4. Larry Rohter, “With New Chief, Uruguay Veers Left, in a Latin Pattern,” New York Times, March 1, 2005, A3.
5. Vandana Shiva, interview by Sarah van Gelder, “Earth Democracy,” YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, Winter 2003, http://www.yesmagazine.org/article.asp?ID=570.
abolitionism, 202
absolutism, 133
abundance, principle of, 294
Acculturated Consciousness, 45
action, consciousness and, 83–88
Adams, John, 177, 187, 189
adaptation, 276, 278–279, 305
adapt or die system, 35
elderhood, 288–289, 291
Imperial Consciousness in, 49–51
Magical Consciousness in, 49
risk of not achieving productive, 335
self-defined needs of, 296–297
Socialized Consciousness in, 297–298
advertising, 337–338
Afghanistan invasion, 50–51, 231
African Americans
civil rights of, 202–203
inequality and, 226
scapegoating of, 226–227
self-concept, 203
After the Empire (Todd), 69
aging clock, science of, 254–255
agrarian populist movement, 206
agriculture, settled, 96–97
AIDS, 59
alienation, 255–256, 261
alliance-building process, 83–88
American Independent Business Alliance, 319
Apollo Alliance, 321
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), 15–16, 319
conservative-liberal alliance (New Right), 339–340
Earth Community-based, 321
New Right, 219
Peace Alliance, 321
Al Qaeda, 233
Alternatives to Economic Globalization
(Cavanagh and Mander), 15
America First Committee, 213
American colonies. See colonies, American
American Dream, 214
American Enterprise Institute, 221
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 210
American Independent Business
Alliance, 319
American Revolution, 133, 160, 178–179, 180, 206
Americans for Tax Reform, 222
American Women’s Rights Convention, 204
America Speaks, 346
ancient civilizations, 96
ancient empires
Egypt, 114–116
feudal fiefdoms, 122–123
Greece, 142–146, 353
Mesopotamia, 110–114
Rome, 116–123
Anderson, Sherry, 47, 79, 80, 323–324
Andrews Forest, 275–278
Anglicanism, 162, 163–164, 172
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 230
Apollo Alliance, 321
Aquinas, Thomas, 262
Arato, Andrew, 149–150, 152
Argentina: Hope in Hard Times, 71
aristocracy, 148, 180
Aristotle, 145–151, 154–155, 160, 180
Articles, Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politic, and Martial for the Colony in Virginia, 162
Asia, 10, 115
assets, household financial, 181
Assyria, 111–113
Athens. See also Greece (ancient)
Athenian democracy, 142–146, 147–148, 154 (See also Athens)
leadership dilemma in, 148–153
philosophers, 146, 151–153
political philosophy, 146–148
“Attack on American Free Enterprise System” (Powell), 220
381 authority
centralization of, 11
rebellion against British, 174–178
secular and religious, 161–165
social, 45
of U.S. Supreme Court, 186
autism, moral, 51–52
Babylon, 113
Bacon’s Rebellion, 168–169, 209
Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), 16, 319
BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies), 15–16, 319
banks, private, 188–189
Bechtel, 198
behavioral psychology, 269–270
beneficial infection, 276–277
benevolence, 109
Benyus, Janine, 15, 291
Berry, Thomas, 72
Bevin, Ernest, 135
Bhagavad Gita, 357
bias of money system, 140
Bible, Christian, 257
biblical meaning story, 246–247
billionaires, number worldwide of, 67
Bill of Rights, 185, 187, 192, 206
bin Laden, Osama, 231–233, 243
biology, 263–264, 300–301
bloggers, 83
Bonaparte, Joseph, 134
borders, economic, 13
Borg, Marcus, 257, 258–259, 261
Boston Tea Party, 175–176
Bottomless Well, The (Humber and Mills), 71–72
Bradley Foundation, 221
brain activity, 282–283, 283–284
brand-name products, 338–339
Bretton Woods institutions, 136, 195, 239
British East India Company, 130
British South Sea Company, 131
Bush, Barbara, 286
Bush, George H.W., 182, 227, 286
Bush, George W., 119, 181, 182, 186, 228–229, 230–231, 231–235, 285–286, 320–321, 324
Bush, Robin, 286
Business Advisory Council, 220
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), 15–16, 319
Business Roundtable, 221
BusinessWeek, 16, 323
Calvin, John, 162
Calvinism, 116, 163–164, 164–165, 169, 223–224
Campus Compact, 352
Canada, 131
capital, amassing, 131
capitalism, 225
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 240
capitalist economy, socialist economy versus, 15
Capitall Lawes of Connecticut, 162
Carnegie, Andrew, 209
Cato Institute, 221
Cavanagh, John, 15
Cavoukian, Raffi, 334
Center for Strategic and international Studies, 221
Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler), 19, 94–95
change, through emergence, 15–16
changing the future, 354–356
Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, 270–271
Charles I, King, 161
chartered corporations, 129–132
chauvinism, 151, 265
Cheney, Dick, 230, 231, 232
child-honoring societies, 334
Commission on Children at Risk, 282–283, 335
education, 229, 332, 350–352
Empire’s assault on, 317
influences in, 296
invisible curriculum of, 288
as lead indicators, 334–335
nurturing parenting, 284–285
targeted advertising, 338–339
views of family by, 331–332
China, 61, 70, 130–131, 134, 228
Chitty, A.B., 209
versus destiny, 106–107
freedom, 38–39
382 choices (continued)
gift of choice, 271
individual, 39
of rulers, 36
Christ, 121, 223, 258-261, 325
Christian Bible, 257
Christianity, 121–122, 259, 325
Christian Reconstructionism, 223
Christian Right, 223–224
Christian theology, 254
Christian values, 339
Church of England, 163–164
citizen conferences, 15–16
citizen deliberation, 346
citizen initiatives, 320
izens for a Sound Economy, 221
citizenship, 244, 306
city-states, 110, 112
civic engagement, 298
civilized life, 151
civil liberties, 297
civil rights, 186–187, 202–203
Civil Rights Act, 203
civil rights movement, 77, 84, 202
civil society, 18-19, 145-151, 231
Civil War, 191
Clarkson, Frederick, 223–224, 225
Clean Air Act, 228
climate change, 60, 320–321, 333
Climate Protection Agreement, 320–321
Clinton, Bill, 182, 227–228, 229 “Cloud Minders” (Star Trek), 56, 63, 67, 68, 173, 182
Club of Rome, 218
Cohen, Jean, 149–150, 152
colonial governance, 162
end of, 134–135
phasing out of traditional, 196–197
religious laws, 162
colonialization of India, 130
colonies, American. See also American Revolution
decade preceding Declaration of Independence, 178
participatory democracy, 176–177
pluralism, 171–173
rebelliousness, 173–174
resistance movement, 178–179
Revolutionary War, 177–178
walking away from the king, 174–178
colonies, English, 161, 170
Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, 211
Columbus, Christopher, 127, 165–166
combat veterans, 64–65
Commission on Children at Risk, 282–283, 335
Committees of Correspondence, 176
communication, 82–83, 346–347, 355–356
Communism, 225
Communists, 212
communities of congruence, 84–85, 317–318, 353, 355
Aristotle’s view of state as, 149–150
caring, 298–300
consensus of, 16–17
early structure of, 102–104
Empire’s assault on, 317
formation of, 84–85
healthful function of, 13, 294
local preference, 343
rebuilding, 63
community life, 295–296
competing empires, 196
competition, 21–22, 33, 35, 37, 106, 114, 123, 164, 177, 292, 315, 346, 354
computer communication, 82–83
Concerned Women for America, 221
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 17
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Perkins), 198
conflict, 37, 253–257, 324
conquered societies, 101
consciousness, 41–56, 238, 270
Acculturated Consciousness, 45
action and, 83–88
awakening, 316–317
Cultural Consciousness, 46–47, 48, 52, 53, 75–78, 79–80, 84, 297, 330, 351–352
culture and, 54
democratic orders of, 53, 75, 147
developmental pathway of, 42–48
human, 88–89
Imperial Consciousness, 43–44, 48, 49–51, 51–52, 53–54, 56, 209, 234, 237, 261, 289, 329–330, 339
383 Magical Consciousness, 43, 49, 52, 56, 328
orders of, 56
reflective, 281–282, 309–310, 358
regression to primitive, 54
Socialized Consciousness, 44–46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 84, 250, 286, 330
Spiritual Consciousness, 47–48, 52, 53, 56, 78–79, 289, 330
consensus, 16–17, 331–334
conservative-liberal alliance, 338–340
Constantine, Emperor, 259
Constitutional Convention, 183
constitutional plutocracy, 185–187, 341–342. See also plutocracy
consumption, level of current, 67
contexts, 56, 58, 295–297
Continental Congress, 179, 180, 182–183
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 81
Coolidge, Calvin, 211
Co-op America, 319
cooperation, international, 332–333
cooperative self-organization, 14–15, 273, 292, 316
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 255
Core Cultural Creatives, 80, 323–324
corporate charters, 130, 141, 161, 191–192, 206
corporate-free economies, 319
corporate-led economic globalization, 12–13
corporate plutocracy, 219
corporations, forebears of public, 131–132
corruption, 115–116, 121–122, 122–123, 191, 211, 235, 326
cosmos, science of living, 263–264
costs, environmental, 13, 62
Cotton, John, 163
Council of Five Hundred, 144
Council on Foreign Relations, 220
Council on National Policy, 222
covert military actions, 197
Creation, 253, 264, 265, 267–269, 287, 309–310
creationism, 256–257
Creation Spirituality, 262–263
creation stories, 246–249, 308
creative potential
Core Cultural Creatives, 80, 323–324
creative learning, 37
Cultural Creatives, 79–80, 326, 330
Spiritual Creatives, 80–81, 323–324, 326, 330
creditors, 185–186
crime/criminals, safety from, 245
crime lords and syndicates, 127–133
Cuba, 193
cultural awakening, 77–78, 322
cultural challenges to Empire, 218–223
cultural change, 218, 330
Cultural Consciousness, 330, 352
achievement of, 79–80, 297
as adult norm, 330
awakening of, 46–47, 84, 316–317
compared to Imperial and Spiritual Consciousness, 52, 53, 75–78
facilitating awakening of, 351–352
Cultural Creatives, 79–80, 326, 330, 353
cultural democracy, 345
cultural life of tribe, 290–291
cultural politics, 53–55, 328–330
cultural systems, 34–35
cultural turning, 21, 79, 322–326, 324–325
alienation, 255–256
competition for dominator power, 265
consciousness and, 54
definition of, 76
dominant cultural perceptions, 254
of Empire, 54
formation of, 349
gender and, 104–107
individualistic, 224
living, 349–352
mainstreaming Earth Community, 318
narratives embedded in, 250
politics of, 248–249
principles of Earth Community, 37–38
shaping of perceptions by, 76–77
cultures, reinventing, 355
Daloz, Larry, 42
Dark Ages, 122–123
Dartmouth Medical School, 282
Darwinism, social, 247–248
Daughters of Liberty, 176
Daughters of the American Revolution, 193
Dawkins, Richard, 256
384 death, 270–271, 344
death camps, 38–39
death penalty, 162, 163, 228
debates, political, 348
crisis of 1982, 227
easy credit, 136
forced, 202
foreign indebtedness, 137–138
international debtors to U.S., 194
rights to collect on, 185–186
wartime, 187–188
as weapon of mass destruction, 198
debt-funded development assistance, 198
Declaration of Colonial Rights, 177, 182–183, 199
Declaration of Independence (of the American Women’s Rights Convention), 204
Declaration of Independence (U.S.), 129, 154, 160, 179, 182–183, 201–202
/> Declaration of Interdependence, 17, 86
Declaration of Paris, 129
defense industry, 213
defense strategy for United States, 230
acceptance of, 215
achievement of, 200
American Revolution’s role in, 180
context created by, 214
economic, 342
Hamilton’s view of, 184
real, 333–334
supporting, 307
true, 353
Athenian, 142–146, 147–148, 154 (See also Athens)
basic dilemmas of, 147–148
direct, 144
distinguished from aristocracies/oligarchies, 148
Empire as, 141
foundation of U.S., 159–160
origin of word, 142
participatory, 176–177
political, 134–135
support by citizens for, 152
understanding of, 52–53
democratic ideal, rejection of, 219
democratic orders of consciousness, 53
Democratic Party, 207, 227–228
Democratic-Republican Party, 187, 189
democratic self-determination, 13, 196, 345
demonstrations for peace, 87
Denmark, 356
Department of Homeland Security, 231
destruction, acts of, 288
developmental pathway of human consciousness, 42–48
Diamond, Jared, 102, 103, 104, 113
dictators, 196, 307
Diodorus Siculus, 99
direct democracy, 144
disabled veterans, 64–65
discrimination, prohibition of, 203
diseases, reassertion of eradicated, 59–60
disenfranchisement/enfranchisement, 145, 149
dissent, 189, 244
diversity, 151, 172, 294, 352
division, perpetuation of, 216
dollar, value of U.S., 71
domesticating people, 101–102
dominance hierarchy, 32
dominator culture/structure, 32, 34–35, 53, 94, 315, 341
dominator relationships, 222, 257–258, 307
dominion, U.S. global, 219–221
double standards, 49
Douglass, Frederick, 202
Drake, Sir Francis, 129
Dutch East India Company, 131
Dye, Thomas, 181–182
Dyer, Mary, 163
dysfunction, rewards for, 54–55
Earth, health of, 298
Earth Charter, 17, 32–33
Earth Community
advantage of, 55
alliances based on, 321
alternatives to Empire offered by, 301
birthing of, 353
democracy of, 155
Dialogues, 355
foundations of, 206, 328
The Great Turning Page 47