4. Why is Rosalee willing to take Ella into her home? What does the Home Place come to mean to Ella?
5. In what ways is Luke different than Ezra? How does Luke view his father? How does Luke respond to his father? How does Luke view his future?
6. Freddy’s return to Lancaster County turns Ella’s world upside down. Why doesn’t she want any contact with him? What happens later in the story that leads her to change her mind? What changes in Freddy make reconciliation between the two a possibility?
7. What does Ella learn from her relationship with Ezra that helps her to become a more mature follower of Christ? What changes within Ella as far as her desire to join the Amish church? Which characters influence her decision?
8. How does Ella’s relationship with Luke differ from her relationship with Ezra?
9. Ella realizes that her mother and two aunts were each molded in very individual ways by their grandmother, Sarah, and her interests. Are there ways that your grandmother impacted you?
10. Ella has a rocky relationship with her mother throughout most of the story. What assumptions does she make about her mother? Did you identify more with Ella or with Marta? Why?
The Amish Bride Page 35