As they walked back to his car, Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off of Shelby, which made it rather difficult to walk, carry her bags and direct her to the car. But somehow he did it. She looked stunning in her white sundress, her blonde hair au naturale, not straightened or curled. Wedge sandals and big tortoiseshell sunglasses made her look like something straight out of a magazine. Her toned legs were also getting a considerable amount of his attention. She was so unbelievably sexy that he couldn’t believe he had been able to control himself for over a month now and not make love to her. Maybe this trip would be a turning point for them. Maybe that’s why his mother had been so insistent that Shelby be there. Perhaps now that he knew the real deal with Kaley Hamilton and the facts about his career, he could let Shelby in. Shelby’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Um, Daniel, are you checking me out?”
Daniel looked down a bit sheepishly. “Damn. I thought I was doing a good job of keeping that on the DL.”
“Not even close. You just spent several minutes staring at my legs.”
Daniel laughed as he put his arm around her. “I’m sorry love, but it has to be said. You look good.”
“Well, thank you very much Daniel. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
They made it to the rental car and put Shelby’s bag in the trunk. Daniel looked over at her as they both got into the car.
“So, are you ready to hear the full truth, nothing but the truth so help me god, about why I asked you here?”
“Yes, please. I’m dying to know,” Shelby said, breathless. She was curious what had caused Daniel to realize that she was right about Kaley (what did that even mean?!) and that she needed to be with him in Maui.
“Okay, first of all—am I like the only one who didn’t know? Is Kaley really well known for this? The woman told me that I was coming to an intimate retreat with other publishers. Turns out, she’s on vacation with two other couples who just happen to work in publishing! Can you believe that??”
“God, I knew it,” Shelby said, leaning her head back. “And yes, she is well known for seducing and sleeping with her authors, although she does tend to sleep with the truly talented ones. So at least she knows how to pick them.”
“I’m so sorry I reacted defensively when you shared your intuition with me. I was so sure it was my big break, that any other possibility seemed completely unimaginable. And I’m sorry that you seem to have to be the one to share all of these messages with me all of the time—messages that I really struggle to receive. My ego has had a hard time hearing a lot of this stuff. But, now, now I think I’m beginning to understand.” Daniel reached out and grabbed her hand.
Shelby stared back into his eyes. Something more than Kaley Hamilton had happened over this past week. There was an even deeper reason why Daniel had asked her to come to Maui.
“So, you didn’t invite me to be here solely to get Kaley Hamilton off of you?”
“Not even close. In fact, I hadn’t even thought about it. I’ve been avoiding Kaley since the first night when I realized what was going on. I want to tell you everything, but first let’s get out of this airport parking lot and get comfortable. It’s too good of a story to not be told over a glass of wine.”
# # #
Daniel had put together another incredible picnic for Shelby to welcome her to Maui. They drove from the airport straight to the beach, where Daniel promptly laid down a blanket and instructed Shelby to sit while he popped and poured some Hawaiian pineapple sparkling wine, along with an array of raw cheeses and crackers, fresh fruit, dark chocolate, and chicken skewers.
“There’s a great little market not far from here that made this all possible. One of the gals there helped me decide what to get, so don’t be too impressed. I had some serious help with this.”
“Either way, it’s really lovely. Thank you so much for putting it together.”
Shelby took a long, deep breath as she sipped her wine and looked out over the ocean. The air smelled so sweet and the breeze was so soft and perfect—she couldn’t believe she was in Maui. It was something out of a dream. She looked over at Daniel as he set out their food and smiled. She felt so sure he was her guy. She didn’t know what that meant or how long she would have him for, but she knew that there was no other man she wanted to spend this time with than him.
Daniel caught her gaze. “What’s up? You okay?” He came over and sat down on the blanket beside her.
“Everything is perfect. I was thinking how I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here, with you.”
She leaned in, kissing his lips softly, releasing ever so gently, letting her lips lightly dance along with his, taking her time and letting him feel her hot breath. He reached up, placing his hand along her jaw, tracing his fingers along her neck. Daniel felt so much energy moving throughout his body that he felt dizzy. He pulled back, looking at Shelby.
“Did you feel that?”
“The rush of energy that felt like we were going to topple over?”
“Um, yeah—that. Is that normal for you? Cause I’ve never felt anything like it before.” Something about their connection was so intense it felt like they might burst right out of their bodies.
“No. That is definitely not normal for me.” Shelby said, half playfully, half stoically. “But I’ve heard that the energy in Hawaii is less grounded, which allows spirits to connect more easily with the physical realms and for energy to be felt more intensely. So maybe that’s why we’re feeling it even more.”
Her words hit Daniel like a ton of bricks. That explained why his mother had appeared before him for the first time in 11 years, in Hawaii. She hadn’t even appeared in his dreams over the past 11 years—that he remembered anyway. But, he had never been to Hawaii either. And like his mother had shared, he was so enveloped in his grief that it was impossible for her to get through to him. But now, with Shelby in his life, he had become more open and definitely more confident. Being in Hawaii added a whole new element for him, as he claimed his work as an author—with or without an agent like Kaley Hamilton. It was the perfect timing for her to appear and give him her messages. And ever since she showed herself to him, he couldn’t stop writing, the words were flowing out of him so effortlessly. He had to tell Shelby all of it. Now.
“Yes, Daniel.”
“It’s time for me to tell you why I asked you to come here.”
Shelby’s brow furrowed a bit. Had something bad happened? He hadn’t hooked up with Kaley Hamilton from what she gathered from their conversation in the airport parking lot. Shelby couldn’t imagine anything more dramatic and terrible than that.
“Is it bad?” Shelby whispered.
“Oh no, it’s not bad,” he said, and Shelby felt the muscles in her jaw relax, although she hadn’t realized she was clenching them. He continued, “But, it is rather odd.”
Shelby laughed, tossing her head back in relief. “Well, odd I can handle. Lay it on me. What happened that made you call me up demanding that I meet you on this island?” She was having fun with him now.
Daniel reached out and squeezed her hand. “You’re probably going to scream ‘I told you so!’ at me. But anyway, here goes...” Shelby squeezed Daniel’s hand back. She noticed his hand was quivering ever so slightly.
“My mom visited me in my room the other night.”
Shelby gasped, covering her hand over her mouth. “You mean, like in a dream?” she asked in a muffled tone.
“No, not like in a dream.”
“Like, in person?!” Shelby’s voice was reaching a higher pitch as she tried her best to contain her excitement.
“Yes.” Daniel replied.
“Holy shit!”
“You’re telling me. I freaked out. Like massively freaked out. I couldn’t even let her say what she needed to. I kept telling her to leave, and I burst into tears. I feel terrible that I couldn’t handle having her in front of me like that.”
Shelby reached out, running her
hands through Daniels hair.
“Sweetie, it’s not normal for human beings to see non-physical entities. It totally makes sense that you would feel fear…Were you able to get any part of the message from her?” Shelby was hesitant to ask this. She didn’t want Daniel to feel worse about what had transpired. But, she was awfully curious what was so important that his mom had to show up in person to deliver the message. Besides, why wasn’t she hounding Shelby with whatever the message was, like she had done before?
Because he’s ready now. And the energy in Maui gave me the perfect portal to appear before him. Besides I couldn’t give a message about you to you. That didn’t work before.
Daniel’s mother’s voice floated into Shelby’s awareness. It was the first time she heard from her in a long while—since the last message delivery imploded, that is.
And so, it was true that Hawaii’s energy served as a portal for the non-physical to easily reveal itself, Shelby thought. Hearing it as a possibility and having it confirmed by a non-physical energy are two very different things. Shelby couldn’t wait to share this new knowledge with Kathryn and Scott.
Daniel was relieved to be able to share this otherworldly experience with someone, especially someone like Shelby who had already had several experiences with the other side.
“She was able to get a message to me, thankfully. Even though I was so distraught after seeing her, I immediately laid back down and went into a deep sleep. And then, she came to me in a dream, and we were sitting and talking. And…”
Daniel didn’t know how he was supposed to tell a woman he had only known a month that she was the woman he was meant to be with. Per the mandates of his dead mother. He was pretty sure he had lost his mind. Although it didn’t feel like it at all. It felt more like he had finally located a part of himself that had been yearning to be discovered.
“Daniel, whatever it is, you can tell me. As long as you feel comfortable telling me that is. Don’t push yourself. You’ve been through a lot in this past week.”
Shelby was right—discovering that his “big break” was actually a ploy to seduce him (When did that ever happen? Daniel knew that at some point one of his novel’s characters was going to go through something like this. It was too good of a story not to share!), and his mother had appeared in front of him, even though she had been dead for 11 years, to tell him that he was meant to be with the woman in front of him, and that he had important work to do. Oh, and that she was proud of him. Daniel’s eyes welled up with tears as he recounted the feeling of his mother’s arms wrapped around him and her words whispering in his ear. Words he had not heard in so long. He had tortured himself believing that he was a disappointment, that she would not be pleased with who he had become. But she had been. And she had been there watching the entire time.
Daniel looked up at Shelby, and a few tears fell from his face. Could his mother be right? Was she the woman he was meant to spend his life with? Before meeting Shelby, Daniel didn’t know if he would ever truly feel love after losing his mother. Now that he knew he hadn’t really lost her, that she was there loving him, looking after him all along, his whole life felt and looked differently. Was Shelby truly his lifelong love? Looking into her eyes, he heard a voice whisper, “Yes.” Immediately he was covered in chills and goosebumps as energy raced into his crown. He closed his eyes and tears continued to fall.
When he opened his eyes, Shelby was there, her face filled with love and support.
“She said…she said…” Shelby was sitting close to him on the blanket now. The waves of the ocean lapped softly nearby and a couple walked past them, hand-in-hand. The sun danced on their shoulders, and Daniel felt safe and serene. Whatever happened, everything would be okay. He had to stop fighting the flow and follow this, letting it lead him wherever he was meant to be.
“She said we’re meant to be together and that she had been trying to communicate with me for years, but that you were the portal with which she could finally reach me. She said I have important work I’m meant to do in the world and that you are a part of that.” Daniel let it all tumble out, trusting that Shelby could handle this revelation.
Shelby took a drink of her wine, swallowing forcefully. When she looked over at Daniel, tears filled her eyes.
“I don’t know what to say Daniel. It’s a hell of a message, that’s for sure.” Shelby took a deep breath, and leaned in to kiss Daniel. “You see,” she continued. “I have known that since we first met. But, I was beginning to think I might be a little nuts for feeling that way.”
Daniel pulled Shelby close to him, and she buried her face in his arms. Tears fell from both of their eyes. They kissed again, slowly, letting what Daniel had said sink into their consciousness.
“It is a hell of a message, isn’t it?” Daniel quipped.
They both laughed, holding on to one another, as the sun began to descend around them. This was their life. And it was good.
# # #
Daniel wasn’t sure what came over him, but as soon as he unlocked the door to his room, he picked Shelby up with one swoop—his arms under both her legs, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck, and carried her in. She let out a yelp and began laughing hysterically. She was laughing so hard that Daniel had no choice but to follow her lead, setting her down gently on the bed and then falling onto it as well, enveloped in the warmth of love that was between them and the laughter that cascaded out of every cell in their bodies.
After several minutes of lying in their love and laughter, Shelby stopped, looking intently into Daniel’s eyes. Instinctively, Daniel grabbed her, pulling her to him and covering her in kisses. Shelby arched her back, letting her blonde hair fall back while Daniel’s lips trailed down her chest, over her sundress, down to her smooth, soft, tan legs and then back up again. He lay there on top of her, their breath synching up in ragged exhales, their foreheads pressed against one another.
“It’s time,” Shelby turned and whispered into his ear.
Daniel felt it too and knew that they had reached the moment they both had been waiting for—clarity about their love for one another. Sharing his mother’s message was mildly terrifying to say out loud, but also freeing. They were free to love one another. Somehow, his mom, although on the other side, had done what was needed to bring them together. Now they were here, together, to unify their bodies with what their hearts and souls already knew.
Daniel didn’t respond with words, instead he slowly pulled the straps of Shelby’s sundress down over her arms, chest, and down around her waist. Shelby was not wearing a bra. Daniel caught his breath. He hadn’t been expecting this, but the sight of her voluptuous breasts stirred in him a deep desire that he had not felt before with any other woman.
Shelby reached up and stroked his hair, her head tilted to one side, desire filling her eyes. Daniel sat up, taking off his shirt, unbuttoning it a bit clumsily, his breath becoming stronger still at the sight and touch of her. He lay back down, allowing his bare, chiseled chest to lie on top of Shelby’s. A wave of heat passed through both of their bodies. Daniel felt energy circulating all around him. A light breeze wafted against his back.
“Oh. My. God. Do you feel that, Daniel?” Shelby said.
Feel it? He was so consumed by the fire between their two chests, he could barely lie still.
“There’s light and heat all around us Shelby.”
“Yes,” Shelby moaned.
Daniel pressed his mouth to Shelby’s, letting it envelop hers, their tongues dancing in perfect harmony. Flitting, licking, tickling, their tongues and nipples pressed together creating a circuit of heat that was otherworldly. Daniel was gasping for breath, the sexual and spiritual energy between them overwhelming his ability to think.
Shelby reached down into Daniel’s pants, feeling his hardness.
“Ohhhh,” Daniel moaned, his eyes meeting Shelby’s. “Your touch…is…unbelievable.”
Daniel kissed Shelby even more intensely, drawing them both up into a seated p
osition, hoisting Shelby over him, her legs straddling his.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known,” he said, as he stroked her hair back from her face.
Shelby’s gaze softened, and Daniel could see the desire in her eyes brewing with love.
“Make love to me Daniel.”
Shelby wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Daniel and began kissing him— gently at first, gradually letting the tension build as she used her tongue to tease him. She bit his lip ever so slightly, making him give out a slight moan.
“I want you Daniel.”
Shelby moved to his ear, kissing softly around the edges, then using her tongue to seduce him, feeling his hardness pushing firmly into the flesh of her thigh. Daniel couldn’t keep his hands in one place, he was desperate to feel every bit of Shelby. He let his hands caress her thighs, sinking his fingers into the flesh on her ass. As she licked his ear, Daniel gently bit her shoulder, working his way up to her neck. He wanted to devour every inch of her. And that was exactly what he was about to do.
Daniel hoisted Shelby up from her straddled position over him, practically standing on the bed. Carefully, he pulled down the rest of her dress, removing it completely and revealing her hot pink satin thong. Daniel’s hands held Shelby’s hips while he leaned in to kiss her panties, letting his hot breath cover her.
“Oh, Daniel,” Shelby said as she stroked his head, tugging at his hair. She wanted him. Badly.
It was time for his clothes to be removed as well. Shelby lay down on the bed, and Daniel removed his pants, his charcoal gray boxer briefs sticking to him, the heat was so penetrating.
Daniel laid gently on top of Shelby, holding her, kissing her, pressing himself into her as he felt Shelby’s legs spread wide, inviting him in. She was ready for him. They stared into one another’s eyes, instinctively synching up their breath, feeling the excitement within both of their bodies, now feeling as one. Daniel could feel their chakras aligning, as the major energy centers located up their spines coalesced. The swirling energy around them emanated in and outside of their bodies, leaving him light-headed and aroused.
Following Bliss (The Quest series) Page 11