Shelby held her hand up in mock defense. “You don’t have to explain it to me, but since you did, it sounds lovely. I just never know how to explain it to people. Anyway, please continue, as I know you have much more to say on this topic…”
Kathryn grinned. “Damn right I do,” she held her glass up for a toast. “And as far as how do I know I’m going to choose Scott every day? It’s simple—I don’t.” Kathryn took a sip of wine. “But, what I do know is that I’m going to wake up every morning and set the intention to be the most loving, giving, kick-ass person I know. And I know that if I’m being that full expression of myself, that Scott is the only man for me. So, no matter how irritated I get or whatever is coming up for me, he’s the one I’m meant to do it with. I can feel it deep in my soul. And that, missy,” Kathryn was pointing at Shelby again, “is worth a million commitment ceremonies.”
Kathryn’s eyes had grown misty and Shelby could feel the truth in her words. No matter what, Kathryn knew that Scott was her choice, the one she was meant to walk today’s path with—and whatever the future held, they would both honor it with the sacredness that they were entering into their lives together with. Shelby took a sip of her wine as she felt her heart expand, knowing Daniel was the same for her as well.
Chapter 9
Daniel’s studio felt oddly different when he returned. As he tossed his keys on his desk, he had a strange feeling like his home no longer belonged to him, but to someone else.
He tried to get comfortable, but nothing seemed to work. He tried lying down, but sleep wouldn’t come, even after his long flight. Instead he felt antsy and restless, as though he needed to be doing something else. He sat up and tried to meditate, but again, his mind went elsewhere—writing novels and thinking about Shelby. They had texted briefly when he landed, he let her know he had arrived and planned to rest, and then would call her. Nothing more.
As he sat on his bed, pillows propping him up as he leaned against the wall, legs crossed, palms face up, and eyes closed, he replayed some of their magical time together in Maui. He was forever changed by the two weeks. Now, what? His connection with Shelby felt stronger than merely a girlfriend. He felt an undeniable urge to merge his life with hers. Could they move in together? He had never lived with a woman before, but if he was going to do it, he knew Shelby had to be the one to do it with. Even so, taking that kind of step made Daniel nervous. He was in uncharted territory.
He looked back at his last text from Shelby.
Don’t worry – do what u need 2 & let’s chat when ur feeling up 2 it. So glad ur back! And so ready to b in ur arms. Xoxo
Shelby was like an angel to Daniel. An angel that he may have missed had his mother not come through from the other side to guide him. But, now what? Could he just jump into living together with her? Did that mean he wanted to marry her? He had to write. Sitting in “meditation” wasn’t doing him an ounce of good, as his mind spun round and round. He hopped off the bed and meandered over to his desk and his computer.
Daniel closed his eyes and placed his hands over the keyboard, just as he had done the week before the Willamette Writers Conference and just as he had done in Maui. Somehow, his fingers knew exactly the story that needed to come out. A few pages in (he was around Chapter 8 of 11 in his new novel), Daniel began noticing that his character Phillip was at a crossroads that wasn’t too unlike what he was experiencing in his own life. Sure, it was the late 1800s, but a man still battled with the pull to do his work and create a family. Daniel’s character had a heart. He loved Jasmine, but also felt called to the open road.
Was Daniel feeling the same thing? Was there more that he was feeling called to beyond Shelby? His mind was so enmeshed in possibilities that he had to keep writing—there was nothing else for him to do. He had to let whatever the answer was for Phillip (and possibly him) come through. This was not something he could figure out with his mind. Two hours later, his fingers stopped moving and Daniel felt complete. Phillip now knew what he was going to do and the choice he had to make, and so did Daniel.
With that, he picked up the phone and called Shelby.
# # #
“I love you.”
Shelby had barely said “hello” when Daniel immediately interrupted her. He said it again in case she didn’t catch it the first time.
“I love you.”
“Well, hello there. I love you too. You doing okay?”
“Shelby, I am fantastic. I spent two hours working on my novel. The characters are winding down, they’re making their choices and it’s great. Really great. When can I see you?”
Shelby laughed.
“You’re cute.”
“Thank you. So, do you want to come by my place, say, in about an hour?”
“I would love to, however, I am otherwise predisposed. I’m not sure if I mentioned it to you or not, but my closest friends, Kathryn and Scott, are having a commitment ceremony next weekend and so I am helping the not-bride bride tonight with the other not-bridesmaids bridesmaids for last-minute preparations and such.”
“Oh wow, that’s so sweet of you. You’re going to be at it all night?”
“Let me say this, we’ve got two bottles of red, some dark chocolate, and place cards, so yeah—it’s gonna be a long night. “
“Do you need any boy help?”
Shelby laughed again. “You are seriously. The cutest. Ever.”
“I know. And thank you.”
“Well…there is one thing I do need.”
“Anything,” Daniel wasn’t sure what he was opening himself up to, but something about connecting with Shelby’s energy made him come alive.
“I do need a date to the not-wedding wedding next Saturday. Are you available for that? Say around 4-ish?”
“I thought you were going to ask me to do some difficult man stuff like fix a carburetor or something. Date with a beautiful woman to a love-centered event? Done and done. I’m there. Just tell me what to wear and I’m yours.”
“Perfect! This not-wedding wedding is totally casual; you could get away with khakis and a button-up. I will be standing up with the not-bride bride, so I’ll be decked out in head-to-toe pink. Save your cheering for later. Hopefully, you won’t mind being with the girl who looks like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol,” Shelby laughed. She wasn’t sure when she was ever so giggly with a man. But, something about the energy between her and Daniel made her giddy.
“I actually like Pepto-Bismol, so you’re all set. And please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help out, okay?”
“Absolutely. And Daniel?”
“Yes, Shelby?”
“I love you.”
# # #
Kathryn and Scott’s big day arrived quickly. Fortunately, Shelby wasn’t entirely wrapped up with not-wedding wedding duties all week and managed to sneak in a dinner with Daniel the night before. They played it low-key, choosing to spend time after dinner cuddled up on his navy blue couch, rubbing each other’s feet, which eventually turned into full body massages. Shelby couldn’t help but think about exactly this (particularly when Daniel was lightly kissing and caressing her back as she lay face down on his bed, softly moaning from the pleasure of it all) as she walked down the aisle with William, Scott’s not-groomsman groomsman.
“You okay, Shelby?” William whispered out of the side of his mouth.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?” Shelby whispered back.
“You’re walking kind of fast, so wasn’t sure where your head was at.”
Shelby took a deep breath and slowed her pace. Focus, Shelb, she scolded herself.
Kathryn and Scott’s commitment ceremony was a simple affair, but elegant and lovely all the same—much like Kathryn and Scott.
Fortunately, the Universe had blessed them with a sunny and clear, yet crisp November 11 day, so they were able to hold the ceremony outside. White chairs lined the lawn at Delia’s Garden and a white trestle accented the stage area where Scott and Kathryn would profess their love to on
e another. As Shelby walked up the aisle, she managed to spot Daniel, who was sitting on the groom’s side, watching her, video camera in hand. Daniel’s offer of help had come in handy when Kathryn’s previous video support fell through. It also kept Kathryn from having any sort of not-bride bridezilla moment, something Shelby and everyone else was grateful for.
Damn, he looks good, Shelby thought as she walked past him, smiling. She felt like the most blessed girl in the world. After her conversation with Kathryn, she felt more certain than ever before that moving forward with Daniel was what she wanted. She didn’t care if dating for a little less than two months was too soon—she knew in her heart that he was the one for her. All the synchronicities and the visits from his mother only further supported what she felt was true in every cell of her body, mind, and spirit.
Shelby snapped back to reality as Kathryn walked down the aisle. She couldn’t believe how stunning Kathryn looked, her champagne lace fitted gown hugging her slender body in all the right ways. She looked over at and Jess and Audrey who were doing their best to fight back tears. Tears poured down Scott’s face as he watched Kathryn come toward him as Gavin DeGraw’s “Follow Through” played softly in the background.
Shelby looked around, as many of those in attendance also wiped away tears. And it wasn’t solely from the sight of Kathryn or even the tenderness of the loving lyrics. There was an energy enveloping all of them. Shelby felt the hairs on her arms and on the back of her neck stand on end as goosebumps covered her. Just then, a slight breeze blew through the garden. Shelby made eye contact with Daniel. Something was brewing…and she was sure Daniel could feel it as well.
“Kathryn and Scott have asked you all to be here today to join with them in this beautiful ritual to co-create their life together,” said the officiant, a woman in her mid-forties with long, flowing, amber locks and a form-fitting navy dress that made her look like a goddess sent from another world. “Each of you has offered something meaningful to the lives of Kathryn and Scott, and so you are here to bear witness and hold space for their loving union.”
The officiant paused, and Kathryn and Scott squeezed one another’s hands tightly, both of them now with tears streaming down their faces. Kathryn leaned in, placing her hand on Scott’s face, kissed him, and whispered, “I love you.”
Shelby felt her eyes well up with tears. The love between them was so heartfelt, it was impossible not to join them in this expression. She looked out into the audience and noticed that everyone was riveted and feeling the intensity of love and emotion between Kathryn and Scott.
The breeze picked up again and the officiant raised her hand to offer a blessing.
“We call on Mother, Father, Earth, Gaia, God, Goddess, Loved, and Lover to bless this union between Kathryn and Scott.” The wind picked up, blowing the woman’s amber locks behind her as Kathryn and Scott moved in closer together to hold one another, their arms wrapped around each other’s waists. “May their love cover the far corners of the earth and may its blessings reach all with whom they come into contact. May they truly know love as it has been created and may that love set them free. May all the elements surround Kathryn and Scott, supporting their love journey together, and may the heavens and all the physical and non-physical beings in it and here on earth, join together to show their love and support for this union.”
The wind blew with a forceful gust, leaving behind a soft whistle that sounded a lot like an “Amen” from beyond. The audience must have picked up on this as well, as everyone instinctively replied with an “Amen.”
Before she knew it, tears also fell down Shelby’s face, while chills covered her entire body. She could feel the energies around them—it was as if they were all standing in a circle around Kathryn, Scott, the officiant, Shelby, Jess, Audrey, William and the other two not-groomsmen groomsmen. She glanced briefly over at Daniel, who sat motionless, his mouth slightly open in what Shelby assumed was awe.
Kathryn and Scott looked at one another, pressing their foreheads together, noses touching, their faces beaming.
“And so it is. Your loved ones, in physical and non-physical form, are here with us today to offer their unified blessing for this sacred union.”
By the time Kathryn and Scott spoke their vows to one another, there was not a dry eye in the garden. Shelby was overcome with emotion, as much as she teased Kathryn about her not-wedding wedding, it was only now that she fully understood what Kathryn had been trying to tell her all along. The vibration was so high, the non-physical support, along with all of their loved ones in physical form supporting them, that Shelby now understood why it could not have been a traditional wedding.
The love between Kathryn and Scott was not only of this world. It was of lifetimes and it was a love that would go on forever, no matter what the outcome, extending even beyond their current lives. This was not something a legal document could contain. It was not something a government could reign over. It was beyond pen to paper—it was eternal love.
# # #
Daniel was astounded at the commitment ceremony happening before him. Shelby looked stunning standing beside her closest friend, and the garden seemed to be vibrating with such powerful energy ever since the woman with the amber hair began presiding over it.
Around the time when Kathryn and Scott were reciting their vows, Daniel felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up suddenly, but no one was there. He closed his eyes and heard his mother’s voice.
Beautiful ceremony, isn’t it? It’s time that the union between two souls be honored at the level it is deserving of.
Daniel smiled. She was always so eloquent with the way she spoke. She continued.
You know that this is next for you and Shelby, don’t you Daniel?
Daniel inadvertently looked up. She wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but her voice and touch was so strong, it felt as though she was right there with him.
While in man-made time, you and Shelby have not been together long, you have, in truth, been together for many lifetimes, which is why it feels so natural to move in together even now. Do not worry about what others think or say Daniel. Honor what is in your heart.
Daniel took a deep breath. While he had always felt he would someday commit his life to another, he was never fully certain of what that would look like for him.
Haven’t you found it odd that your writing soared from the week of the writers’ conference, where you met Shelby? And then from the very minute you met Shelby, everything in your life has expanded? Your confidence increased, your writing flowed, even money has been coming to you effortlessly since she entered your life. The Universe is always communicating with you, Daniel. We, those of us on the other side, are always communicating with you, Daniel. Shelby is your destiny point.
Daniel felt her hand move from his shoulder and a cold breeze rushed past his right ear. She had left for now. His attention focused back in on the ceremony as he saw Shelby glancing his way. He wanted to smile or offer some type of expression, but he was too stunned to move.
# # #
Daniel was waiting for Shelby with two glasses of red wine once she finished her not-wedding wedding photo duties. As she came walking up to him, a huge smile on her face, dressed in her candy pink strapless A-line bridesmaid dress, Daniel couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief. If someone had told him his life would consist of communication from his deceased mother and a gorgeous woman that he was in all likelihood going to spend the rest of his life with, he would have laughed in their face. But, here he was. And it was real.
“Thank you so much Daniel,” Shelby said as he handed her the glass of wine. “You have no idea how ready I am to get out of these heels and dress, and just relax.”
Daniel put his arm around Shelby’s waist, pulling her to him. “You don’t know how ready I am to get you out of those heels and that dress,” he murmured in her ear.
Shelby turned to kiss him, letting her response be conveyed in her kiss.
“Hey, hey, you two
, you better watch out or you’ll be next!” Kathryn hollered at them as she walked past, swatting at Shelby’s behind.
Daniel and Shelby looked at one another and laughed nervously. Daniel couldn’t help but reflect on what his mother had shared with him during the ceremony. Shelby secretly hoped that since this was a commitment ceremony, there would not be a bouquet toss. She hurried to change the subject.
“So…what did you think?” she asked.
“Of the ceremony?” Daniel was surprised she wasn’t immediately commenting on the amount of energy that enveloped the exchange.
“Yes, of the ceremony.”
“Didn’t you feel it? I thought for sure you were feeling it,” Daniel asked.
“Feel...all the love? Absolutely. Or…the energy? It seemed to me like the officiant had a direct connection with Mother Nature and was using it to amplify the experience. Is that what you meant?”
Daniel was excited to have been so tuned in to all of the energy flowing during the ceremony, so much so he could share with Shelby his experience.
“Yes, the wind was definitely at the officiant’s mercy. I couldn’t believe how it seemed to blow through on cue. But, I think it was more than her only working with Mother Nature…”
The look in Daniel’s eyes was mysterious and told Shelby he knew more than he was letting on.
“What? What did I miss? What happened? If you had another in-person conversation with your mom, I’m going to be so bummed that I missed it!”
“It wasn’t exactly in person—I could only hear and feel her.”
“You. Are. So. Lucky. What did she say? Kathryn will be so honored that she made an appearance at her commitment ceremony.” Gone were the days when Shelby felt overwhelmed and uncertain about Daniel’s mother’s messages. Now that Daniel was open, the messages came directly to him and Shelby missed having that connection with a soul on the other side.
Following Bliss (The Quest series) Page 14