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Freak Page 21

by Alicia Masterson

'Faggots,' she thought, her pride and dignity damaged beyond repair. Even though she knew that her relationship with Brian was fake this entire time, it still hurt that it was really over now. 'I'll get even with you, Corey.'

  With an exaggerated huff, she threw a small tantrum before leaving, beside herself with rage.

  "Guys…" Dallas asked, confused. "She's gone, the joke's over, right?"


  The music stopped and the lights turned on, shocking Brian and Corey from each other's arms, both realizing that it was likely too late to take back what they had done. Reading each other's smiling faces, it was obvious to the other that neither of them cared anymore.

  The student head of the Prom committee took a microphone, catching everyone's attention with the announcement of the Prom court. Unsurprisingly, Corey was called. He squeezed Brian's hand discreetly before obligatorily heading towards the front of the dance floor, towards the wide space that was being opened. He put his best face on, gesturing for the crowd to cheer louder in support of him.

  Brian was left, without date or partner, to suffer being stared at inquisitively by his supposed friends and their dates. He knew that the only thing keeping them from turning hostile was their immense respect for him previously. Brian sighed as he felt more eyes focusing on him, choosing to go back to the table to save himself some sanity. He didn't need to hear people whispering rumors now. He'd have enough of that when school started again.

  "And your Prom King and Queen are… COLT TOWERS AND SARAH WALDEN!" The announcer yelled into the microphone, the cheers for the school's football captain and student body president, respectively, resounding throughout the ballroom.

  Without much more ceremony, the lights dimmed again, a slow song commemorating the new Prom royalty. Corey knew that he would be tied up with the Prom Queen for at least a few more songs, but he silently hoped that he could get back to Brian as soon as possible.


  The awkwardness of the last slow dance fresh in their memories, Brian and Andy wisely decided to end the partner swap, instead deciding to take a break back at their table while the slower songs played.

  Someone caught Brian's eye though, and he momentarily looked around Andy, noticing what appeared to be a very bored and very restless Brian sitting several tables down, with no one around him. The music shifted once more, the lights dimming all the way, the upbeat, high bass song replacing the slow song before it. Brian saw Brian look around hopefully for someone when the next song came, returning to his bored state when his search failed.

  'Looking for Corey?' He guessed to himself. 'I guess he's still busy being Prom King.'

  Andy turned around curiously to follow Brian's gaze, and spasmodically turned back, seeing who Brian was looking at. The movement sparked Brian's mind, inspiring a fairly underhanded and immature plan. He remembered the incident between Andy and Brian very well, and he remembered the conversations he had with Corey, who had something against his newfound friend, maybe even some degree of jealousy. Most of all, he felt embarrassed that he was being blackmailed, and that he wasn't man enough to do anything about it.

  What he had in mind wasn't quite "doing something about it," but it would definitely get his point across. And maybe, just maybe Andy would get over his little Brian phobia.

  "Andy, I have an idea, but you have to promise me to not freak out, I'm right here if it goes south," Brian stated, a devious grin growing on his features.

  "Oh, no, this is Brian related, I can tell, I don't even care, the answer is no."

  "You're being paranoid," Brian joked. "It's only half Brian related. Whatever fear you've got over that guy, it's unhealthy. Look over at him, he's bored to tears, and it's pretty obvious you are too."

  "No, I promise, I'm not bore—"

  "It's cool, I understand, I'm not the most fun on a dance floor. So ask him. I have a feeling that he'll know how to give you a good time. Come on, look over at him. He's not going to bite. The worst that could happen is that he says no. And I have a feeling that he won't."

  Andy blushed at the suggestion, taking fleeting looks towards Brian, unbelieving that he was even considering this insanity. But what's insane about it? He checked me out first. It's just a dance, right? Why does Brian sound so sure of himself…

  He sighed, knowing that it would bother him forever if he didn't at least try, and he got up, walking methodically towards Brian, akin to how a predator would stalk prey. I feel like the prey right now though.

  "I hope Corey doesn't kill me, he already hates me enough." Andy whispered nervously, just barely loud enough for Brian to overhear.

  'Corey? How much does he know about that?' Brian thought, almost regretting this little joke. But it was too good an opportunity to miss.

  Brian saw Andy heading in his direction, and their eyes met for a moment, Brian immediately looking in another direction in embarrassment for what he had done. By the time Andy reached the table, Brian had braced himself for a lecture, or at least a demand for an apology, but what he did get took him completely by surprise.

  "Hey, Brian," Andy said flatly, looking back towards Brian, who was signaling for him to get on with it. "Would you like to dance with me?"

  "What?!" Brian blurted out, caught completely off guard by the question.

  "I—I'm sorry for asking," Andy replied hesitantly, prepared to walk back to his table in defeat.

  'He just apologized… to me. I feel lower than dirt. It's just a dance, right? What does it matter if people see anymore? Too many people saw me dance with Corey.'

  "Wait," Brian called, getting up. In the background, the intro tag to "Money Maker" began, its familiar beat bolstering Brian's resolve. "Alright, I'll dance with you, but you have to keep up."

  Andy froze in place, listening to the song, smiling at the challenge. "Bring it on."


  Corey disentangled himself from the crowd at the center, throwing off the goofy looking crown to blend better. He'd missed enough time with Brian already, and he really loved this song. Reaching his table, he was surprised to find it empty. He knew Brian well enough to know that he would never just stay in the middle of the floor without a partner. He looked around, and he was surprised to see that the first familiar face was that of Brian's.

  Brian wore an extremely smug expression, and he gestured in a direction with his head, to where a small circular berth was made for two special dancers. Corey frowned, and ran over to see what was going on. Judging by the crowd, Andy and Brian were at it for a while, "shaking their money makers," so to speak. A few people were frowning, but some of the girls were cheering, the raw sexuality of their dancing too hot to ignore.

  Corey had a right to be slightly distressed. He knew how to read Brian's facial expressions so well that he could tell Brian how he was feeling even when Brian himself wasn't sure. And what he saw was pure enjoyment, smothered by his Brian's trademark lust. He thought he was the only one who could get Brian to make that face. It's the face he makes when they make love.

  Brian moved himself so that he could see the reaction on Corey's face at his handiwork. Like he thought he would, there were flashes of rage, and then jealousy, but mostly confusion.

  Corey lost his composure and ability to watch when Brian swung himself around to grind against Andy from behind, his hands running flush against Andy's thighs suggestively. Corey looked over at Brian, who was failing to look innocent.

  Brian was having the time of his life, finally able to just let loose without worrying about who could see. There was no love in this dance. It was just fun for him. He channeled all the all the attraction he was denying that he felt for Andy to his movements. If the aggressive way he was currently grinding against Andy's backside was any indicator, there was a whole lot more there than he let himself believe.

  The foreign smell of Andy's sweat and feel of the clothed body against his, the provocative song punctuated by the cheering of the girls around him, the way that Andy moved against his hips in just the
right way, it all drove him wild.

  Brian felt a tap on his shoulder and he grew cold, his instincts telling him to let go of everything, turning around embarrassedly to see Corey with an unreadable expression on his face. He grinned easily at him, waving goodbye nonchalantly at Andy's general direction before dragging Corey to the middle of the floor to finish the song with his real partner.

  "I've been waiting forever for you," Brian said huskily, still worked up from dancing with Andy.

  In the din of the chaos, Brian and Corey lost themselves quickly to the music, indifferent to how many people noticed them or not. The incident was silently forgiven and forgotten, that much was understood, but Corey couldn't help but be slightly disturbed by what he saw in Brian's face.

  In Brian's perspective, there was no forgiveness necessary. And it was unlikely that he would forget what just happened with Andy for a long time to come.


  The routine was burned into Brian's mind, as he waited obediently outside of his car for his supposed girlfriend to greet him and accompany him to his first period. After a few minutes, he got the hint. Abigail doesn't get sick; she's never missed a day of school in her life.

  'I guess we're officially over…' Brian thought happily, feeling like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders as he made his way to meet Corey by his car.

  Brian saw Dallas and James talking with Corey, and halted, remembering the events from Prom that Saturday. Treading carefully, he approached the three, expecting a barrage of angry bigotry. Corey stifled a snicker though, Brian's expression blank with surprise as Dallas and James gave him a high-five.

  "Dude! You did all of that at Prom just to dump her? You're my hero!" Dallas lauded.

  "Yeah, we saw her on the way here, the way she was stomping and huffing, and she gave Corey the meanest glare I've ever seen in my life, you really put that bitch in her place!" James added.

  "And it was all his idea," Corey interjected, hoping that Brian would get the hint. "When he told me how he was planning on dumping her, how could I refuse?"

  Brian's face was still frozen in confusion, but he lightened up, realizing that Corey was just doing some damage control. After Dallas and James left, he made sure no one was listening before speaking. "How did you know she would leave me?"

  "Just a feeling. Brian, a lot of people saw you and Andy, and you and I last night. I can cover up us, but there's nothing I can do for you about Andy. I'm ready to come out with you if you are, if it comes to that."

  "Not… yet," Brian said hesitantly. "I'll even talk with Andy about it if I have to. I'll come up with something; I just don't want us to have to deal with that yet. At least until you graduate. You worked hard for your reputation; it would be unfair if something like this killed it."


  Abigail walked to her class alone, a malicious grin on her face. She remembered bitterly the deal that she struck with Corey those months ago.

  'Brian is going down, I'll crush him. It'll be even easier since he's gay. No one cheats on Abigail Sinclair.'


  Present day, Saturday

  "BRIAN!!" Christine wailed pathetically from outside his house, the sound of her banging the door audible from anywhere inside.

  An extremely irritable looking Brian answered the door, furious that he was woken up on a Saturday morning, after working so late the night before. "What the fuck could you possibly wa—" He stopped short, for the first time noticing that the person who he was shouting at looked like a total wreck. Her eyes were bloodshot, tears were streaming down her face, and she was softly whimpering.

  "Damn it, I'm sorry, come in…" Brian said softly. When she was comfortably seated on his bed, he asked the most logical question. "What happened? And why aren't you crying your eyes out at Andy's house?"

  "It—it's Garret," she blurted out, fresh tears bursting from her face. "He hates to hear about him, I didn't want him to get upset."

  Brian jumped on his instincts, immediately getting concerned. "What did he do to you?"

  "No, no," Christine pleaded, words still difficult to form since she was still bawling. "Don't be mad at him, he didn't do anything wrong. We're over, Brian. I dumped him… I dumped the best guy I'll ever meet in my life!"

  If the world was a cartoon, an animated sweat drop would have trickled down the back of Brian's head, but it wasn't, and he could see plain as day that Christine was in no condition to take his sarcasm. Instead, he went against his nature and scooted next to her, placing her head in his neck, quietly shushing her until she stopped crying.

  "Calmly now, what happened?"

  "After Prom, I started to realize that I didn't like him as much as I thought I did. He noticed it too, he always does," she explained, sniffling. "He was the one who asked me, 'It's not working out, is it?' I do like him, a lot, but he's too perfect, Brian. I was so guilty about what our relationship was doing to Andy, to you…"


  Brian's ears perked up when she referenced him, unsure where she was going with this. He simply assumed that she forgot about his confession to her.

  "He's too perfect… he was willing to do anything for me that he could to get me to change my mind, but I turned him down. Everything caught up with me; I was the butt of every joke of every jealous girl in the school. People were making bets about how long it would take before he dumped me, behind my back, but I heard everything. At Prom, you couldn't even look me in the eye. We're friends, no; we've been best friends, for a long time. I saw how Andy looked at Garret too, like he wanted to bite his head off. I made Andy like that, it's all my fault, I'm so sorry!" Christine lamented, burying her face into Brian's neck, hitting his bed in frustration.

  "Christine, shh, calm down. I don't blame you, Andy doesn't blame you, neither of us hate you, not even close," Brian comforted, rubbing small circles in her back.

  "You've… always been the rock at my side, Brian, thank you for being such a good friend," Christine whispered lightly. Despite everything, she showed a little bit of a smile, kissing Brian chastely on the lips, laughing softly as Brian's face grew a few shades redder.

  Brian was in shock, but he heard the signals, and that little kiss clarified everything. As smoothly as someone who was sorely out of practice could have done, he gently pulled her lips back to his. Her immediate jerk backwards followed by a resounding slap across his face told him that he might want to recalculate things.

  "PERVERT!" Christine shouted, her wrath restored in full. She laughed though, realizing that she was actually feeling a lot better. Brian was tenderly rubbing the red handprint across his face, grimacing.

  "I guess you're all better, than," Brian noted. "I'm sorry about that, I thought that you… I—screw it, I don't know what I was thinking."

  Christine crossed her arms, looking in Brian's direction contemplatively. "No, I'm the one who doesn't know what I was thinking. You're the guy who's always been there for me when I needed it lately, and I know it hasn't been an easy job. I'm sorry about that, I'll get some ice."

  "Not necessary," Brian interjected, smiling wryly. "Maybe you do like me more than you think. I thought there was a little bit more bite to your hits than that."

  "Maybe I do," Christine teased. "We'll find out though. Are you free tonight? I hope you're not working again…"

  "No, I'm not," he said quickly, praying that this was going where he thought it was.

  "Awesome! Do you want to want to watch a movie at my house with me tonight?"

  "Oh… shit, I thought you'd never ask!" Brian exclaimed, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

  'I think I'm ready to move on from you now, Corey,' he thought, watching Christine drive away. 'I've been an idiot for too long. I'm done with your shit. These are my friends now, you can keep Brian. I won't have any more part in this… I'll tell her everything I know tonight. I know she can't hate me now, I should have known it months ago.'

  His phone rang, suddenly. 'A text?' Brian
asked himself, pulling open his phone to read it. Oh… Andy, if this works, you're a fucking genius… Brian smiled to himself, erasing the text, calling Christine to come back. They had planning to do.


  Two weeks ago

  "Mr. Mannus, could you please stay for a few minutes? We have to talk," Mrs. Yang, his pre-calculus teacher said, waiting for the rest of the class to file out before continuing.

  Despite her short stature, there was something that demanded respect from this Asian math teacher, and Brian found himself fidgeting uneasily at the end of her desk as she finished grading a few more papers.

  She coughed uneasily, handing him a freshly graded test that he had taken the day before Prom weekend. "You are aware of your grade in this class, Brian?" She asked pointedly, referring to the less than satisfactory number that graced the paper.

  Brian's face fell a little bit at the grade. He didn't really care that much about school, but he was a perfectionist at heart, and he hated to fail. "Yes ma'am," he said weakly, knowing where this lecture was going.

  "You're failing this class, Brian. But not badly enough that you can't pull off a passing grade before the year's end. I wouldn't even be wasting our time talking right now if I thought that you weren't capable of doing it. I know math isn't your favorite subject, but I've seen your work in this class even during football season, and it wasn't this bad consistently. Is something going on at home? Some kind of distraction?"

  Brian thought for a moment, but the answer was obvious. It was hard to do anything productive when all he wanted to do at home was do certain things to a certain person that he certainly wouldn't be telling his math teacher about.

  "I get it, you don't have to answer, I don't need to know. But I care that a student with the ability to do better is failing, it reflects poorly on my ability as a teacher. I'm not your -

  friend, Brian, I don't care about your personal life, but I do care that you're failing, and that you will likely have to repeat this class. So I've gone ahead and spoken with your coach on the matter, and he agrees that it would be best if you were forced to do after school tutoring sessions."


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