Regency Romance: More For A Duke (The Fairbanks Series - The Familial Adventures) (CLEAN Historical Romance)

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Regency Romance: More For A Duke (The Fairbanks Series - The Familial Adventures) (CLEAN Historical Romance) Page 19

by Bennett, Jessie

  “I’m sorry, my lord,” Anne Marie said quickly. “I am very sorry.”

  Carter looked at her, shaking his head. “You are the last person who should be apologizing, Miss. You have done nothing wrong whatsoever.”

  He went back into the house not knowing whether she was sorry that she would not or could not marry him, or if she was sorry because Duke Thomas had stepped in to interfere.

  It didn’t bother him either way. At that moment, all he wanted to do was grab a glass and pour himself some whiskey. It was the only way he knew of to calm his rattled nerves. She had reacted in a peculiar way, not giving him any indication that she was angry or would try to take his inheritance from him. She didn’t really know the details about the inheritance. He sighed.

  It was time to seek advice from Duke Shawn once more.





  “Your sarcasm is astoundingly good, my lord,” Jillian said, directing her statement to the Duke. “I am so glad that Elizabeth is your wife. She is also very sarcastic.”






  When he entered the ballroom, the other guests were talking excitedly about building a fire in the pit near the home and enjoying the stars. The sun was just beginning to set. The meal and dessert finished, no one was anxious to leave.

  Jillian and Shawn both took steps toward Carter when he reentered the room. Carter looked at Shawn and then Jillian, unsure of which he should go toward. The two also looked at each other and stopped mid-step. Then, with a laugh, Shawn lifted one hand and gestured that Jillian should join them. The three of them met at the bar, where Shawn poured himself a glass of brandy and offered a drink to the other two. Jillian also had a glass of brandy, while Carter preferred his whiskey.

  “So what was that all about, Carter? I saw you leave after Anne Marie. She seemed upset.” Jillian took a sip from her glass, gazing at him over the brim.

  He took the time to think about how pretty she was. Her green eyes sparkled at him, the reflection of the light from the lamp making them dance as though she were terribly excited. “Do you know Anne Marie well?” Carter asked her.

  “I do. We have been friends for a time. I have invited her to my home on several occasions.”

  “I see. Well, I found out some news about her that I wanted to share with her…concerning her parentage.”



  “It was distressing news, I take it?”

  “It was, yes.”

  “She is not handling it well.”

  “No. But Lord Huntington is out there with her to comfort her.”

  “He is very taken with her.”

  “I know.”

  Shawn listened to the conversation with his eyes downcast and a thoughtful look on his face. He looked up at Carter. “You have made your decision?”

  “I have. I told Anne Marie to see how she would react to the news. But I have already decided that despite what she does with the knowledge, I…I…” he turned his eyes to Jillian. “I would very much like to have a closer relationship with your sister-in-law.” He held his hand out to the woman. “Jillian, if you will have me, I would like to consider you my partner in this life.”

  Jillian’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, Carter. I am intrigued by you. I would be honored to be your wife and companion.”

  Carter sighed deeply. He gave Shawn a large smile. “Your brother-in-law is pleased. Look at the look on his face. You are pleased, aren’t you, your grace?”

  “I am, most definitely, Carter.” Shawn returned the big grin. “You are a fine gentleman. I will be glad to have you in the family. We will have many large parties and entertain everyone with our antics.”

  Carter and Jillian burst out laughing. “Yes, that sounds just like us.”

  “Your sarcasm is astoundingly good, my lord,” Jillian said, directing her statement to the Duke. “I am so glad that Elizabeth is your wife. She is also very sarcastic.”

  The three of them laughed together.

  When their laughter died down, Carter continued. “I must tell you, Jillian, as you are going to be my wife, that Anne Marie is my cousin. She was born illegitimately to my uncle some years ago. Her mother died while giving birth to her, so she never knew. But it was my uncle, my father and the now deceased Duke Huntington who paid for her upbringing. The question became whether or not to tell Anne Marie the truth because the scandal could hurt the names of so many good people in Fairbanks.”

  Jillian listened without responding. She nodded to show she understood, but didn’t speak until he was finished. “It would cause a scandal of great proportions. It would have been greater were any of the responsible people still alive today.”


  “It’s amazing that it was so well hidden until now. What will you do? Do you not think she deserves some type of compensation for what was done to her?”

  “I’m not so sure that what was done to her was a bad thing,” Shawn spoke up. The two of them turned to look at him.

  “What makes you say that, my lord?” Jillian took another sip from her glass.

  “She was raised by a loving couple who considered her their daughter. She lacked nothing. Only the knowledge of her parentage was kept from her. Otherwise, she received many good things and was well taken care of by all accounts.”

  “She would have had a title and prestige, gone to the finest school, gone to finishing school and had money at her disposal,” Jillian responded.

  “The only thing she didn’t have access to on that list was the title,” Shawn replied. “She may not have gone to finishing school or the finest school in Fairbanks, but she was educated and given a job at an early age. That is something many young women do not receive. They may find themselves struggling every day of their lives. Miss Anne was not made to feel that way. She has never struggled.”

  “And she won’t. Not in this lifetime,” Carter said.

  “If you do not give her any of the inheritance money, will she not feel left out and resentful? Surely you cannot expect her to live as a governess for the rest of her life. The children will be grown and she will be out of a job, searching for another one. That doesn’t sound proper to me.”

  Carter shook his head. “She won’t have to worry. Duke Huntington is out there right now consoling her. He won’t let her get away from him. Surely you have seen the way he looks at her. The way he takes care of her. He is her protector. He will make sure that she is happy for the rest of her life.”

  “Are you sure of that?” Jillian asked.

  Carter nodded. “I was on the porch with her, trying to console her. However, she only had questions for me. When Thomas came out of the house, she looked like she wanted him to wrap his arms around her and hold her, and I am certain that’s just what Thomas wanted to do as well. He has loved her for years.”

  “Yes, I have noticed that they have a different relationship from other master/servant relationships.”

  “He is in love with her. And what the Duke wants, he usually gets.”

  “I thought that was me. You usually say that about me, don’t you?” Shawn grinned at his young friend.

  “As a matter of fact, yes.” Carter grinned and nodded. “You are definitely that way. It must be the title. I need to somehow become a Duke so that I can get what I want.”

  “You already have,” Jillian teased him, lifting her glass to her lips.

  “I think that might be a sign that I should leave you two to talk on your own.” Shawn stood up straight and quickly poured some more brandy into his glass. Stepping away from the two, he lifted it in the air and called out. “Who’s up for lighting the fire tonight?”

  Jillian and Carter shared a smile.





  “I will not need anything from you, my lord. Your presence and that of the be
autiful Lady Jillian are all that I would ask from you.”






  The rest of the evening went as planned. Duke Shawn realized quickly that he would be hosting two weddings, especially when Elizabeth offered their home to the ceremonies. When Anne Marie and Thomas returned to the group, Anne Marie was beaming. She looked happier than Carter had ever seen her, and she was stunningly beautiful in the firelight.

  Turning his attention back to Jillian, however, he couldn’t help feeling his heart do a flip in his chest. He knew he had chosen the right woman when she turned to him with a smile. He inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. He was secure in his decision.

  Anne Marie separated herself from Thomas and came to sit next to him and Jillian.

  Carter took her hand and gave it a soft kiss. “I am so glad that you are happy, Anne Marie. Please do let me know if there is anything I can do to make your life easier. I will buy your wedding gown if you like! I will walk you down the aisle at church. It is simply a matter of request.”

  “I will not need anything from you, my lord. Your presence and that of the beautiful Lady Jillian are all that I would ask from you.”

  “You know that we will be there. In fact, we might be standing up there with you, if Shawn has his way about it. You realize that he wants to hold the weddings here, in the same ballroom at the same time?”

  The three laughed softly.

  “I believe he mentioned that, yes.” Anne Marie sighed. “I did not realize before how happy I would be if I just trusted my instincts and went with my heart. My head was telling me that my position as governess would bring down scandalous talk upon Thomas, and that is not what I desired in any way.”

  “I understand.” Jillian nodded. “And now you needn’t worry, because even if anyone objects, which no one will because you are so loved, Miss Anne…” Jillian gave her an affectionate smile, which she returned. “You will know in your heart that you are of noble blood and entitled to your happiness and comfort. Not that anyone deserves less. All people deserve happiness in this life.”

  When she spoke, she squeezed Carter’s hand tighter.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” he said, nodding.

  “You have known about his feelings for a while, then?” Jillian asked.

  “He told me how he felt long ago.”

  “And you have always rejected him?”

  “Yes, as I said, I feared scandal would cost him greatly.”

  “Your love for him is obvious in your self-sacrifice,” Jillian said. She released Carter’s hand so that she could give her friend a hug. “You are such a good woman, Anne Marie.”

  Anne Marie looked surprised, but hugged her friend in return.

  “Are you three going to keep yourselves away from the rest of the company tonight? What are you gossiping about over there?” Janelle spoke up. She lifted her glass to the fire. “We have a beautiful fire built here, do we not? And look at the millions of stars in the sky. It is almost as though we could pluck them from the sky if we could reach up high enough.”

  “They are amazingly bright, to be sure.” Anne Marie stood up and went to set on the bench next to the man she would marry. Jillian enjoyed seeing the look of adoration on her friend’s face when she looked at Duke Huntington. It was even more thrilling to see the look returned by the Duke.

  It was the same look that Carter had been giving her all night long. It made her heart warm and her body feel tingly.

  “We should have our ceremonies at night,” Jillian leaned over and whispered to Carter, who shot her a look of admiration.

  “It’s too dark for all that. I want to see how beautiful you are in the bright sunlight. It will be amazing, to be sure.”

  “Oh, Carter. I’m so glad you finally chose. And you chose right, too.”

  Carter chuckled. “I have to agree.”

  “Although I believe you and Anne Marie might have made a good couple as well.”

  “Hush,” Carter shook his head and scolded her in a light, amused tone. “Don’t say such things. It will be you and I going down that aisle and we’ll have a dozen children.”

  Jillian looked shocked for a moment, but she never lost her smile. “A dozen? Not unless you are having them, my dear. I couldn’t possibly…”

  “I was teasing.” He leaned close again. “You know my uncle’s money won’t hold out for that many children.”

  They laughed.

  “We’ll have as many children as you desire, Carter. I am anxious to start a family with you.”

  “We will be happy together.” Carter nodded.

  “Yes. We will definitely be happy together.” She squeezed his arm. “You are a strong, handsome man and you will take good care of me. I will make sure you are happy every day of your life.”

  Carter laughed. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m sure we will have days when we are unhappy with each other.”

  She shook her head. “I am not going to think about that. I want to be happy forever.” She stuck out her bottom lip.

  Once again, Carter felt his heart do a flip. He touched her chin and kissed both of her cheeks. “You are a sweet woman, Jillian. I can’t see us arguing very much. But…”

  “No buts. We will be perfect together. I just know it.” She squeezed his arm again. He rested one hand on hers.

  “Of course you are right, my dear. Of course you are right.”

  They smiled at each other, walking toward the Duke and Duchess and the rest of their family members.

  “Here they are.” Shawn was speaking loudly, his face glowing with excited happiness. “Carter, look who has shown up.” He held out his hand in the direction of the newest guest.

  “Of course. Viscount Jonathan Caldwell. You have returned from your vacation with your wife.”

  “Yes. We had a wonderful time, but are glad to be back in town.”

  “You have come all the way here to Fairfield to see us, haven’t you?” Jillian asked.

  Jonathan grinned wide. “Yes, we certainly have. We did not want to miss this wonderful party.”

  “It is good to see you.”

  “And you as well.”

  Elizabeth tugged on Shawn’s arm, pulling his attention away from the rest of their friends. He looked down at her. “Shawn, I am so proud of you.”

  “For what, my dear?”

  “Look what you have done. You’ve brought all of these people together.”

  “It was not just me that did this, Lizzie. I think you may have also had a hand in it.”

  Elizabeth giggled, covering her lips with her gloved hand. “Perhaps in a small way.”

  “We should be proud of ourselves, shouldn’t we?” Shawn’s eyes glinted in the lights when his smile sparkled in them.

  “Yes. I am. I’m proud of you. And I’m proud of me. We are good matchmakers, Shawn.”

  Shawn threw his head back and let out a laugh. “Oh, you beautiful woman, you. I don’t think we really had anything to do with this. But I feel good about it anyway. I wonder how many more cousins we can find husbands or wives for.”

  He wrapped his arms around her small shoulders and held her close to him, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I’m so glad you married me,” she whispered, pleased that he didn’t move quickly away after kissing her. She felt his smile against her lips. It made her sigh. She had never imagined she could be so happy.


  for reading my book and

  I hope you have enjoyed this story as well.

  “A Marquess’ Curse” is a standalone novel with at least 200 pages.

  If you have enjoyed reading this book so far, I believe you will be interested in checking out “A Marquess’ Curse”.

  This book will be focusing on Marquess William David Montgomery, son of the highly respected Duke Montgomery of Fairfield County. He has just experienced one of th
e greatest tragedies of his young life. His wife, who he confesses that he did not love as he should, has just died suddenly, leaving him alone to battle the demons of guilt and regret that haunt him.

  To escape the past, he decides to leave for America and begin establishing business ventures there, but on the way he meets a beautiful princess also seeking respite from daily life. Belle Van Den Berg, Princess of Netherlands.

  Everything changes in an instant when Princess Belle falls into an unexplained coma suddenly, although they are at sea on a small ship with only a handful of passengers and a skeleton crew.

  Can Lord William find the culprit—and an antidote or cure—before his heart is broken by another untimely death?

  Will Princess Belle find room in her heart for her wayward knight in shining armor?

  * * *

  I have enclosed a preview of “A Marquess’ Curse”.

  Check it out below…

  It is currently at $0.99 (around 200 pages).


  * * *



  Fairfield County, Fairbanks, England


  Lord William David Montgomery was used to things not going his way. He was the second in line to the title his father carried and his older brother was much better at handling business than he was. He had long since given up hope that he would ever amount to much more than a husband. And he wasn’t good at that role either, it seemed. He’d lost interest in his wife, Liza, after their third year of marriage. That was when he’d found out that she would not be able to bear children. Without an heir or the ability to raise children, he felt defeated, angry and resentful toward her.


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