Covering the Carolinas

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Covering the Carolinas Page 40

by Casey Peeler

  As the speakers begin to play “Kiss Me,” and the camera scans the crowd for couples, I watch the jumbotron to see where the camera is going to go. I love to see how people react, but I pray it doesn’t land on us. I’m not so sure I want to make out in front of thousands of people.

  As the song begins to evaporate into the air, the camera stops on me. I realize Em isn’t beside me. What in the world? When I glance to his seat, I see him on one knee with a ring that is oh so familiar, my mama’s. My hand covers my mouth as I start to cry uncontrollably.

  “Raegan Lowery, when we were kids, I knew you were special, but each and every day you amaze me more. You are the light in my day and I know that right now, in this moment, your entire family is looking down on us. Will you please do me the honor of being Mrs. Emmett Bridges?”

  As the crowd erupts, I shake my head yes as Emmett stands, places the ring on my shaking left ring finger, and then kisses me for the world to see. Right now, in this moment and forever, Emmett Bridges is where it’s at.

  A Note from Casey Peeler

  On my birthday, August 23, 2013, my world was rocked. I lost one of the most influential men in my life, my pawpaw. From the day I was born on August 23, 1981, until the day he passed, August 23, 2013, I believed the sun set in him, just as he did me. See, I was “his girl,” but I was also his caregiver in the final days. He has been one of my biggest supporters on this journey as an author, but yet, he didn’t get to see me hit Publish.

  Halfway through the Full Circle Series, I knew Southern Perfection would have to be written, but honestly, until the words were written on the pages, I never knew the impact it would have on my soul.

  Southern Perfection isn’t just a good ol’ country romance. It’s a story of family, taking the good with the bad, always being positive in life regardless the situation, and becoming the person you are destined to become while your loved ones look down and smile upon you each day.

  I hope and pray that every one of you that reads this novel has a Sunshine in your life, because even though mine is no longer with me physically, he still continues to shine through me each day.

  About the Author

  Casey Peeler grew up in North Carolina and still lives there with her husband and daughter.

  Growing up Casey wasn't an avid reader or writer, but after reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston during her senior year of high school, and multiple Nicholas Sparks' novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading. That love ignited the passion for writing several years later, and her writing style combines real life scenarios with morals and values teenagers need in their daily lives.

  When Casey isn't writing, you can find her near a body of water listening to country music with a cold beverage and a great book.

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