Bry, 151, 153
Buffet, balloonist, 125
Bugeaud, Marshal, 47–48, 72
Burnside, General, 71, 239
Busch, Dr. Moritz, 21, 152, 196–7, 201, 204, 231, 239, 264
Buzenval, 224, 231–5, 242
Cannon, manufacture of, 134
Canrobert, Marshal, 11, 41
Carlyle, Thomas, 38, 163, 293
Carnarvon, Earl of, 170, 202, 205, 250
Carter, Charlie, 103, 198
Cassagnac, Paul de, 98
Castiglione, Comtesse de, 17–18, 30
Castor and Pollux, elephants, slaughter of, 179
Cavour, 22
Châlons-sur-Marne, 44, 47, 49–50
Chambord, Comte de, 28
Champigny, 151, 153
Chanzy, General, 157, 190, 206, 224, 235, 273
Charles, Professor, 121
Chassepots, 41–42, 99, 272
Chastel, M., 372, 381, 391
Château-Thierry-sur-Marne, 75
Châtillon plateau, 63, 76–80, 102, 137 143, 211–12
Chaudey, Gustave, 237, 355, 388
Child, Edwin, x, 8, 25, 39, 46, 54, 59, 66, 86, 95, 124, 149, 166, 180, 185, 196, 216, 226–30, 241, 247, 250, 253, 277, 282, 308, 312, 323–4, 347–9, 352, 357–9, 366–7, 369, 388, 390, 402–3, 413, 421, 426
Choisy-le-Roi, 78, 156
Churchill, Winston, x, 427
Cipriani, 310
Cissey, General, 324–5, 367, 371, 397–8, 400
Claremont, Colonel, 168
Clarendon, Lord, 34
Clarétie, Jules, 113, 119, 144, 238, 242
Clemenceau, Georges, x, 107, 235, 256, 271–3, 282–4, 287, 300 n., 305
Clinchant, General, 347, 367, 371, 377, 380, 382, 384, 400
Cluseret, Gustave-Paul, 206, 345; delegated to Ministry of War, 312–13, 317; early career of, 315–16; character and appearance, 316–17; army reforms of, 318–19; criticism of, over Fort Issy and Neuilly, 325; arrested, 326; obtains permit for Washburne to visit Archbishop of Paris, 353; tried and released, 364; escape from France, and return, 424–5
Cœuilly 153, 155, 157
Collet, officer, 343
Combat, Le, 89–90, 107, 132, 238, 297
Commune of Paris, problems posed by, 15; emergence of, 15, 281 ff., 290; Comité Central of the Twenty Arrondissements, 92, 283; Comité Central de la Garde Nationale, 268, 275, 278 ff., 292, 374; spread of, 287; definition of, 291–4; components of, 294 ff.; Parisian life under, 304–6; military set-backs of, 309–14, 319–26; ‘Law of Hostages’, 311, 313, 353, 375; internal friction among, 330, 332–3, 342–3, 346, 352, 375; legislation by, 330–1, 364; ‘testament’ of, 331–2; Committee of Public Safety, 333–4, 346, 375, 376, 398; shaping of final image of, 334 ff.; dictatorship triumphs over democracy, 346, 348; crisis approaches, 348; suppression of newspapers by, 348; fear of growing excesses by, 352; arranges great open-air concert, 361; final confrontation with Versailles forces, 362 ff.; confusion among, 374–5; burning of Paris by, 385; last days of, 398 ff.; left leaderless, 402; last headquarters of, 409; final proclamation of, 410; end of, 413, 420; ‘expiation’ of Communards, 414 ff.; escapes by Communards, 424–6; effects of, on world structure, 428–33
Cook, Thomas, 421
Cordier, Madame, 217–18
Cormack, Dr. John Rose, 170, 304
Coulmiers, 140–2, 178
Courbet, Gustave, 298, 331–2, 350, 422
Courbevoie, 307, 311
Cournet, Prefect of Police, 336
Crémieux, Gaston, 55–56, 70, 83, 139, 207, 261, 314
Cresson, Chief of Police, 93, 119
Créteil, 226–7
Cuzon, balloonist, 130
Da Costa, Gaston, 331, 338, 349, 388, 393, 395, 423
Dagron, photographer, 128
Daily News, 67, 105, 129, 165, 195, 257, 262, 329, 382, 392, 406
Daily Telegraph, 158
Darboy, Mgr., Archbishop of Paris, 337–9, 353–5, 370–1, 375, 393, 395–7, 421, 423–4
Daudet, Alphonse, 272, 358, 407, 412, 417
Daumier, 29
De Cary, Langle, 233
Degas, 253, 427
Deguerry, Abbé, 337–8, 396
Delescluze, Charles, 28, 32, 55, 91, 109–11, 118–19, 223, 327, 333, 338, 342–3, 400, 432; succeeds Rossel, 344; character and appearance of, 345; incorruptibility of, 345; the king Jacobin, 345; issues Order of the Day, 346; ignorance of military matters, 346; receives news of Versailles entry, 364; issues call to the barricades, 365; during final days, 387, 390, 398, 400; hears of Archbishop’s death, 396; death of, 401
Delesvaux, Judge, 335
Dilke, Sir Charles, 67, 163
Dimitrieff, Elizabeth, 297–9, 379, 401, 425
Dombrowski, Jaroslaw, 299, 318–19, 329, 340–1, 347, 357, 364, 366, 369, 376, 380, 387
Doré, Gustave, 153
Dorian, Minister of Works, 64, 111, 115, 118–19, 134, 235–6
Douay, General Abel, 43, 363–4, 367, 380–2, 384, 400
Du Camp, Maxime, 71, 83, 257 n.
Ducatel, engineer, 363–4, 420
Ducrot, General, 51–52, 77–78, 84, 105, 114–15, 119, 169, 189–90, 193, 222–3, 229–33, 253, 314, 426; Basse-Seine plan of, 137–8, 141–3; in Great Sortie, 150 ff.
Du Mesnil, 241
Durouf, balloonist, 83, 123, 125
Duval, 269, 286, 301, 309, 311, 315
Duvernois, Clément, 65
Edward VII, King, 205 n.
Ems Telegram, 37
Epinay, 156–7
Eudes, 47, 56, 119, 286, 301, 309, 315, 317, 329, 340, 409
Eugénie, Empress, 11, 19–20, 33, 36, 38, 43, 49–50, 53, 56–58, 158, 167, 187 425
Evans, Dr. Thomas, 58, 174–5
Exea, General d’, 155–6
Faidherbe, General, 190, 193, 201, 206
Faneau, Dr., 404
Faron, General, 269
Favre, Jules, 29, 115, 130, 141, 190, 196, 274; demands arming of Paris faubourgs, 46–47; calls for Emperor’s abdication, 53; and proclamation of Republic, 55–56; calls on Trochu to join, 56; appointed Vice-President, 57; physical appearance of, 70; on Trochu, 71; seeks peace terms with Bismarck, 81–82, 91; fear of bal-loon flights, 84; on Tamisier, 94; Flourens’s contempt for, 98; disperses ‘Reds’, 100; threat to kill, 117; negotiates armistice, 235, 239–41, 268; refusal to negotiate with insurgents, 280; seeks permission to increase Regular Army, 314
Ferré, Théophile, 57, 271, 287, 299, 301, 335–6, 364, 395, 410, 412, 422–3
Ferrières, 81–82, 91, 196
Ferry, Jules, 70, 98, 115–16, 118–19, 247, 249, 266, 274–5
Figaro, Le, 36, 38, 68, 88, 180, 304, 414
Flaubert, Gustave, 17, 28, 39, 83
Fleury, Comte 13
Flourens, Gustave, opinion of Tamisier, 94; early career, 97–98; character and appearance, 98; impatience with Trochu Government, 98–99; in first demonstration, 99; takes no part in second demonstration, 100; informed of proposed surrender of Metz, 107; in ‘Black Monday’ uprising, 109–19; arrest of, 160–1; released, 237; death, 310; romantic idealism of, 315
Foch, Ferdinand, 43, 429
Fonvielle, Arthur de, 225
Forbes, Archibald, 105, 165, 195, 201, 210, 217, 248, 262, 264
Fortin, officer, 395–6
Fourichon, Admiral, 83
Franchetti, Colonel, 157
François, prison governor, 395, 408–9, 423
Frankel, Leo, 297, 331, 401, 429
Franklin, Benjamin, 122
Franz-Josef, Emperor of Austria, 13
Frederick, Crown Prince, 75–76, 79, 81, 105, 143, 165, 197–8, 202–6, 208, 211, 218, 231, 240, 262
Frederick-Charles, Prince, 74, 76, 106, 146, 157, 160, 200
Freemasons, 362
Freycinet, Charles de, 139–40, 146
‘Friends of Order’, 285, 306
Frontin, ex-Superintendent, 116–18
Gallifet, Marquis de, 17, 51–52
, 217, 306, 310, 406–7, 419, 426
Gallifet, Marquise de, 17
Gambetta, Léon, 39, 70, 100, 222, 316; defends Delescluze, 32; proclaims Republic, 56; as Minister of the Interior, 57; contrasted with Trochu, 72; reaction to Bismarck’s ‘peace’ demands, 82; character and appearance, 84; his balloon flight, 84–85, 125, 138–9; proclaims Bazaine a traitor, 106; takes over Ministry of War, 139; organizes campaign from Tours, 139–41; receives news of capture of Epinay, 156–7; defeated by Frederick-Charles, 160; opportunities missed by, 201; beset by troubles, 205 ff.; evacuates to Bordeaux, 206; tries to set up Garibaldi-Bourbaki campaign, 207–8, 223; enraged by armistice, 243; position in elections, 254 n., 256; resigns, 259; organizes subscription for Communard fugitives, 424; introduces amnesty bill, 424
Garde Civique 95
Garde Mobile, 42, 47, 62, 78, 109–10, 115–17, 237–8, 268, 306
Garde Nationale, see National Guard
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 12, 206–8, 256, 258
Garibaldi, Menotti, 207
Garibaldi, Ricciotti, 207
Gamier, ‘General’, 305
Garnier-Pagès, 70, 112
Gaulois, Le, 304
Gautier, Théophile, 4, 28, 126, 172, 176, 178, 214, 286, 420, 421
Gibson, Reverend W., 265, 277, 282, 292, 305, 311–12, 323, 331, 344, 348, 351, 356, 358–60, 365, 371, 379–80, 389–90, 404, 415, 422, 427
Gill, André, 279
Gladstone, W. E., 163–4, 166, 169, 390. See also Great Britain
Glais-Bizoin, 83
Gleisner, Louis, 250
Godard, Eugène, balloonist, 123, 125–6
Gois, Emile, 409–10
Goncourt, Edmond de, x, 7, 17, 23, 25–26, 28, 39, 46, 54, 56–57, 59, 64–65, 67, 72, 78–79, 87, 96, 113, 143, 150, 152, 158, 160, 167, 173, 176, 179, 184–5, 187–8, 213–14, 216, 220, 222, 229, 230, 241, 252, 254, 259, 265, 273, 278–80, 292, 294, 307, 312–13, 319, 320, 322, 340, 358, 360–1, 365, 369, 378, 382–3, 389–90, 405, 415, 420, 422, 426
Goncourt, Jules de, 7, 17–19, 23, 25–26, 28
Gounod, Charles, 10
Gramont, Duc de, 36
Granville, Lord, 35–36, 81, 164, 261
Gravelotte, 45, 49
Great Britain, relations with Paris, 38, 73, 81–82, 107, 162–6, 248–9, 417
Great Exhibition, 3–13, 31, 37, 61–62, 83, 123, 387
Great Sortie, the, 149–61, 225–6, 229
Groeben, General von der, 190
Grousset, Paschal, 298, 335, 422, 424
Guizot, 22
Hanrion, General, 104, 269
Harper, Martin, 250
Harrison, Frederic, 313
Haussmann, 4, 23, 25–26, 111, 294, 375
Hautpoul, General d’, 239
Herbert, Dr. Alan, 69, 170, 175, 180, 183, 213, 250, 253, 282, 367, 369, 372, 374, 376, 381, 392, 426
Herbert Auberon, 250
Hérisson, Captain d’, 69, 99–100, 112, 226, 232–3, 239–40, 265
Hertford, 4th Marquis of, 167
Hindersin, General von, 203
Hoff, Sergeant Ignatius, 136, 157, 251–2
Hoffman, Wickham, 8, 13, 90, 180, 184, 208, 219, 236, 253, 287, 354–5, 358 n. 363–4, 370, 386, 392, 403–4
Hugo, Victor, 28, 58, 73, 89, 109–10, 120, 125, 127, 134, 147, 177, 179, 187–8, 222, 236, 256, 259, 273, 297, 351, 422, 426
Hungarian uprising of 1956, comparison with, 306
Ibos, Major, 114–15
Illustrated London News, 36–37, 44, 107, 157, 163, 360, 428
Ireland attitude to France of, 38
Issy, Fort, 188, 202–3, 211–12, 225, 242, 324–6, 329, 339–42, 360, 362
Jacobins, 29, 295–7, 333–4, 342, 345–6, 349–50
Jecker, banker, 355, 408–9
Joffre, Marshal, x, 49
Johannard, Lieutenant, 97, 332
John, Augustus, 425
Jourde, 283, 302, 412, 422, 424
Justice, La, 346
Kératry, Prefect of Police, 101, 107
Khrushchev, 306
Krantz, engineer, 151
Krupp, Alfred, 4–5, 41–42, 76, 129, 204, 210, 217
Labouchere, Henry, 66–67, 86, 88–89, 93, 101, 104, 108, 111, 132, 135–6, 142, 159, 166, 169–70, 173–5, 178, 180–1, 183, 185–8, 192, 215, 221–2, 232, 236, 252–4, 261, 427
Lacaze, balloonist, 243
La Cécilia, 371
Lachaise, ‘the woman’, 393
La Charrière, 157
Ladmirault, 347, 371, 378–9, 411
Lafargue, 425
Lagarde, Abbé, 354–5
Lamazou, Abbé, 410
Lambert, Juliette, 29, 59, 80, 89, 102, 107, 116, 142, 150, 152, 174, 179, 191, 193, 213, 216, 219, 230, 234, 252, 262
Langourian, General, 371
Lanterne, La, 32
La Païva, 18, 68
Lebœuf, Marshal, 42
Le Bourget, 103–8, 190–3, 227
Lecomte, General, 269–73, 274, 423
Ledru-Rollin 28
Le Flô, General, 115, 274–5, 328
Lefrançais, 301
Le Mans, 206, 235
Lenin, x, 302–3, 430–3
Leningrad, Siege of, 1941, comparisons with, 66 n., 70, 79, 89, 91, 186, 217, 221, 229, 244
Leopold of Sigmaringen, Prince, 36
Lepelletier, Edmond, 309, 403
Leperche, Colonel, 325 n., 339
Le plan Trochu, see under Trochu
Lessees, Ferdinand de, 159
Lisbonne, 380, 398, 401
Lolive, 396, 424
Lôme, Dupuy de, 126
Longuet, Charles, 119, 330, 332, 425
Louis-Napoleon, Emperor, at the Great Exhibition, 5; love of masked balls, 16, 432; sexual potency of, 19–20; character, 20–22, 41; physical appearance, 20–21; social reforms of, 24, 294; resentment of workers against, 27; opposition to, 27–30; England and, 30; Italy and, 30; downfall of, 31–34; last up-swing of popularity, 35; pushed towards war, 36–38; at Bad Ems, 36–37; military ability of, 41; in Franco-Prussian war, 43 ff.; hands over command, 44; calls Châlons Conference, 47; final fall of, 49, 52–53, 75; and Marquis of Hertford, 167; last years of, in England, 425
Lowndes, Bessy, 64
Lullier, 281, 286, 309, 312, 315, 422
Lutz, balloonist, 124
Lyon brothers, 249, 267
Lyons, Lord, 34, 66–67, 75, 81, 168–9, 249–50, 261, 265, 278, 280–2, 300, 323, 354, 390
McKean, Secretary, 305, 345, 395
MacMahon, Marshal, 41, 43–45, 49–51, 53, 314, 324, 378, 398, 399–400, 403, 408, 410–11, 413, 419–20, 426
Malmaison, 138, 143, 231
Malon, Benoit, 237, 297, 342, 379
Manceau, balloonist, 130
Manchester Guardian, 65, 106, 122
Manet, 17, 19, 29, 36, 253, 294, 427
Manteuffel, General von, 193, 208, 243
Markheim, Henry, 183, 212, 218–19
Marne, River, 75, 137, 143–4, 151, 156, 160, 230
Marseilles, 314
Marx, Karl, x, 6, 27, 94–95, 163, 278, 291–7, 302–3, 313, 332 n., 337 n., 358, 390 n., 415, 425, 429–31
Mathilde, Princess, 28
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico, 12, 31
Mayer, Captain Simon, 271–2
Meaux, Vicomte de, 259
Mégy, Ensign, 97, 258, 429
Mérimée, Prosper, 8, 10, 39, 46–47, 58, 91, 94, 420
Metz, 40, 42, 44–45, 48, 53, 74, 76, 106–7, 122, 139, 199, 202, 258, 429
Michel, Louise, 28, 57, 237–8, 270–1, 278, 298–9, 319, 357, 379, 408, 413, 423, 425
Micheler, General, 42–43
Microphotography, first use of in war, 128
Mill, John Stuart, 417
Millière, Jean-Baptiste, 55, 110, 119, 256, 404
Miot, Jules, 333
Mitrailleuses, 41–42, 192, 281, 371, 403
Moll, Ernest, 142
Moltke, Field-Marshal von, 40–41, 43, 45, 52�
�53, 72, 74–76, 129, 143, 152, 160, 189, 196, 198–9, 203–5, 210–12, 214, 240
Monet, 253, 427
Montauban, General de, see Palikao
Montgolfier, balloonist, 121
Montretout, 231, 233, 363
Montrouge, Fort, 202, 212, 227
Mont-Valérien, Fort, 63, 231, 234, 281 309–10 312 322–3 351
Morisot, Berthe, 253
Morning Post, 67–68
Morny, Duc de, 7 17 21–22 33 411
Motte Rouge, General de la, 140
Mottu, Mayor, 282
Moulin-Saquet, 339
Moulton, Lillie, 38, 171, 269, 285–7, 334–5, 347, 406
Nadar, balloonist, 122–3, 125
Napoleon, Prince (‘Plon-Plon’), 47
National Guard, 65, 69, 80, 185, 223, 260, 284–5; formation of, 54; Republican sympathies in, 54–55, 92; contempt felt for Garde Mobile by, 62; growth of, 93–94; function of, during Siege, 95; activities of, during Siege, 95–97, 178, 182; demand for a sortie, 99–100; during ‘Black Monday’ disturbances, 108–9; ‘loyal’ battalions called to arms, 114–15; in the Great Sortie, 149, 153 ff.; in further actions against Prussians, 191–2, 225–34; bourgeois views of, 229; in action against Regular Army, 268 ff., 311–12, 317 ff., 329–30, 340–1, 367, 375 ff., 411-12; split by Cluseret into active and sedentary battalions, 318; absentees from, 329 n.
Neuilly, 64, 308, 319–22, 347, 367
Neverlée, Captain de, 115, 157
Niel, Marshal, 42
Noble, Edward, 391, 414
Noir, Victor, 298
Offenbach, Jacques, 9, 17
Ollivier, Émile, 33, 35–36, 46, 48, 70
Orléans, 140, 146, 160, 189–90, 200, 205
Orsini, 28, 70
Orwell, George, 186 n.
O’Shea, journalist, 87, 103, 108, 112, 133, 149, 152, 177, 179, 182–3, 192–3, 204, 210–11, 214, 219, 231, 234, 236, 250, 253, 263
Palikao, Comte de, 46, 48–50, 53, 56, 58, 63
Pall Mall Gazette, 127
PARIS: Americans in, 171–5, 184, 369, 406 armistice with Prussia, reception of, 241–3 bombardment of, 203–5, 212–18, 322–3 Britons in, 66, 72–73, 166–71, 183–4, 249–50, 369, 406 burning of, 385 ff.; list of buildings, 389–90 casualties in, 217, 221, 234, 244, 265, 418 clothing shortages, 220–1 daily life in, 39, 61, 86 ff., 216, 304–6, 358–61 disease in, 136, 221 drunkenness in, 95–96 elections in, 255, 288 food prices, 66, 181–3, 248 food supplies, 65–66, 134, 136, 176–86, 221–2, 239–40, 247–51, 359 fortifications, 62 ff., 69–70, 329 fuel supplies, 136, 219–20 inventions and ideas, 131–4, 356 medical organizations, 172–5, 320 morale, 103, 135–6, 188, 211, 251–2 pastimes and entertainments in, 186–8, 305, 359–61 prostitution in, 185 rats, 178–9 recovery of, 420–2
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