She watched Rafael as he waded to her, slowly reaching out to pull her wet body against his. His fingers curled around the nape of her neck, dragging her head to his so he could take possession of her mouth. Colby brought up one leg and curved it around his waist, sliding her body up and down his thigh to relieve the building pressure. The bubbles felt like tongues licking at her sensitized flesh. No matter how much she wanted to go slow, to feel his hands moving over her with tenderness, something in her responded to him with a wild, frantic desire that built fast and hot.
“Meu amor, you have no idea what you do for me. I am a strong man, pequena, a powerful man, but one look at you and I melt inside. My body not only craves the haven of yours, but my heart is full and there is light pouring into me. I had no idea what that meant even when it was discussed in my youth. All male Carpathians dream of having a lifemate—it is our motivation and drive to continue in the endless, barren years—but until I actually met you, I could not conceive of how I would feel. I cannot find the words to tell you what you mean to me.”
Colby wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers caressing the white streak in his silken hair. “You do just fine, Rafael.”
“You deserve better. A poet. A man of beautiful words that could express what is in my heart.”
“I no longer need the words, Rafael. I opened my mind to yours and I feel the love you have for me. I know the words in your heart because I can see them there.” She kissed him, a long, slow kiss of seduction. “I want you. I want to touch you, to hold you, to feel you inside of me. I need to feel you alive and wrapped around me.”
His mouth left hers to find her neck. “You are so hot, Colby. You always are wet and hot and needing me. I get so damned hard just feeling you want me.”
She closed her eyes when his teeth scraped over her skin. She ground her body harder against his, riding his thigh. “We happen to be in a hot spring. I’m hot and wet for a good reason.”
His teeth bit harder in a small, mock punishment. “I am the reason you are hot and wet and you know it.”
Her hands moved possessively over his chest, fingertips lingering along the scar. “You’re healed all right—you’re back to your arrogance.”
His lips teased her shoulder, sent a shiver down her spine as he lifted her and carried her from the water to a flat boulder. “I am most certain I am not unduly arrogant. I love the way you want me, Colby. Do you have any idea what that does to a man, knowing a woman looks at him and burns for him the way you do for me?” His teeth teased her pulse, tongue flicking over the sensitive spot.
“We’ve never had the problem of me not wanting you,” she confessed, leaning in to kiss his throat, to trail kisses to the scar over his heart. Her hands moved over him, her fingertips tracing patterns over his chest and down his belly.
He lifted his head, closing his eyes, savoring her in his arms, her body entwined around his and her mouth soothing over the wound on his chest. His heart beat there because of Colby. The rhythm was strong and steady and if there was still pain with each beat it was mild, easily masked, and worth every moment with her.
“No, just with you loving me.” Just saying the words woke a fierce violence in him. It roared through his veins until his arms tightened, forming a steel cage around her. With an effort, he fought back the need for domination. His mouth whispered over her skin, feather light; he teased at her bottom lip, dipped lower to find her breasts. He felt greedy lust rising sharp and terrible, but he refused to give in to it.
She moved with restless abandon, her skin rubbing against his, her hands claiming him, roving over his body possessively. It only added to the hot need building in him. Colby bit lightly at his shoulder, ran her tongue to his nipple, flicking it gently. She could read his fight to give her tenderness and it meant everything to her that he would try to hold on to his self-control.
His black eyes drifted over her face. Moody. Brooding. Starkly sensual. Her heart pounded in anticipation. Watching her closely, he leaned into her, his tongue flicking her breast, sliding to her navel as he dropped down in front of her, his hands tightening on her thighs. Already she was drowning in heat, in pleasure. His tongue lapped slowly over her pulsing sheath. She jerked, a gasp escaping as her womb contracted and every nerve ending went into hypersensitivity.
Colby had been so focused on his injuries, on saving his life and holding him to her, she still hadn’t quite relinquished her link to his mind. She felt the fire pouring through his veins and the roar of need in his head. Lust mixed with love until the two emotions were intertwined. It fed her own desires, a well of pleasure bursting through her as his tongue stabbed deep and teased, flicking and sucking until she was writhing with her need, nearly delirious and pleading with him. He brought her to the brink of release over and over and pulled back until her hands fisted in his hair and she cried out his name.
“Rafael. I can’t stand it. It’s too much.” She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t find the release she so desperately needed. “I can’t take any more.”
“You can take it. I am going out of my mind with wanting you. You have to feel the same way.”
“I do. I am. Hurry!” she pleaded urgently.
Rafael kissed his way up her stomach, nipped at the underside of her breast while she frantically tried to wrap her legs around his waist and draw him close to her. He buried his face against her throat. “I love you, Colby. I will love you forever with everything that I am.”
His voice was pure honesty, the sound curling around her heart until she felt herself melt. Deeply embedded in his mind, she also sensed his uncertainty. He didn’t know for certain that she loved him completely, with every fiber of her being. She had held herself apart from him for so long, he didn’t trust his reading of her thoughts. He believed he was seeing and feeling what he wanted so desperately to see.
“Rafael.” She whispered his name softly, forced him to look up into her eyes. She held his gaze, wanting him to see her expression, the terrible emotion that she had held back for so long. “I’ve been afraid all this time of what I felt for you. It terrified me because I thought if I gave you my heart, there would be nothing left of me, that I would lose myself entirely. I thought that you wanted to own me, to control me, and I could never live like that. But when you nearly died, I realized it was too late. I love you, Rafael. I love you so much I think I might die without you.”
Tears glittered in Rafael’s eyes, but he didn’t look away from her, didn’t care that she saw how she had humbled him with her admission. He framed her face. “I want you to hear the words that bind us together. They are what make us truly one. You are my life, Colby, for all eternity.” He brushed a gentle kiss over her lips. “I claim you as my lifemate. I belong to you. I offer my life for you. I give to you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul, and my body.” He trailed kisses to her throat, whispering the words against her pulse. “I take into my keeping the same that is yours. Your life, happiness, and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my lifemate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care.” He lifted his head, looking into her eyes, seeing the same tears swimming in her eyes.
Colby smiled at him. “Those are the most beautiful words you could ever have said to me.”
“I mean every one of them.”
“I know you do.”
Rafael’s eyes darkened even more, his desire intensifying. He took her hard, plunging into her hot, welcoming channel deep and strong, a fierce thrust that had her screaming, her orgasm ripping through her body even as he began to surge into her with long, sure strokes. She gripped him with her slick hot muscles, so tight a single sound of sheer pleasure escaped his throat. The orgasm burst through her, over her, endless, until she could only sink her fingernails into his shoulders and hang on as he rode her with his fiery passion.
Rafael stared down into her face. Her head was thrown back, her long hair whipping around them from the breeze. Her legs were wrapp
ed around his waist, her breasts swaying with every hard thrust.
She was a beautiful sight, giving herself up to him, making her own demands with her strong muscles. He could only stare down into her face, watching as his body took possession of hers, conquering even as she conquered him. Surrendering, even as he surrendered to her. He knew he would never forget that moment, her offering herself wholly to him and his heart twisted in his chest. She trusted him with her body, her sexuality, and now, at last, with her heart.
He wanted to give her everything, to pour into her body all the emotions he felt and could never express adequately with words. With every hot stroke, with each burning thrust, his body declared his love. He was utterly hers and always would be. The fire raged in him like an inferno, building and building until it was impossible, until he swelled inside of her, stretching her delicate muscles, and she was crying his name.
He erupted, pouring his essence into her, deep hard thrusts he couldn’t control, every muscle contracting. Even his heart hurt, pounding with need and love for her.
Rafael turned, still buried deep inside her, to rest against the boulder. Colby immediately burrowed close, her mouth seeking the scar over his heart, lapping at it with her tongue.
“Stay still,” she said. “I need to make certain you are all right.”
Rafael threw his head back, staring up at the moon, Colby’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist, his body buried deep in the haven of hers while she gave him imperious commands. He found himself smiling. Happy. At peace. He could feel her moving inside of him, working on his heart. He could feel the thrust of her breasts against his chest, the silk of her hair in a tangle over his skin. It didn’t matter where they lived. Here, on this ranch, or in Brazil, his home, his sanctuary was this woman in his arms.
The moment she lifted her head he took possession of her mouth, a long kiss of tenderness, a whisper of love as he waded with her back into the hot spring.
“Rafael! Colby!” Ginny called, waving wildly. “Come see this.”
Rafael swept his arm around Colby, pulling her beneath his shoulder, close to the warmth of his body, as they walked through the indoor arena to Ginny. She sat astride a dark mare, her face glowing with happiness over her latest accomplishment. “I can finally jump the way Julio wants me to. Look at me.” It had taken Ginny several weeks to adjust to riding an English saddle, but she had practiced until she was very competent and her uncles had pronounced her ready to jump.
“She’s beaming,” Colby whispered to Rafael. “Look at her, she’s blossomed here with all this family around her.”
“She actually gets to spend more time with you,” Paul said, coming up behind them. “Before, you worked so much we rarely had a chance to really talk to you, but now, we have you every morning and almost as soon as we come back from school.”
“You seem to really enjoy Julio and Juan,” Colby said. “You spend a lot of time with them.” They reminded her so much of Armando she ached sometimes looking at them. She studied her brother, who looked so much like his father and uncles. He seemed older and more sober since his ordeal with the vampire.
“I’m learning a lot from them,” Paul admitted. He waved at Ginny as horse and rider cantered around the arena. “They know so much about horses and they tell us stories about Dad when he was younger.”
“Have we heard from Sean? Are things going well on the ranch?” Colby asked.
Paul nodded. “He called last night. He’s got two couples working the ranch. Ben’s doing fine. Apparently he had a long talk with Tony Harris and Tony admitted to causing most of accidents on the ranch, but he denies starting the fire.”
“Clinton Daniels’s man, Ernie Carter, was the vampire’s puppet,” Rafael said. “He started the fire.”
Paul glanced up at Rafael and then his gaze shifted hastily away. “I suppose he did.”
Through her link with Rafael, Colby felt the wince of shame in her brother. She frowned and put a comforting hand on his arm, but Rafael spoke before she could.
“I never had a chance to thank you for saving your sister’s life.” Rafael said it in his usual low voice, a whisper of power in every word he spoke. “The vampire would have killed her had you not been so strong.”
Paul sucked in his breath, turning his head away, but not before Colby caught the struggle of emotions on his face. “I did terrible things. Nicolas offered to remove my memories, but I don’t want that. He said I would sometimes feel the way I was feeling now, but not know why.” He hung his head. “I’d rather know there was a good reason for it.”
“You have nothing to be ashamed of, Paul,” Rafael said. “You are entirely human with no psychic ability, yet you fought a monster who was so strong that not even our most powerful hunters could have defeated him alone. Even with the help of another hunter, I nearly died fighting him. But you, Paul, stayed strong. You delayed him, hindered his plans more than once, and in the end, you managed to warn us that he was going after your sister. You should be proud of yourself.”
Paul nodded, but swallowed hard, his eyes still reflecting misery. He turned to meet Colby’s gaze squarely. “Ginny saw me cut my wrist. I tried to send her from the room. I couldn’t stop myself. I’ll never forget her expression.” He glanced at his younger sister as she rode around the arena, practicing posting.
Colby swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. “Ginny isn’t a baby anymore, Paulo. And Nicolas took the memory from her mind. You did your best and that’s all anyone could ever ask of you.”
“I had my heart ripped out by the vampire,” Rafael admitted. “You knew that, you felt it, but what you didn’t know was I had already bound Colby to me. If I had died, she would have eventually followed me. If there is shame, it is mine, not yours. We couldn’t be prouder of you.”
“Is that why Nicolas allowed me to know about the Carpathian people?”
Rafael nodded. “And we hope Ginny will someday understand what her sister is. We hope the two of you will stay close to us, here in this country among your family.”
A small grin lit Paul’s eyes. “Are you planning on providing me with a niece or nephew to make it worth my while?”
Colby smacked him. “Very funny. I’m just getting used to the idea of all of this.”
“Ginny wants you to have a wedding with a long white gown and all the trimmings,” Paul pointed out.
Nicolas came up behind them. “All women seem to want those ceremonies. Why is that? Juliette, Riordan’s lifemate, has brought this up many times and it makes no sense to me at all.”
Paul laughed. “It wouldn’t make sense to you, Nicolas.” His banter with Nicolas surprised her, and more to Colby’s astonishment, Nicolas punched her brother in the arm. Paul just grinned at him and attempted to look superior. “Women like to dress up.”
“Not me,” Colby denied firmly. “No one is getting me up in front of the world vowing I’ll obey Rafael.”
Rafael raised his eyebrow. “There is the promise of obedience in this marriage ceremony? Paul, we have to talk.”
“That’s never going to happen,” Colby said.
“Paul.” Juan waved at the boy to come to him. Paul immediately responded, running over to his uncle to listen to his advice on jumping.
Colby could hardly take her eyes off her brother and sister. “Have either of you heard from Vikirnoff? Where is he? Where’d he go? He didn’t even give me a chance to say good-bye after he helped so much with Rafael.”
“He is searching for the woman,” Nicolas answered. “I believe he is on his way to the Carpathian Mountains.”
“Do you ever think of going there?” she asked curiously.
“Someday, we will go back to visit,” Rafael said. “But this is our home now.”
Colby listened to the sound of Paul’s laughter as he answered his uncle’s teasing. It had become all too rare in their life. She watched Juan throw an arm around her brother’s shoulder in a casual display of affection
. Julio was applauding and shouting encouragement to Ginny. Both children looked far more relaxed than she’d ever seen them. She turned to find Rafael watching her with his dark, mesmerizing eyes.
“Is it good?” he asked.
“It’s very good,” she answered.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Dark Demon
A Jove Book / published by arrangement with the author
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006 by Christine Feehan
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Electronic edition: March, 2006
To Dr. Christopher Tong and Mary Waltrich with much love
Christine Feehan 5 CARPATHIAN NOVELS Page 77