The Jaguar Prince

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The Jaguar Prince Page 16

by Karen Kelley

  He pressed her thumb down on the screen. “That should do it.” He punched in numbers. “Here it is.”

  She leaned closer, as he turned the screen toward her. Staring back at her was an older version of herself. The woman had the same color eyes, even the same smile. Wrinkles lined her face, but it was almost as though she could feel the woman’s warmth reaching out to her. Shock washed over her. She gasped, and took a step back, as tears filled her eyes.

  “You didn’t tell me the database would do that. You didn’t warn me. I thought it was going to be a name or something.” She turned and ran out of the room, not stopping until she stood in the kitchen. She took deep breaths as she tried to slow her pounding heart.

  Rogar came up from behind, and wrapped his arms around her. “What is it? What did I do? Please, know that I would never hurt you.”

  She sniffed, then turned and buried her face against his chest. She immediately felt peace as she leaned against him. “I didn’t expect to see a picture. It was just a shock, I guess. For so long I’ve wanted to feel a connection to someone. Even if that someone was already gone.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, brushing his hands over her hair.

  “Oh, no, don’t be. You’ve given me a wonderful gift.”

  “I just never realized how much it would mean to you, or I would have shown you sooner. Forgive me for not thinking.”

  He’d apologized for being a man. She smiled. “It was just the surprise of seeing her picture. We look a lot alike. Who was she?”

  “According to the database, she was your grandmother.” He pushed a button and handed the device to her. “Just touch the screen and slide your finger to scroll through what it has to say about her. I’ll be in the bedroom when you’re ready to continue.”

  “Thank you.” She was glad he was giving her this time alone to read about her grandmother.

  As soon as he left, she went to the sofa and curled up. For a moment, she just stared at her grandmother’s image. The eyes seemed to be smiling back at her. Callie instinctively knew she would have liked her a lot.

  With a sigh, she began to scroll down, reading the history of her grandmother. It told about her grandparents, and their parents. How her grandmother had taught others how to connect with their guide. Then her husband had died. That was why she’d volunteered to travel to Earth with her daughter.

  Her grandmother had been excited about her journey. It still must have been hard to travel to a new place. Callie admired her grandmother’s courage.

  It’s inside you as well. The same blood runs through your veins that ran through hers.

  “Who are you?” she whispered.


  Had that been her spirit guide talking to her? But if it was, then why didn’t the guide just tell her?

  God, this was so damned frustrating. She felt as though she was being pulled into so many different directions. She’d wanted a background, a history, but she’d gotten more than she’d bargained for.

  Aliens, her father brutally murdered, someone trying to kill her, a mother who might still be alive. An animal guide.

  Or was the voice in her head just a sign of insanity?

  Maybe none of this was real.

  She jumped off the sofa and went to the window. The sun was shining. A couple of golf carts passed. Callie noticed they slowed just a little as they drove by.

  Everything appeared peaceful, serene, but she knew somewhere out there a man wanted her dead because her blood wasn’t pure enough to suit him.

  What would happen if she opened the door and left? Just got into DeeDee’s Hummer and took off. Not tell anyone where she was going. Rogar had cash. She could take it and sneak away. It would be enough to start a new life.

  That was probably what her mother had done. Left Callie at the orphanage, then took off to God knew where, hoping like hell she could escape Zerod and save her child in the process.

  Could Callie give everything up and assume another name? Always looking over her shoulder?

  There was another solution, though. Fight back. She squared her shoulders and marched toward the bedroom, picking up Rogar’s database as she walked by.

  She kind of liked the idea of fighting back. Could she beat Zerod in a one on one? Probably not, but she’d studied tigers enough that she knew a lot about their habits. She wouldn’t be going into this blind. Besides, she had good motivation—revenge. If he hadn’t murdered her father, then she might have had a normal childhood. Zerod stole that from her.

  It was payback time.

  Chapter 19

  Rogar raised his eyebrows as Callie marched into the bedroom, and silently breathed a sigh of relief. He’d been afraid she would walk out the door, get in her friend’s vehicle, and drive away.

  Callie’s world had been turned upside down over the last few days. It was a lot to take in. All her beliefs had been challenged. But looking at her now, it would seem she was ready to fight back. There was a very determined set to her jaw.

  “What do I need to do?” she asked, raising her chin a fraction.

  He smiled. She was feisty. He liked her determination and attitude. Maybe her animal guide was a wolf. One of his brothers had a wolf guide. They were both very tenacious when they set their path in a certain direction.

  “You need to understand your animal guide before you can connect with her.” He finally told her. “Until that part of you is awakened, you are not complete. You’ve heard her, I’m sure.”

  Her expression changed to confusion. She sat back down in the chair. “I started hearing a voice when I was about eight.” She looked down at her hands, twining her fingers together. “I told the head mistress. They sent me to a doctor. He asked all kinds of questions, then told the head mistress I had created an imaginary friend, which wasn’t unusual. Ms. Barry said I’d better be careful telling anyone because they might think I was crazy and lock me away.

  “I stopped listening to the voice because I’d heard older girls talking about the insane asylum. I didn’t want to end up locked away. Eventually, I stopped hearing the voice.”

  Rogar gritted his teeth. It was a wonder Callie had survived not connecting with her guide. There had been instances that he knew about when a Symtarian chose not to acknowledge their guide, but it hadn’t ended well. They were like lost souls wandering through life with nowhere to go. The loneliness had to have been unbearable. He sighed. Maybe it had been different for her because she was part Earthling.

  “Can we find her?” She raised her head, met his eyes.

  He didn’t know, not positively, but he couldn’t tell her that. He couldn’t take away the hope he saw in her eyes. Besides, she might still find her guide. “It may take awhile, but yes, we’ll find her.”

  “Sometimes I think I hear her talking to me, but then other times, I think it’s my own thoughts.”

  That was a good sign. “She may be trying to protect herself. You can choose not to accept her. She may be afraid of scaring you in that direction.”

  “Then what do I need to do to find her again?”

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed, and began to pace as he thought.

  “Deep meditation. There are rituals that can be performed. They are very old and were once practiced in ancient times when it wasn’t as easy for our people to connect with our guides.

  “For centuries, our guides hid from us because they were afraid. As the years passed, they learned to trust, and our souls merged. I’ll see if the information is stored in the database.” He stopped pacing, and noticed she was staring at him. “What?” Had she changed her mind?

  “Your leg. You’re not limping.”

  He’d forgotten that he was supposed to be injured. He might as well tell her the truth. “Symtarians heal quickly. I believe my leg is better.” Not exactly the truth, but close enough.

  She came to her feet, crossing her arms in front of her. “And how long has it been healed?”

  He could continue to hedge
. From the expression on her face, it might be prudent if he did, but she would eventually discover the truth. “Since this morning.”

  “This morning?”


  “Why did you pretend it was still bothering you?”

  He walked closer, his steps slow and purposeful. His eyes held an intensity that she had seen before. Her body tingled to awareness.

  He stopped a mere breath away from her. “I enjoyed the way you hovered over me. It was stupid, I apologize, but I liked having you near me.”

  Something inside her began to crumble, maybe because she knew exactly what he was feeling. She’d been denied so many things in her lifetime, why should she deny herself the time that she could spend with Rogar. Yes, he would leave her, go back to New Symtaria, but damn it, she was going to take pleasure in what he so willingly offered.

  “Kiss me,” she said before she could chicken out.


  “Kiss me. Please.”

  He growled from low in his throat before pulling her against him and lowering his mouth to hers. She sighed, knowing she needed this as much as Rogar.

  She was bolder than she’d ever been, stroking his tongue with hers, tasting him. She reached between them and began to unbutton his shirt, but her fingers fumbled in her haste.

  Hell, he had plenty of money, even if it was counterfeit. He could buy a new shirt. She jerked, buttons popped, pinging on the hardwood floor as they landed. Then she was touching him, feeling his sinewy muscles, kneading his flesh.

  How long had she dreamed of this? But she knew the answer. Since the first night they’d made love. She’d wanted him so badly her body had ached for more, but she’d refused to give in to her cravings. No more.

  She shoved his shirt off his shoulders, her fingers lightly scraping down his back. He moaned, then nudged her away. She whimpered, but when he grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, her pulse sped up.

  Slowly, he pulled it up, pressing the material against her breasts, over her already sensitive nipples. She gasped, but it was lost in the cotton material as he pulled it over her head. He let it fall to the floor, then reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Embarrassment flooded her. She’d never made love in the light of day. She covered her breasts as he tugged her bra off.

  “Why do you shield yourself? I won’t hurt you.”

  “No, it’s not that.” She was going to die of embarrassment right here, right now. When DeeDee and her parents came to the cabin, they would find her lifeless body decaying on their beautiful hand-hewn wood floor.

  “Then what is it?” He lightly stroked her arms.

  She swallowed hard, then looked at her feet. All the boldness from a moment ago had disappeared. “I’ve never been naked in front of a man in daylight. I mean, I’m not a virgin or anything.” Her brow knit. “But, of course, you already know that. It’s just that…”

  “You’re very beautiful. I love looking at your body. You are like the goddess Aricepta.”

  “You have a goddess?”

  “We have many gods and goddesses that we worship. Aricepta is the goddess of beauty—you have been touched by her hand.”

  “I have?”

  He gently tugged away her hands. Her face was so warm that she was afraid it would start glowing any second. But she didn’t cover herself again.

  “Your breasts are perfect. High-pointed, with dusky nipples. I love running my tongue over them, sucking them into my mouth.”

  She trembled, the ache between her legs grew stronger. He brushed his fingers across one taut nipple. She sucked in her bottom lip, arching toward him.

  “I like seeing the need on your face. It matches the one I also feel inside me.” He took her hand and placed it over his erection.

  She lightly squeezed, he sucked in a breath.

  She’d never really looked at a naked man. At least, not up close. DeeDee had stuck a magazine of sexy naked men in one of her so-called care baskets to Callie, then called her up to ask what she’d thought. Callie had reprimanded her, then mentioned she’d thought the pictures were…uh…enhanced, but right now, she was thinking maybe not.

  Looking at pictures, covertly looking at Rogar when he’d been naked, was just not enough. She wanted more. Maybe it was time she became more assertive. She unfastened his pants, then tugged the zipper down, letting his slacks slide down his muscular thighs, and onto the floor. He stood there before her in only his briefs.

  She glanced down. That was a really big bulge, but then she already knew he was built rather large. Oh, Lord, just thinking about him buried deep inside her made her want him all the more.

  “Your turn,” he said.

  “I’m not finished. You still have your briefs on.” She reached for the waistband.”

  He grabbed her hands. “Your pants next.”

  She stepped closer, letting her nipples graze the hair on his chest. “Don’t you want me to touch you? To run my fingers over your swollen penis.” Had she really said that? She had, and it felt damned good, as though she were superwoman—powerful and strong.

  “You first.”

  He tweaked her nipple and spasms of pleasure swept through her. Rogar had found her kryptonite. She guessed it didn’t make any difference if she removed her pants. They would both be naked in a few minutes anyway.

  She stepped back. “You win.”

  He smiled.

  “This time.”

  His smile dropped, but then she thought he wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to what she was saying as she slid her sweats down, ever so slowly. The way she thought a stripper might perform. Then all of a sudden, she didn’t feel quite so shy. She wanted to turn him on with her body.

  When they were around her ankles she kicked them away, then slid her fingers under the waistband of her panties. She slowly lowered them, then halfway down, lost her nerve. Maybe it was the way he was looking at her. There was so much need in his expression.

  “Don’t stop,” he said, words husky, but to ease her fears, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and tugged then downward.

  Her mouth went dry. He was big, and this time she wasn’t looking away. When she reached to take him in her hand, he stopped her. Turnabout was fair play, she supposed. She removed her panties, kicking them out of the way.

  “Magnificent,” he breathed.

  She blushed, and looked away as she felt the heat crawl up her face…again. She was being ridiculous. It wasn’t like there was anything majorly wrong with her body. She was a size six.

  She let her gaze roam from his head downward. Broad shoulders, six pack abs, tanned—and no lines that she could see, and she looked closely.

  But her gaze slowed when she came to his erection. Now that was magnificent. Thick, sensuous, made to give a woman pleasure. Made to make her cry out in ecstasy. She’d already experienced firsthand how it had felt to have him inside her, and it had been wonderful.

  Her gaze rose, meeting his eyes. “You’re not bad yourself.” This time when she reached toward him, he didn’t stop her. Good thing, too, because they would’ve had to have a serious talk if he’d stopped her exploration of his body.

  She encircled him, and slowly slid down the foreskin. He jumped. She jerked her hand away. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  He took her hand and put it back on him. “It felt good. Don’t stop.”

  Tentatively, she rubbed her thumb across the tip of his penis. It felt different than what she’d expected: soft, rubbery, and a little damp. She watched his expression. His eyes were closed and his breathing ragged.

  She reached lower with her free hand and cupped his balls, then began to lightly massage. When he groaned, she knew whatever she was doing, she must be doing right. Only problem was, she was getting even more turned on just watching him. And she wanted more.

  Leaning forward, she licked across one tight nipple. He sucked in a breath. She gave as much attention to the other one.

  More. She wanted more,
but before she could figure out exactly what she wanted, he placed his hands on either side of her head, and brought his mouth down to hers.

  She tasted his need as his tongue aggressively explored her mouth. Then his hands were sliding down her back, she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. He cupped her butt, pulling her against him. This was good. Right there. He’d found the spot that needed scratching.

  She couldn’t stand much more. She thought she might burst into flames any moment. She stepped away and quickly went to the suitcase. More heat flooded her face when she pulled out a handful of condoms.

  DeeDee made sure she had plenty since Callie had forgotten to pack any. She grabbed one, ripping it open as she hurried back to Rogar. Her hands trembled, but he let her roll it down his length. God, she liked how he felt.

  Rogar picked her up and slid into her. She gasped with pleasure as he slowly began to fill her. She tightened her arms around his neck. No one had ever made her feel this way.

  She clenched her inner muscles. He cried out and drove deeper.

  “More,” she said.

  He thrust inside her.

  Faster. Harder.

  She tightened her legs around his waist.

  He thrust again and again.

  Faster. Harder.

  Yes, this is what had been missing from her life. It felt so good. He slid in, then slid out. Stroking her, filling her completely.

  Her body felt as though it was on fire as the heat inside her began to build. Higher and higher.

  “Now,” she cried. “Oh, God, now!” Her body tightened, convulsing into spasms of pleasure.

  Rogar growled from low in his throat, then flung his head back as he came. The growl became a roar, and then they were both falling on the bed, their ragged breathing filling the room. She couldn’t talk, she couldn’t think. Not that she wanted to.

  He moved, and her body jerked and quivered again. She grasped his shoulders then relaxed. That had been so good. No, better than good. It had been fantastic. Better than even the last time. It had been…

  Rogar suddenly pulled away from her, rolling onto his back. His arms stiffened as he stretched out, then curled into a ball.


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