Covering the Carolinas

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Covering the Carolinas Page 17

by Casey Peeler

  Pulling into the parking lot, she smiles at me. Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I heard it was your favorite.”

  “No, you are my favorite,” she says with a hint of sassiness.

  Making our way inside, we are seated on the deck above the marsh. The sun has set, but there isn’t the slightest chill in the air, and I’m sitting across from the definition of perfection.

  Watching Marleigh slowly devour her food makes me want to be those shrimp. Never in my life has eating looked so sexy. As we finish, I ask her what she would like to do. She swears she doesn’t care, but there’s something in those eyes that say something differently. It’s evident she doesn’t want to call it a night. After dinner, I know exactly where I plan on taking her… the pier.

  Riding the short distance from Sara J’s toward the beach, she looks at me with questioning eyes. Turning at the Garden City stoplight, I then find a parking spot. Hurrying around, I help her out of the truck as the sound of the ocean and a local band fill the night air. She intertwines her fingers in mine as we climb the old wooden steps.

  As I hold open the door to the indoor arcade at the base of the pier, we’re met by sounds of arcade games as we hurry to the other side to the pier entrance. Walking outside, music from a small band greets us. She looks at me and it’s as if I’m transported back to Spring Break four years ago.

  Pausing to listen to them for a moment, I wrap her in my arms and as they take a break, we walk hand in hand to the opposite end of the pier. As we approach the spot where we kissed all those years ago, she asks me if I remember. How could I forget? Standing here watching her walk toward me was the moment I knew this wasn’t just a normal summer fling, but little did I know this girl would be my future.

  Making our way to the bar at the end of the pier, we show our ID’s as we enter. We take a seat at a table that overlooks the water and listen to the amazing band. They play anything from Lynyrd Skynyrd to John Legend. Watching Marleigh in this element makes my heart stop. She’s breathtaking. She gives with her whole heart, and she’s the perfect mother to my son. Just as I’m about to tell her how I truly feel, she stands and asks me to dance. How in the hell can I tell her no?

  She leads me to the dance floor as the band begins to cover Kip Moore’s, “Young Love”. As I bring her into my arms and we sway to the beat of the music, I can’t help but listen to the words and how they match our story perfectly. Our love is true, good, and we can’t get close enough. She places her head on my chest and when the song ends, I pull her lips to mine as the next song begins.

  Chapter 49


  After swaying with Gunnison to the beat of the music our lips continue to dance together, I feel closer to him that I ever have. I’m not sure if it’s time, location, or just being with him. Regardless, I can’t get enough of this man in front of me.

  When the music picks up the beat again, I look to Gunnison to see what he would like to do. He grins toward me, takes me by the hand, and we make our way from the pier. I don’t question where we are going because I already know.

  As my feet meet the sand, I pause to kick off my shoes. Taking them in my right hand, I never let go of Gunnison with my left. Stealing glances at him, I can’t help but wonder if his thoughts meet mine. Then he pulls me faster and faster down the beach as the worn out house comes into view.

  I pause and I can see the apprehension in his eyes. He pulls me to him. “Mar, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Gunnison Cyrus, just got lost in a memory.” Then I smile, take his hand, and pull him toward that house just as I did four years ago. When we make it across the sandy path to the house, Gunnison stops quickly, letting go of my hand, and I’m unsure why. Pausing, I don’t move, I just listen to his voice.

  “Mar, four years ago you walked into my life and I knew that my life was going to be changed for the better, even if it was just for a week. Little did I know, that week would lead me down a road of hope and heartbreak, but it made me the man I am today.” Clenching my chest, it hurts to hear him say I broke him. Turning to face him, tears begin to pool in my eyes as he makes his way to me.

  “Gunnison… I never meant to hurt you.” Taking his thumb, he wipes my tears away then kisses my lips sweetly.

  “Mar, I know that, and I wouldn’t change our path. It helped us both to grow and become who we are today.” Pausing, he takes his hand and pulls something from his pocket. As I realize it’s a small jewelry box, my breath hitches, and my eyes fall toward the sand and I see him on one knee. “Marleigh Anderson, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were different. I knew that somehow you were more than just a girl I met one week at the beach. You have made me understand what love is. You have also showed me what it’s like not to have love in my life. Now that you’ve walked back into my life, I never want you to walk away unless we are walking together. Mar, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes, Gunnison Cyrus, I’ll marry you.” As the waves of emotions hit me like the roaring ocean behind us, I can’t control the tears that pour from my eyes. Gunnison stands and slides a solitaire diamond on my ring finger, then wraps his hand around my neck and pulls my lips to his.



  This year has been the best year of my life. Not only has my son entered my life, he’s now a daily part of it. Marleigh and I said “I do” on the sand of Garden City Beach before the start of our senior year. I’ve given up my apartment, and we all live in their beach house. It’s a little odd living with your sister-in-laws, but it’s what we needed to do for Gunner’s sake. It has been the perfect balance of normal for all of us. Not to mention there’s always someone to watch him between all of our classes and practice.

  Before graduation, I knew that I had to take a chance on my dream, the NBA, with the help of Marleigh, both of our parents, and the support of Coach. I’ve stayed in the weight room, continued to practice, and prayed that this is the path my life is about to take. As July approaches, I pray harder and harder each day. If this is what’s meant for our happily ever after, I want to stay true to my promise and make any transition easier on Gunner. I don’t want to move him across the country because he’s already moved once in a years time. If so, I might give up my childhood dream for the only dream that matters in life—my family.


  Picking out a dress has made me crazy! I mean what do you wear to the freakin’ NBA draft? Gunner runs into my room.

  “Mommy, when do we go see Daddy on the big stage?” he questions.

  I smile. “We’re leaving tomorrow morning. Are you excited? Just remember, he might not get on the big stage.”

  “Yes, he is! He’s the bestest point guard. My daddy is going to get to play ball with Trevor Booker!”

  I run my fingers through his hair. “Gunner, he might, but then again, he might not. Plus, he’s not at Clemson anymore. He’s in Utah and that’s far away from Pap and Mimi.” He looks at me extremely confused. “Sweet boy, whatever happens tomorrow will be okay. Just know that your daddy and I love you very much.”

  “Does that mean Daddy might leave us?”

  Bending down, I look Gunner in the eyes. “Gunner, this is new for all of us, but I can promise you that your daddy and I aren’t going anywhere.” He doesn’t wait; he hugs my neck and in this moment, holding him tighter, I feel someone’s presence. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Gunnison propped against the door frame with his perfectly sculpted arms crossed over his chest, watching us. At six foot three with the most perfectly toned body, he is the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes on and to think, I almost let him go.

  Gunner notices my movement and quickly lets go of me to run to his daddy. “Daddy, I’m ready! I packed my suitcase all by myself. Come on!” He smiles and takes Gunnison by the hand and pulls him from our bedroom to his. Gunnison looks my way and then follows him out. I stand and begin to contemplate between three dresses. I just don’t know which one is right. D
eciding not to worry about it for a few minutes, I finish packing everyday clothes and necessities for our flight to New York. When I hear my sisters in the kitchen, I make my way toward them.

  “What y’all doing here?” I question.

  “Oh ya know, we thought we’d stop by and check on you before tomorrow’s big adventure,” Carleigh says.

  “We thought you might need a little help with choosing the perfect dress,” Tinleigh states.

  “Is that all?” I question.

  “Actually, we thought we’d take our favorite little boy out for supper tonight. This way you can get everything packed and enjoy some time with GC before your life becomes totally different.” Tinleigh laughs, but stops abruptly when she sees my reaction. “Sis, it’s going to be perfect. Different isn’t bad and I know change can be hard sometimes but just think about when you found out you were pregnant with Gunner. It was different and it was a hard change but it was the best thing that ever happen to you… and us.”

  “You’re right. I’m just so nervous! I have three dresses picked out, but am scared I’ll choose the wrong one. I mean, I want to look like I belong. Not only do I have to look like Gunnison’s wife, but also Gunner’s mom. I want to look perfect.”

  “Mar, perfect has nothin’ on you. Just remember that,” Carleigh says as we make our way to decide on a dress.

  “Dang! Mar! Those are gorgeous,” Tinleigh says as she picks one up and twirls around with it against her body. “Has GC seen either of them?”

  “He probably just got a little look when he came in here a few minutes ago, but he hasn’t seen them on.”

  “You need to look hot, but classy. I love that royal blue, but that red dress, I don’t know if there are words. Go try it on.” Tinleigh tosses it to me and shoos me into the bathroom.

  Sliding the dress on, I feel as if I’m a runway model. It’s sleek, fits perfectly, and hugs every curve yet it doesn’t look like I’ve painted it on. I open the door. My sisters stop mid-conversation when they see me.

  “Mar, I’m gonna tell you right now. You’re definitely going to need a sitter tomorrow night because GC is gonna want to show you off for sure,” Carleigh says.

  Tinleigh starts to laugh. “Um, I’m pretty sure we might have a new niece or nephew in nine months with you looking that hot in that dress.”

  I stop. Shit! I’m not ready for this. Think quick! “Whatever, y’all!” I say with my hand on my hip.

  Tinleigh’s eyes get wide. “Oh. My. God! You are now, aren’t you?” I put my finger over my mouth and tell her to hush. She squeals with excitement and Carleigh follows right along. Gunnison yells to see if we are okay, and they try to gather themselves.

  “I just found out. He doesn’t know, and I planned on telling him after the draft tomorrow. Y’all better not say a word,” I say with a pointed finger.

  “We won’t. I’m so happy for your family. To think that you’ve earned your degree, married the man of your dreams, and have a perfect little boy. Your future is just beginning.”

  Tinleigh’s right. My future is just beginning. Hearing Gunnison and Gunner coming our way, I hurry and change. Glancing in the mirror, I place my hands on my stomach and smile. I’m brought back to the present by Carleigh calling Gunner. Leave it to my sisters to take him off our hands for the night. I’m truly blessed to have them.

  Hurrying, I go to tell him bye and once the door is shut, Gunnison wraps his arms around my body from behind. “Can I take you to dinner?” he says.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I look into his eyes. “Yes, you may.”

  “How about Sarah J’s?” Just imagining the smell of seafood makes me nauseous. “What’s wrong? That’s your favorite place to eat.” Then it’s as if a light bulb goes off. Smiling, I turn to face him. He takes my chin in his hand and I forget my plan. Instead, I live for right now. He looks at me for confirmation and a grin begins to beam from my lips.

  “We’re having a baby,” I say confidently and I feel as if my life is on repeat but this time, we’re both living our dream together.


  Adding the finishing touches to my makeup, I slide on the red dress and add my accessories. Smiling as I exit, I can’t wait to see Gunnison’s reaction, but I’m caught off guard when I witness Gunnison helping Gunner put on his shoes. Everything in my life feels complete in this moment. I don’t interrupt their time together. As they finish, Gunnison stands and his eyes slowly find mine. I can’t help but blush.

  “Mommy, you look so pretty,” Gunner says.

  “You look very handsome yourself, little man,” I say as I make my way to him pick him up, and Gunnison locks his eyes on me.

  “Mrs. Del Valle, you look absolutely stunning,” he says as I turn to face him. “I know today’s about me, but every eye in the room is going to be on you.” In that moment, my face matches my dress. Gunnison closes the distance and moves toward my ear. “No need to blush, we can save that for later.”

  “I believe I like that idea, Mr. Del Valle. Gunner, let’s get your bag to go with Pop and Nana tonight.” I can see excitement in his eyes as well as Gunnison’s.

  Entering the Barclay Center is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The sound of music, as well as the crowd, as we are ushered to our table leaves me speechless. We make our way to the table with Gunnison’s parents. Gunner takes out his iPod and listens to music until the NBA commissioner begins to speak.

  Gunnison takes his hand and places it on my leg, and I can feel his nerves running through his body to mine. I lean over and give him a kiss on this cheek.

  Round one begins with the Philadelphia Seventy-Sixers. Gunnison and I have talked about what will happen if he is chosen in the draft. We know there’s a possibility of moving across the country, but we both hope to stay on the East Coast.

  The clock ticks away along with the selections from Detroit, Utah, and Atlanta. When he’s not selected by the Atlanta Hawks, I can sense the fear, but he never falters in front of the camera.

  Next on the clock is Charlotte, and deep down I’ve prayed long and hard that this is where our new home will be. As the clock dwindles down, my nerves begin to get the best of me as well. He looks my way, and it’s as if he takes the nerves away. The announcer steps to the podium and I feel as if I’m going to be sick. I’m unsure if it’s from the anticipation or the pregnancy.

  Gunnison laces his fingers in mine and Gunner looks to the screen. As the commissioner begins to speak, we listen impatiently. “With the fifth pick in the 2015 NBA Draft, the Charlotte Hornets select GC Del Valle from Coastal Carolina University.”

  It’s as if the world stops spinning. I have to replay the words over in my brain once more. Charlotte. Gunnison. Home. He stands in his perfect grey suit, and as Gunner begins to jump up and down with excitement, it all becomes real. I stand beside him, and he takes his time as he places his hand on the side of my face. “Mar, we did it. We met by chance and reunited by fate. I love you.” As I tell him I love him too, his lips meet mine, and I know that beach dreams do come true.

  Our Song- A Novella

  Chapter 1

  As I hit the last note of my most current single, the crowd goes wild, and the stage goes dark. “Thank you, Charlotte! Now put your hands together for Jake Bryant!”

  Exiting the stage, I glance over my shoulder into the crowd and cannot believe how my life has changed in the last six months. It wasn’t long ago that I spent my weekends hitting up every local country bar within a hundred mile radius of Lattimore trying to make a name for myself. Little did I know that Cole, the manager of my favorite country bar, Coyote Joe’s, had made sure that a certain country music god caught a glimpse of me at their amateur night.

  Walking down the hall backstage, I come face-to-face with the country music god himself. “Don’t worry, Belle. This never gets old. You do know that before long you’re gonna be closing a show down.”

  “Thanks, Jake. But I’m just gonna enjoy this ride right now. I’ll see ya fr
om the crowd,” I say with a wink.

  Hurrying to my dressing room, I make a quick trip into the powder room, change into clothes a little less divaish and hurry back to find a spot in the crowd. I honestly think I could watch Jake Bryant every single night on that stage, and not just for the way that his ass looks in those jeans either. He has one of the best voices in country music today. It’s like sweet honey to my ears, and I swear, it gets sweeter every time I hear it.

  As I grab my water, I hear the voices of thousands of screaming fans, and with the first downbeat of his current number one hit, every word is being sung by Jake and the crowd. Gah! That’s got to be the best feeling ever. I walk double time to make my way out into the crowd. Security knows exactly what I’m up to. Since the first day I began touring with Jake, once my set is over, I enjoy his show just like everyone else, directly in the pit. One perk is that I always get a good spot thanks to security.

  As Jake slows it down, I laugh when he finds my eyes in the crowd and then winks. Of course, all the girls around me think it’s for them, but I know that it’s for me. The truth is, Jake Bryant has become by best friend since the day he signed me to his tour. He’s the complete opposite of what I expected a country mega star to act like; he’s a perfect gentleman. Maybe it’s due to the close quarters we endure while traveling, but he is an absolute sweetheart, and I’ll take that fine ass any day!

  I sing along with the crowd to every song, sway my hips back and forth, and lift my drink at the appropriate times. When the next to the last song in the set begins, I make my way back out of the crowd and to the stage entrance. I finish watching the show from the side of the stage.

  As Jake finishes his finale, he takes a bow and runs offstage toward me. He lifts me off the ground and spins me around.


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