Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two

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Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two Page 14

by A. L Long

  In unison they said, “Welcome to BlackStone Industries.” They both began to giggle as the young woman on the right continued with her greeting, “How can we help you?”

  Smiling at them, Rade said, “I have a two o’clock with Mr. Black and Mr. Stone.”

  “Have a seat and I’ll let them know you’re here. My name is Jessica. Is there anything I can get for you while you wait?” she said with a big smile.

  “No, thank you. I’ll just wait,” Rade replied politely, knowing the effect he was having on the two girls.

  Rade took a seat in the small reception area as he waited patiently. He couldn’t help but notice how the two girls kept staring at him when they thought he wasn’t looking. He had to admit he was amused by their behavior as they whispered to each other, trying to hide what they were saying. By the look on their faces, Rade could read their expressions perfectly. He knew exactly what they were conversing about. They were definitely not exchanging recipes.

  Rade was thankful when Keeve and Mason appeared. His time in the reception area was turning from amusement to annoyance due to the way the two girls were carrying on. Standing, Rade greeted the two men, with Keeve holding his hand out first.

  “Keeve, it’s good to see you again,” Rade said.

  “You too, Rade. How long has it been?” Keeve questioned.

  “Too long, my friend,” Rade said as he turned to Mason, holding out his hand. “Mason, nice to see you’re still here. I thought for sure you would be overseas working for Apex,” Rade probed.

  “Well, you know what they say… things are never as good as they seem,” Mason replied.

  “I know that better than anyone,” Rade replied.

  Wrapping up their pleasantries, the men headed down the short hallway to the conference room. Once they were all seated, Dylan walked in, surprised to see Rade sitting at the head of the conference table. Taking her own seat, she tried to avoid his staring eyes on her.

  “Dylan, I’m not sure if you have met Rade Matheson?” Keeve asked.

  “ I know Mr. Matheson very well,” Dylan stated, looking right at Rade. “What is this meeting about, Rade?”

  Leaning to his side, Rade reached down and pulled a folder from his briefcase. Opening the file, he began passing them each a document with Spectrum’s logo displayed on the top. Taking in their confused expressions, he began his proposal.

  “It has come to my attention that I may have been a little hasty in my purchase of Spectrum,” Rade began. “It has also come to my attention that a lot of work and effort was put into determining the financial status of Spectrum. So it is for these reasons that I have come up with a plan that will make RIM Global and BlackStone Industries very happy.”

  “What are you trying to say, Rade?” Keeve intervened.

  “What I’m trying to say is that I would be willing to share the company, fifty-fifty, at a cost agreeable to both companies. There is, however, one condition,” Rade said, looking between the two men.

  “What’s the condition, Rade?” Mason ordered.

  “That Ms. Adams be included in the split. Fifteen percent from RIM Global and fifteen percent from BlackStone. She will have the final say in any decisions that would affect the profit or loss of the company. In other words, she would be the financial advisor and every decision would need to go through her first,” Rade smiled as he laid it out for them.

  “Wait…? What…?” Dylan stuttered barely able to get her words out.

  “The condition of this venture is laid out in front of you. I know this is a shock, but I assure you, once you have read the terms, you will see that this is a win-win situation for all of us.” Smiling, Rade stood and grabbed his briefcase. “I hope you will have an answer for me by the end of the week.”

  The men shook hands, while Dylan still sat at the conference desk reviewing the documents. She didn’t know how she felt about the whole thing. On one hand, she was happy that BlackStone was going to be a part of something that would be very profitable for them, but on another, she was angry that Rade made such a ridiculous provision in order for the deal to happen.

  Dylan sat for more than two hours looking over the documents in front of her. She tried to find anything she could that would cause BlackStone not to agree to the terms of the contract. There was nothing. Everything in the contract benefited BlackStone more than RIM Global. What Dylan had a hard time understanding was why Rade would do this. There had to be a reason. You just don’t hand over sixty-five percent of a company for no reason. Feeling mentally drained, Dylan decided to call it a day. She wasn’t going to be able to get anything else done anyway.

  Keeve and Mason had already left for the day when Dylan got back to her office. Gathering her things, she decided to head out herself. Saying a quick goodbye to Jessica and Lucy, she entered the elevator. It was no surprise that Richard was waiting for her outside her office building. This time he was perched up against the side of the SUV with his arms crossed at his chest. The minute he saw her, he walked to the back passenger door and pulled it open for her. Dylan had no choice but to get in.

  Climbing inside and buckling herself in she decide it was time to talk to Rade. “Richard, can you take me to Rade’s instead of my apartment?” she requested.

  “Sure thing, Ms. Adams,” Richard acknowledged. Little did she know that he would have taken her there anyway, per Rade’s request.


  Pulling into the garage, Richard parked the Bentley right next to an Audi RS7. Dylan smiled, knowing that Rade kept the car he bought for her all this time. Exiting the SUV, Dylan ran her hand across the smooth glossy black surface. She remembered how much she loved this car.

  “It’s still yours, you know. Anytime you want to drive it, it will be here for you,” Richard said behind her.

  Quickly Dylan removed her hand from the car, startled by Richard’s comment. She didn’t hear him come up behind her. “It was never mine. Not really,” Dylan stated as she backed away from the car.

  Taking one last look at the Audi, Dylan followed Richard to the elevator leading to the penthouse. When the elevator doors closed, silence filled the small space. Richard exited the elevator once it hit his floor, which was the floor below Rade’s.

  Holding the door to the elevator open, Richard said. “Have a good day, Ms. Adams.”

  As the elevator doors closed, Dylan felt as though there may have been a touch of sarcasm in his voice. Dylan knew firsthand that his loyalty was to Rade and not to her. When the elevator stopped on Rade’s floor, Dylan took in a deep breath as she pushed from the wall and exited the car. Knocking lightly on his door, she waited for him to answer. When the door opened, there was only perfection standing in front of her. Rade was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and dark jeans. The shirt was tight enough that the definition of his ab muscles and his chest were clearly visible. Even though this was not his usual attire, she had to admit it was most appealing.

  “Hey,” Rade said as he moved to the side to allow Dylan to enter.

  “Hey,” Dylan replied.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you, Sweetness,” Rade stated, acting surprised.

  “Yeah, well, I thought today was as good a time as any to talk,” Dylan declared.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” Rade asked as he walked to the liquor cabinet to pour himself a scotch.

  “No, thank you. I’m good,” Dylan said as she took a seat on the leather couch.

  Rade took a seat beside her. He had a pretty good idea what her visit was about, but played clueless nonetheless. “So what do I owe this delightful surprise to?”

  “I’m not sure that you will find it delightful when you hear what I have to say,” Dylan assured him as she continued. “I wanted to discuss our meeting this afternoon. I know what you’re trying to do, Rade, but there is no way I can accept your terms. Why would you even do it? It would be of no benefit to you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Sweetness. It would benefit me mor
e than you think,” Rade began. “Not only would you get to manage the account you worked so hard on, but I would be able to work alongside you, and that alone is all the reward I need.”

  “There’s no reason we couldn’t do that anyway. I don’t need a thirty percent interest in Spectrum in order for that to happen, especially since I would be in charge of the financial decisions,” Dylan argued.

  “Giving you thirty percent interest in the company is only compensation for the amount of work you will be doing. I’m done arguing with you on this.” Rade wanted compensation of a different sort. Scooting closer to Dylan, he carefully lifted her on his lap.

  This argument was far from over, but the way she felt straddled on Rade’s lap took over any opposition she had left, mainly because his lips were now attached to hers in a heated kiss that radiated all the way down to her core. Breaking their kiss Rade whispered softly, “Stay the night.”

  Dylan wasn’t sure if it was a question or a command, but either way her body couldn’t refuse. “Okay,” she said, barely able to speak.

  Rade pushed from the couch with Dylan still in his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist and locking her ankles, she could feel the hardness of his erection as he pulled her closer. Taking her to his room, he gently laid her on the bed, easing over her with his muscular form. Sliding his hand under her skirt, he slowly moved it up her soft thigh until he felt the material of her panties. Being kind, he gently lowered them down her legs instead of ripping them from her body like he had done at times before. Pulling her top out from the waistband of her skirt, he began trailing kisses up her torso until his lips were met with her full breasts. Tugging her shirt over her head, the femininity of her pink lace bra appeared. Lowering the cup of her lacy bra, he took her nipple between his fingers, pinching to a taut peak until he heard a soft moan. Pulling her to a sitting position, Rade carefully unclasped her bra and watched as he pushed the straps off her shoulders. Her eyes were closed as she took in each gentle, soft touch. With the same tenderness, Rade positioned his hands under her tight ass and lifted her hips. Holding her in place, he lowered her skirt down her silky legs until it was completely free from her body.

  Taking in her naked body, Rade began removing his own clothing. All his clothing he tossed onto the floor, except his tie, which he held on to. Straddling Dylan’s body, he took her wrists in one hand as he efficiently began tying her wrists together, leaving a length of the tie dangling in order to secure it to the bed. She looked beautiful as he leaned over and grabbed the black silk material he had tucked away in his bedside drawer. Placing the silk blindfold across her eyes and tying it securely behind her head, one glance of her perfect form told him she was now his.

  Rade took his time with her, placing soft kisses along her jaw line. It took all he had not to take her right then, but he knew he wanted this to last. It was all about her pleasure. Rade lowered his mouth to her breast and with lapping movements he began kissing and sucking her pink nipple until the small nub came to a hard peak. Moving to the other side he began his assault on her other nipple. With both nipples taut, his fingers replaced his mouth, pinching them firmly between his thumb and index finger. He applied a little more pressure until he could feel Dylan’s hips move under him. Following the line down her torso, he tenderly placed his mouth on her ivory skin while taking in her sweet taste as he kissed and licked his way down to her glorious mound. Lifting her gently, he placed her legs over his shoulders. Dropping his head lower, his mouth was met with her wetness. Moving his tongue at a slow pace, her honey filled his senses. The taste of her filled his mouth with ecstasy as he moved his tongue up and down her folds. Sweet, delectable amrita filled his mouth as her arousal increased. Continuing his assault, he slipped first one, then two fingers inside her. The tightness of her channel took hold and he knew she was close. “You’re so tight. I can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy.” Her body tensed at the invasion. Something didn’t seem right. Then her words filled the silence. “Stop, truth, please stop.”

  Rade didn’t know what was happening. Pulling from her, he removed her blindfold. He could see moisture on her cheeks. Her eyes were now black from her mascara. “Dylan, baby, what is it?”

  “Untie me, please untie me,” she asked frantically.

  Rade reached above her and quickly untied her from the bed and then freed her wrist. As soon as her hands were free, Dylan pushed Rade away, sending him backwards on the bed. Grabbing her clothing, Dylan jetted to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. When she and Rade were together in North Carolina, she thought for sure she would be able to handle making love with him, and she had no flashbacks. But the minute he tied her hands to the bed, she began feeling the pressure building. She thought she could handle it. She just had to talk herself through it. She kept telling herself, “It’s only Rade, you can trust him.” Then when the blindfold came on, she panicked. She didn’t want to show Rade how much that night still affected her. His words brought everything back. “I can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy.” Dylan lowered herself to the floor, oblivious to anything around her. The only thing she could feel was the walls closing in on her. She needed to get out. She couldn’t breathe. Dressing as quickly as she could, she stopped midway when she heard Rade’s voice on the other side. “Dylan, open the door. Please let me in.”

  “I can’t. Please, Rade, go away,” Dylan said in a shaky voice.

  “I can’t leave you, Dylan. Something’s wrong. Tell what happened,” Rade pleaded.

  “Please, Rade, just go away. If you care about me at all, please go,” Dylan cried.

  Rade did care for Dylan, more than he was willing to admit. Granting her wish, he walked away. Putting on a pair of sweats, he padded back to the bathroom door. “I’ll be in the study when you decide to come out.”

  It took several minutes for Dylan to finally unlock the door. She prayed that Rade kept his word and was in the study. Peeking her head out, she saw that the bedroom was empty. She couldn’t face Rade. Not now. Not after what just happened. Opting to leave her shoes off, she quietly tiptoed to the living area where she left her bag. Careful not to make a sound, she grabbed her bag and headed to the front door. She knew it was wrong to leave without an explanation, but this was a better choice than explaining what happened to her. Stopping as she reached for the doorknob, her defenses kicked in and she decided to take the hidden stairs in the kitchen instead. The last thing she wanted was for Rade to hear her leave.


  When Dylan got to her apartment, the only thing she felt was dirty. Stripping off her clothes, she made a beeline to the bathroom. Taking a look at herself in the mirror and seeing the disaster looking back at her, reality settled in. She looked like hell. She wondered what the cab driver must have thought, looking at her. Turing on the water, she began scrubbing her face. She had scrubbed so hard that her skin was beginning to turn red. Entering the shower, she turned the water on to an almost scalding hot. She began scrubbing every inch of her body. Her ivory skin was now a light shade of red. Hitting her like pins and needles, the hot water continued to redden her skin even more. The pain she was putting her body through clouded her thoughts on that night at The Castle. Sinking down onto the shower floor, she felt defeated. That one night would haunt her forever. The worst part was, how would she ever be able to give Rade what he needed: control? What was once a yearning desire had turned into an unrelenting affliction.

  When Dylan stepped out of the shower, she felt no cleaner than before. She knew she needed to get past this. Maybe it was time to talk to someone about her nightmares. If she ever wanted what she’d had with Rade, maybe she needed help to get past that night. The more she thought about it, the more she knew what she needed to do. She had to go back and face her demons. The only way she could ever go back was if a member took her. That member was Rade. Slipping on her robe, she headed to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. She needed all the courage she could get, even if it was of the liquid kind.

>   Settling on the sofa with three glasses down, she stared at her cell. It was now or never. Fixated on Rade’s number, she pressed the small green telephone and waited as the phone rang. After four rings, she was ready to hang up when she heard his voice. “Dylan, where are you?”

  “I’m at home. I know I owe you an explanation, but first I need to ask you a favor,” Dylan said softly.

  “Anything. I would do anything for you,” Rade uttered.

  “I need you to take me back to The Castle.” There was silence as Dylan waited for his response.

  “I’m coming over.” Rade hung up before Dylan could protest.

  Dylan stared down at her phone, not expecting that reaction from him. Giving him an explanation over the phone was one thing, but trying to explain in person was another. Finishing what was left of her fourth glass of wine, she poured the remaining contents of the bottle into her glass. It had been a long time since she polished off a bottle of wine by herself. Normally she would have been two sheets to the wind, but the only thing she felt was numb. Maybe she needed something stronger. She wasn’t that big of a drinker except for an occasional wine, so when she opened her cupboard and found the only liquor she had was rum, she turned her nose up. The only reason she even had rum was because it was Lilly’s drink of choice. Rum mixed with Coke, that is. Grabbing a glass, she dropped a handful of ice cubes into the glass and poured the white liquid to the top. Maybe it would taste better on the rocks. Taking a sip, she let the disgusting liquid slip down her throat.


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