Consumed (Dark Protectors)

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Consumed (Dark Protectors) Page 23

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Jordan turned, checking out the sniper positions to the south. The sun had disappeared and the moon would make an appearance shortly. His neck itched. The muscles along his spine ached with the need to shift. “I have about an hour before I need to lock myself in a room and hopefully keep my head from exploding. Do you mind if we hurry this up?”

  “Sure.” Talen surveyed the door beyond the courtyard. “All nonessentials will be in the lower level. Guards on every level. Max and his team will cover the kids, who we’ve decided to keep in the playroom on the tenth level along with our mates.”

  “Good move.” The playroom would keep the kids busy, and the tenth level was the most secure. “Escape routes?”

  “We have tunnels leading from there to land, sea, and air options. If Max needs to retreat with the kids and nonsoldiers, he’ll make the decision as to direction at that time.” Talen checked his weapon. “Kane thinks you’ll be able to beat the moon.”

  “He does?” Surprise lifted Jordan’s brows.

  “Yes.” Talen frowned. “We need another front line—the door isn’t secured enough.”

  “Yes, it is.” Even in despair, Jordan felt like grinning. “Kane didn’t say I’d survive.” Talen was actually using positive reinforcement with him. Probably Cara’s idea.

  Talen lowered his brows. “The idea makes sense. Mating changed Katie, it’ll change you. You just needed more time.”

  Yeah. In a fairy tale. Jordan nodded, giving his friend what he needed. “I think you’re right. I’ll be fine.”

  Dage stalked outside, a digital tablet in his hand. “You’re not going to believe this.” He punched in buttons. “Your buddy Gerald has aligned with the demons. He’s in Scotland and is demanding you step down.”

  The king flipped the tablet around and a form began to take shape on the screen. Jordan stepped forward, waiting until the panther could be seen clearly. “Gerald. What the fuck are you doing?” The time for diplomacy and manners had long passed.

  The panther raised an eyebrow. “Figured you’d be dead by now.”

  Asshole. “Thanks for the support—I’ll keep it in mind.” Jordan fought to keep his temper leashed. The closer the moon came to rising, the stronger the beast within fought against its shackles. “If you thought I’d be dead, why are you making stupid demands?”

  The panther’s nostrils flared. “I don’t see what’s stupid about the king wanting his brother returned alive.”

  Dage growled low. “You know where Jase is?”

  Menace tinged the panther’s smile. “Yes. Kill Jordan and his bitch, and I’ll make sure you get your brother back.”

  How did Gerald already know about Jordan’s mating Katie? If he survived the moon, he was hunting the leak. He kept his face placid, his voice bored. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “We know you mated the handicapped shifter.” Gerald stepped close to the screen, his features distorting. “We also know the second you die, she will be squired to safety by Noah Chance. I’m not playing hide-and-seek for the next decade until finally killing the lioness.” He looked past Jordan. “I know where your brother is. Jordan is going to die anyway, as is Katie. Make it easier on all of us. Kill them both.”

  Anger swept through Jordan, his bones enlarging, the beasts within fighting to get out. He struggled to contain himself. “I’m going to kill you, Gerald.”

  Talen grabbed the tablet, shoving his face close. “Where’s my brother?”

  The panther sighed. “Do you accept my terms or not?”

  Rage rippled down Jordan’s back. How the hell could Gerald turn against him like this? Not for a second did he think the Kayrs men would kill Katie. He, on the other hand, was probably fair game. Especially since his life expectancy wasn’t too great.

  “You’re asking me to trade one brother for another,” Dage hissed. “You don’t want to do this.”

  Surprise grounded Jordan. The Kayrs men considered him family. All of a sudden, the last hundred years of his leading alone, solitary and tough, seemed like a waste. “Take me out, Dage,” he whispered. “I’m going to die anyway.”


  He shoved Dage out of the way. “You don’t want Katie. She can’t shift, she can’t fight ... she’s no threat to you. But the king will kill me.”

  “No, I won’t,” Dage muttered softly. “This won’t work.”

  Gerald chuckled, flashing sharp canines. “Katie has to be taken out, and I promise I’m the guy to do it. Unless, of course, the king wishes to save his youngest brother before the demons turn him into an unrecognizable psychotic.”

  Jordan struggled to remain in control. If his enemies ever found out about Katie’s pregnancy, there wouldn’t be a place on earth she could hide. Good thing his woman could fight. His claws shot out, and he kept them away from the tablet. “Prove you know where Jase is.”

  “All right.” Gerald reached behind him, grabbing a man’s necklace featuring a silver Celtic knot. “I believe you recognize this.”

  Neither man next to Jordan twitched a muscle. Their faces gave away nothing. Yet anger popped the oxygen and tension vibrated almost strong enough to see. He recognized the pendant, too. Conn’s wife had given the charm to Jase for his birthday about five years ago, first blessing the metal as only a witch could. The youngest Kayrs brother wouldn’t give it up willingly.

  Anger wasn’t going to get Jordan anywhere. “The demons consider shifters to be fun pets. They’re using you right now, and they’ll continue to do so until they get bored. You’re a dead man if you align with them.”

  The bastard’s gaze hardened. “For now, they have the power. Soon I’ll take over the feline nation and help the demons finish destroying the Realm ... and then the Kurjans. Vampires and Kurjans have existed long enough in this world, and we’ve waited long enough for you two to finish each other off. Apparently you both stink at war.”

  “I will find you,” Talen growled, “and when I do, you’ll wish Jordan had found you first.”

  Gerald licked his lips. “Your choice.”

  The screen went blank.

  Dage tapped his ear communicator. “Conn? Find Gerald Shotlam—he’s aligned with the demons and might know where Jase is.” Clicking off and pivoting around, he pierced Jordan with a glare. “Don’t fucking die.” Without another word, the king disappeared inside.

  Jordan clapped Talen on the back. “Remember your promise.” He’d gotten vows from all his men as well as the Kayrs family to protect Katie and their cub. “My child.”

  “My life.” Talen gave a short nod.

  That was as good as a vow could get. Jordan nodded, wishing he could spend what little time he had left with Katie. Man, she was going to be mad when she awoke. “I need to check out my little room of hell.” It was right off the entrance, just in case his brain started to explode and he needed to escape. But his friends didn’t know he had no intention of escaping into the moon. Shackles remained under the one cot to keep him in place.

  He’d never turn into a beast.

  Hustling to the small room, he dropped to sit and catch his breath. While his grand plan included staying underground until his head exploded, he knew with a certainty that Brent would find him.

  Their final fight would happen that night.

  Chapter 26

  Katie snuggled her nose into the pillow, the masculine scents of cinnamon and oak bringing a smile to her face. “Jordan?” She sat up, her breath stilling as her arm caught on metal. In slow motion, she glanced down at the handcuff around her wrist. Confusion had her following the other side to see it secured around the metal bedpost.

  Surprise had her glancing back and forth from the post to her hand.

  Then anger flashed through her so fast her cheeks burned. He’d handcuffed her to the bed.

  Humor, unexpected and absolutely inappropriate, bubbled up from her stomach. She gave one short laugh. He’d actually handcuffed her to the bed. “What a moron.”

  Stretching, she
enjoyed the odd flair of intimate aches. Even making love, even so very gentle, Jordan had left small bruises on her hips. Bruises from the pads of his fingers. Reality smacked her in the face. Spent candles lined every surface in the room. The clock on the wall promised the moon would soon be rising. She needed to get to Jordan and fast.

  Biting her lip, she checked out the area. Not much was around. With a shrug, she snarled, shooting her canines down. Pleasure burst through her at the simple act. She’d missed it so much.

  Ducking her head, she angled a fang into the lock of the handcuffs. A couple of twists, and the metal released her. How silly of Jordan to have forgotten her fangs. Of course, she hadn’t had fangs in a decade.

  She yanked up her jeans, quickly yanking on her bra and shirt. What if Jordan didn’t survive the moon?

  A folded note on the table caught her eye. She grabbed it.


  I know it probably took you two seconds to unhook the handcuffs. I couldn’t help myself. Seeing you cuffed to the bed has been a fantasy of mine for quite some time. Please stay down in safety tonight. It isn’t because I don’t trust you. I do. You’re a fighter, and you’ll be an amazing leader to our people. But there’s a chance, if the beast gets loose inside me, that I could hurt you and our cub. I’d rather die. In addition, I’d prefer you didn’t see me descend into a beast. Please. Remember me as we were tonight. I love you. Always. J.

  She took a deep breath. He was trusting her and asking her to understand. Asking her to let him deal with the moon. One last request from her mate.


  Ten years ago, she would’ve heeded his wishes. Wanting to please him, to make him happy, to show her trust in his decisions, she would’ve stayed below.

  She wasn’t the same woman.

  Stronger than even he knew, she’d fight for him. She’d fight with him. Telling Janie to follow her instincts had been the right advice. Katie would follow hers, regardless of the consequences.

  Panic had her struggling to focus as she slipped on her shoes. If nothing else, she’d throw him under the moon. If werewolves could evolve, then maybe he’d have a chance. The scent of spent wax and hopeless dreams filled the living area of the quarters as she dodged around the couch and ran into the hallway, smack into a strong chest.

  Bouncing back, she gave Baye her meanest glare. “Making sure I stay inside?”

  Lines of stress cut beside his mouth. “Jordan ordered me to guard you. I said you’d make it outside somehow.” Baye glanced down the empty corridor. “What’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to find him ... hopefully save him.” She put both hands on her hips, her lungs compressing. The moon would be rising within the hour.

  Baye nodded. “I’m so damn sorry about Lance. I mean, I knew he had a small crush on you, but I had no clue ...”

  “That he’s freakin’ crazy?”

  Apology and sorrow turned down Baye’s mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

  Katie grabbed his arm. “Not your fault, Baye. I didn’t see it. Nobody saw how crazy Lance is—though we’re gonna need to get him help. We’re good.” Something to worry about another day. Time was running out. “I need to get to Jordan. Are you and I going to fight?”

  “No.” Baye grinned, but his eyes stayed somber. “Go for it—I’ll head to the armory and finish suiting up. We have a real fight coming.”

  Talk about an understatement. She began running up the stairs, through the wide underground hallways, searching for her mate.

  Instead, she came upon Dage and Talen issuing orders to vampire and shifter troops in the large conference room on the top floor. Dodging to the side, she allowed the soldiers to exit the room before approaching the king. Noah tugged her hair, and Max patted her shoulder as they passed.

  Dage gave her a nod. “We got about half of the werewolves earlier when we chased them ... but not your furry friend. I’m assuming they’ll be back during the full moon.”

  Katie slowly nodded. “Yes. Brent won’t be able to help himself. But he’s injured, the moon will distract him, and he won’t be thinking clearly.” As an animal, the bastard would just attack. He wanted her, but he wanted Jordan more. The idea of Jordan going up against Brent while trying to fight the moon made something ache deep in Katie’s gut.

  Talen unfolded schematics and pointed out vantage points. “I have snipers set up along the perimeter—no fighting, just take them down hard. A second force is along the tree line, and that’s all we can spare. Considering we sent ten soldiers to the hospital in Canada ... and buried ten more, we’re spread thin right now.”

  Hurt smashed into Katie’s stomach. Three of those buried had been from her clan. She ignored the pain ... sorrow would have to wait. “What about flying the kids and nonsoldiers to safety?”

  Dage’s eyes swirled a pissed-off blue. “There is nowhere safe.”

  Sad, but true. Katie shuffled her feet. “That’s scary.”

  He nodded. “The contingency plans are in place if Max needs to get them out of here.”

  Talen rolled up the stack of papers. “This is our headquarters, and we’re better able to stand and defend here. Though I want every trained person over the age of fifteen to be armed and ready—even in the secured sections underground.” He sighed. “And Garrett. That kid is young, but he can fight.” Obvious pride coated the vampire’s words.

  Dage nodded. “Janie is well enough to move to level ten.” He glanced outside the darkening opening. “At least werewolves will hit hard and fast. No real battle strategy for the beasts.”

  “Keep in mind the werewolves are getting smarter.” Katie had better hustle before the moon began to rise. “Any word on Jase?”

  “No.” Talen checked his watch. “Kane and Conn should be checking in soon. They’ll find our brother.”

  Hopefully. Katie faked a confident nod. “I’m sure they will.” She glanced around the utilitarian conference room. “Where’s Jordan?”

  “Securing a room toward the entrance.” Doubt and anger filtered across Dage’s handsome face. “You probably shouldn’t be there tonight.”

  “I’m going to be there tonight.” She lifted her chin.

  “I figured. I’d give you a dart gun, but ...”

  A tranquilizer would be harmful to Jordan in lion form. He wouldn’t be able to think much less fight the moon. “A dart gun would only end up in my being tranqued.” Katie flashed a real smile.

  The king dropped a quick kiss on her brow. “Good luck, Kate.”

  “You, too.” With a nod to both vampires, she headed out to meet with Maggie, finding her friend preparing in the armory with a dart gun.

  Maggie snapped a green dart into place. “I talked Charlie into flying the helicopter.”

  Katie shook her head. “You charmed a teenaged shifter to do your bidding?”

  “No. I asked Janie to charm him and she did.” Maggie tucked a smaller dart gun into her boot. “The panther flies like a pro, according to Kane.”

  Reaching out to grab Maggie’s arm, Katie struggled to find the right words. “Thank you for doing this—and thank you for being my friend.”

  Maggie nodded, brown eyes going serious. “Thank you right back.” She patted Katie’s hand. “We’re all going to make it through tonight—I just know it.” Her voice came out bright—too bright—but Katie appreciated the attempt.

  “No matter what happens, I’ve enjoyed the last ten years living with you.” Katie forced a smile. Maggie had been a constant support during the last decade of werewolf hunting, virus fighting, and Jordan pining.

  “You, too.” Maggie shoved back her unruly hair. “And tomorrow, when this is all over, I want full details of the mating in the woods. Full details, girlfriend.”

  Heat climbed into Katie’s face. She’d share, but no way would she tell all. “You got it.” Giving Maggie a hug, she ventured in search of her mate.

  She found him in a small control room near the west exit. Mere feet away from where the moon wou
ld call. Everything had been stripped from the space save for a twin bed bolted to the floor and covered with a wool blanket. A chain with ankle clasp hooked to the left leg of the bed, solid and unyielding. A quick glance down confirmed the ultra-strong dead bolt.

  Her hands settled on her hips. “Nice lock.”

  “I’m not turning into a werewolf.” Jordan pivoted, his tawny gaze on her. Tall, broad, so strong, he stood before her better than any fantasy she’d ever had. Faded jeans hugged long legs while a dark T-shirt outlined impressive muscles. Lithe and lean, a true lion.

  She settled her stance. “Nice try with the handcuffs.”

  “Thanks. I can concentrate better on this if I’m not worrying about you.”

  “I’m not letting you die. If you need to turn into a werewolf to survive, you’re going to do so.”

  “Damn it, Katie. I have Terrent on ready ... he’s coming to kill me no matter what happens.” Frustration and an odd acceptance filtered along Jordan’s sharp face. “We have no choice here.”

  That’s what he thought. “You’re wrong. On so many counts.”

  His canines flashed. “What if I become all beast?” His eyebrow lifted. “Determined to destroy everything you’re about to vow to protect?” Stalking two steps closer to her, he brought cinnamon and oak with him. “Think you could kill me, kitten?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  His smile rang with pride and something else. Pure, raw lust. “I’m proud of you.”

  Yeah, well, his pride didn’t mean shit if he was dead. “Then you should fight for me.”

  “I will.” He stretched his neck, nostrils flaring. “You need to go—we’ll have to postpone this little discussion until later. The moon ... is coming.”

  Yeah. Katie could still feel the pull. Maybe the moon would always have a purchase in her soul. But the bitch would only get Jordan as a result. Pivoting, Katie kicked the door shut, reaching to engage the lock.

  Irritation curled Jordan’s lip. “Open the door and go underground, Kate. Now.”

  “No.” Part one of the plan formulating in her head included keeping him occupied as the moon rose to full height.


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