Primal Impulse (Censored Edition)

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Primal Impulse (Censored Edition) Page 8

by Johnson, James

  Jena was burning up. Two flaming bodies together were too much. She would literally melt if she remained on top of him. She couldn’t take it anymore.

  Jena threw herself off him and fell onto the bed. She crawled away to regroup. Her body still convulsed from the powerful orgasm. It had been absolute, a mental and physical assault, a complete takeover of her senses.

  Jena dangled her arms over the side in an effort to cool down. She stretched out on her back trying to catch her breath. For a full minute she lay there panting herself back to reality. Steven reached out and gently placed a hand on her chest. Her heart was still racing, but had slowed considerably. She wasn’t quite as hot to the touch.

  Steven smiled to himself. He could sense the satisfaction of her release. She was completely content. All of her lust had been fulfilled. Her raging fire had been extinguished. And that wasn’t easy for a girl like Jena. She was a woman with a need that consumed her. Her sexual appetite was like no other. No one on the planet enjoyed hot sex more than her. Jena really was one of a kind. Jena was truly special.

  Nothing was better than this. He loved giving pleasure to the woman with whom he had fallen in love. This meant way more than his own sexual gratification. Steven softly massaged her chest with his fingertips.

  “Just relax, baby,” he whispered. “Rest for a little bit.”

  Jena slid in beside him and she collapsed into his arms. For several minutes neither of them spoke. They were immersed in the afterglow of Jena’s primal release. They basked in the warmth of togetherness. The world stood still as they held each other tight.

  Chapter 25

  “It’s your turn, baby.”

  Steven thought he heard Jena’s soft voice. Maybe it was a dream. He had definitely fallen asleep for a few minutes. Then he remembered where he was and who was with him. A warm feeling overcame him.


  Jena licked her lips. Steven could xx xx. He could xx xx. She was free and wild and running in the jungle of lust. She was just so damn beautiful. She was a flawless image of exquisite pleasure, a goddess of ecstasy.

  She was Jena the Queen in all her splendor. She reigned over the realms of pleasure and lust. No one enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh more than her. Jena was an unabashed picture of all that was sensual. She was raw and primal. She was every man’s lusty dream. To have a woman so full of sexuality was simply unbelievable. To have this woman love you was something that didn’t seem fathomable. But it was all too real.

  Steven looked at his sexy Jena. He took in his hot baby. She was a rainbow of beauty and sensuality. Happiness shined from her soul. She was rolling in his pleasure, drenched by the rain of his desire. She was xx xx xx, drinking in his wine of passion.


  “Kiss me, baby,” she whispered.

  Jena stretched out on top of him. Steven embraced her as their mouths came together in a passionate kiss.

  Steven felt her firm breasts against his chest. His hands slowly wandered over her backside taking her in. Their lips pressed tight against each other melding together. Their tongues cuddled each other like longtime lovers on the dance floor.

  Even their breathing was in tune as they inhaled each other. Their air was theirs and theirs alone. It was a bouquet of contentment and fiery lust dissolved. It was the fragrance of fulfilled desire and endless joy. It was the scent of two lovers becoming one. It was the smell of sex. It was the breath of God.

  It was all so perfect. Steven and Jena were each other. They were bound by body, mind and spirit. They were complete. They were two sated souls locked into each other. Nothing could ever tear them apart. They were forever one.

  Chapter 26

  Jena heard a voice. She was in a state of dreamy consciousness. For the last thirty minutes she had been in limbo land. It was that halfway point between sleep and awakening. The haze of the early morning was always a stubborn opponent.

  “Hey, baby,” whispered Steven. “How about I meet you for lunch today?”

  Jena’s sleepy eyes opened to the real dream before her. Steven was dressed and ready for work. At least she thought he was real. To be honest she wasn’t sure what was going on. Either she had hit the jackpot on love or the universe was playing a nasty trick on her. The last few days had been surreal. She felt like she was bouncing off the walls of the cosmos being knocked silly.

  How in the world did this happen? One morning she gets a phone call out of nowhere. The hottest man on the planet tells her he’s coming to see her. They connect and have three days and nights of bliss. They fire up the physical plane with incredibly hot sex. They fall madly in love with each other. They want to hold each other tight through eternity. They want to ride the rails of love forever.

  It really did seem too good to be true. Maybe it wasn’t true. Maybe this wasn’t real. Perhaps it was a twisted joke of some sort. Maybe this was some act of cruel deception being played upon her. Perhaps she was the subject of some sophisticated reality show. Maybe she was a star that was meant to shine bright before exploding in the night sky.

  Perhaps some race of superior aliens was toying with her head. Maybe they had hijacked her emotions. Maybe they were pricking her heart with the needle of love until it was about to burst. Then they would watch in glee as they pulled the rug of reality out from under her. They would squirm in delight as her heart shattered into a million pieces. Then they would abandon their little morsel of entertainment and move on to the next one. She would be left behind drowning in devastation.

  Or maybe this was of her own device. Maybe this was some sort of escape hatch from the prison of loneliness and despair. Just a few days ago she was on the edge of depression. She had given up all hope of love. Maybe she had invented all of this. Maybe her real life had become so tortured that she had manifested this fantasy of romance. Maybe her golden prince wasn’t real. Maybe Steven was just a past memory coming to the rescue.

  Perhaps she should just blame it all on Joan Dixon. Maybe the obsession with her novels had come to a head. She had read every one of them at least five times. Maybe she should put down her pages of love and lust for a newspaper. Maybe she should replace all that joy and happiness with the dreariness of life. Maybe she needed a reality check.

  Was it possible all this was her imagination running wild? Had she subconsciously placed herself into one of Joan’s novels? Had she so much wanted to feel the joy of love that she reinvented herself as one of Joan’s fictional characters?

  Joan Dixon’s characters always got their man. They lived the dream. They lived in a world of love and lust and happily-ever-after. It was the prince and princess forever and ever.

  That’s what Jena wanted. She wanted to drift away into the pages of a Joan Dixon romantic novel. She wished to come alive in the majestic words of the Queen—the indisputable renderer of romance. She wanted the great purveyor of passion to paint her into a novel and let her fly. She wanted to soar to the heavens and let her heart breathe in the love. She wanted Joan to rocket her into the realm of endless pleasure.

  Jena wanted to become immortalized by her heroine Joan Dixon. She wanted the wondrous wordsmith of all that was romantic to take her away. She wanted to be a stamp of emotion and sensuality upon the world. She wished to ride the pages of passion and lust all the way to the happy end. She wanted to embark on a journey of which there was no return—the odyssey of true love.

  Maybe that’s what was happening. Maybe she so wanted to be Alicia from Naked Emotion that she made up her own red hot lover. Maybe she was trying to become Christina in Heart of the Animal. Or maybe she was fantasizing that she was Jessica from Dirty Love.

  Maybe her desire for true love had slipped into the realm of the mentally ill. Why should the girls from the novels be so lucky? Why couldn’t she be the lucky recipient of romance?

  Apparently she had been so lucky. There was Steven standing right in front of her. He certainly appeared to be real. Jena reached out and touched his leg.

nbsp; “Baby, are you okay,” asked Steven. “Are you still asleep?”

  “Oh…yes, baby, I’m okay. I guess I was half asleep or dreaming or something.”

  Steven reached down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Did you want to meet for lunch today? I could meet you somewhere and bring something if you like.”

  “Yes, that sounds really good,” replied Jena. She seemed to have snapped back. “Actually there’s a small park just across from my office. It’s easy to find. Would you like to meet there?”

  “Sure,” said Steven. “What time?”

  “How about one o’clock?”

  “Alright, baby,” said Steven. “I’ve got to go to work.”

  He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, Steven,” answered Jena. “Hey, baby…can I tell you something?”

  “Of course,” said Steven. “What is it?”

  Jena looked into his eyes. They shined with his energy.

  “I love the way you make love to me. You do it with such emotion. You make me feel so good. Thank you.”

  “That’s not me making love, baby,” said Steven. “That’s us making love. We’re one and the same.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Jena said softly. “But you sure make me feel good.”

  Steven laughed. He kissed her again and turned around. As he walked out of the room she heard a last comment.

  “The stars are winking at us, baby. Let ’em shine down the love.”

  Steven locked the door behind him as he left the apartment. His words still rang in her ears. The stars are winking at us, baby. Let ’em shine down the love. Where had she heard them before?

  Then she remembered. That was from one of Joan Dixon’s novels! It was a piece of her imagination. Yes, she remembered it well. It was from Heart of the Animal. When you read a book five times you become familiar with it to say the least.

  Jena remembered exactly what part of the book it was in. It was early on in chapter six. Those were the words Christina heard when they camped in Colorado. It was just before their erotic lovemaking scene on the mountaintop. Sexy Justin whispered those words to Christina as they gazed into the night sky.

  How did those same words come from Steven’s mouth? Could it be just a coincidence that they were Joan Dixon’s exact words? Were he and she on the same wavelength of creativity? Or maybe Stephen had read Heart of the Animal? After all he did take a glance at Naked Emotion.

  Jena got up and walked over to her closet. She pushed over some hanging clothes and looked in the corner of the closet. That’s where she kept all of her books except the one she was currently reading.

  There it was. Heart of the Animal was in the middle of the stack. It was stuck in between Dirty Love and a Jacqueline Kiss book, another favorite romance author. That was just where she had last placed it. So it was very doubtful that Steven had looked at it. There was no way he would be snooping around in her closet anyway. That definitely wasn’t his nature.

  So if he hadn’t looked at the book, then how was it that he quoted Joan Dixon? How did it match word for word? Did it come from his imagination? If so then that was pretty freaky.

  Maybe Steven had gotten another copy somewhere. Maybe Naked Emotion had piqued his interest in the talented author and he became curious. After all, he was a writer too. Perhaps he had searched out some more of her works. Maybe he had purchased a copy from the bookstore down the street.

  Jena made a mental note to ask him about it. And there was something else she would ask him. When was he going to let her see some of his writing! Somehow this kept slipping by. And another thing—what was his other pen name and what type of writing was it! Sometimes it felt like pulling teeth trying to get this information out of him.

  Chapter 27

  Steven looked at his watch. It was exactly one o’ clock. And there she was strolling across the grass. There was his baby looking all sexy and hot.

  Steven shook his head. Jena was really something else. She was truly amazing. Sometimes he couldn’t grasp the enormity of it all. Sometimes he felt this wasn’t really happening. It really did seem too good to be true. In the span of three days his whole life had changed. How in the hell did this happen?

  Maybe a better question would be why it didn’t happen sooner. How could he have let twenty years slip by? Why in the world did he not pick up the phone years ago and call this magnificent woman? He could have been riding this high long ago. That was something on which he didn’t want to dwell. That was something that would surely make him crazy.

  Steven had found the park easily. It was just as Jena had said. It was located diagonally opposite from her office. It was truly tiny. End to end it was barely bigger than a basketball court. Steven had picked a secluded area in the far corner of the park. It was a small clearing which included a picnic table. Other than the annoying buzz of a lawn maintenance crew it was perfect.

  Steven could see her smile from here. He knew he was responsible for putting it there. Or maybe he should say they put it there. Actually it was much bigger than the both of them. Something else was guiding this ship. It was steering them into unknown waters. It was taking them where neither had ventured. They were riding the wind on the sails of love.

  As she got closer he could see the sparkle in her eyes. There were those eyes that ripped into his soul. They were so bright and full of life. They unveiled the girl beneath the shadow. They conveyed her inner belief that everything was going to be okay. They were magnificent beacons of hope, truth and confidence. They were brilliant rays of emotional energy that traced back to her soul.

  Jena’s eyes also revealed a longing for the touch. They exposed the wild girl within. They blazed a bright green trail of sensuality as they burned through space melting everything in their path. They were a declaration of her zest for love and life. They flushed the real Jena out in the open—the sexually charged bundle of emotion who wanted to make love to her man day and night. Hiding behind those sparkling green eyes was the sensual being that was Jena. She was a girl who wanted to experience life in totality, who wanted to live. That was his green-eyed hot baby. Yes it was.

  Steven stood up. Her smile widened as she walked into his arms. They embraced each other. They held each other tight as their own special energy staked its claim on their hearts. Raw emotion enclosed them in a sticky web from which there was no escape. They were shielded from the world and all of its nonsense. It could spin and spin forever but it would never throw them from the wheel of love.

  They would be one through eternity. An invisible force enveloped them. They couldn’t see it but they damn sure felt it. It was there and it was real. It was the power behind creation, the platform upon which the universe was seeded. It was a timeless presence, a dome of security that would weather the ages. There would be no abandonment during this life or the hereafter. Their souls were bound together by the hands of the creator. The essence that was Steven and Jena would protect them forever. They truly were one.

  “Hey, baby,” Steven said softly. “I’ve been missing you this morning.”

  Jena smiled. “I’m always missing you. Every moment we’re apart is pure torture. You’re all I think about these days.”

  “It’s the same here, baby,” said Steven. “You’re in my head every second of every day.”

  For a long moment they held each other tight. They could have stayed like that forever. Time was standing still as they took in the moment—as they took in each other.

  Everything seemed perfect—excluding the lawn maintenance crew who kept creeping in closer and closer. Their mowers and blowers became more annoying with each passing second. There was nothing they could do but laugh at the situation.

  “My God,” exclaimed Steven. “Why do they have to be so noisy? What is it with these guys? Are they getting paid by the decibel or something?”

  Jena laughed as they broke their embrace. Steven always did have a unique s
ense of humor. It just added to his allure. It was part of his overall appeal that charmed her so. Jena found it incredibly sexy.

  Then the noise suddenly stopped. Maybe they felt their energy. Or maybe they finally finished the job. Whatever the reason it didn’t matter. What did matter was that they quickly packed up their equipment and drove away.

  The silence was truly golden. The park was all theirs. There wasn’t a soul around to intrude on their little party.

  “Sit down, baby,” said Steven. “I know you’re hungry. I’ve got something for us.”

  Jena watched as Steven opened up a large bag. He pulled out two enormous sandwiches and two bottles of water.

  “I got these from right down the street. It’s a place called Classic Market. I actually ate a sandwich from there a couple of days ago. I thought it was great. I hope you like it.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I will,” Jena quickly replied. “I’ve been going to that place for years. They make the best subs in southern California. Thank you so much, baby.”

  “You’re welcome,” said Steven before leaning over and kissing her on the lips. “It’s the least I can do for you.”

  Steven began unwrapping the sandwiches as Jena watched. Even the way he performed that simple task was sensual in nature. Was there anything about the man that didn’t turn her on?

  “I’ve got us both a turkey and veggie sub,” said Steven. “I know you like good lean protein and lots of healthy vegetables. Maybe that’s what keeps you looking so damn sexy.”

  Steven gave her a glance that warmed her from the inside out. It was so natural for him that he probably wasn’t even aware of it. But she sure as hell was. It was that sexy “wanting” look in his eyes that she had come to learn. It lasted only a fraction of a second, but the burn lingered forever. It tingled her heart and stirred her desire. Suddenly her appetite for food disappeared. Another appetite surfaced in roaring fashion. Spontaneity took over.


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