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Freak Page 4

by Alicia Masterson

  "Where did that moron go now…?"


  Lee stopped dancing a few minutes after Christine left, disoriented. Looking around and not seeing her, he began to work his way through the crowd towards the light, where he knew the unlimited supply of exotic liquor was kept.

  "Damned woman, keeping me from the free booze. She's just…" he paused, forgetting his thoughts for a moment, "jealous that I'm not afraid to drink and she is. Probably wants to stay sober so she can beat me at Soul Caliber and gloat afterwards."

  Having reached the light room, he worked his way through the crowd again, tripping over legs and bumping into people as he went.

  "Hey, asshole, you stepped on my new shoes!" Some girl yelled, also drunk.

  Lee started laughing, not stopping to apologize, "Shut up, or I'll own you with my Marth. Oh, that's right, you're a girl, you probably don't know what I'm talking about. Noob."

  He stumbled to the bar, and requested for a little bit of everything. The hired bartender sighed in disgust.

  "Not you again, don't you think you've had enough? Where's your keeper, anyway, that guy with the spiky hair?"

  "You can just shut the fuck up, and give me my drinks. Talk to me again when you can win a Halo deathmatch against me. Oh wait, that's never."

  The insulted bartender grumbled, putting out glasses of the strongest drinks he had, in an attempt to teach him a lesson. The amount of money he was offered to take this job, against every law he knew regarding under-aged drinking, was worth having to deal with this kid.


  "Brian, wow, that's the fifth game you've won in a row!" James said, dumbfounded at his new captain's skill. He drank the remainder of Brian's beer before he continued. "If you're as good at football as you are at beer pong, we're set for next season."

  "No doubt, James. Don't you worry, under me, our team's going to go places it's never gone before." Brian gloated, drunk out of his mind despite winning all of the games.

  "We're already at the top, where do we go from there?" Dallas asked, helping James with the beers.

  "Higher. I'll make sure no one questions the power of the Porcupines. The other schools will fear the name. All thanks to me," Brian said, having forgotten his previous doubts. Dallas and James cheered at the thought, and changed the subject.

  "I heard you were going out with Abigail Sinclair," Dallas asked. "That chick's got some huge ass breasts. You fucked her already, right?"

  "Not yet, we only went out once, what do you mean by that?" Brian asked, suddenly remembering the rumor Christine told him about. "Does it have anything to do with that rumor that she sleeps with all of her boyfriends on the first date?"

  "Man, you're funny. Rumor? She's a total player. She only goes out with who she thinks is the hottest or smartest or most popular guy in her grade, has sex with them on the first date to keep them wanting more, and stays with them to get what she wants, usually more sex." Dallas said all of this as if it was common news, and Brian was beginning to think that it probably was. He was beginning to feel used, and started getting a little upset.

  "Most guys don't complain too much though, she's legendary for being a clingy bitch, but she's hot as hell, and every guy she dates ends up being even more popular. So, it's kind of a two way street," James added in, feeling nothing but admiration for his new captain.

  "Ya, and that must mean she really likes you, more than everyone else, if she didn't try to fuck you on the first night. You're even more of a hero. You resisted her charms." Dallas said. Both of them started laughing, and Brian joined in.


  Abigail, and her two closest friends, Debbie and Alana, sat on couches across from each other, all with drinks in their hands.

  "Oh, wow, this place is amazing. I can't believe I've never been here before," Alana said, pouring the contents of her glass down her throat.

  "I've been here before, on several occasions. I used to date Corey. It was a short fling, he got ridiculous on me," Abigail replied, matter-of-factly.

  "Oh, that reminds me, you just started dating Brian. Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous, he's such a hottie," Debbie said, giggling and red faced. "Especially since Corey made him captain. I didn't even know he could do that. He's amazing too."

  "Did you bang him yet? Mmm, I agree with Deb, you get to be up close and personal with that; I'd pay money just to touch that ass!"

  "No, I didn't bang him yet. I'm not a slut, I've got more class than that. Take his looks, and his body, and multiply it by ten. That's how sweet he is."

  "Sorry, girl, but I don't believe you. There's not a man in the world that can look like he does, and be sweeter." Debbie said, "But damn, there are some sexy pieces of eye candy here."

  "I'm going to get a refill on my martini, I'll be right back," Alana said, standing up. She looked across to the bar, seeing a still drinking Lee, and she said "Oh, didn't I see you talking with that kid when you said hello to Brian?"

  "Ugh, no, I think that thing is named Lee. His friends are so weird. He's lucky to have found me. Especially that Christine bitch. I can smell her jealousy a mile away. I'll give her a reason to dislike me…"


  "Where'd Lee and Brian go?" Brian asked, spotting the sullen girl, alone at one of the tables.

  "Oh, hey Brian. Lee disappeared, I'm sure he's fine, and Brian is off with some teammates playing beer pong. I can't say the same thing about him, unfortunately. I don't know him anymore."

  "Eh, why be so angsty? Sure he's a little bit different with alcohol in his blood, but so is everyone else. Come tomorrow, we'll all have awful hangovers, but we'll be back to our lovable selves."

  Christine looked at him for a moment, and then chose to spill her guts. The months that she's felt being estranged from him, the awful feeling of dejection she gets every time she gets left behind. The awful feeling she has that his obsession with popularity and football will erase completely the Brian that she knew since childhood. All of it came out in a flood of words. Brian did his best to catch it all, understanding the gist of her point.

  The music began to shift to a slower song, and Brian got a brilliant idea. He whispered something in her ear, she immediately said no, with a deer in headlights look on her face.

  "Doesn't matter what you say. I'll be right back, I have to have a word with the DJ…" he said, working his way around the crowd to make a very special request. Christine was powerless to do anything but make herself as unnoticeable as possible, dreading what was going to happen next. The outburst she had left her too emotionally drained to yell or force Brian to sit.

  Brian signaled the occupied DJ, handing him a fifty dollar bill. That caught his attention, giving Brian the chance to offer his suggestion.

  "Are you sure she's good?" He asked, concerned about keeping the crowd happy.

  "Oh, she's good. Let me have a look at your song selection…" Brian said, looking through the list presented to him. "Oh… this one will be perfect. Can you play it without the singing?"

  "Don't worry about it, I got this," he said, waiting for the current song to end before taking over the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for turning off the tunes, but a young man here has made me aware that there is a very special singer in our midst. Can you guys help me to welcome Christine O'Hara to the front, please?"

  Christine, on the other side of the room, was mortified. She shrank in her seat, but to no avail. Eventually, someone recognized her, and yelled, "There she is!" In no time, people began pushing her towards the front much in the same fashion that Brian was pushed earlier, with her name being chanted to encourage her to sing.

  In the light room, both Brian and Abigail heard the chanting, clearly. Both more than a little bit drunk, they clumsily made their way from where they were towards the dark room, amongst other people in the light room who were curious what the commotion was about.

  Once the spotlight shone on Christine's face, dress, and body, her personality was totally different. She was used to per
forming, never for such a large crowd, but this was where she felt most comfortable. She saw Brian standing just outside of the spotlight, and felt a mixture of anger and gratitude.

  "What song are you making me sing," she asked him. He smiled, whispering something again to the DJ.

  "Give it up for Christine! She'll be singing Taylor Swift's 'Our Song', for those you out there that love to download." With that said, he waited for Brian to hand her a microphone before he started the music.

  "Brian, remind me to kiss you after this is done, this song is perfect," she said, turning on the microphone, knowing the lyrics to this song very well. She lived them, after all.

  I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car

  He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel

  The other on my heart

  I look around, turn the radio down

  He says baby is something wrong?

  I say nothing I was just thinking how we don't have a song

  And he says...

  Our song is the slamming screen door,

  Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window

  When we're on the phone and you talk real slow

  Cause it's late and your mama don't know

  Our song is the way you laugh

  The first date "man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"

  And when I got home ... before I said amen

  Asking God if he could play it again…

  Brian smiled, knowing that the song was directed at him, and he felt a momentary heavy pang of guilt at the new path his life was taking, quickly. He was familiar with Christine's singing talent, so that didn't come as that much of a shock that the entire crowd was floored, staring in her direction. Before she even finished the song, though, Dallas and James ran to him, panting.

  "Brian! There's a group of girls in the pool. They said that they'd skinny dip if you joined them! Come on dude, no time to lose!" Dallas said, ignoring the song entirely.

  Brian looked over at Christine, and a combination of normal teenage libido, the urgency his new friends displayed, and the alcohol convinced him to head towards the pool instead of listening to the rest of the song. He stopped by the bar on the way out to pick up another few beers.

  I was riding shotgun with my hair undone

  In the front seat of his car

  I grabbed a pen and an old napkin

  And I... wrote down our song

  Christine finished the song, and immediately heard a passionate applause from the exuberant crowd. She was half expecting to see an apologetic Brian stumble out from one of the corners, but she wasn't too disappointed when it didn't happen. That song was more for her than it was for him. The DJ was floored, too. He heard the crowd, and turned to Brian.

  "I'll give you your money back if you can get her to sing again. Man, that was amazing!"

  Brian approached Christine just as the crowd began to scream "ENCORE!" He convinced her to at least pick out another song; she didn't want to upset her new fans, so she accepted.

  Abigail, and by extension, her cronies, had had enough. She misinterpreted the song. Especially because of the kiss in the lyrics, she felt that the song was an attempt to get Brian to choose Christine over her. Abigail was fuming, and beckoned her friends to come with her as she went to get another drink.

  "But Abigail, she was amazing, can't we listen to her encore?" Alana asked, just as impressed as the rest of the crowd.

  "Don't start with me. Let's go."


  The party was winding down to an end. After Christine sang her encore song, she opted out of singing any more, preferring to just blend with the crowd on the dance floor, with Brian this time. She gave him the kiss she promised, a lot closer to the giddy and carefree Christine that Brian enjoyed seeing.

  Eventually, people began to leave, or rather, they attempted to. The bouncers prevented anyone from leaving unless they either passed a breathalyzer test or had a designated driver with them. People were frantically searching for someone willing to drive them, but some wanted any excuse to stay in such a nice home, perfectly happy to just find a vacant room and stay the night.

  Christine parted ways with Brian, who went to fetch Lee from the bar (or the bathroom, depending upon the amount he drank that night). Brian had been careful to control his drinking, he didn't want to be trapped here against his will, regardless of how nice the place was. And he certainly didn't want Lee exposed to unlimited alcohol for any longer than necessary. Once Brian found Lee, he forced him to wait in the foyer with him, just to see Christine out safely.

  "Asshole, why are you making me wait. The bartenders are packing up! It's my last chance to-" Lee blurted out, before being interrupted by Brian.

  "Shut up, enough alcohol for you. What would we do here all night once the bartenders are gone, anyway? I have Rock Band at home, and there's a guitar with your name on it."

  She looked through the relatively empty first floor rooms, and even scanned through the upstairs, but she saw no sign of her friend. She was about to give up and just wait for him in the light room, when she heard a particularly loud splash from the pool outside. She casually walked to the extensive deck, and was disgusted by what she saw. Brian and his two new henchmen were down to their boxers, getting just a little bit more than touchy feely with three completely naked girls in the pool. Brian's back was turned to her, but Christine judged by where his arms were, that he was fondling her breasts.

  She rushed inside, any carefree emotions still within her burned to a cinder from her temperament. She reasoned that it certainly looked like they were there for quite a while, so he probably didn't even hear her sing.

  "What does it matter anyway, stupid asshole, why did I ever think that he would just magically become himself again." She made it to the entrance, and the bouncer held up a breathalyzer with a fresh tip. She was around the same height as the bouncer, so she gave him her best glare, and put her face an inch away from his.

  "DOES MY BREATH SMELL LIKE I NEED A BREATHALYZER TEST?!" She shouted, with enough intensity that the surprised and tired bouncer put it away, giving her the okay to leave. Brian took Lee by the collar again, deciding that she was okay, and fled before she had the chance to spot them.

  "Geez, we don't get paid enough for this," he told the bouncer on the other side of the door. "That was one terrifying bitch."


  Brian, wasted out of his mind, began to realize that most of the people had left by then. He told the girl that he was playing with that he had to go, much to her disappointment. Dallas and James shrugged, and decided to follow their new idol. Their mouths opened wide though when they saw that in their absence, the girls began to fool around with each other. Neither opted to question Brian's judgment though, as they got out the pool, dried off as best they could with towels set out for the guests, and put clothes back on.

  Brian, apathetic to whether his teammates decided to follow him or not, ambled into the light room, searching feebly for Christine. As he began to head for the foyer to try the dark room, he heard his name called.

  "Brian! I haven't seen you all night," Abigail shouted, roughly as drunk as he was. "Come on, we have to celebrate your new position… properly." She gestured for him to follow her up the stairs. The alcohol still pumping through his system gave him no good reason to not follow, feeling a stirring in his slightly damp pants.

  Dallas and Jamie caught up with Brian, only to miss him again. Seeing him leave with Abigail up the staircase gave them both ideas. They glanced over at Debbie and Alana, and they smiled back. Something good came out of them all being too drunk to leave, after all.


  Brian obediently followed his girlfriend as she searched for an unoccupied bedroom. When she found one, she turned the dimmer on the wall to low, and seductively gestured for him to come in. It didn't take more than a second for the door to close behind them before she pounced viciously on his lips, the kiss sloppy and violent from the alcoho
l and her pent up desire.

  Brian, emboldened from the events of that night and the alcohol, decided to take charge. He forced her tongue out of his mouth, shoving his inside hers instead. His hands grabbed her hips a little tighter than necessary, as he began to grind his clothed, but obvious arousal against her midsection. His actions earned him a sharp moan from her throat, and he took that as a signal to move on.



  The first thing that Brian noticed when he woke up was the cold. Fortunately for him, there was a nice, soft, thing in front of him radiating heat. He instinctively clung tighter to whatever this thing was, before it hit him that he was naked. And this warm thing he was spooning into was girl shaped. When he realized that, many of the events from the previous night hit him.

  "Oh, god," he shouted, shooting straight out of the bed, brought down to his knees again from a combination of hangover and shock. Most of the details were fuzzy, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had transpired the night before. Oddly, Brian didn't feel any excitement from the fact that he had just lost his virginity. In fact, staring at the silent beauty sprawled on the bed, he felt cold from a different place, deeper within him.

  Still in quite a bit of shock, Brian rummaged through the room for his clothes, grimacing when he found his still-damp chlorine stained boxer shorts. He opted to go commando for a time until he got home, disposing of the shorts in the garbage can in the corner of the room.

  "Home…" he said to himself, remembering that Christine was supposed to be her ride. Flashes of "Our Song," and the girls he was fooling around with entered his memory, fresh with a new pang of guilt and a wave of nausea from the hangover. He doubled over momentarily, waiting for the feeling to subside before he finished putting his clothes on.

  He paused momentarily before opening the door, something catching his eye on the floor. It was his used condom, already beginning to yellow slightly, the distended end containing his by now rotting seed.

  "Ugh, I guess that answers my question. At least I don't have to get checked out for STD's," he joked to himself, aware that it wasn't a laughing matter. His suspicions were clarified several times; Abigail did live up to her reputation. He disposed the condom with the grimace still in his face and the sinking, empty feeling in his heart, before he took a deep breath and opened the door.


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