Make A Wish (Dandelion #1)

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Make A Wish (Dandelion #1) Page 20

by Jenna Lynn Hodge

  All laughter was gone. She needed to know what I knew. Now that we were finally together, I couldn’t keep anything from her. I loved her too much to cause her any additional pain.

  “Oh no. What is it?”

  “No no no. Don’t worry. It isn’t anything bad, I promise.” I rested my hand on her cheek, helping to instantly soothe her nerves. When she seemed calmer, I climbed from my spot on the bed and walked over to the dresser—pulling out the faded brown book. “This was found in the pack archives.”

  With a quick flip to the proper page, I placed the book in her hands, watching her read the handwritten entry by our previous Alpha—the entry that I had fully memorized.

  “Do you know who T. and A. are?”

  Unshed tears filled her blue eyes as she nodded. “My parents names were Taylor and Aliana.” Her voice was just above a whisper. “I know what the device is, Beau.”

  “What is it, love?”

  “There’s only one thing I have from my parents, which was given to me by a social worker after they’d passed.” She reached her hand up and grasped the pendant around her neck. “I’ve had this necklace since I was six years old. It means the world to me—it’s all I have left of them. I haven’t taken it off—ever.”

  “Shhh… It’s okay.” I pulled her into my arms, holding her close. “I say you leave it on until after our little girl comes, then we can try taking it off and see if anything happens.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and half smiled at me while running her hands through my long hair, which only made me want to kiss her some more. Kissing her would never grow old. “B? Is there anyway I can look in the pack archives? I want to see if they have anything on my parents. I’ve never known anything about them—till now.”

  “As you wish.” My lips touched hers.

  “Mmmm… I can get used to this,” she spoke, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine, and once again I was surprised at how in sync we were with each other. “But considering I’m ginormous and pregnant, you better get content with just kissing, handsome.” She glared playfully as she flicked me with her pointer finger and stood up, heading off to take a shower.

  I hollered behind her, “Trust me, I’m more than content with the kissing.”


  Saylor: Where the heck are you? I woke up and you were gone… Along with my car.

  Juliette: Sorry. I’m at Beau’s.

  Saylor: oooooh! No need to explain there.

  Juliette: Oh shut up. ;)

  Juliette: Can you stop by my place and pick up my car and the rest of my clothes?

  Saylor: Well… I would but you took my car… So…

  Juliette: I already called Eve. She’s on her way.

  Saylor: Good. I’ve been dying for my car back.

  Juliette: Likewise.

  Saylor: See you in an hour.

  Juliette: K. Thanks Say.

  Saylor: I know, I’m the best ;)


  I sat staking out Juliette Mitchell’s apartment. She was bound to come back eventually, and when she did, I’d resume where I left off. I wasn’t finished with her—the best was yet to come.

  It had been over a month and a half since she was freed from my grasp and not one person had returned to her apartment.

  Until today.

  I chuckled as I watched a small brown-haired girl make her way through the battered door of Juliette’s apartment. She came out no more than ten minutes later carrying a few bags in her hand. With a click of the car remote, the trunk popped open and she stuffed everything inside, climbing into the drivers seat and speeding off.

  I trailed close behind her, yet stayed at a far enough distance that she wouldn’t realize she was being followed. She made her way onto a dirt road that led into a secluded compound and I turned around instantly.

  The last thing I needed to do was to attract attention. I would be back for her, and I got some sick pleasure out of knowing she wouldn’t see it coming.


  “Oh little car, I missed you!” I leaned down to my small two-door VW bug and gave the hood a hug, as if it was suddenly going to sprout arms and hug me back.

  “You, my friend, are a weirdo.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I shrugged. What else was new?

  “So. You spent the night here, huh?”

  I felt my cheeks heat as I no doubt turned as red as a tomato. “Yeah, I did, but it was mostly tame.”

  “Oooh! Mostly tame? You firecracker, you!”

  “No… It wasn’t like that. We just kissed… A lot. But it never went further than that, and for good reason—I’m a total elephant.”

  “You are not, Juliette.” Beau came up behind me, circling his arms around my waist, which sent a shiver down my spine. With the smallest of touches, he ignited a fire within me. His lips innocently brushed along my neck and I couldn’t help but lean into his touch, savoring the closeness.

  “Ow ow!” Saylor winked as she walked towards her car.

  “Wait. Don’t go, Say! I was wondering if you wanted to help search the pack archives for anything on my parents. B found a book that mentioned them.”

  “I would… But you seem like you both have it all figured out.” With another wink, she climbed into her car and drove off.

  “You have to stop calling yourself fat, my love. That’s my daughter you have in there, and I can’t remember a time when you were more beautiful than you are now.” His hand brushed over the small of my stomach at the exact time that our daughter decided to karate chop my kidneys. “Let’s go see what we can find on your parents.”

  Our fingers fit together in perfection and I let him lead me down the reservation road to a small gray building. Inside I could see books and newspapers overflowing every square inch of the room. “Where do we even start?”

  “I’ll start in the T’s, you start in the A’s. If we don’t find anything there, we’ll search the last name.”


  Beau ushered me off to one side of the room while he took up residence searching on the opposite side. I could always feel his eyes on me, and it made me feel safe knowing that in his presence, I’d always be protected.

  “Nothing in T’s.” Beau stood, brushing the dust from his fingers.

  “Darn. I’m almost done with A’s. I guess you can start in M—for Mitchell.”

  “Very well.” As he began to head off to another section of the room, I stopped him in his tracks.

  “Wait! I found something.” I pulled a folded envelope with A. Mitchell scrawled across the front from between the middle of a random book and a ripped newspaper. My hands trembled as Beau led me to a seat and I opened the paper. A letter.

  Dear my little Jules,

  If you are reading this, it means your father and I are no longer with you. I’ve asked your father’s brother Angelo to give this to you on your eighteenth birthday—if we’re no longer there to celebrate with you. Please know that if we aren’t there with you, it doesn’t lessen how much we love and care for you. We will always be in your heart and your spirit, watching over you from heaven and cheering for you every step of your life.

  You don’t deserve to have to read this in a letter, but if we are no longer there, then you deserve to know who we truly are. Who you are. The expression “The truth will set you free” is more truthful than you can possibly imagine, and if you’re reading this, then it means the time has come.

  We are not normal people. Not like the ones you will/have met on a day to day basis. We are much different, though remember we aren’t superior. We belong to a species called the Lycanthrope, which is what you’d mostly call a wolf shifter or a werewolf. We have the passion and humanity that humans carry, but inside us rages a wolf. Sometimes our wolf can become irrational, but it is important to learn to live with your wolf peacefully.

  Something that we’ve struggled with in the past is humans who find out about us and try to use us for their own selfish gain. You’d be surprised at how frequently it
happens to our race. Some will let nothing get in the way of getting what they want and desire, even if it means bringing harm to those around them.

  To protect you until you’re old enough to control your abilities, your father and I have had a suppression device fashioned for you. You may know it as the beautiful stoned heart shaped locket. When you’re of age and only when you’re in the presence of Angelo (Alpha of the SoCal pack), then you may take off the device. All we ask is for you to be careful. Guard yourself, never fully show who you are unless it is with the pack or your mate.

  Your father and I can’t tell you how sorry we are that we aren’t there with you, to experience all the ups and downs that come with your life. When we found out we were going to have a baby, we were frightened, but it had only been the start of our dreams finally becoming true. You, my little Juliette, were our biggest dream and every day we spent with you brought even more joy and happiness to our life.

  Until you have a child of your own, I don’t think you’ll fully understand how much a mother loves her babies. They grow in our bellies for nine months and then we spend the rest of the time teaching them how to be independent little people themselves. Then someday, when they’ve learned all that they needed to know, it’s time for us to let go. To let them leave the nest and experience the endless possibilities that lie in their hands.

  My hope and dream for you, Juliette, is for you to always be happy, and if you’re not, go out and find that happiness that you so desperately deserve. Please live for your father and I, since we can’t be there to do it ourselves. Love others and yourself, wholeheartedly and without inhibitions. Take risks and chances, even if there is a possibility of failure, for it’s in our failures that we learn the most valuable lessons... And most importantly, my sweet baby. Wish! Make a wish—whether it’s on a star, on a birthday candle, or on those little magical fluffy dandelions we taught you about. Make a wish and know your father and I will be watching over you, as all your dreams and wishes come true.

  Until we meet again,

  Mommy & Daddy

  May. 1st, ‘98

  Finding a letter from my parents was incredible yet so bittersweet at the same time. There I was writing letter after letter to my daughter who was growing in my stomach, and all those years ago, my parents had sat down to write me one of my own.

  Of all things I’d expected to find in the archives, this hadn’t been it. Something so personal, written just for me from the parents I’d always hoped I’d have had the chance to know.

  I didn’t have any tears left in me to cry. I just sat there processing what I’d learned as Beau held me in his arms, rubbing one hand on my back—comforting me through his touch as only he could do.


  “It’s okay, baby. I’m here.”

  “Baby?” Though I was overwhelmed with a load of emotions, I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips.

  “Just testing it out. I think I’ll stick with love.”

  “Good. I like that one.”

  I could feel Beau smile as I buried my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his perfectly masculine smell that I’ve come to know and love.

  “Did you know about this letter? I mean… You’re Alpha of the SoCal pack now, right?”

  “Yes, I’m Alpha, but no, I didn’t have any idea about this letter. What year did your parents pass?”


  “Angelo passed five years ago, Jules. That’s when I became Alpha.”

  “That explains it then, doesn’t it?” I looked into his eyes as I watched the hamster wheel of thought turn. “I was still seventeen five years ago.”

  “Time-wise, it does line up,” he agreed. “Let’s go. I actually have to run an errand shortly. Want me to walk you home?”

  “You mean your place? It’s not my home, B. My home is my apartment, which by the way I’m behind on paying my rent.”

  “No you aren’t. I’ve gotten you all caught up and you are not going back there until the other man has been found. It isn’t safe.”

  I rolled my eyes at him like usual and walked out the door, reaching out with the need to grasp his larger hand in mine. “I will be paying you back every cent. That’s really sweet of you to be protective, Beau, but I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. And before you decide to object, I recommend you keep your handsome face shut.”

  He did.


  “I’ll see you later tonight, okay?” Beau leaned down and gave me a kiss. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against mine, his green eyes doing wonders for my heart. I couldn’t believe that he was all mine. I was a very luck girl.

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  “Even ice cream?” I asked hopefully.

  “Especially ice cream.” He winked before climbing into his truck and making his way out of the reservation.

  I smiled to myself while I walked back into Beau’s house. My life had changed and it was all thanks to that wonderful, loving man.

  He made me want to be a better woman, and even though I still felt he deserved someone better, I hoped that someday I would be able to give him even a tiny sliver of what he gave me.

  Juliette: Griff, do you know Beau’s wi-fi code? I think I wrote it down wrong, I can’t seem to get it to work.

  Griffin: Sorry Jules. Only Beau knows it.

  Juliette: I was trying not to bother him but I’ll just try him anyways.

  I picked up my cell and dialed him, though it only rang and rang. Smart guy. I was beyond pleased that Beau didn’t talk on the phone and drive at the same time.

  Juliette: No answer.

  Griffin: Why don’t you use his office laptop? He wouldn’t care.

  Juliette: Okay. Thanks Griffin.

  Griffin: No worries.


  I watched Juliette leave a large black and white house—her bulging stomach the first thing I noticed.

  She walked down the road and entered a building small enough that I doubted anyone ever spent much time in there for fear of becoming claustrophobic. I smiled to myself with that knowledge and crept within the shadows behind her, making sure to not be seen by anyone who peeked out the window of their residence.

  I entered the office quietly, walking soundlessly and keeping my ears open for any proof that there was someone here with her. But when I heard nothing, my suspicions were confirmed. I had her.

  “Well, well. Fancy meeting you here,” I hissed at her, coming into view—giving her a moment to fully realize who was standing in front of her. Her eyes widened and she backed further and further away with each shuffle of her feet.

  “Leave me the hell alone, Max, Miles… Whatever the hell you’re going by.”

  “Not happening, Juju.” She cringed at the use of the nickname I had given her as a child.

  “I’m no longer available for you to take advantage of.”

  I cornered her into a small office space with a desk and a computer. A small frame sat atop the desk with photos of an ultrasound.

  “Here you are. All alone and your baby daddy is nowhere in sight. What a catch!”

  Juliette continued to back as far away from me as she could, her arms wrapped tightly around her large midsection. When her back hit the far wall, I noticed the panic flowing through her eyes. It only excited me more.


  “So here’s what you asked for. What do you think?” the older gentleman with salt and pepper hair and glasses behind the counter asked.

  I picked up the ring I had hand designed for Juliette the moment I’d found out that she was full Were and the possibility of us being together had become a very real option.

  A small silver band with white tiny diamonds framed the outer perimeter, light catching it on all angles—seemingly causing it to sparkle even more. Atop the band sat a simple yet massive multi-faced diamond cut to absolute perfection.

  I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when I proposed to her. I knew
we’d only gotten together recently, but she was the love of my life and the mother of my child. She was mine and there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind—I’d never let her go.

  Marriage was the next logical step. Hell, we’d even jumped the whole dating thing and went straight to a baby—our relationship surpassed most standards.

  “It’s perfect! She will love it.” My eyes twinkled in approval. It couldn’t be more her.

  The man rang me up and packaged up the diamond ring into a small white velvet ring box, topped with a satin white bow.

  “Thank you very much. It’s much appreciated,” I said, nodding my head respectfully and walking outside. As I checked my phone, I knew something was wrong. One missed call from Juliette and a text from Griffin.

  Griffin: Get back here ASAP. There’s a fire.

  My fingers skimmed the phone before I sped out of the parking lot, not caring whether I was following the speed limit.

  Beau: On my way. Handle whatever it is until I get there. I trust you.


  “What do you want from me?” A tear slid down my face as he stood above me, pinning my to the wall.


  “That won’t happen. I won’t let you.” I glared at him, gathering all my strength and courage. I wasn’t sure what he was still wanting but I knew I wouldn’t be going with him. I just had to hold out until someone found me- hopefully sooner rather than later.

  “I’m going to see to it that no one can have you. Do you understand that?”

  “We’ll see.”

  My leg couldn’t come up as high as it normally would, but I tried with all my strength to knee him in the groin. I managed to only hit him in the side of his leg.

  “Damn.” It was a valiant effort, but he hadn’t even flinched.


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