Primal Impulse (Censored Edition)

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Primal Impulse (Censored Edition) Page 11

by Johnson, James

  “I’m talking about being there for you when you need me. And I’m not talking about sex. I’m talking about taking care of you when you’re sick. I want to be there when you’re having a bad day, when you need someone to talk to, when you’re down and out and you just wanna cry.

  “I want to be your man, baby. I want to be the love of your life, because you’re certainly mine. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re really my dream come true.

  “I’m going to show you, baby. I’m going to fight like a crazed warrior to get what I want. I’m going to make you mine forever. You just watch. You just wait. You’re gonna see. Somehow, someway, you and I are going to make this thing work. We’re going to find a way to be together.

  “Jena, you’re incredibly special to me. I don’t think you realize just how much. I’m going to tell you something that I don’t say unless I mean it. These aren’t words I use lightly. This is the honest truth pouring from my soul.

  “Baby, my Jena girl, my friend, my lover, my special one—I love you. I love you with all my heart. I truly, truly love you.”

  For a long moment neither one spoke. Jena couldn’t find words to express the feelings that overwhelmed her. Steven had just sent her to another level, one that she never knew existed. Steven’s outpouring of emotions had come from his heart, his soul. It was his spirit speaking.

  Jena’s own emotions were stretched like a rubber band about to pop. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Finally she mustered the strength to reply.

  “Steven, I don’t know what to say.” She hesitated to collect her thoughts. All she really wanted to do was sob with happiness. For a brief moment she was literally speechless. Again she tried to convey her emotions.

  “Steven, the last few days have been like a dream. I still can hardly believe it. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to wake up and it won’t be real. It seems too good to be true. Oh, baby…”

  Jena couldn’t hold it back any longer. The tears poured out of her. Raw emotion rained down upon her phone.

  “I’m so sorry, Steven,” she said. “I can’t help it. You’ve got me so emotional. You make me so happy.”

  “It’s okay, baby,” Steven said softly. “Let it go. Don’t try to hold it back. Don’t try to hide it. It’s freedom, baby. It’s letting loose of the crap that holds us humans back and bringing in the stuff that really means something.”

  Jena slowly regained her composure. “You’re right,” she sniffled. “This is what really matters. This is what has true meaning.”

  “Yeah, baby,” agreed Steven. “What we have is what life is all about. I’ve never experienced it. I doubt you’ve ever experienced it. I’d bet that very few people have. What’s happening to us is rare. It’s special. It’s something to appreciate, to be grateful for. It’s us, baby, it’s us!”

  Jena began to comprehend. Steven’s words seemed to make complete sense. It was them. It was their private trip. It was two people riding the high of each other. There was no use in even trying to explain it to anyone else. It was tough enough explaining it to each other. It was all such a mystery.

  “I don’t know, baby,” said Jena. “I’ve always been attracted to you—but this! No way did I expect this to happen.”

  “Neither did I, Jena girl,” said Steven. “But it did happen. And I think we should ride it for all it’s worth.”

  “I love you, Steven,” said Jena. The words rolled out like sweet candy.

  “I love you too, Jena girl,” said Steven. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Once again there was a long moment of silence. It was if they both were letting the words sink into their souls. They were drowning in the moment. They were awash in the energy of love.

  “Are you okay, baby?” asked Steven.

  “I’m a lot better than okay,” answered Jena. “I’m on top of the world.”

  “Me too, baby,” said Steven.

  “So, what’s going on?” asked Jena. “Are you still working?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got a few more hours and then I’m done for good. Then we’ve got the whole weekend together. How about you? Are you off at the usual time?”

  “Yes, around five again,” said Jena. “Sometimes I get out of here a little early on Fridays, but don’t count on it.”

  “You know what,” said Steven with a chuckle. “I’ve had a craving for one of those James Café burgers for two days now. They look so damn good. How about we meet there again? The burgers and wine are on me.”

  “That sounds real good. I’m not really hungry now so I’ll probably be starving by then.”

  “Okay,” said Steven. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get there. See you then, hot girl.”

  “Bye, baby,” said Jena. “I’ll see you around five.”

  “Bye, baby,” echoed Steven.

  Jena clicked off her phone. It was slick from tears of happiness. Her soul was overflowing with joy. Her world would be okay for at least two more days.

  Chapter 33

  James Café was packed. It was always crowded on Friday afternoons. Jena knew exactly where to look. There he was. Somehow he had managed to acquire their favorite seats.

  Jena walked towards him. Steven stood to greet her. Jena watched him watch her. She felt his eyes take her in. She read the message they sent to his brain. There’s my hot baby!

  That’s what they did to each other. That’s what he did to her. Steven made her feel good about herself. He made her feel appreciated. He made her feel hot and sexy. He made her feel good to be a woman. Jena knew he could sense the same from her. It really was a magical chemistry between them.

  She walked into his arms as they closed around her. He pressed his warm, sexy body tight against her and kissed her.

  “Hey, baby,” he said softly. “How are you?”

  “I’m happy as hell to be in your arms right now,” said Jena as she gazed into his eyes. “I thought this was going to be the worst weekend of my life. Thanks, Steven, for deciding to stay longer. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  “I didn’t do it for you,” said Steven. “I did it for us. Damn it, Jena, I love you. It tears me apart to think of leaving you.”

  Jena rested her head on his shoulder. Steven gently rubbed the back of her neck. She could feel him taking in her essence. It was one of those long, slow breaths that lasted forever.

  “God, you smell good, baby,” he whispered. “You’re so hot.”

  “No, you’re the sexy one,” Jena said as she slid a hand over his butt and grasped it tight. “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  Steven laughed. “Come on, baby. Let’s sit down.”

  They slipped into their seats. Once again Steven had a glass of Chateau Kiss waiting for her.

  “The burgers are already ordered,” said Steven. “Melissa told me she knows exactly how you like it cooked. Cooked medium with no mayo, right?”

  “That’s right,” replied Jena. “Melissa should know. She’s served me enough of them.”

  Jena slid in closer to him. She thought about how lucky she was. Taking the time to find out how she liked her food was an example. Steven probably didn’t even think about it. He probably didn’t realize how much the little things meant to her. On top of everything else he really was the perfect gentleman.

  Jena leaned over and kissed him on the lips. She looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

  “Thank you, baby,” she said. “Thanks for everything you do for me. You know I really appreciate it.”

  “I know you do, baby,” said Steven. “That’s why I do it. I like to make you happy.”

  Jena leaned her head on his shoulder. There was no place she would rather be than by his side. She wished they could crawl into a cocoon and stay there forever—just the two of them spending eternity wrapped in each other. She didn’t need anything else but him. She didn’t want anyone else but her baby. He was her peace, love and happiness. He was her one and only.

/>   “Here come the burgers, baby,” said Steven.

  Jena raised her head as Melissa set a tray down beside them.

  “They smell great,” said Steven, flashing a smile at Melissa.

  “Yep,” replied Melissa, “I kept my eye on the chef to make sure they were cooked perfectly. You guys always treat me great, so it goes both ways.”

  “Thank you so much, Melissa,” said Jena.

  “Yes, thank you,” said Steven.

  “You’re welcome,” said Melissa. “Oh, and here’s another Lagunitas. Your first one’s looking a little empty. Enjoy…gotta go.”

  Melissa placed the beer on the table. Then she scampered away to tend to another customer.

  “She’s really special, isn’t she?” commented Steven.

  “She sure is,” said Jena. “I consider her a friend.”

  “Well, let’s eat,” said Steven. “How about it?”

  “That sounds great,” replied Jena. “I didn’t have any lunch at all. You had me too happy to even think about food.”

  They both took a bite of their burgers.

  “Damn,” said Steven. “That’s even better than I thought it would be. It’s very good.”

  “Yeah,” said Jena. “Everything’s good here. The burgers and the pizza are my two favorites. I guess this is our place now, huh?”

  “It sure seems that way,” agreed Steven. “It’s so good that I don’t want to go anywhere else. Where else are you going to get food this good with such a great atmosphere? And the drinks and Melissa—it’s just perfect.”

  “And you, baby,” said Jena. “You’re the best thing about this place as far as I’m concerned. You’re the best thing about any place. I don’t care if it’s an igloo in the Arctic Circle…if you’re in it that’s where I want to be.”

  “Yeah,” laughed Steven. “I can just see us now all bundled up in our icehouse. I’m huddled in a corner pecking away on an old typewriter because we have no electricity. Yeah, right.”

  “I’m glad you reminded me,” Jena said excitedly. “When are going to let me read some of your writing? How can I get ahold of your books. They’re available on Amazon, right?”

  Steven took a sip from his beer to buy a little time. He quickly processed her questions. Should he tell her now that he was Joan Dixon? Nah, not yet…it wasn’t the right time.

  Steven wanted to wrap that sweet surprise up with a bow. He wanted to disclose that little secret with a bang. He wanted to watch her face when she found out it was he who penned the magic words that moved her so. It was her Steven who sent her flying off into romantic wonderland.

  Yeah, the man in her bed was the one responsible for the steamy scenes that kept her up late at night. He was the one behind the lustful characters that she loved so. It was his literary spark that flamed the fire between her legs. It was his erotic prose that xx xx xx.

  Steven wasn’t quite sure how he would do it. Maybe he would reveal his secret in the bedroom. Maybe he would throw a little Joan Dixon twist into their pleasure. Maybe he would “accidentally” leave some evidence for her to find. The options were limitless. All it took was a bit of creativity—of that he had plenty. For sure he would do it in a way that would rock her world.

  “Yeah, baby,” said Steven as he put down his beer. “My books are on Amazon. They’re available in print and as Kindle e-books. Maybe tonight we’ll look them up on your computer.”

  “I know you mentioned it earlier, but I forgot,” said Jena. “What type of novels do you write?”

  “Oh, I write in a couple of different genres,” Steven replied. “I use pen names to keep them separate.”

  “And what are the genres?” asked Jena.

  Steven took a bite from his burger. Jena waited intently for his answer. She was really digging this time.

  “Probably the one that would interest you the most would be my mystery series. I write them under the name Reed Kindle. I think the name alone generates some sales.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” said Jena. “Now I remember you mentioning that.”

  “Yes,” said Steven. “We’ll pull them up tonight on your computer and I’ll buy you a copy of each book.”

  “Oh, no,” Jena quickly replied. “I’ll do the buying on this one. You wrote it, I buy it—that’s the way it is.”

  “Alright, if you say so,” said Steven. “I just hope you like them.”

  “And what’s the other genre and pen name that you use?” asked Jena. “You said you had two of them.”

  Steven looked into Jena’s face and the words just flowed out with no thought whatsoever.

  “Baby, do you know that you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  Steven had no idea how it happened. It certainly wasn’t calculated or planned. And it certainly didn’t answer her question. It just happened that he was struck by the beauty of her eyes at that moment.

  They sparkled with a brilliance he had never seen before. They were messengers from her soul. They emanated happiness and the love within. They gleamed of honesty and truth. They were a bright green oasis of sensuality. They sent a message that said come inside. They truly were the sexiest eyes in the world. They were the eyes of his baby, the eyes of love.

  Jena was hypnotized. Once again she fell under the spell of his natural charm. His words were Cupid’s arrow that she had seen earlier. Steven was a marksman taking aim at her heart. His sincere compliments lifted her into the heavens. He just made her feel so damn good.

  It was more than a simple compliment. It was more than an expression of praise or admiration. It was real. His words seemed to come alive. When Steven said her eyes were beautiful, they were beautiful. She knew he meant every word of it. She knew he was speaking from the heart.

  Steven’s words placed her in a state of perfect happiness. His compliments were packaged in charm and grace. They were a bundle of sincerity and respect. He delivered them with his eyes as much as anything else—eyes that sliced into her soul.

  Steven was art. His words were a song. They created a melody that made her heart dance. His lyrics were penned by the soul. They were written by angels who know only truth. They were the stars and the moon and the sun calling out her name. They were the criers of the mysteries. They were the universe sharing its secrets to all who would listen. They were music from heaven that made you want to get up and shout.

  Steven spoke in the language of the All. His words showered her in a bouquet of emotion and spirit. They were a tribute to the truth. They were genuine, a crystal clear look at the man inside. It was Steven shedding his garment of flesh and revealing his soul.

  Yes, it was much more than a compliment. When Steven told her that she had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen, he once again set her on fire. Jena felt the blaze heating up her insides. Her hot man had lit her fuse of desire. He had sparked her savage sensuality. He had fired up her insatiable lust. She had to have him.

  Chapter 34

  Steven kissed her neck as she locked the door behind them. She could feel his hot breath nipping at her. She could feel his sensuous hands running over her shoulders. She could feel xx xx xx.

  The last hour at James Café had been pure torture on them both. It started with Steven’s comment about her beautiful eyes and escalated from there. Jena upped it a notch with a passionate kiss. After that it was a struggle just to keep their clothes on.

  They had somehow managed to get through dinner. Both of them finished every bite of their food. They instinctively knew they would need their strength later. The way they made love was not for the weak.

  Now they were finally here. They were safe in Jena’s apartment. They were away from the prying eyes of others. They were free to unleash their passion upon each other. They could now let the fire rage out of control.

  There was no one but Steven and Jena. The rest of the world didn’t matter. They could fall off the globe and they wouldn’t care. As long as they were in each other’s arms they would survive. The only
thing that mattered was holding each other tight. The only thing that was true was truth itself. And that truth was them, now, here.

  Steven and Jena had to know. There was nothing they wanted to leave out. There were no secrets to hide. They opened their wings and spread them wide. They invited the other to come inside. Come into the castle and ravage the soul. Take it and make it yours. Take it and savor it and swallow it down. What’s mine is yours and yours is mine. We’re one and the same.

  Steven and Jena rode the same wavelength. They were on the same plane. There were two in one. They wanted to consume each other in every sense of the word.

  They were carnal animals with an appetite for each other. They wanted to learn the flesh and the pleasures it held. They wanted to eat every morsel, drink every drop, swim in the love. They wanted the energy of the other within themselves. They wanted to download their essence into each other. They wanted to peel back the layers. They wanted to feel the burn of the fiery core.

  There was only now. There was only this moment. The past and the future were but a river of time. They would ride the currents of the present until it exploded into the sea. They would let the waves of pleasure carry them away. They would let time wander on and leave them behind. They would remain stuck in the moment of each other.

  Steven and Jena would finally fly high. The waiting was over. It was time for each other. They would no longer anguish of unfulfilled desire. They would no longer agonize of torturous anticipation. They would crush the torment of their repressed sexuality. They would smother the painful ache of their primal urges.

  Steven and Jena would set each other free. They would finally feel the touch they so desperately craved. They would sear their skins with the hot iron of carnality. They would fuel the fire of lust that burned within. They would free the beast that ruled them. He would devour them as they devoured each other.

  Nothing would remain. They would suck every drop of pleasure from each other. Every ounce of energy they would exhaust in their quest for each other. They would twist their heated sexual energy into a lightning bolt of raw pleasure. They would let the rain of passion shower their senses. They would give and take of each other until their tanks ran dry. They would xx xx xx.


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