Keep It In The Blood: A Vampire Romance For Adults

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Keep It In The Blood: A Vampire Romance For Adults Page 5

by Samantha Snow

  “And if you can’t do it?” asked Cordell. “Shall a couple of us attempt to go to him ourselves?”

  “All right, Cordell,” he agreed. “You and Paul may go. But don’t get yourselves dead. I don’t need to lose two of my strongest men over all of this. Do it now.”

  “Yes, my lord,” the two men said together, each transforming into bats and flying out a nearby window.

  “Good,” Zach smirked. “Now that the naysayers are taken care of, let’s get to work.”

  The others laughed, and then he quickly allocated local jobs for each of them. Some were sent out to directly confront vampires near the perimeter walls, while others were instructed to attempt a trip to Vail to look for Carpathians at the source. That particular group was sizeable enough to be perceived as a threat.

  “All right, everyone, you’ve all got your missions. Now get out of my sight so I can concentrate in peace,” said Zach then. “I need to establish that link, and I’m going to need all the mind power I can get.”

  “Brother, if I may suggest?” said Alex as he lingered momentarily.

  “What is it, brother?”

  “Do not forget you have a mate now,” he pointed out. “You could attempt a tantric connection. That would not require the girl to know how to help.”

  Zach’s eyes widened slightly. “Thanks, Alex. I hadn’t thought of that. Good thinking. Maybe I should go find Vivian now.”

  There were several knowing smirks as the remaining men went out the door.


  Zach returned to the library, where he had left Vivian the hour before. Not surprisingly, the woman had her nose buried in the biggest book she could possibly find. It looked to be something historical.

  “I see you found something to keep you busy,” he said with a smirk. “Unfortunately, you’ll have to set it aside for now. There’s something very important that I need your help with.”

  “You need my help?” she asked, somewhat surprised.

  “Perhaps I ought to explain first,” he chuckled. “Do you know anything about Tantric Magic, Vivian, or was that knowledge kept from you as well?”

  “You mean—you mean sex magic?” she asked, blushing. “No, I don’t think so. They certainly wouldn’t want to enlighten me about that!”

  He laughed, chucking her under the chin.

  “It has come to my attention that informing your father of a few things would be a good idea, only there is a very real concern that attempting to contact him by modern means would not go well. I wish to form a mind meld with Joseph to let him know what is going on, but I have a fear that my own power, unenhanced, may not be enough. That’s where you come in, my dear. If you were to—stimulate me well enough, it might raise my power to a sufficient level to do the spell.”

  “I see,” she said stoically.

  “And there is the added bonus, too,” he added, grinning.

  “What bonus?”

  “Shouldn’t that be obvious?” he asked with a chuckle. “I get to tap into you.”

  Vivian chuckled along with him. “Yeah, there is that,” she agreed.

  “Will you come to bed with me?” he asked, holding out a hand for her to take.

  “Of course, my lord,” she agreed, reaching up to take it and letting him draw her to her feet. “So are we always going to be fulfilling some other purpose besides just doing the do when we head for your bedroom?”

  Zach laughed. “I sincerely hope not. But then again, maybe that’s not a bad idea if it gives us an excuse.”

  Vivian giggled. “You would say something like that, wouldn’t you?”

  The two of them walked together, hand in hand, to their suite of rooms, hardly able to keep the grins off of their faces. Of course, they came upon more than one vampire along the way as their current guests were still preparing to depart. The knowing looks on each of their faces made Vivian blush crimson, and Zach teased her about it as they reached their destination.

  “It is quite obvious I have yet to remove that maidenly modesty of yours,” he said, running a finger along one of her cheeks. “Maybe once we’ve managed to contact the Arimathean, that could be our next task for the evening, eh?”

  “Zach, come on,” she grumbled. “Don’t you think we should learn about more than just each other’s bodies here?”

  “Well, I figured we could save that for when we’re thoroughly sated,” he teased her. “You know, play a round of twenty questions, whip out a deck of cards, and play chess or something. It might happen in, say, fifty years or so. Unless you being so much younger than me could make it take just a bit longer, but who knows?”

  “You’re completely crazy, Zach, do you know that?” Vivian mentioned as they stepped through the door and headed for his bedroom.

  “Hmm, thanks,” he said. “I do my best.”

  Vivian was still laughing when he caught her around her waist and hauled her against him from behind. His erection made it quite clear that, although they might have been teasing along the way there, something else was foremost in his mind.

  He twisted her around so that she was facing him, and kissed her hard. Vivian gasped, then let out a heated exhale right into his mouth. With a heady need, he plunged his tongue between her lips, seeking and finding. She tasted like a sweet nectar, and he was more than willing to imbibe.

  “Zach!” she gasped softly when he hiked up the skirt of her gown until most of her body was uncovered and part of her face was hidden instead, exposing her bra and panties for Zach’s delectation. The next thing she knew, he yanked the garment over her head and tossed it away.

  She watched avidly, biting at her lower lip, as he began to unbutton his shirt, then tugged it off as well. Her fingers trembled slightly from adrenaline as they reached out to slide their way down his abs and latch onto the button of his fly.


  Vivian and Zach made short work of getting out of the clothing, the action replete with hungry kisses all along the way. They were both panting with need when they finally managed to make it into the center of the bed with nothing left to get in their way.

  Zach plunged his hands into Vivian’s fiery hair, giving it an experimental yank to bring her face up to a better angle. He buried his nose into the nape of her neck, and Vivian groaned. It was as much the fact that he was going to bite her, as the anticipation of it that elicited the sound. With a hungry growl, he gently sank his teeth into her, fueling her desire to a point where she couldn’t even remember her name.

  “Sweetheart, you need to take some back from me,” Zach muttered against her skin. “And when we’re done, we’ll need somebody to eat.”

  Vivian shifted underneath him, angling her head so she could bite. As she did this, Zach moved his pelvis more fully against her own, undulating against her. His cock was rock hard and insistent, finding its own way to her hole as he continued to move.

  Zach groaned appreciatively when he slid into her just as her fangs slid into his throat. Vivian moaned softly from the back of her throat, swallowing the spate of hot liquid that assaulted her lips and tongue. Zach groaned again as he began to move, clearly enjoying the thrill of her bite as much as the thrill of being inside her.

  “Stop, love, save some of that for my own veins,” he teased after a while.

  “Sorry,” she whispered in a raspy tone. “You’re just so damned good!”

  “If you really want to taste me so much, there are other liquids available.”

  “But that’s feeding my other lips right now,” she pointed out, grinning wickedly.

  Zach laughed. “Well, then, let’s give it a good dose. But don’t forget, Viv, we came in here to raise my energy, not deplete it completely.”

  Vivian groaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot somewhere deep, biting at her lower lip as she sucked in a breath of air. Sweat sheened on her forehead, and she suspected that some of the dampness on the back of her neck might be sweat as well—though it might just as easily be a bit of blood.
/>   “Don’t remind me,” she murmured. “I really don’t want to think about my father right now!”

  “Are you sure? If we get him out of the way, the rest of this session belongs just to ourselves,” he pointed out.

  “Do it, then,” she complained.

  Zach kept moving steadily within her, but his mind itself passed within and then without, seeking. It touched and dismissed a countless number of minds until it came across the one he was looking for.

  Joseph, we’ve got trouble, he thought, practically needing to shout.

  Zach Knight? What do you mean?

  I do not know if you heard of my father’s passing, but Vivian is here with me. I took her for my bride in James’ place. But she has been followed by our enemies, and now the Carpathians have placed our home under siege. We could really use some help.

  I will send reinforcements immediately.

  As soon as he’d delivered the message, Zach felt free to resume his physical activities with a renewed fervor. Vivian didn’t need to ask him if he had been successful, since actions sometimes tended to speak louder than words.

  “Baby, your first serving is about to arrive,” said Zach, gritting his teeth. With a low growl, he filled Vivian with his seed. She moaned rather appreciatively as she bucked up against him, greedily taking it in.

  “You are truly my mate, my dear,” Zach whispered against her lips. “No other woman has ever made me feel like this.”

  Vivian grinned, then sobered. “And what did my father say?”

  “Help is on the way.”


  The next evening, things had not really changed. Vivian was still unable to go to the beach, and Donovan and the other ghouls were still missing. Because Zach needed to tend to business, Vivian almost immediately wandered off to the library. There were lots of really interesting books to be had there, but still she longed for the romance novel that was still being held hostage out in the car.

  Too bad Don wasn’t around, she thought with a rueful sigh. This was just the sort of thing the ghoul would have been good for. Well, at least he would be until she actually turned him. Zach did say that he was going to leave that task to her.

  She considered Don her best friend, but now that she knew she would be expected to bite the man once he came home, she was beginning to wonder if the exchange of blood was always a somewhat sexual experience, or if she could actually manage to keep it platonic.

  Did Zach really mean what he’d been saying about that? Maybe he wanted to be like his twin, and have a third, for all she knew. Heck, she’d only been sexually active for a few days, but she’d already decided it was quite enjoyable. Maybe these men knew something she didn’t, and two might actually be better than one.

  All her life, her mother had been drumming it into Vivian’s head that she would be expected to do whatever her mate asked her to do. He hadn’t exactly asked her to take Donovan to her bed, but he had said that if she did so, it would be understood.

  Somehow, she very much doubted she would have been told the same thing if she had been mated to James. The idea of belonging to anyone other than Zach repulsed her, though. She hated to be thankful for somebody’s death, but maybe grateful was the word she was looking for. Because if it hadn’t been for one stray killing curse, she may well have been stuck with a man who didn’t do it for her, for all she knew.

  She got hot and bothered just thinking about all the sex the two of them had fit into one evening yesterday. She might be sitting there holding some history book or other, but her nipples were aching and her sex was getting so wet she found herself wriggling in her easy chair.

  “Dammit, why does he have to be out working tonight?” she complained. Trying to quell her need, she rubbed her thighs together and started to keen. She visualized Zach’s face, the way his lips had last teased hers, the way he’d tasted, and the way he’d smelled. “Oh, I can’t take it anymore!”

  Her fingers slid down inside of her shorts, expanding the waistband just enough to let her into her underwear too. She bit at her bottom lip and gave a little moan. She needed—more. Maybe she was hungry for some blood or something. She hadn’t eaten anything but regular food for a couple of days. But no, she had no hunger in that way. Zach had kept that need sated, too.

  “How much longer is the man going to be gone, already?” she grumbled, rubbing a bit harder. Her other hand slid up along her waist, over her ribcage, finding a breast. She twisted her nipple, moaning some more.

  She heard somebody opening the door. Her hands quickly went to less naughty places, and she plastered a serene look on her face.

  “Have you seen my brother?” asked Alex hopefully. “I was told he was about to come here with you.”

  “Oh no, he hasn’t been in here, much as I might wish otherwise,” Vivian grumbled.

  Alex chuckled. “Feeling lonely, Viv?” he teased.

  “And what if I am?” she grumbled.

  “Maybe I should leave you in peace.”

  The door opened again. Zach stepped in, seeing his brother laughing and Vivian glaring.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asked curiously.

  “Alex was looking for you,” said Vivian irritably. “That can only mean I don’t get you to myself soon, so I may as well just give up on the idea. I think I’ll just go back to our room.”

  “Vivian, is something troubling you?”

  “Nothing of importance,” she replied. “I believe I am just feeling tired.”

  “I’ll speak to Alex for a minute or two, Vivian, and then I will come to you.”

  “Don’t make me any promises,” she grumbled, tilting her face up to kiss his cheek. “I’m going to go to sleep.”

  She went to her own bed and started again where she’d left off. She hadn’t gotten very far before her door opened and Zach was suddenly standing there. His eyes took her in and turned hungry, and he cast her a wolfish grin.

  “I knew it,” he commented dryly. “I could smell it in the air, Viv. Next time you want it that badly, I’ll have to teach you how to use your mind to call me.”

  “Telepathic fucking?” she teased.

  “You’d be amazed how many people would probably appreciate that particular ability,” he teased, sauntering over to the bed and sinking onto his knees. “Now, tell me, what could I do to help you in this situation? A little kiss here? A little taste there? You instruct me, my dear, and I will willingly do your bidding.”

  Vivian grinned wryly. “Well, I suppose these breasts could use some kissing.”

  Zach dutifully fell down onto the bed, taking one pert breast into his mouth and nipping it. He began to suckle like a baby, droplets of red coloring his tongue. Vivian’s fingers were still working, but he slid his hand over hers, taking over. She groaned as he increased the speed, quickly bringing the matter to a head.

  “Oh yes, Zach! Please!” Vivian pleaded, feeling sated at last.


  The next night, the house was filled with men again. This time, though, the vampires had arrived from Spain. “Your father sends his regards and one battalion of his men to congratulate you on your mating and rid you of your—Carpathian problem at the same time,” the captain told Vivian. “It shouldn’t be long before we’ve recovered your ghouls and you can all live your lives comfortably again.”

  “Won’t that be a nice change,” Vivian said, relieved.

  “Are you still after that damned book?” Zach asked, chuckling. “Boys, there’s enough of you to help me out, right? Somebody needs to go out to Vivian’s car and retrieve her belongings. With so few men all this time, we haven’t been willing to take the risk, but I believe ten men would be a much better sized retrieval group than the two I had to spare.”

  Captain Ravi chuckled, looking over at her. “I shall retrieve your treasures myself, Miss Viv. And mated life seems to be treating you well, by the way. I do not remember seeing such a glow about your face when last we met.”

  “The last time we
met, I was only ten,” she pointed out, smirking.

  “There is that,” he had to agree.

  “Vivian, come here with me,” said Zach then. “We have been so preoccupied all week, I haven’t even shown you the entertainment room in this place.”

  “Entertainment?” she asked curiously.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, you know, pool table, dart board, huge television?”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you even had those things,” she said, shrugging.

  “Vivian was raised away from the modern conveniences,” Ravi mentioned. “Half of those things you just mentioned, she has probably never seen.”

  “There was a pool table in the common area, and one very small television,” she pointed out. “Our colony was not quite as backward as Ravi would lead you to believe.”

  “How many people had to share that TV?” asked Zach curiously.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I suppose if we had all been gathered there at the same time, there may have been forty people at most. But many of us were women just waiting to be given to our mates, you see. And, of course, the mates of the Arimathean who had birthed us. Our mothers were somewhat interchangeable, though my own mother seemed to be one of his favorites. She was given special treatment, and she birthed more daughters than the others.”

  “That almost sounds like a baby mill,” Zach snorted. “What did Joseph do, come out there once or twice a year just to breed?”

  “Pretty much,” Vivian and Ravi agreed, nodding to each other.

  “After all that, then, having a television just to ourselves should be a real treat,” said Zach, smiling. “I’ll even let you pick out a movie.”

  “Yes, please!” she said excitedly.

  “Well, then, Zach, it looks like you have the evening well in hand,” said Ravi. “Just point the way to the vehicle in question, and those men of mine who have not gone out hunting the Carpathians will accompany me out there right now. How difficult could it be?”


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