Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Book 3)

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Blood Of Kings (Transfusion Book 3) Page 10

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Sorry, I…” I muttered this at the same time trying to translate in my mind what she had said.

  “You American, huh, it all the same with you girls!” She scoffed and tutted and I knew I should have just left it alone and walked out of the store, but I couldn’t.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I snapped back given that her tone with me was less than friendly.

  “He is rich so it’s worth it…worth the pain,” she said shaking her head and I swear my blood started to boil. Because Hell no, I wasn’t letting this woman insinuate what I think she was! It didn’t matter what Lucius was, or had been reborn into, a woman beater sure as shit wasn’t one of them!

  “Oh no, you have that completely wrong lady,” I said but she just huffed again, making her large chest puff out before she waved a hand at me.

  “I know your type.”

  “Oh really?” I said in a sarcastic tone and folding my arms across my chest, because no, she fucking didn’t! I just beat the crap out of four guys, killing three of them for attacking me, so yeah, in reality I was so far from her ‘victim type’ that I might have lived on a damn space shuttle for the distance apart I was from the picture she tried to paint.

  “He rich, good looking, the bad boy…” oh she had no idea!

  “And you stay with that, because matters more than your body. Where is your pride?” Oh no she didn’t just say that! This was when I took a few steps closer to her and said,

  “Right, now listen up lady, that man out there has saved my life more times than anyone should ever have to. He is kind and thoughtful and has never laid one Gods be damned finger on me in anger! He has never physically hurt me and would kill anyone who tried. You get me?!” I paused to see that, no she totally didn’t get me, so I carried on,

  “That man out there, the one that you think to judge so easily, well he is the type of man that holds you when you cry, soothes you when you’re worried, leaves you little notes telling you to eat because he heard your stomach growling, arranges to get your whole flat refurnished because it got trashed and even remembers to buy your favorite cereal…all because he cares for me!” I shouted this time making her eyes go wide as if she was starting to accept her mistake, but I still wasn’t done,

  “You see my bruised face and you automatically assume that it must be the man at my side! Well, shame on you lady, because you just accused one of the best Gods be damned people on this planet and the man I love more than anything else in this world, so you should be ashamed of yourself!” After this I turned on my heel and was about to storm out of there in the biggest huff, when a single sight stopped me.

  A gorgeous sight and one that looked as though he had just witnessed something mythical. Which was why his name escaped on a breathy question, asking him without any added words if he had seen everything I think he just did.


  And with one look in return. The one that spoke of so many things. So many emotions. I knew that in that moment he hadn’t just witnessed the last few seconds of this fight for his honor.

  No instead, he had heard…

  Every. Single. Word.

  Chapter 8

  In a Nut Shell

  “Lucius,” I whispered softly as time seemed to standstill for both of us, although Lucius recovered a lot quicker than I did. And the second he broke free, he only had one destination in mind…


  I suddenly found myself with his hands framing my face and lifting it up so he could kiss me, being mindful of my bruised face for his touch was gentle, even if his kiss wasn’t. No, this was because the second his lips touched mine it was as if someone had lit a fuse and the burning passion between us simply ignited!

  I swear but it felt as if it had the power to consume me whole and, in that moment, I would have let it. Because if I had died right then, I would done so having known how it felt to be loved by just a single kiss alone. Because Lucius had said once that we didn’t need words, and despite the many things that he could have referred to at the time, it still rang true now in this moment.

  We didn’t need words.

  Because we had spoken of so much more in actions alone. It was the desperation I knew he felt. It was the gentle touch in which he cared. It was the taste of his essence bursting across my tongue and drowning my senses in everything that was him. I swear, just the feel of his fingertips on my skin and I was lost to all else in the world. Now this gentle hold was enough for me to lose myself but then for him, he wanted more. More of me, more of us and I swear the thought of it created a heat in my belly that felt as though I had swallowed a small sun. Like he was lighting up my insides.

  It was what I imagined kissing an Angel blessed by Heaven was like.

  One that loved me.

  But then my angel turned dark and that once bright warming sun was replaced by fire. A burning desire that needed more than a kiss, and I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Lucius’ hands left my cheeks and instead found my ass, lifting me from the ground and wrapping my legs around his waist as he started walking us both backwards. I didn’t know where he was headed, and I didn’t care as long as his hands didn’t leave my body. His lips however, travelled from my own towards my neck and it was only then that a brief niggle in my mind forced me to look to the woman I had been shouting at only moments ago. But what I found was her frozen in place.

  Then I looked to the windows and saw that a darkness was sweeping through the whole gas station, clouding it in a thick black rolling fog, making me suddenly grow scared. It travelled along the floor and started to consume the car, swallowing it whole before coming closer to the glass.

  Lucius felt me tense in his hold and left my neck so he could look at me, seeing for himself the worry in my gaze. He glanced back over his shoulder and just when I thought his own concern would now show for what was happening, instead all I received was his knowing grin.

  “Lucius?” I said his name in question, as it was clear that he obviously knew what it was but then with a single look, so did I …as he was the cause.

  “I’m not sharing you with the world…you’re mine.” Then he crushed his lips to mine and claimed me again, making me release a breathless sigh that was swallowed up by his kiss. And as his tongue dueled with mine, my hands found their way to his hair as I ran my fingers through it, before they fisted at the back. One at the base of his neck and the other at the crown, just so I could anchor him to me. He growled low in his throat and just as I started to move them, thinking I was doing wrong, his demon spoke to me,

  “Don’t you fucking dare pull away from me.” This growled warning only managed to turn me on even more as it had been combined with the feel of his hands fisted in my jacket. In fact, I could hear the leather groaning in protest over the pounding of my own heart and this combined with my heavy breathing made for an exhilarating backing track for what was about to happen. Seconds later and he pushed me up against another space I discovered was somewhat softer than the other shelf, and when I heard the crunch I knew why, seeing with just a glance it was a display stand full of potato chips.

  “I have to have you, damnation of Gods, but I am going out of my fucking mind!” he hissed before he pried my legs from his waist and the combination of his words and actions didn’t mix as he let my feet touch the ground. But then, the second I felt him yank my button open in haste, I knew why. He then ripped my leather trousers from my legs making me briefly smirk to myself when thinking back to my earlier inner turmoil back in the bathroom. Seeing as they were coming off now no matter what and sort of in front of someone…frozen lady or not.

  Then, once the sound of my boots hitting the floor, along with a slap of my trousers, he ripped open the bottom of the bodysuit I still had on underneath my clothes, tearing it at the crotch. After this he unbuckled his belt and yanked at his own. But unlike mine, he just did it enough to allow his straining erection to burst free. And with a startled breath I was back in his arms and a single action later I
was being impaled on his cock, making me throw my head back and cry out in screaming pleasure.

  Then he hammered into me, the sound of the chips being ground to crumbs in their bags behind me. But then, when the stand started to bend due to the strain, we rolled and found ourselves against another stand, this time one with candy bars. I only knew this as the second I placed my hands back against the shelf to hold on, I felt them fisting chocolate in their wrappers that snapped in my hold.

  “More…I need fucking more!” he growled before moving me again, this time it ended against the fridge doors which were substantially more stable…or at least they were until we turned up. Because the second I felt it start to build inside me, I squeezed my thighs around him, and started to rock in a frenzied way on his cock. This drove him even wilder, if such a thing were possible. But it did so until the point that the second I screamed out my orgasm, I heard a mighty crack of glass, and barely looked to the side where in a blur saw his hand flat to the glass. One now framed by cracked branches cutting through the glass, like tiny lightning bolts from his fingers.

  This was when he decided the doors weren’t up to the task either, so he moved me, now finding a small chest freezer with a clear lid that kept popsicles and ice creams in. However, the second he placed my ass down on it I screamed,

  “Fucking cold!” I shouted thinking he would move me. However, he just gave me an evil bad ass grin and said,

  “Then I’d better be quick, sweet cheeks.” Then he thrust into me even harder and I cried out again, feeling myself on the cusp, as he continued the maddening rhythm that I was quickly getting addicted too. Also, from the sound of things I wasn’t the only one as the second I lifted my now freezing ass up, both to relieve myself of the cold and push him inside me even deeper, I knew he wouldn’t last. And neither did I, for a heartbeat later and I too was screaming my release yet again, one quickly followed by Lucius.

  “Fuck…fuck…FUCK AHH!” He roared quickly, his hand finding the base of my spine, so he could force my body to stay locked to his, and as close as I could get the second he erupted into me, spilling his seed as deep as it would go. I felt him shuddering inside the core of me and I never expected to get such a high from the feeling. Then I felt him lean forward, resting his forehead to mine as his breathing evened. But then he said the very last thing in that moment that I thought he would,

  “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  And there it was.

  The words we didn’t need to say but both found ourselves declaring anyway and in the most unconventional of ways. Mine was about him said to a stranger when arguing in his defense and his was after fucking me on a freezer. Which in a way kind of summed up our relationship, I thought with a hidden grin. Which was why I knew I could raise my hand to his cheek and whisper back,

  “That’s great, honey, but can you get me off this fucking thing before my ass gets frostbite and falls off.” To which he burst out laughing and lifted me off with one arm banded around my back.

  “And we can’t have that now can we, not when it’s one of my favorite bits.” At this I rolled my eyes and he shot me a knowing look before saying,

  “Did you just…”

  “Roll my eyes, yes so you can just go right ahead and knock yourself out Mr Slap Happy McGee, as right now, it’s not like I would feel it anyway!” I said making him chuckle before lowering me to the floor and tapping me on the nose saying,

  “Poor baby.” Oh lordy, but even the way he said this made me want to go for round two, only on something warmer this time…like the sun! Especially the way Lucius then zipped up his jeans and buckled up his belt, which seriously made me wonder if I had screw loose, seeing I found something so simple so much of a turn on!

  But then again, there was just something so raw and passionate about two people that wanted each other so badly, that they couldn’t even wait the seconds longer it would take to strip each other naked. That frenzied need, one so great that nothing else mattered in that moment but the connecting of two lovers.

  In fact, I could barely function which was why I think Lucius took my hand and led me over to where the leather pants had been discarded on the floor.

  “Oh, I am just going to quickly run and clean up first,” I said finally coming to my senses before walking in the direction of the bathrooms. But then, once again my hand was snagged and I was tugged back to Lucius, as was quickly becoming his habit. Then he tipped my face up to his so he could get closer before telling me,

  “I need this on you…” He paused and I sucked in a startled breath when I felt his fingers run through the soaked folds of my abused sex so he could gather up some of his release before he brought them back to my lips.

  “…The scent of me on you…inside you…it helps erase the scent of another male you wear and makes me feel less murderous…now open that pretty mouth for me,” he said and to be honest, my mouth dropped in surprise anyway without him needing to ask for it. But then he slipped the tips of two fingers inside and nodded for me to taste him, which I did, doing so with a blush upon my cheeks. It was also one he growled at when he saw it. A response he repeated the second I swallowed his seed down, moaning around his fingers when his unique flavour burst across my tongue. Then suddenly he quickly pulled them from my mouth and replaced them with his mouth, tasting himself on my tongue.

  It turned out to be a short kiss and had dazed me enough that before I knew it, my leather pants were yanked back up my legs. Then they were refastened at my waist before he patted in between my legs, as if sure of himself now that his leaking seed would stay where it was supposed to be.

  “Good girl, now pick out what you wanted to get before trying to bullshit me earlier and let’s go.” Then he turned, walked to the counter, placed a note down and left the store. I then watched as he walked through the thick, dark blanket of fog as it curled around him, as if responding to his presence in a sinister way. Then, with a flick of his hand, it started to roll away and evaporate around the edges of the gas station it had once kept hidden from the world.

  “Kaufst du etwas?” the woman’s voice asked, which translated into if I was buying anything. I shot her a questioning look, that only prompted a reaction out of me when she nodded down to the large bill Lucius had left. Then she looked even more confused as I quickly stuffed my feet back into the men’s boots before saying,

  “Erh, yeah.” Needless to say, that after this, I got my cold ass in gear. So, I grabbed a packed of chips, ones that weren’t from the stand and therefore more than just humped crumbs. Then I grabbed a bottle of water, a box of pain killers and a chocolate bar, one that hadn’t been squished and had my nail marks embedded. Then, as she was about to give me money back in return, I took one looked around the mess we had made and said,

  “Keep the change.” Then I left the nosy and judging woman to the rest of her night.

  I found Lucius waiting by my side of the car and as I approached, he asked,

  “Did you get everything you wanted?”

  “Yeah, thanks,” I said with my bootie nestled in my arms, resting against my lady shelf…thankyou C cup breasts. But then, as I was about to lower myself into the seat, he stopped me,

  “Hold up, beautiful, do you want to tell me what those are?” he said suddenly plucking the pain killers from my arms and now reading for himself the packet, even though he’d just asked me.

  “They are just ibuprofen,” I said now dropping the rest of my stuff on the seat so I could reach for them, something that wasn’t easy to accomplish thanks to him being considerably taller than me. Meaning he didn’t have to try very hard to keep them out of my reach.

  “Yes, I can see that, now do you want to tell me what you need these for?” he asked, his tone serious and suddenly stern. But despite this demand, I didn’t really want to tell him as I knew it would just piss him off more. In the end, however, I knew that I had no choice, especially when he asked in a regretful tone, one that seemed difficult to ask for fear of my answer

  “Did I…did I hurt you?”

  “No! No of course not, I just have a headache, and well looking in the mirror I don’t have to guess why. I know I look a mess.” I said, unable in that moment to look at him, so I found my ‘too large for me boots’ instead. Of course, this was Lucius I was stood in front of, which meant that he wouldn’t allow this for long.

  “Give me your eyes, Pet.” His soft demand was combined with the slight pressure under my chin as he lifted my face up to his. His gaze was so tender, it could have been classed as a weapon against my senses and I swear I felt my whole body relax. Gods, but the power this man held over me and my heart, well, it was near terrifying.

  “You are beautiful and although I wished I could have been the one to kill the bastard that did this to you, it doesn’t change the fact that seeing this mark upon your face is only a reminder at how strong my girl is, and it makes me proud that she made him suffer,” he told me and I swear it was so sweet that I couldn’t help but throw my arms around his neck and kiss him, which I could tell took him by surprise. But even then, the second he felt my body plastered against his own, it was like an automatic response for him to wrap his arms around me, lifting me slightly so I didn’t have to strain to get to him.

  “Thanks my handsome, blood thirsty warrior man,” I said making him smirk down at me before saying,

  “You know, I think I will pick that over honey.” Of course, I burst out laughing and shook in his hold.

  “Come on, my pretty, blood thirsty warrior woman,” he said making me chuckle and tell him,

  “You know, I think I will stick with Sweetheart, but thanks for giving it a shot.” His lips twitched at this before he nodded to the car and said,


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