Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two

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Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two Page 16

by A. L Long

  Rade’s phone began to vibrate on the nightstand, taking him from his thoughts. Moving slowly so he didn’t wake Dylan, he carefully got up from the bed and walked out of the room to answer his call.

  “Richard,” Rade said, annoyed at his late call.

  “Sorry to disturb you, sir, at this late hour, but I wanted to let you know we were able to locate Mr. Stewart. He’s in New York. He’s staying at a rundown hotel just outside of Manhattan. There hasn’t been any movement since he arrived, but Peter is there keeping an eye on him.”

  “Dylan is here with me, so she is not in any danger. I only have a couple of days that I can keep her here before she needs to return to the city,” Rade informed him.

  “I’ll let you know of any movement. In the meantime, we’ll have Peter’s men watch her apartment in case Mr. Stewart makes his move,” Richard assured him.

  “Keep me posted on any activity,” Rade replied.

  Ending the call, Rade headed back to the bedroom to check on Dylan. She was still sleeping comfortably. Sliding in beside her, he took his place beside her pulling her close against his body.


  Waking the next morning, Dylan stretched as she took in her surroundings. At first she didn’t recognize where she was at, then she remembered being at Rade’s home in Hampton Bay. The room she was in was beautiful with its masculine furniture and hardwood flooring. Climbing out of bed, wrapping the soft sheet around her body, her feet sunk into the soft white rug, gushing between her toes as she walked over to the huge windows. The view through the floor-to-ceiling windows was spectacular. The sun was shining brightly across the massive body of water that Dylan knew was the Atlantic Ocean. She could get used to waking up to this amazing sight.

  Exploring the room further, Dylan headed to a door on the other side of the room. When she pushed it open, she saw a giant bathroom with a huge jetted tub, and a glass shower with sprayers running along one side of the tiled wall and on the ceiling. Every inch of your body would be covered with the pulsating jets without even having to move. It was at this moment Dylan decided to test her theory. Stripping off her sheet, she turned on the water and watched as the jets came to life. Opening the glass door, she stepped into the shower and moaned with ecstasy. In some ways this was better than having an orgasm, but not quite. Taking in the warmth of the spray, she felt a sudden touch. Looking down, she could see Rade’s hand on her breasts as she opened her eyes, making herself aware of his presence.

  “Good morning, Sweetness. I hope you slept well,” Rade whispered as he lowered his mouth to her already sensitive neck.

  With a soft moan she said, “Undeniably well.”

  Rade turn her and captured her mouth with his as he began teasing her bottom lip. Pushing his tongue inside, her soft moan radiated through his body. Playing back and forth with her, he carefully lifted her leg, placing it around his waist so he could gain access to her sweet pussy. With a gentle touch he began caressing and stroking her ass, taking his time to feel the soft firm silkiness of her skin. He knew she was ready for him when his fingers found their way to her slick folds and inside her awaiting pussy. Bringing his fingers to his lips, he took in her juices as he dipped them into his mouth. Rade lifted Dylan’s body from the shower floor and gently pressed her slick body against the tile wall. Taking hold of his cock, he lined it up to her entrance and carefully worked it inside. He would never tire of the tight hold her pussy had on him every time he entered her. Every push brought him to his knees. Her hold on him was so strong that it tested his control over and over to submit to his own release.

  Holding on to her with one arm, he lowered his hand down her body until he found her clit. With circular movements, he began teasing her hard nub. Feeling her body jerk, she flooded with her release. He increased his pace with his own release close. Her body was beautiful as he watched her taut breasts ripple to each thrusting movement of his hips. Finding his own release, her voice rang along with his as she hit another climax.

  An hour later they were both dressed. Rade in a pair of faded jeans and Dylan in one of his dress shirts, which hung just above her knees. Taking her hand, Rade led her down the stairs and into the massive kitchen. Dylan didn’t get to see much of Rade’s home when she arrived, only because his lips were glued to her the minute the door opened. He did promise he would take her for a tour after they finished breakfast, which was being served on the back patio near the pool.

  Dylan couldn’t imagine having the luxuries that Rade had. Growing up, her family wasn’t poor. But sometimes things got tight and she missed out on things. It didn’t matter because she was happy. To have everything you wanted just because you wanted them was crazy, insane, especially with all the unfortunate people in the world.

  Opening the back double glass doors to the patio, Dylan was stunned once the patio came into view. It was amazing. The patio was huge, with flagstones everywhere. Even the pool was huge, with a built-in Jacuzzi that could easily accommodate eight people. The thing that caught Dylan’s eye the most was the set of steps leading to the beach. It was a beautiful, like something you would see in a fairy tale. Rade escorted Dylan to the table that was lined buffet style with every dish imaginable. Dylan thought it was a little excessive for just the two of them. A bagel with cream cheese would have been plenty.

  Filling her plate with fruit, eggs, bacon, and a slice of toast, Dylan took her place at a table under a canopy in the middle of the patio. There was a carafe of coffee already on the table, along with a champagne flute filled with what looked to be orange juice. When she took a sip, she found it was a Mimosa. The taste was out of this world. The flute was half empty by the time Rade took his place beside her.

  Just as he was getting ready to pour her a cup of coffee, she said, “Rade, this is amazing. Do they always serve enough food for an army?”

  “I wasn’t sure what you were hungry for, so I had them serve the traditional breakfast dishes,” Rade admitted. “Besides, I promised you a tour. You’re going to need all the energy you can get.”

  Dylan just smiled as she continued stuffing her mouth with the delicious food. Unable to finish the last bite, she pushed her plate away from her and said, “I’m stuffed.”

  Rade took a sip of his coffee and also moved his plate away from him. “Good. I believe your clothes have arrived. Time to get changed so we can begin our adventure.” Rade was correct, the clothing he requested had arrived for Dylan. There were boxes and more boxes sitting on Rade’s enormous bed that were filled with sundresses, lingerie, shoes, shorts, jeans, tops, everything you would need if you were planning to stay for a month. Dylan decided on a cute floral sundress with matching flip-flops. The last box she opened was filled with different accessories, which included several pairs of sunglasses, headbands, and hair ties. Choosing the white glasses to accentuate her outfit, she headed out of the room and down the stairs. Once at the bottom she could hear Rade’s voice. Walking towards the sound of his voice, she found him in what seemed to be a library, talking on his cell phone.

  “Look, Richard, I told you that we need to find another way. I will not involve her in this. What about our other problem? Any word on that?” Rade asked.

  Dylan couldn’t hear what Richard was saying on the other end, but she had a pretty good idea that the "she" they were talking about was her. Pushing the door open she stepped into the room. Rade immediately turn his gaze to her. “I’ll call you back later,” Rade said before he hung up.

  “What won’t you involve me in, Rade?” Dylan questioned.

  “It’s nothing to worry your pretty little head about, Sweetness,” Rade said, pulling Dylan close to him and kissing her on the forehead. “Are you ready for the grand tour?”

  Leaving the library, Rade knew he needed to be careful with his conversations, especially when Dylan was nearby. Walking out the patio doors, they headed to the right instead of taking the stairs leading to the beach. Coming to a set of stairs, Dylan couldn’t help but notice the bri
ck path that was shaded by flowers and trees. As they walked further down the path, Dylan saw numerous fountains and iron benches set periodically down the path. It sounded like a rain forest with a trickling stream. The sound was very soothing.

  Finally reaching the end of the path at a wide opening, Dylan took in her surroundings as she reveled in the manicured hedges and roses displayed in front of her. In the center of the open space was a gazebo that was covered in crawling ivy and climbing roses. It was absolutely breathtaking. Rade took a hold of her hand and led her up the two steps into the gazebo. There was a swing hanging just to the right, which Rade pulled her down on so she was sitting beside him.

  Dylan had never felt more comfortable with Rade than she did at this very moment. Leaning her body into his, she rested her head on his shoulder as his arms draped over her.

  “I love this place, Rade. It’s so peaceful and serene,” Dylan confessed.

  “I love this place too. I love coming to this very spot to think. Some of my greatest achievements were created from this very spot,” Rade declared.

  “How long have you owned it?” Dylan asked.

  “I bought it for myself on my twenty-second birthday. I’ve always loved the ocean, and when this place came on the market, I had to have it,” Rade claimed.

  “Well, it’s beautiful,” Dylan stated.

  “It is, but not as beautiful as you.” Rade looked down at Dylan, shifting slightly as he cupped her face and lowered his lips to hers. He kissed her lightly and delicately, as though she was going break. There is no hurry, only slow, uncomplicated tenderness. Rade broke the kiss, looking deep into Dylan’s eyes. What was it about this woman that had him going against everything he swore he would never do? Rubbing his thumb across her swollen lips he whispered, “Who are you, Dylan Adams, and what are you doing to me?” His lips met hers again as he was swept away by her spell.


  It was late by the time Rade and Dylan got back to the house. Rade showed her every inch of the grounds, including servant quarters, the nine hole golf course, horse stables, and personal gym. Not to mention his six-car garage, where every stall was occupied with either a sports car or motorcycle. Dylan had never seen anything so grand. Seeing the house alone was a treat, but with everything else, that was just icing on the cake. Dinner was already prepared and waiting for them in the dining area when they got back. The long table, which sat at least twelve, was set with fine china and silverware. Rade sat at the head of the table with Dylan to his right. A servant entered the room carrying a bottle of wine, which he opened for Rade, and poured a small portion in his wine glass to taste. Rade nodded in approval before the servant filled his glass and then filled Dylan’s glass. The meal was phenomenal, with rosemary garnished Cornish hens, baby carrots in a honey glaze, and garlic potatoes.

  Rade’s mind was elsewhere as they enjoyed the meal. Dylan wondered if his change in mood had to do with the conversation he had with Richard earlier. She knew something was going on with him. He was keeping something from her. No way was she going to let this slide.

  “Rade, I know something is on your mind. Does it have anything to do with your phone conversation with Richard earlier?” Dylan asked bluntly.

  Rising from his seat, he walked over to the small bar. He needed something stronger than wine. Dylan got up from the table as well. Standing right behind him, she watched him pour a healthy portion of scotch into the crystal glass.

  Placing her arms around his waist, she whispered, “What’s going on, Rade? Please tell me.”

  Rade downed his drink and turned to Dylan. “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. It’s just business,” Rade assured her. “Let’s not talk about this and enjoy our evening.”

  Rade took Dylan by the hand and lead her into the living room. The room was large, with cream-colored leather furniture and a large fireplace stretching almost as high as the vaulted ceiling. One side of the room there were floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the patio where they shared the most perfect breakfast. The house itself was enormous. Dylan couldn’t understand why Rade needed such a large home, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms, unless he planned on having a large family to fill the space.

  As they settled on the couch, Rade gently pulled Dylan close to him. “I’m glad you came,” he whispered.

  Sliding her hand around his waist, she cuddled deeper into his side. There were no words from her. Her reaction said it all. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours as they watched the sun slowly dip into the ocean. This was where they both needed to be. In each other’s arms, watching the sunset, with the quietness filling the room. That was, until a sudden humming from the vibration of Rade’s cell phone chimed in. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he looked to see who was interrupting this perfect moment. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. This was the last person he wanted to hear from. Rising to his feet, he moved away from Dylan so he could take the call. What he had to say to the caller wasn’t something he wanted Dylan to hear.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he snapped at the caller.

  “Is that anyway to talk to your father?” Garrett hissed.

  “You are not my father. Don’t expect me to think otherwise,” Rade interjected.

  “Keep telling yourself that, Rade, but nothing you say will change that fact,” Garrett warned.

  “Tell me what you want or this conversation is over.” Rade had enough. He didn’t want to exchange one more word with this man unless absolutely necessary.

  “I have some information for you regarding your half-brother. Richard did some digging for me and found out he owns a small bar called Riley’s. Seems it was left to him when Lauren died,” Garrett confirmed.

  Little did Garrett know that Rade already knew all this information from his own investigators. Lauren, better known as Lauren Riley, owned Riley’s Pub and Grill before leaving it to her son Evan Taylor. Lauren married Duke Taylor, who adopted Evan when he was five. Evan took his Duke’s last name. A few years later Duke Taylor took off, never to be found. Evan never had a father/son relationship with him, so Lauren thought it best not to find him. When Rade found out that his half-brother was Evan Taylor, he just about lost it. This was the same man who placed his hands on the woman belonging to him. He would never accept this man as his brother.

  “You’re telling me things I already know, so I think you’re done wasting my time.” Rade hung up the phone before his dad could say another word. It didn’t upset him that his dad found Evan Taylor. It upset him that Richard’s loyalty to his father was more important than their friendship. The trust in his friend was lost.

  Rade walked back into the living area, only to be consumed by Dylan’s beautiful body stretched out on the couch. She was perfect. Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he gently lifted her from the couch and carried her up the stairs to his room. Careful not to wake her, he undid the buttons of her sundress and slowly removed it from her body. Lowering her head onto the pillow, he covered her exposed body with the comforter and kissed her lightly on the lips. He debated on sliding in beside her, but decided it was better for him to make much needed calls and try to get some work done. It had been almost a week since he looked at his emails. He knew he needed to get back to reality.

  When Rade turned on his computer he couldn’t believe the annoying sound that was coming from the device. Ping after ping resonated through the room, signaling the emails that were overloading his inbox. Fifteen minutes later the sound quit, only to show two hundred plus emails. Rade knew he would not be able to get through all of them, so he shot Gwen an email asking her if she could scan through them for him and let him know which emails needed his immediate attention.

  The next item on his to-do list was to find out what was going on with Mr. Stewart. It was still early enough in the evening that he decided to dial Peter. As he waited for Peter to answer, another email popped up in his inbox. He was surprised to see it was from Gwen. Opening it, he began reading her me
ssage. She wrote that she would glad to look through his emails and let him know of anything important, and for him to have a good evening. Hiring Gwen was the best thing he could have ever done. Finally, after six rings Peter picked up.

  “Hello,” Peter answered.

  “Hewitt, Matheson here. I wanted to check on developments with Mr. Stewart,” Rade stated.

  “Nothing new, Mr. Matheson. He’s pretty much locked himself in that hotel room. Even housekeeping has been sent away. It’s almost like he’s just waiting for something.” Peter replied. “Do you want me to drag him out of there?”

  “No, not yet. Wait until he makes a move. Then follow him. I don’t want to close in on him yet,” Rade instructed.

  “Yes, sir,” Peter acknowledged before ending the call.

  It was close to one in the morning before Rade headed to his bedroom. When he got to the room, Dylan was no longer in bed. Removing his clothing he changed into his loungers and headed back downstairs. He checked the living room, kitchen, and the other five bedrooms and baths. No Dylan. He was beginning to worry when he saw her silhouette through the patio doors. He saw she was heading to the beach. Opening the doors, he crossed the patio and followed her. She was a few feet from the water when he noticed she was only dressed in her panties. Walking up to her he whispered. “What are you doing out here, sweetness?”

  Dylan turned to face Rade with no word. The light from the moon was glistening on her body. The cool air made her nipples stand firm. Rade placed his hands on her breasts and tenderly began caressing the soft skin. He loved the feel of her flesh between his fingers. Moving his hands up her chest, he cupped her face and brought his lips to hers. Embracing her cool body to his, he gently lifted her from the sand, keeping his mouth glued to hers. Unable to wait, he lowered her body with ease onto the soft beach. Every nerve in his body pulsated as he took her in. Positioning his body between her legs, he could feel her heat as he slowly began thrusting his body into hers. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist and her hips began moving to the rhythm of his. Pushing his hand downward, he took hold of her panties and carefully lowered them down her hips. With her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, he knew he had no other option but to tear the fabric from her body. Gripping the lacy material with both hands, her panties were nothing more than a scrap of cloth by the time they came off.


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