Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Book 3)

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Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Book 3) Page 5

by Stephanie Hudson

  In fact, I didn’t even realise that during this whole climax, I was back to my usual self with my demon fully sated enough now that we knew that our girl hadn’t sustained too great an injury.

  “Fuck me, but are we sure this girl of yours is human?” Clay asked in astonishment and I had to try not to react to that particular question.

  “Wow, that was just…wow,” Percy said in a dreamy tone and Ruto simply said,

  “Now that was kick ass…for a human of course.”

  “The little one did well,” Caspian said begrudgingly, which for him was a major compliment but then it all stopped when Clay suddenly shouted,

  “No fucking way!” I turned quickly and snapped,

  “What is it this time?!” This was when I found him now holding up a long bloody soaked stick before then rolling over the dead body of the big bastard, I wanted to bring back to life just to kill all over again. Starting with taking his other eye…or better yet, I would leave that so he could witness the horror of seeing his own body being torn apart!

  “It’s a fucking pencil!”

  “What?!” I snapped yet again.

  “Holy shit, she did all that with a fucking pencil!?” Clay said now getting closer to the body and seeing for himself the carnage she had inflicted with an item only a few days ago she had been using so innocently. Gods, but if I had known at the time that something so small would end up saving her from such violation and possible deadly fate, then I would have stored a fucking arsenal under there. Gods, how I thanked the urge to run my fingers through her beautiful hair at the time, first needing to rid her of the pencils she had stuffed in there to keep handy.

  “Wow, she even pierced the jugular…I have to say, Sire, I am liking this bad ass chick of yours…in fact, what are we waiting for, let’s go get your girl, so you can just fucking marry her already!” Clay commented making me close my eyes and take a deep breath as I let that information wash over me…

  Marry her?

  Chapter 4

  Rude Punk

  Marry her!

  Gods, but why would I fucking need to do something like that! She was already mine and I didn’t need some preaching prick in a robe and a room full of flowers and shit to declare it so! If anything, Clay’s words surprised me and even more so when I looked around the room to see the rest seemed to be in agreement.

  I was fucking dumbfounded!

  Which was why I snapped,

  “Hardly the fucking….” This, however, was cut short as the sound of a phone ringing which thankfully brought me from this mortal notion of marriage and just how ridiculous an idea it seemed. Clay on the other hand was trying in vain to hide his smirk, knowing that he had gotten a rise out of me in the way I suspected he had meant to.

  “It’s the phone I took off the bitch,” Liessa said coming forward and handing it to me, despite the hold Caspian had on her, something she squirmed right out of.

  “Speak!” I demanded the second I accepted the call.

  “We have your little bitch,” a male said making me roar in anger before giving him a little insight as to what his future held,

  “By all the Gods in Hell, I swear you will fucking beg me to kill you by the time I am through pealing skin from your worthless flesh!” I said, with my demon snarling at the end.

  “You can make threats all you want, it won’t change the fact we have her and in exchange my client wants the box and the real one this time.” But of course, they fucking did! I looked to the table where Percy had placed the box when prompted to do so, finding myself willing the fucking thing to burn to ash just to have done with the fucking Hex it had brought on my life!

  I closed my eyes and tried for even a shred of calm, one I felt myself losing like the Devil himself was pulling on the thread.

  “I want proof of life!” I snapped, hating the fucking words that I had no choice but to force through my lips.

  “You want proof, fine, I will send you proof but mark my words Vampire, the next time you demand evidence of her capture then I will be sending you a far bloodier picture, in the form of a piece of her mailed to your fucking door, assuming you still have one!” The human said and just before ending the call I threw my head back and couldn’t stop my demon from erupting once more, as he roared up at the ceiling, making the building shake. Luckily Ruto had the foresight to at least rush to my side and grab the phone, before spinning out of me and my demon’s reach. And all before I hammered the hand that once held the phone into the wall. I swear there would be nothing left of this building before long and right in that moment I didn’t give a fucking shit if it fell into the fucking ground and became a ruin at the gates of Hell!

  All I wanted was my fucking Chosen One back!

  “Sire, he sent a picture.” Ruto’s voice was enough to bring me back to a simmer of anger and I snapped my gaze to his, knowing my eyes didn’t hold a single pinprick of grey steel they usually did. The term of a person seeing red with rage was a very real statement for me right in that moment, for it was as if the world around me had been painted a darker shade of crimson. Fuck, but I just hoped it was a sign of things to come because all I wanted right in that fucking moment was to bathe in the blood of my enemies and paint the Gods be damned walls of Transfusion with it!

  “Show me!” I barked in between my heavy breathing as I tried further still to bring myself down from my rage. My people had seen more emotion and uncontrollable wrath in me during these last few days than the entire time they had been one of my turned. So, it was little surprise that everyone around me was beyond wary.

  Ruto came forward and showed me the phone, purposely not giving it to me in fear no doubt of what I may do to it and seeing it was our only way to communicate with the bastards, then I was more than thankful for his caution. Especially when I saw the picture of her torn, bloody dress being held up. Well, it wasn’t surprising when I took my anger out on the nearest thing, and before I knew it my demon tore the head from the already dead piece of shit Amelia had killed. Killed with a fucking pencil! Seconds later I had his spine hanging from my hand like a knotted bloody rope after first ripping it from his body as easily as if I was opening a fucking package!

  “When?!” I snarled like some wild Hell Beast that could barely get out the single word.

  “They just sent through the details now…”

  “WHEN!?” I roared making Ruto flinch.

  “Layla is to lead us to their base where we will make the exchange.” I growled low before slapping down the spine like a whip until it landed on top of the body it once had been a part of, feeling slightly better for the sight.

  “Well, that’s shit, I was hoping we would get to kill the bitch this time!” Liessa said with a pout.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I have plans for that demon and that special place in Hell will be what she fucking begs me for by the end of it! But until then, get the bitch some blood, she’s not much good to me with a broken neck and the inability to speak!” After issuing this order I walked from the apartment as the evidence of the attack on my girl was fucking with my head, no matter how proud I was of her for killing these men. But then I paused and snarled at the door leading into her bedroom as I detected the heartbeat, telling me of the one still alive. Then I felt my crimson soaked hand fist, relishing the blood I felt pool between my fingers before looking over my shoulder and issuing one last order,

  “And someone torture the fuck out of that piece of shit and get me what you can before the Hex takes his life…I want to see a pool of human waste on the floor by the time I get back!” Then I left, going back to my own apartment before I ended up losing my shit completely and for good this time.

  Besides, healing that bitch would take at least twenty minutes and when I got my girl back, then I didn’t want her seeing me covered in blood and thanks to my vessel growing, now wearing fucking rags! And get her back I most certainly would do, for nothing else mattered.

  So, with this in mind I tore the rest of my clothes f
rom my body, material that was barely still holding together thanks to erupting fully into my demon form only moments ago. A form that was considerably bigger, as was most when allowing their demons to fully take hold when in Hell. But doing so topside, well most didn’t have enough power for it to happen and for those that did, that power came at a price. Because the strength of will it then took to overpower and master your demon back into submission was easier said that fucking done!

  I showered quickly, then walked into my closet, grabbed the first fucking thing that would clothe me, forgoing the suit for dark grey denim and a black Tee, just so if blood were spilled, then it wouldn’t show as much for when I finally got Amelia back in my arms. I had no idea what she was currently enduring at the hands of my enemies and wanted to take her state of mind into consideration. She was all that mattered right now and not knowing what was happening to her was fucking with my head!

  Half of me wanted to know and the other half was fucking terrified of finding out! The thought of what they could be doing to her, Gods, but I very nearly found my demon facing me in the mirror rather than the face of rage that did. One that blood lust made my irises crimson and framed by infected black veins that overshadowed my eyes. Well, I could at least be thankful my horns hadn’t emerged I thought with a distasteful shake of my head.

  After then grabbing a thick leather glove to hide my demonic abomination, I walked straight into the vault. One look at what I had done to the door in my haste to beg the fucking Gods to save my girl and keep her safe, and I knew I would now need my collection sent to Königssee. There was, however, one piece that was staying with me, so I picked up Caliburnus, the sword of Kings and walked back out with purpose, testing its weight once more with one swing.

  It was the moment to get this shit done and this time, death would come from much more than a fucking pencil!

  “No fucking way, I am not getting in the car with you!” Layla shouted and I swear I just wanted to break her fucking neck again! We were outside where most of the cars were parked and I was very aware that the police minds could only be controlled for so long and I didn’t want to fucking have to deal with that shit too.

  So far authorities had been led to believe the building was too much of a risk to enter after there had been a gas explosion. One that the sprinkler system had managed to contain in preventing the flames from consuming the building entirely but the building itself was still too unsafe to enter.

  I had therefore put Clay in charge of sorting out the shit with the humans, which had not been to his liking. In fact, after I ordered all my men to back down and sort out the clusterfuck that was my club, it had been Ruto who had stepped up, backing up my order. Of course, he also knew why I did this, as he had read the instructions that followed the picture of Amelia’s dress. Meaning he also knew that if I was seen heading to this base of theirs with a fucking convoy of my people, then the likelihood of getting Amelia back would be none-fucking existent, and an all-out war would be the only outcome.

  But then war was inevitable, for no-one took what was mine and lived. Oh, they might have been blessed enough to see the coming sunrise, but pretty soon that sunrise would be their last. For I didn’t care how long it took me, I would see every single fucker pay for their crimes against me and my Chosen! A vow made to the Gods and paid for by my blood down a length of steel.

  “The instructions are clear, they are sending a car for me, once it gets here you will follow us, and we will take you to where the exchange will be made,” Layla said, now surprisingly less cocky and confident since I had come but a mere second away from killing her. I released a low growl at this but knew that I also had to play this their way for now, because I couldn’t afford to lose my shit so close to getting her back.

  “Fine, then I suggest you make a call and get that fucking car here now!” I snapped before throwing her the phone, for her to do just that. She caught it and instead of giving me shit, she did as she was told, eyeing the box in my hand as she did. Gods, but even then, I tried to crush the fucking thing in my grasp, but it didn’t give, not even an inch. It was Gods be damned indestructible and other than burying the thing inside a fucking volcano, then I didn’t see this thorn in my side being yanked out anytime soon!

  “They are here and need the space clearing,” she said nodding to the destruction I had left to prevent what I thought at the time was my girl from being kidnapped. Something that turned out to be a fucking decoy!

  I saw the headlights bathe the now twisted metal in a yellow glow and with a flick of my wrist pulled what remained of the gates back inside the open space, with little care about what cars they hit when doing so. Time was of the essence here and taking the seconds needed to manoeuvre around parked cars wasn’t something I was wasting what little patience I had on. So, they crashed into anything in their way, now giving enough room for the main objective.

  “Good, now give me the box,” Layla said making me snap back,

  “If you think I am that fucking stupid, then I will first ask for you to donate your severed head in return…or I could just ask those assholes in the car and let’s see just how fucking loyal they are to you!” At this she paled considerably before shaking her head.

  “No, I didn’t fucking think so! Now get your bony ass in the car and let’s go, before I just lose my fucking patience all together and just slaughter the fucking lot of you!” I snapped out this threat without knowing if it was idle or not, because I was that close to the edge here and just the sight of this traitorous bitch was making my gloved hand clench.

  “Fine! Just be sure to keep up!” she snapped back, and I looked behind me to the sound of my car being brought to me from my private underground parking and said,

  “Oh, don’t worry, that won’t be a fucking problem.” Then I watched as my customised black and blood red Lamborghini Centenario was stopped in front of me. Gods almighty but I loved this fucking car. It’s very meaning meant a hundred years in celebrating its ancestry and was made as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Ferruccio Lamborghini, the man who managed to create the world-class brand.

  It was black carbon fibre all over with the hint of crimson accents, which included it side skirts, calipers, a red line over the door and matching line on the wingmirrors. The whole design was created with aerodynamics in mind like most supercars, but with extended front air splitter it meant it gave the car a mean and intimidating presence that looked as if I was driving a beast on the road.

  Of course, the fact that it could do 217 miles an hour and get to speeds of 62 miles an hour in 2.8 seconds meant it could practically fly without wings. So, when Layla warned me to keep up, it was a fucking joke when getting into this car.

  Ruto got out and handed me the keys, before looking to my left to see Layla getting into a blacked-out Mercedes G wagon.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked when he deemed it safe to do so.

  “I can’t risk anyone being seen,” I told him.

  “And the box?” he asked, and it was one I couldn’t help but look down at, seeing as it had been in my hand all this time.

  “First comes the girl, then we will wage war for the box.” Now this made him grin and out of habit his thumb circled the top of what I knew was his favourite knife.

  “About fucking time,” he agreed as I knew he would.

  “In the meantime, you’re in charge, I want this placed cleared out, the vault, the cars, even all of Amelia’s belongings, I want everything in Königssee by tomorrow,” I informed him, making him nod and hand me my phone so I could keep in contact with my council.

  “And our people?” he asked referring not only to those that played nightly at the club, but also those that lived far beyond Germany.

  “Bring them all home,” I said as I lowered myself into the sinking dip of the bucket seat and reached up for the red leather strap ready to pull down the door, but before doing so I told him,

  “And tell them, that their King is abou
t to go to war.”

  Thankfully at this time of night the roads were clear and would have been ideal for punishing my car and getting my frustration out in the form of a fucking good engine roaring its way through the city. However, with the car in front that I was being forced to follow, then my speeds were considered conservative at best. But then it made me think back to Amelia and how she had reacted when I had driven the stolen Aventador out of the mansion’s grounds. Doing so like what she wanted to say was a bat out of hell. I would have laughed had I not been killing mad at the time. To be honest I had been surprised she had even known of the car, seeing that now it was of considerable age, just like the Centenario was now. But it was also her father’s obvious love for Ferraris which made me question now, was it solely a rebellious thing or did she like Lamborghinis because she knew of my personal preference for the car brand?

  She certainly would have learned common facts of my life had she wanted to, more easily through Pip who had stayed at Afterlife throughout her life. Now, as for her mother, she could fool herself into believing Pip being there was down to something she wanted and in some ways she would be right. However, Adam was my more permanent second in command and had been for hundreds of years, since I turned him.

  Meaning that if I deemed it so, he would be back by my side and aiding me in ruling my world after a single phone call. But then by him being there, he was also a secret guardian to my Chosen One, which was why I hadn’t yet called them back home. And even if for the last seven years Amelia hadn’t lived there, she still went back on occasion, holidays and such, so it was still a natural base for them to be.

  As for now though, well that was a different matter, which meant that particular phone call wasn’t long in coming. As in the next few weeks ahead, I knew that I would need my most loyal and powerful beings that I had sired standing where they belonged…by their King’s side.


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