The Baby Promise

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The Baby Promise Page 18

by Tia Wylder

  “It’s too late,” Peter said calmly. He tilted his head to the side and smirked at his father. “I already have the company – you signed it over right after Honey, and I got married.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded sheaf of papers. “I noticed it wasn’t notarized when I signed, so I went and saw my lawyer. He straightened everything out for me,” Peter finished smugly. “So, it’s all over.”

  Peter’s father’s face turned bright red with rage, and he began visibly shaking. “You can’t do that!”

  “Oh, I can, and I did,” Peter said. He glanced at me and winked. “And I couldn’t have done it without Honey. She’s given me strength and love – two things you know nothing about.”

  Peter’s father staggered backward like he’d been slapped in the father.

  “The cops are coming, so don’t bother running,” Peter said. “I called them before I came over here – funny, they were quite interested in you and Pamela. Did you know she tried to kidnap Honey?”

  “No, that can’t be!” Peter’s father yelled. “You’re lying, you bastard!”

  Peter shook his head. “Oh, I wish,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “And do you know what would have happened if that bitch had hurt my wife? And our unborn child?”

  Peter’s father didn’t reply.

  That was when I heard it.

  The sirens.

  They were in the distance, but growing louder with each passing second.

  Peter looked at his father and shook his head sadly. “Dad, I was hoping things wouldn’t come to this,” he said slowly. “But I don’t have any other choice.”

  Peter’s father eyed him with a wild look in his blue eyes. “Peter, you can’t do this,” he gasped, clutching at his chest. “I can’t go to prison!”

  Peter shook his head. “Then you shouldn’t have tried to manipulate your own son,” he said softly. “I wish things could have been different.”

  Peter took my hand and pulled me close. As the sirens grew louder and louder, I took a deep breath.

  “Are you all right?” Peter asked softly. “I’m sorry – I know this couldn’t have been fun for you.”

  I gave Peter a small smile. “I’ll be fine,” I said quietly. “I have a feeling that things are finally starting to go back to normal.”

  Peter leaned in close and kissed my cheek. “They are,” he said softly. “Indeed they are.”


  Honey – Two Years Later

  “Mommy, mommy!”

  I looked down and grinned at my daughter, Hannah, as she raced around the living room of the condo I shared with Peter.

  “What is it, love bug?” I scooped her into my arms and held her close. “You’re getting big!”

  Hannah smiled at me. “Want milk!”

  I laughed. “Okay,” I said. “Come with me.”

  I set Hannah down on the ground and reached for one of her little sticky hands. Hannah put her chubby fingers against mine and toddled along behind me as I walked into the kitchen. Our housekeeper and cook, Judy, was standing at the stove.

  “Good morning, Miss Honey,” Judy said. “What would you like for breakfast?”

  “Nothing for me, thanks,” I said. “But Hannah would like some milk. And could you make her some eggs? I don’t want her getting cranky in the car.”

  Judy beamed. “Of course,” she said. She thought for a moment, and her smile faded. “Are you going to see your father?”

  “Yes,” I said. I bit my lip. “It’s been a while.” I leaned in closer so Hannah would overhear. “I’m worried he won’t recognize Hannah. He’s not doing very well.”

  Judy put her hand on my shoulder and patted me sympathetically. “It’s important for grandparents to see their grandchildren,” she said. “I bet it will lift his spirits.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure you’re right,” I replied.

  While Hannah picked at a plate of scrambled eggs, I had Judy watch her so I could take a quick shower. After scrubbing myself off, I dressed in a pair of white jeans and a silk blouse.

  “Peter,” I called. “I’m almost ready to go!”

  Seconds later, Peter’s handsome head appeared in the doorway. He whistled when he saw me.

  “You look wonderful,” Peter said. He eyed my ass and smirked. “I can’t wait for you to get home later.”

  A surge of lust and passion went soaring through my body, and I wrapped my arms around my husband’s shoulders, pulling him in close for a kiss.

  “I can’t wait,” I said, nuzzling Peter’s nose with my own. “I just wish I didn’t have that darn charity thing to plan.”

  Peter laughed. “Spoken like a true Anastas,” he said, lightly slapping my ass through my jeans until I squealed. “It’s worth it, though – do you know how much we’ve donated to breast cancer research this month?”

  I flushed. “I haven’t looked at the books,” I lied. “I haven’t had the time. With Hannah’s birthday coming up, you know, time has been rushing so quickly.”

  Peter grinned. “I know,” he said. “But Honey, remember to relax. You always need to take some time for yourself. Why not cancel your trip and take Hannah out to the pool?” Peter gestured through the window of our condo to our private, rooftop pool. “I think she’d love it.”

  I frowned and shook my head, feeling guilty. “He’s getting worse,” I said softly. “I feel like I really have to go.”

  Peter nodded. He slipped his hand against mine and squeezed. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you today,” he said apologetically. “If you need anything, just call the office.”

  “I think we should take a vacation somewhere,” I said, closing my eyes and picturing Peter and myself stretched out on a white sandy beach. “Just the two of us. It’s been too long.”

  “Definitely,” Peter said. He leaned in close and kissed my cheek. “I promise, we’ll plan something soon.”

  I watched as Peter took his briefcase, gave me another quick kiss, and left for the office. In the past two years, he’d really come into his own as a consultant. Spyros Magnate was doing better than ever before. Alexander, Peter’s father, had been sentenced to a five-year term in federal prison, but both Peter and I knew that he likely would be released soon for good behavior. While I was worried about what would happen when Peter’s father came back into our lives, but I knew that Peter would always be a good father and husband.

  When I was ready to go, I met Judy in the kitchen.

  “Mr. Peter gave me the meal plans for tonight,” Judy said. She smiled. “He told me to surprise you.”

  I flushed. “That’s nice,” I said. I couldn’t believe that after two years of marriage, Peter was still planning surprises like we were newlyweds.

  Judy nodded. “Hannah is all ready to go,” she said. “She ate two eggs.”

  “Good!” I beamed at my daughter. “Are you ready to go see Papa?”

  Hannah nodded. I took her by the hand and led her outside. Our driver, Renaldo, greeted Hannah with a smile as he opened the rear door of our sedan. I thanked him and climbed inside, settling myself next to Hannah before buckling her into her booster seat.

  The drive to New Jersey seemed to take no time at all. By the time Renaldo pulled up in front of my father’s house, I was almost nervous.

  After unbuckling Hannah from her seat, I carried her up the front walk and knocked on the door. When it opened, I was surprised to see Magda standing there.

  “Miss Honey! I wasn’t expecting you today!”

  I smiled at Magda. “Yes. I thought Hannah could visit with her grandfather for a while.”

  Magda’s smile faded. “Miss Honey, I need to speak with you,” she said, glancing down at Hannah’s white-blonde head. “It’s urgent.”

  My stomach twisted with anxiety. I took Hannah back to the car and told Renaldo to watch her for a few moments, then followed Magda inside my father’s house. Immediately, I could tell that something had changed.

  “Miss Honey—“

��He’s dead,” I said quietly. “You don’t have to explain.”

  Magda’s face crumpled, and she began to cry. “Yes,” she said. She sighed softly. “He passed early this morning.” She took a sealed envelope from the pocket of her housedress and handed it to me. “This is for you – he wrote it last night. I think he knew it was coming.”

  I sighed. The news, while not unexpected, was still crushing. For a moment, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Then I took a deep breath and steadied myself against the table before using my manicured nail to slice open the letter.

  Dear Honey,

  I am sorry that I don’t think we’ll have the chance to say goodbye in person, but I can’t depart from this life without telling you that I love you. You were always the perfect daughter, even though your mother and I failed you more times than I could count. I will always love you, Honey, and I will always be grateful for your help.

  I am so happy that you found love with Peter. He’s a good man, and I know he’ll always take care of you.



  Tears came to my eyes, and I pressed the slip of paper to my chest.

  “He meant well, in the end,” Magda said quietly.

  I nodded. “I know,” I said. “He did the best he could.”

  Walking out into the bright sunshine made my father’s death seem like a dream. Hannah and Renaldo were playing, chasing each other around the front yard. When Renaldo saw my expression, he skidded to a halt.

  “We’re going home,” I announced. “Hannah, come with me.”

  Hannah obediently came to me, and I buckled her into her booster seat. As Renaldo drove away, Magda waved from the doorway.

  “Mommy, why aren’t we going to see Papa?”

  I sighed. “Papa…papa went away to a different place, love bug.”

  Hannah bit her lip and frowned. “Oh,” she said. “Are you sad, Mommy?”

  I nodded. “Yes,” I said. “But he was very sick. He’s in a better place now.”

  Hannah reached out and put her small hand on my arm. She patted me a few times, then smiled.

  When Renaldo pulled into our driveway, I was surprised to see Peter’s sports car. I wasn’t even in the house before Peter rushed outside and pulled me into his arms.

  “Magda called,” he said, putting his face to my ear and kissing me gently. “I’m so sorry.”

  I bit my lip. “It’s awful, but I’m almost relieved,” I said. “He was suffering so much.”

  Peter nodded. “He loved you.”

  I thought of the letter tucked inside my purse. “In his own way,” I said. I sighed. “Peter…”

  “What is it, my love?”

  I kissed my husband’s lips gently. “Thank you. For everything. For helping me – for loving me. You made my whole life better.”

  Peter smiled. His ocean-blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight. “I’ll always love you, Honey,” he said. He reached for my hand. “Get Hannah and let’s go inside. I have a surprise for you.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Oh?”

  Peter smirked. “You’ll find out,” he said.

  My heart fluttered in anticipation as I reached into the backseat, unbuckled Hannah, and carried her inside. She was sleeping, and as soon as we reached the kitchen, I passed her to Judy.

  “Take her to her room,” I instructed. “Peter and I need to be alone for a few minutes.”

  When Judy left, Peter poured me a glass of wine and led me to the table. I sipped it gratefully before lowering myself into a chair. Peter sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee.

  “I was thinking what you mentioned earlier, about a vacation,” Peter said. “And I booked us a surprise trip.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  Peter nodded. “I’ll be taking three weeks off from work at the end of next month. We’re going to the French Riviera.”

  My jaw dropped, and I threw my arms around Peter. My turbulent emotions – sadness, relief, happiness – flooded my body and I began to cry, sobbing into Peter’s neck. He patted my back and held me closer.

  “Hey, why the tears,” Peter asked gently. He wiped them from my face with his fingers. “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to take a trip, just the two of us?”

  “I’m just so happy,” I said, sobbing quietly. “I can’t believe it – I feel like I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you, Peter.”

  Peter grinned. “Yes, you do,” he said. “You’re my wife, and I love you, and I always will. I just want to make you happy. Does this make you happy, Honey?” He leaned in close. “Besides,” he added, a devilish glint gleaming in his eyes. “Maybe we could always start trying for baby number two.”

  I flushed and nodded. “Yes,” I said softly. “I love you, Peter.”

  Peter squeezed my hand. “I love you, baby,” he said. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, you and Hannah,” he added, smiling at the mention of our daughter.

  While I’d had a very rough day, I felt relaxed, happy, and comforted in the presence of my husband. And I knew that no matter what the future brought, Peter would always be my one stable source of comfort. Suddenly, I was looking forward to the future in a way that I’d never felt before. Instead of dreading the future and worrying about the mundane horrors of life, I barely even thought of them anymore. Being with Peter had truly brought me peace and happiness, in a way that I’d never expected.

  I had truly found my perfect ending.

  ~ The End ~

  Accidental Surprises

  Chapter One: Golden Letters

  Hayley leaned back on her friend’s couch. Her blonde hair splayed around her. The plush furniture always made her

  feel like she was in a ritzy hotel. Mixed patterns and colors draped the edges of her windows in silky cascades. Chelsea’s taste was exotic. It was a sharp contrast to her own, quiet taste. Hayley always felt that she had been given a glimpse into another world when they were at Chelsea’s place. The rustle of paper caught her attention.

  “Hey Chels, you dropped one.” Hayley leaned down to pick up a black envelope that had slipped out of the pile of mail her friend was going through. Gold lettering on the front shimmered in the light.

  “Oh, that? You can open it.”

  “Are you sure?” The flippant permission caught her off guard.

  “Yep. I know an invitation when I see one.”

  Invitation? Hayley’s fingers trailed along the crisp edges of the envelope. There was something taboo about opening someone else’s mail. Even with permission, she felt a little uneasy slipping her finger underneath the sealed flap. Thick black paper peeked out from inside. Gold writing and embellishments scrawled their way across the edges of the parchment.

  “You’re invited to a masquerade tonight at Kyle Manor.” Silhouettes of a young woman in a flowing dress and a man in a suit danced across the page. Hayley traced their outline. A smile broke across her face. A masquerade! She had always dreamed about attending a masquerade for as long as she could remember. The dresses. The mystery. It was one of the small fantasies she had held onto.

  Chelsea snorted, “Could you imagine?” She rolled her eyes. “All of those people roaming around in masks, pretending they don’t know who everyone is already.”

  “Yeah. Sounds terrible.” Hayley tried to hide her initial excitement. Disappointment leaked through in her voice.”

  Chelsea stopped flipping through the rest of her mail and looked up. “Oh, Hayley…I’m sorry.” She stood up from the chair she was curled up in and sat down by her friend.

  “It’s fine. It’s just an invitation. There’s nothing to apologize for.” Hayley smiled earnestly. She didn’t want her friend to feel bad.

  “No, don’t do that. You thought it sounded fun, didn’t you? Hayley, you don’t have to always put someone else’s views and feelings above your own.” Chelsea’s eyes searched her imploringly. A determined smile rested on her lips. “Let’s go.”


  “Yeah. Let’s go. Come on, you can be my plus one.”

  “But I thought you just said—”

  Chelsea waved her hands in the air, “Forget what I just said. I grew up with this stuff, so I’m a little disillusioned to it all. It’ll be fun for me to experience it through your eyes. Plus, you know me. I like to wear pretty dresses.” She winked and lugged Hayley to her feet.

  “Where are we going?” Hayley stumbled down the hall after her friend.

  “We are going to pick you out a dress.” Chelsea threw open her closet doors.

  Hayley’s eyes widened. Inside, the closet stretched on with rows upon rows of designer clothing. Tucked into the far wall was a lineup of pageant dresses and slim fitting evening gowns. Chelsea pulled out two dresses and held them up to Hayley. The two girls were about the same size. One of the dresses was red with rhinestones crisscrossing across the bodice. Hayley wrinkled her nose. Red wasn’t her favorite color. It always seemed a bit too flashy to her. The second was a black dress with a plunging back. She shook her head no again. Instead, a white, flowing dress caught her eye. Her fingers delicately touched the silky fabric. Slowly, Hayley pulled the hanger out and held up the dress.


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