Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two

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Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two Page 31

by A. L Long

  Dylan didn’t know where this man came from. Where did the loving man from moments ago go? Another smack landed on her ass. It was a little harder than the last, but not too painful. “Say it, Sweetness, or I will redden that pretty little ass of yours,” Rade ordered.

  “You are in control. I will do whatever you want,” Dylan moaned as her arousal heightened.

  “Good girl,” Rade said approvingly.

  Dylan’s body was on fire, and then it happened. Rade entered her to the hilt. She was stretched to the max as his thick, long, wonderful cock filled her. He pushed inside of her with such velocity that her firm breasts swayed with each thrust. The grip he had on her hips tightened to a painful vise as he continued taking what was his. It was almost too much for Dylan to take as the force of his cock moving in and out of her became harder and deeper. The pain was mixed with pleasure. He was taking what he needed from her and she was willing to give it to him. Just when she couldn’t handle anymore, he slowed his drive into her. Dazed, Dylan pushed her hips into him in slow steady movements. This was how she knew him, soft, tender, compassionate. Lowering his hand from her hip, he reached around and took hold of her clit, rubbing his finger back and forth until he could feel her tiny nub getting harder. Pinching it between his fingers, he leaned over her back. “Don’t ever leave me, Sweetness,” Rade choked out, his mind filled with emotion.

  “I’ll never leave you, Rade,” Dylan whispered, barely able to get the words out.

  “Promise me,” Rade commanded.

  “I promise,” Dylan confirmed.

  Rade pulled from inside of her and spun Dylan’s body around. Lifting her from the floor, he looked deep into her eyes for the truth he needed. When he saw what he was looking for, the affection emerging from her emerald eyes, he knew she was his and he was hers. With a soft touch he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip and lowered his head to capture her warmth. With slow, intricate movements, he kissed her with all the love he had for her. Sliding his tongue between her lips, he took more of her warmth. He knew what they had together would never end.


  It had been almost a week since Rade had been informed of the unbelievable news, which led him to take Dylan with such force. He still wasn’t willing to share with her the news Peter laid on him. Dylan only asked him one time after that explosive night. His only comment was he needed time to sort thing out. As much as she wanted to know, she respected his request and didn’t push him anymore. Dylan knew it was weighing heavy on him. Even though he continued to control her body, bringing her to “out of this world” orgasms, something was off with him. His mind seemed miles away. Several times she had asked him something and would end up repeating herself because his thoughts were elsewhere. When Dylan asked him if he was okay, he would reassure her he had a lot of work stuff on his mind.

  Enough was enough. “I think I’ll climb to the roof of this building and jump off,” Dylan commented to see how much he was actually listening to her.

  “That’s nice,” Rade affirmed.

  “Rade, did you even hear what I just said?” Dylan questioned.

  Rade looked back at her as he took a sip of his morning Java. “Uh… you caught me. What did you say?”

  “Never mind,” Dylan replied.

  Whatever was on his mind was taking over. It was as though he was here, but his mind was elsewhere. Dylan couldn’t stand him like this any longer. She needed him to tell her what happened and what he was keeping from her. Taking a deep breath, she stood from her seat and walked over to where he was sitting. Straddling his lap, she took his coffee cup from his grip and placed it on the table. Her concern for him was overwhelming, to say the least. When she looked in his eyes, she noticed how tired they looked. How they were filled with agony. Cupping his face, she lifted his head until his eyes were locked on hers.

  “Rade, whatever is bothering you, it's starting to have an effect on me, on us. I need you to tell me what’s going on so I can help you fix it,” Dylan unloaded.

  Rade knew he couldn’t tell Dylan. He needed more time to find out what was going on. Once he found out the truth, he knew he needed to tell her. “I can’t tell you anything until I know for sure myself. I promise you, once I know, I will tell you. You need to let me do this,” Rade pleaded.

  Dylan wasn’t convinced that she wouldn’t be able to help him. “Let me help you then. You don’t have to carry this by yourself.”

  “You can’t, Dylan. The only way you can help me is leave it alone and let me work through it,” Rade barked. If she knew what he was keeping from her, he was certain that she would leave, even though she told him that she never would.

  Dylan lifted her body from his lap and turned away from him. If he was going to keep her from whatever was going on, then she could play the same game. It didn’t matter what it was, she loved him no matter what. When she told him she loved him, she meant it, no matter how good, how bad, or how ugly. She was in it for the long haul.


  Rade spent most of the morning making phone call after phone call, trying to get the answers he needed. He talked to so many people trying to confirm the information that Peter had shared with him, but was getting nowhere. He couldn’t even try to get in touch with his father as a last resort. His only hope was for Richard to get find the information he needed. While he was lost in his thoughts, his cell phone rang. It was his father. He never thought he would be so glad to hear from him.

  “What the fuck is going on? No one is willing to talk to me,” Rade cursed before his dad had a chance to say two words.

  “What, no, hi, how you?” Garrett countered.

  “I don’t have time for this shit. The last thing you want is to piss me off. So I’ll ask again, what the fuck is going on and where the fuck is Chloe?” Rade cautioned.

  “Chloe is with me. You really did a number on her,” Garrett confirmed.

  “I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” Rade shot back.

  “Oh come on, son, I know how you like to use woman. How you enjoy getting rough with them.”

  “Are you going to tell me what the fuck you’re talking about, or do I need to beat it out of you?” Rade was just about over the edge with his father’s games. He wanted to know what was going on and he wanted to know now.

  “Okay. Okay. Chloe came to me about three weeks ago. Her clothing was torn and she had bruises on her wrists and her neck. She said you forced yourself on her. She said she kept telling you “no” but you wouldn’t listen. After everything you did to her, can you believe it? She still loves you. Jesus Christ, son, couldn’t you have had the decency to at least use protection? She’s pretty sure she’s pregnant and guess what, she says you’re the daddy. You really messed up this time. You should be thankful she isn’t going to press charges against you,” Garrett exclaimed.

  “She’s a fucking liar. I never fucked her,” Rade hissed.

  “Well, that’s where you’re wrong son. She has pictures to prove it. She said you even took them with your phone. She sent them to herself from your cell while you were sleeping, for proof,” Garrett confirmed.

  “Where the fuck is she? I don’t believe her. Not for one second,” Rade choked as bile rose up his throat.”

  “I can’t tell you where she is. She knew you wouldn’t believe her so she’s asking that you submit to a paternity test. In about a 7 days she’ll be seven weeks. They can determine the father through blood testing. I suggest you submit to one so you know the truth.

  “This is fucking unbelievable. I wasn’t even with Chloe then. Tell her to get in touch with me. I’ll prove she’s a lying cunt.” Rade’s pulse was on overload when he hung up the phone.

  He couldn’t even see straight, he was beyond pissed. Needing something to calm his nerves, he walked to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a tumbler full of Glenfiddich. He didn’t care that it was only nine in the morning. His anger was about to bust at the seams. How could this be happening? Just whe
n he thought things were finally going his way. He was with the woman he loved more than life itself. He was successful. He wanted to share everything with Dylan. Now this.

  Grabbing his suit jacket from the chair in front of his desk, he swallowed the rest of his scotch and headed out. He was about to step onto the elevator when Gwen’s voice rang behind him.

  “Mr. Matheson, your nine o’clock should be here any minute. Will you be back?” Gwen reminded him looking concerned at his demeanor.

  “When he gets here, reschedule,” Rade ordered with a clinched fist.

  “But sir, we have already rescheduled with him three times,” Gwen informed him.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass how many times we’ve rescheduled. If he won’t reschedule, tell him to fuck himself.” With those being his last words, Rade entered the elevator. He was so enraged that he took it out on everyone around him. Gwen didn’t deserve his wrath. She was the best thing that happened to his company. When he found her, he found a pot of gold. Taking his cell from his pocket, he contacted Veronica to make sure a bouquet of flowers was sent to Gwen with his apology.


  Dylan wasn’t sure what to think when Peter showed up at her office to take her home for the evening. Her concern began to set in when she asked him where Rade was and his response was that he didn’t know. Pulling her cell from her purse, she found Rade’s contact info and pressed the small green telephone. She let it ring five times before it finally went to voicemail.

  “Rade, it’s Dylan. I was surprised to see Peter pick me up from work instead of you. Call me when you get this… Love you……. Bye.”

  Dylan hoped that her message to him didn’t sound too desperate. She was getting concerned. He would have called her if he wasn’t going to be able to get her after work. Something didn’t feel right. He would have called. Taking a chance, she called his office.

  “RIM Global, how can I help you?” Gwen greeted her.

  “Gwen, it’s Dylan. Is Rade still in his office?” Dylan asked as she waited for Gwen to respond.

  “I’m sorry, Dylan. He left shortly after he arrived this morning. He seemed to be really upset. He wasn’t his normal self. He must have felt bad because a beautiful bouquet of roses showed up an hour after he left,” Gwen confessed.

  “Do you know where he might have gone?” Dylan asked.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I don’t,” Gwen said with regret.

  “Okay, thanks, Gwen. If you hear from him, would you call me?” Dylan hung up the phone feeling worse now than before. Hopefully Gwen would hear from him and call her. She tried to think of where he might have gone. The last time he was upset he went to his home in the Hamptons, maybe that’s where he would be. Instead of having Peter drive all the way out there, she decided to try Richard. Certainly he would know where Rade was.

  More frustrated than ever, Richard came up empty. The last time he spoke to Rade was this morning and he seemed fine. He told Dylan not to worry. This didn’t comfort her. The last time she heard those words, Rade ended up being kidnapped. Going against her instinct, she took his advice and let Peter drive her home.

  Dylan waited for Rade to show up at the penthouse. She finally ended up falling asleep on the couch when her exhaustion took over. Dylan had tried several times to get in touch with him with no luck. Even her numerous text messages went unanswered. It was about two in the morning when she finally gave up. If he wasn’t back by daylight she would send the posse out to find him.

  Dylan was in dreamland by the time Rade walked through the doors. He looked as shitty as he felt. He guessed he shouldn’t have had that last double. Dropping his suit jacket to the floor, he stumbled as he began discarding the rest of his clothing. He quickly stopped when he saw movement on the couch. It was Dylan. He could never mistake her small frame. Staggering towards her, he clumsily grabbed the blanket that was draped along the back of the couch. Careful not to wake her, he covered her body with the soft blanket. He stood back and watched her for a moment, in awe of her innocence and goodness. Whispering to her he said, “How could one person fuck up so badly?” His words were slurred and barely coherent.

  Dylan began to stir and her eyes began to flutter. Focusing, she saw Rade standing in front of her. She jumped to her feet and embraced him with all she had. “God, Rade. Do you know how scared I was that something happened to you?” she declared. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

  “I don’t deserve you, Sweetness. I’m such a fuck-up,” Rade slurred.

  “Rade, are you drunk?” Dylan asked as she held him at arm’s length.

  “Not near enough,” Rade replied.

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed. We can talk in the morning,” Dylan said as she slung one of his arms over her shoulder.


  Waking up the next morning rid of his clothing, Rade couldn’t remember how he got to bed, let alone how he even got home. He only knew that his head hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Rolling on his side, he saw Dylan laying beside him. His worries hit him the minute she opened her eyes, whispering, “Hey there, my beautiful man,”

  “Don’t call me that, Dylan,” Rade spat as he struggled to get out of bed and to the bathroom.

  Dylan was about to object, but he closed the door, which caused her mouth to fall open in shock. No way was he going to do this to her. He had some explaining to do even if it killed him. Pushing from the bed, she stomped to the bathroom. Flinging the door open, she was on a mission. Looking at his gorgeous frame, she drank him in as the drops of water beaded on his perfect body. His back was to her so she opened the shower door and turn the knobs so that the only water hitting his perfect body was ice cold.

  “What the fuck, Dylan? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Rade yelled.

  “I need you alert and ready to answer some questions, Rade. I’m tired of putting up with your sad ass. I want answers and I want them now,” Dylan commanded. “Where the hell were you last night that you couldn’t give me the decency of a call?”

  “Isn’t it pretty evident? You’re smart. I’m sure you can figure it out,” Rade stated, turning the water back to the desired temperature.

  “Don’t be a smartass, Rade. I’m not in the mood. Where were you?” Dylan asked again.

  “I was at a fucking bar, Dylan. I needed to figure things out.”

  “So you thought getting drunk would help you do that?”

  “Yeah, but I guess I was wrong, because all it accomplished was a fucking hangover.”

  Dylan didn’t want to fight with him. All she wanted to do was take him in her arms and comfort him. Something was hurting him and she couldn’t stand to see him this way. Stripping off her nightgown and panties, she opened the shower door and walked in behind him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she said softly, “More than anything in this world, I love you, Rade. It just kills me to see you this way. Please let me in.”

  Rade turned to face her. “I can’t, Sweetness. Please don’t ask me to, not yet. Give me a little more time to figure this out.”

  Lifting her chin, Rade lowered his lips to hers. Gently he kissed her, nipping at her bottom lip, then her top. She had him the minute she wrapped her arms around him. Their kiss deepened with a hunger he never felt before. His kiss was demanding, but gentle as his tongue laced with hers. Raising her off her feet, he guided her sweet pussy down on his engorged shaft. God, what she did to him. Slowly he began lifting her hips and lowering them, feeling the soft warmth of her channel consuming him. Using the shower wall as leverage, he lowered his hand to her breast, tweaking her perfectly pink nipple into a taut peak. He loved the way she responded to his every touch. Kissing her, he could feel her body give way as her movements up and down his cock began to increase. Sliding his hand between them, he pinched her clit between his fingers while taking her nipple in his mouth.

  Her hunger satisfied him as he heard her moans of pleasure ricochet off the shower walls. Dylan could feel the onset of her orgasm as she squeezed her v
agina tighter around Rade’s cock. She knew he was close to as his thrusts became more powerful. Both of them screamed in ecstasy, feeling the release of all the tension that had built between them.

  Dylan and Rade ended up making love three more times before they decided they needed to move. It was almost noon by the time they escaped from the bedroom. It was a good thing that it was Saturday. Dylan had promised to meet with Lilly at one o’clock, which Rade cheered for the reprieve. Not only because he needed to find a way to tell Dylan the truth, but also because he knew how important it was for her.

  Just as Dylan was ready to leave the apartment, there was a call on Rade’s phone. When Rade answered, Dylan knew that it was Dr. Foster he was talking with. With everything that had been happening, it slipped her mind that Rade and Evan had taken blood tests to find out they were brothers, well, at least half-brother.

  “Yes, Doc, I understand,” Rade began. “You’re sure there’s no mistake.”

  Dylan waited to leave until Rade hung up. She was pretty sure she knew what the news was, but she needed to hear it from him.

  “Rade, what is it?” she asked hesitantly.

  “The blood tests came back. Evan is my brother,” Rade said with no expression.

  “This is good news. Right? I can break my lunch date with Lilly, if you need me to stay,” Dylan said not sure how Rade felt about the news.

  “No, you go. I can handle this. This is going to be more of a surprise for Evan than it was for me. You go to lunch with Lilly and I’ll go see Evan and let him know of the news,” Rade insisted.


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