a VIP table reserved for you.” I can’t be sure but I think I detect a slur in his speech, there must be with the size of that drink he had, that amber coloured liquid, must be whiskey, or brandy I suppose? He’s definitely drunk.

  I stand and collect my handbag as Nial guides us to the door.

  As we walk across the dance floor to the VIP entrance I glance at the young woman in the DJ’s booth, Play Hard is banging through the sound system at full pelt. It’s loud but the tones are rich, indicating an expensive sound system has been installed here, this really is a quality place.

  Nial walks us to the door, he shakes James’ hand and kisses me on the cheek before we walk towards the car, he’s rewarded with a hard look from The Bossman, as he pulls away from me I can clearly smell the alcohol.

  We’ve not quite reached the Jaguar when the young girl that brought drinks to us calls from behind.

  “Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Drake you left this!” She shouts as she runs towards us.

  I turn and see her holding my portfolio.

  “Oh thank you, thank you so much.” I place my hand on the girls upper arm, my backs uncomfortable and with Nial app
earing to be a little drunk, not to mention unforthcoming, I’d completely forgotten that I’d even taken it in with me.

  “You’re welcome,” she says before taking a big breath, “Mrs. Drake, Do you own half of Henry’s?” She asks. Her voice is almost childlike, she must be eighteen at the most, certainly no older than Anna.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Well, because, well it’s really awkward.” The young lady is clearly embarrassed, flustered and uncomfortable.

  “What’s awkward? I’m sorry, I don’t know your name?” I’m intrigued as to why this young lady wants to speak with me.

  “Sorry, I’m Josie. And it’s really awkward because when I spoke to Nial he shouted at me and told me not to whinge or I wouldn’t get paid at all!” She blurts out.

  “Say that again Josie, so that I understand you correctly.”

  “We haven’t been paid, none of us and we were paid really late last month. I spoke to Nial but he shouted at me and told me that I wouldn’t get paid at all if I moaned. Chris, he was the Bar Manager, he left a couple of weeks ago because he couldn’t work for someone who didn’t pay him on time.” She stops and fiddles with a ring on her finger, “ I’m late paying my mum my board for this month, it’s not too bad for me, because it’s my mum and I don’t give her a lot anyway, but some of the guys are paying their rents late. It’s not fair and we didn’t know who else to talk to and then one of the girls overheard Nial telling Clive that you were coming in and, well one of the other guys behind the bar has been here since Henry’s opened and he said that Nial had a business partner but no-one knew who it was.” Her words spew out in a torrent as she recounts what’s been happening over the last few months.

  “Josie. I’ll sort it for you. I’m going home now but I’ll make some phone calls. Can I give you my personal number? If anything else happens, will you let me know?” I sound like I’m talking to Anna in my best mum’s voice.

  “Yes, Mrs. Drake. Please miss-call me and I’ll save your number.” She gets her phone from her back pocket and calls out her number which I input into my phone and let it ring once.

  I put my hand on her shoulder, “I’ll sort it Josie, I promise.” I reassure her.

  She turns and wanders back to the club with her head down, James and I slide into the Jaguar.

  “I knew he was a playboy Alex, I didn’t have him down as doing, well whatever he’s doing! And he certainly never drank during the day when I used to come here, in fact I don’t think he used to drink a lot at all, always too busy banging some poor girl!” James tells me about the Nial from five years ago, certainly not the man that I’ve just met who, from first impressions, should not be running a night club.

  “The thing is James, I don’t know who the accountants are for the Henry’s. I’ll ring Gerald when I get back home and see if he can help. Do you think that’s the best way to go?” I ask for his advice.

  “Yeah, I do Blossom. Was Gerald Maggie’s accountant for everything or just the hotel?”

  “Everything, all her tax affairs, the hotel. Everything apart from this place!”

  We’re soon home and I dash to our room leaving a bemused James watching me as I all but hurtle up the stairs. I want to change and I’m desperate to remove my bra so that the newly acquired body art feels a little more comfortable.

  I undress and use the bathroom, returning to my bedroom I open my underwear drawer, what the hell’s going on, no underwear only my old cotton knickers. I rummage through but find nothing, no new lacy bra’s, thongs or knickers, all the new Elle McPherson sets that I recently brought have gone. I check the other drawers, everything is as it should be.

  “Alex, are you going to be long?” I hear James calling upstairs.

  “No, just give me a second!” I shout back.

  I literally scratch my head, where is all my new stuff? I know I haven’t worn this much underwear in the last few days so I know for a fact that it’s not in the wash, but to assure myself that I’m not going mad I check the laundry bin anyway –that’s empty.

  “Alex, I’ve made you a cup of tea. What are you doing?” I hear James call again.

  I ignore him and go back to my room and check my back in the mirror, the melolin pad is still in place and looks secure, but the big scar, well I feel ready to start making inquiries into getting it fixed, somehow.

  I pull on my yoga pants and a soft t-shirt before going downstairs to the kitchen.

  “What took you so long?” He walks towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “All my underwear has gone! From my drawer!” I look up at him, I must look totally confused.

  “Your underwear?” He’s smiling at me, almost laughing.

  “Yes, all of it. It’s not funny! All the new stuff I bought, every bit gone. All that’s left is my old cotton stuff and frumpy bras. It’s not you is it?” I frown.

  “No, what would I want with your bras and knickers?” He scowls.

  “I don’t know, but it’s all gone – every single piece, I’ve looked in the laundry bin and that’s empty. I’ll check the utility room, but Muriel’s up to date with the laundry, and anyway some of it I haven’t even worn yet, it’s still got the labels on!” I go through to the utility room, laundry baskets empty.

  “Don’t worry about it now. You can always get more.” He pulls me close as I move back into the kitchen, holding me tight around the waist he bends towards me his lips brushing mine so firm and yet so very soft, his tongue flicks my bottom lip and I open for him, our tongues battle as our passion heats, I run my fingers through his hair, through his curls, holding on so tightly. I can feel his erection straining through his black trousers, hard against my leg.

  “God, I want you Alex.” He breathes heavily.

  He lowers his hands until they’re under my backside and pulls me up towards his body “Wrap your legs around me!” He orders, and as usual I do whatever he tells me to.

  He carries me through to the living room and sits down on the sofa, I’m still wrapped around him, my hands still holding his head, he pulls me close again, he breathes into my neck, “I love you so fucking much, you have no comprehension of just how much Alex, none at all. You are my world Alex Drake.”

  “I love you too, I really do!” I whisper.


  “Really, really and, do you know what James?”

  “What?” His voice is husky, wanting.

  “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Aconi, and I’ve got a special present for you Bossman.” I whisper in his ear.

  “Oh yes, and what’s that?”

  “I’ll show you later. But first, I need to practise this!” I say quietly.

  Extracting myself from his lap and his hold I kneel on the rug between his legs, my hands on his hips I work my way around to his zip. Pressing against his hard length I gradually take hold of the pull tab and slowly ease it down, I look directly at him as I do biting my bottom lip. He tilts his head back into the sofa as I unbutton the top of his trousers and move the two sides of the fly aside. “Lift up for me!” I order as I slap his thigh. He lifts his fine arse up just enough for me to pull the fabric down slightly, I drag his boxers down at the same time, his length springing free, standing proud waiting to be lavished.

  I take his manhood in my hand and gently clench it whilst leaning forward to take the end of him in my mouth, “Oh god Alex, fucking hell that’s so good.” He grumbles as I twirl my tongue around the head of his manhood and suck hard up and down his length, I swish my tongue around his fine head again and as I reach the end push myself back down again taking his full length into my mouth before drawing my lips back to the end again, over and over.

  “Stop, Alex, Stop!” He shouts.

  I pull away quickly, “What’s wrong James!”

  “Nothing! Nothing. I need to make sure that you’re not left out, that’s all!” He moves from the sofa and joins me on the rug losing his trousers as he does. He pushes me back so that I am sitting on my backside with m
y knees bent to my chest. He slips his thumbs into the elastic waistband on my yoga pants, it’s him now asking me to lift up so that he can wriggle me out of my clothes. They come down easy and he casts them and my knickers aside.

  Bending between my legs he blows softly on my so sensitive sex, “You said you were going to wax.” He grumbles.

  “I will, I just haven’t got around to it yet!” I say defensively.

  “Umm.” He blows again and then I feel little licks across my clit, he licks and nips and sucks, his fingers join in the fun as he gently brings me gradually to the teetering edge of my climax, his tongue exploring every inch of my so private place.

  He pulls back and from my position sprawled out on the rug I gasp, I can see that thing pointing directly at me. “You taste too good Alex.”

  He bends towards me, his forearms either side of my shoulders as I feel his hard nub at my entrance, he thrusts forward, hard and continues to pound into me. “Hard and fast baby!” He grumbles. “Wrap your legs around me Alex.”

  I can feel the pressure on my new ink, it hurts, not so bad that I want him to stop. Oh Lord I don’t want him to stop, ever! But it’s bad enough, I grit my teeth and bear the discomfort which is far, far outweighed by the pleasure that James brings as he pounds into me, over and over again. I moan and cry out.

  “Are you ready?” He asks.

  “Yes!” I yell, moaning and whimpering partly with pain and partly with pleasure.

  “Now!” He growls as he releases, I shudder around him, my muscles clenching him, drawing every last bit of his release from him.

  He thrusts again, one last time before collapsing on me.

  “Ow!” I gasp, unable to bear the pain any longer.

  “What’s wrong? Alex, have I hurt you?” He lifts up so quickly, he’s a horrified look on his face, shock and fear. All I’ve done is said “ow!” I would hate to think what he would look like if he, or someone else, had hurt me.

  “No, you haven’t but – my surprise hurt, that’s all!” I wince as I sit up and adjust my t-shirt which is now all rucked up around my waist.

  “You’ve lost me completely Alex.” He says as he reaches for his boxers. He stands, all he’s wearing is his shirt. He bends to step into his boxers, I get a full view of that bloody arse as he pulls his boxers up and adjusts his tackle as he stands up straight.


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