Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 78

by Maia Starr

  "What the hell is this?” She stomped over to me as I opened the door to the living quarters that we had locked her up in.

  "You're coming with me,” I said to her, ready to lead her off the small ship and into the belly of the mothership.

  "No I am not. I am not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on!” she said as she crossed her arms across her chest. I was impressed with her confidence and arrogance, but also annoyed and frustrated by it. Her flaming red hair was a mess around her face where it had fallen from the bun it was in, and I could only assume was from the wreck. We had not planned to shoot her transport out of the sky. We had planned to only disable it enough so that our ship could dock to it and abduct her. But things had not gone as planned and I was glad that she survived, since we needed her badly.

  "You are coming with me. Do you want me to pick you up and take you with me, or do you want to walk?” I said to her sternly. The look on her face changed and her green eyes narrowed. She was wearing a black suit, just like the Earth government humans always did, and her skirt went down to just above her knees. She was now barefoot. She was petite, but she was not slender like some of the human females that I had seen, including the female that I had mated with years ago. This human was curvy and jiggled a little when she moved.

  "You're not going to tell me what's going on here?” She asked.

  "I will tell you when I'm good and ready. Now come with me,” I said as I moved aside, waiting for her to move out the door. She gave me a dirty look but she moved into the hallway. I walked behind her until we were walking down the ramp of the ship.

  "Holy shit,” she whispered to herself as she walked down the ramp onto the floor of the landing port.

  "There must be over 2000 ships in here," she said as she stopped and looked around. I did not need her making any observations about our military strength. She was the enemy. I grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

  "Ow! Jerk!" She said but I ignored her. I did not need to make small talk with her. I did not need her to like me. I needed her to fear me and obey me. I only needed to know one thing and I was going to get it from her. I dragged her along through the landing stages as warriors stopped, turned, and looked. I kept going as she made quiet remarks under her breath as we walked through.

  "It is like an entire city in here… I have never seen so many Corillion in one place… Why is the ship here?” She rambled on and on. I ignored all of it. Then I pushed her into a room. You could call it a prison, but these were not the standard empty cells. It was a small living quarters with a very secure door and no other way out.

  "What is your name?” I asked her.

  She crossed her arms and was silent. “What is your name, human female?” I asked her again.

  She gave me a condescending smirk, but still stayed silent. I smiled back at her and pulled up a projection on the wall. Her mouth fell open and her hands dropped at her side.

  "Exactly. I don't need you to tell me your name, I already know who you are and what you do. It says it all here in our file,” I said as a pointed at the projection composed of several photographs and a repeating video of her along, with all the data about personal identity, family, where she lived, what she did, who she fucked, and anything else that you could possibly know about a human.

  "Where the hell did you get this?" she said, taking a step toward it.

  "We stole it of course. We know everything about you. I have watched quite a bit of personal footage about you, and I have to say that I enjoyed some of it. You can say I am a fan of your private work, not so much your position in office,” I said to her.

  She gasped and said, “How dare you. What exactly do you mean my private work? Have you been spying on me? Have you been spying on my personal romantic life?" She asked as she took steps toward me as though trying to threaten me. It made me want to laugh.

  "Pff... romance. You humans are full of stupid ideals. There is no such thing. Male and female are together for mating and nothing more."

  "Spoken like a true Corillion alien. You are nothing but animals,” she sneered at me.

  "Enough, human female. We know who you are. You are Lily Retron, director of the Earth Council. We came for you today and now we have you,” I said to her.

  Her eyes opened wide. “What do you mean you came for me? You mean all of that was for me? You shot down my transport! If you were coming for me then why shoot me down? I could have died! The passenger that was with me and the pilot died!” She shouted at me.

  "That was not intended to happen. The battle was part of a distraction. It was only to distract the humans from knowing exactly why we were there. The fact that we ended up shooting your transport only helped us. Now the humans will think that you are dead and they will not launch a hunting party. You belong to me now,” I said as I step toward her. I was not trying to intimidate her with my steps, I was just being honest, as she did belong to me. She was now mine.

  "I belong to no one. I do not belong to you, I only belong to myself. My people might think that I am dead, but that won't stop them from completing my work and my mission," she said to me.

  I laughed at her. "You are here and you are my captive. You belong to me even if you do not want to admit it,” I said, moving toward her as she took steps backwards. Suddenly her back was against the wall and she had no escape.

  "You are mine and you are going to give me what I want, and what I need,” I said getting only a few inches away from her.

  Smack! She slapped my face. It only made me angrier. I growled at her and grabbed her arms and pinned them against the wall above her head. She was so weak and so light, like a feather. She was no match for anyone, especially not a Corillion warrior like me.

  "Get off of me, you Corillion scum. You will not meet with me. You will not touch me. I will die before I let you take me in that way,” she spat at me.

  "You stupid human female. You think just because you are female that is what I want from you! You are dumber than I thought! How did you get the position of director when you are so stupid?!” I shouted at her. I was towering over her, looking down into her green eyes that were filled with fear and stubbornness at the same time. She arched her neck back in and stuck her chin out in defiance, even though her lips were trembling slightly. I suddenly had an urge to kiss those lips, not because I was attracted to her and needed her the way that Corillion needed human females, but because she had told me that I could not have her and I wanted to prove her wrong with a simple messy dominant kiss. But she didn't deserve that from me; she did not deserve the pleasure of knowing me in that way.

  "If that is not what you want from me then what do you want?” She asked me. Even though her lips were still slightly trembling, there was a fierce tone to her voice that could almost be mistaken for the tone of a female warrior.

  "I want information, information that only you seem to have,” I said to her. Suddenly my entire body was pressing against her, although I didn't even realize it until I felt the softness of her body between the wall and me. It was as if my body was doing it on its own and I had no control over it. It was almost disturbing to me...almost. She sucked in a sharp breath of air as she felt my body against hers. Her face, that was still messy with the smudges of dirt from the wreck, was turning bright pink, almost matching her flaming red hair that.

  "Well if sex is not what you want from me, do you think you can let me go now? I don't think you need to pin me against the wall to get information, do you?” she said in a softer tone, that made me think perhaps her body was betraying what her mind wanted.

  Her mind found me disgusting with complete hate, yet her body was responding to me. She was right though, I did not need to have her pinned against the wall this way. I would let her go. But first, I would get one last look for my own enjoyment and to irritate and anger her. I pulled my body from hers but kept my hands on her arms, pinning them to the wall above her head. I looked down at her body with such obvious looks, starting with her p
erky breasts with hard nipples peeking out underneath a white tight button down shirt. My eyes looked up to hers locking with them almost telling her, your nipples are hard, but without actually telling her. She took on a frustrated look and it let me know that she knew what I was telling her with my eyes. Then I let my eyes look back at her perky nipples and then move down to a tiny waist that blossomed out into plump hips. I took the liberty to continue going down her body, down her thighs, down to her bare feet with rose colored paint on her toes. She wrinkled up her toes in response to my stare, and I knew that meant I was making her uncomfortable. Good, my work was done. I wanted to make her uncomfortable. I wanted her to know just who was in charge here and that it was me. Finally, I took my hands away from hers, letting her put her hands down at her side. I backed away from her and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

  "Now what is it that you want from me?” She said with a exclamation of air that let me know that she was feeling breathless. It was then that I realized she had been holding her breath when I had her pinned. That was an interesting observation.

  "A code," I said to her.

  "What? A code? What the hell are you talking about?” She said with genuine confusion.

  "It is a code, a combination of sorts that I need from you," I said to her as I moved over to a table and took out a pad of paper and a pen and pushed it across the table in her direction.

  "And you want me to write this code down I assume? I don't even know what the hell you are talking about," she said as she walked over to the pad and pen and began to write something down. Then she picked it up and showed it to me. It read, ‘fuck you.’

  "Maybe later, after you have given me the code.” I smiled at her. She huffed in annoyance.

  "Fine, do you want to elaborate on this code and tell me what the hell you are talking about?” She asked.

  "It is a code to access the Earth counsel archive information,” I said to her.

  She wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes at me and said, “the archive? The archive is nothing. It is nothing but city plans, plumbing, sewage, and that sort of stuff. Why the hell would you want that?"

  "Yes, it is very boring stuff. It is the boring blueprints and plans of every major city on Earth. It is very boring indeed, so why not give me the code to it if it is nothing,” I said to her picking up the pen and putting it in her hand.

  She put the pen down and her eyes widened, “You plan to bomb the cities by planting bombs in the pipes and plumbing of every major city. That's what you want isn't it?” She said with an angry tone.

  I laughed at her. “No, why would we want to destroy so many human females in the process of doing that? That would not be good for us and nor the survival of the Corillion race. I don't expect you to figure it out, and you should just let it be. Just give me the code and I will leave you alone for the remainder of the time you are with us,” I said to her.

  She looked at me and raised her brows and said, “Remainder of the time I am with you? Does that mean that you are going to eventually let me go?”

  "Maybe. I can't answer that for you now. Nor should I have to. Remember you are the captive here. You don't get negotiations or to ask questions. Now give me the code and I will be on my way."


  "Give me the damn code,” I said getting angry. There was a very dark side to me and I did not want to pull it out on her. Not yet anyway.

  "No. I will do no such thing. You obviously plan to do something horrible with this information. I will never give it to you. If I have to die then so be it. But you will not get it from me. I will not be responsible for putting into action whatever plan you have for that code. It is obviously a very big plan to be bringing such a large ship here and parking it on the other side of our moon. I will not be the one to betray my people and my planet,” she said, crossing her arms.

  "Oh, we're not going to kill you, I can guarantee you that. You are too important with that information. But there are other ways of extracting information. I don't use them myself, but my second in command Yiri is quite fond of his methods. He always gets me what I need and it isn't pretty. So I would advise you to think about what you want to do. Give me the code with no harm done to you, or something else? I will return soon,” I said as I opened the door and locked it behind me. The look on her face when I mentioned extracting information let me know that she knew exactly what I was talking about. She was horrified, terrified, and disgusted all at once.

  "Did she give it to you?” Yiri said as he walked up to me in the hallway outside her door.

  "She did not. Guard, do not leave the door. I will send one more to join you so that you can alternate. No one goes in except for me, and she never comes out. Open the door only to give her the daily food and water rations. Is that understood?” I directed to the guard that I had posted outside her door already.

  "Crystal clear,” he said, as he saluted me and took his position at her door.

  I began to walk down the hall with Yiri at my side. He continued to talk about our new captive, Lily Retron, the director of Earth counsel.

  "If she will not give you the code then let me get it from her. I have my ways. I will enjoy it immensely,” he said with a menacing smile. I had my dark side, but Yiri did not have a dark side, he was just dark... all of him. It came in handy for winning battles and gathering information, but nothing else.

  "No. Not yet. She will come around. I'm giving her a couple of hours and then I have a trick that will get her talking. I cannot risk that she may not survive your… methods. For now, we do it my way,” I said to him.

  "As you wish,” he responded to me.

  "Now get me the fatality numbers from the battle distraction on Earth. I want to know which ships and warriors returned and which ones stayed on Earth. I want to know the death count and which ones we think might have been taken prisoner by the Earth army.”

  "On top of it, sir,” he said as he left my side.

  Chapter 3


  "Dammit. Think Lily think” I said to myself as I walked back and forth in my new prison, a living quarters inside of a massive mothership belonging to the Corillion.

  I could not believe that I was in this situation. The Corillion were up to something, and it was something massive. “Why the hell would they want to get into the archive? It makes no sense,” I whispered to myself.

  I did not know who this Corillion was, but he was obviously in charge of something. He had mentioned a second in command, which meant that he was the first in command, but in command of what? In the ridiculous argument during our encounter I had forgotten to find out what his name was. It was very unfair. He knew everything, and I mean everything, there was to know about me, and that terrified me. How long had the Corillion been watching me? How much did they know? How much did they hear? How much did this particular Corillion see or know himself? It was very unnerving and frustrating.

  "Who the hell was he?” I whispered to myself as I sat on the small bed. I thought about what had happened--not the battle on Earth and the fact that I had been taken--but the fact that I felt my body respond to him when he pressed his body against mine.

  "Lily, you fool!” I shouted at myself in anger. I hated the Corillion. They disgusted me. I hated them with every fiber of my being and with good reason. But just moments ago I was responding to one of them, one who was very attractive and that had me forgetting my hate toward the Corillion. I hated my body for betraying my mind. Why the hell did I feel turned on in that moment? Was it just the danger of the situation? Or was it something else? I did not know what to think of it because I had never been in this situation. The truth was I had never been that close to a Corillion in real life before. It was very different than I thought it was going to be. I imagined something much worse, but there was something very familiar about it. His mannerisms were very human. In fact, he was very much like a human male; a dominant and arrogant human male jackass, but still
a human male. That thought had me feeling very confused.

  "Concentrate Lily. Stop thinking about that moment and concentrate on the matter at hand. They want the archive code to get access to the archived city plans of every city on Earth. Now concentrate and figure out what that could possibly mean. The lives of millions of humans and the planet itself relies on it,” I said to myself as I got up from the bed and paced the room. I thought better when I was moving. Of course, this Corillion was correct in that I did know the code. There were very few humans that did, but I was one of them. They had done their homework correctly. However, there was no way in hell that I was going to give that code to him. I didn't care if they killed me. I would be dying for a good cause. I would be dying to save humankind and Earth, and that was something that I was willing to do. I wouldn't think twice about it. But right now, I had to do more than that. I had to figure out why they wanted the code and get word to the Earth counsel about what was happening. I didn't know how I was going to do that but I had to try. The ship was absolutely massive and I could see getting lost inside of it. Of course, I didn't look like anyone else I had seen aboard, except something told me that there had to be some human females on the ship as well. Like I said, it looked like an entire city.


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