Following Bliss (The Quest series)

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Following Bliss (The Quest series) Page 16

by Strang, Heather

  “That sounds perfect to me! And seriously. LOVE you...and hope no one is recording this call. I’m calling from my work line.”

  “Let ‘em do it. I’ve got nothing to hide.” Daniel was grinning from ear to ear. “Okay love, talk soon.”

  Shelby was having her own acceleration of abundance since she and Daniel met. She had been making jewelry more and more, and feeling less apprehensive about sharing it with the masses—or whomever she might meet. After they did their meditation last week to connect to their perfect home, she realized it was something she could do for her jewelry business as well, and she was now focusing on visualizing her business soaring.

  So far, she was having incredible results. She was even thinking about getting a booth at an upcoming holiday bazaar to see how things went. In fact, Shelby was feeling unstoppable. Her work at Hello Portland felt unimportant and totally out of alignment with who she was. She realized that to someone else she may have what appeared to be a dream job—and at one point, it was for her.

  But now, now she was ready to step more fully into her truth; coming together with Daniel had shown her that. It meant bringing whatever was out of alignment with her life now more fully into alignment. Using her passion and creativity to design and make jewelry made her heart soar. And having a portion of the proceeds go to a domestic violence shelter allowed her heart to expand even further. She had felt very inspired to have a portion of the funds go to the Raphael House and had a call in to the director there to see how it might work. It really felt as if her entire life was coming together.

  # # #

  The home at 1174 S.E. Commodore had pretty much everything on Daniel and Shelby’s list of must-haves. Hardwood floors throughout, soothing colors in every room (mint green in the living area, a second chakra orange accent wall in the master bedroom, lovely earth tones in both of the additional bedrooms, and lavender in the bathroom), a nice-sized yard with a garden plot, and a kitchen big enough for both of them to cook in comfortably.

  “Oh, and it’s large enough to have friends over—Kathryn and Scott are going to love this place!” Shelby said, grinning widely as she walked through the living room.

  Daniel grabbed her hand and took her into the bedroom. “And with this level of support from the Universe,” he said pointing to the orange accent wall. “There’s going to be a lot of second chakra sexual activity happening in this room.”

  Shelby put her arms around Daniel’s neck. “It’s perfect. I cannot believe it just landed in your inbox.”

  “Or can you?” He said slyly, as he leaned in for a kiss. “It’s sort of how we roll now, staying in the divine flow of the Universe and following the signs.”

  They walked hand-in-hand throughout the home, admiring the crown molding and character it embodied. The move-in timeline of three weeks was a bit tighter than they would have liked—Shelby would have to give notice and pay some overlap in rent, but overall, everything about it was a perfect fit for them.

  “I normally like to take 24 hours to make a decision like this,” he whispered to Shelby while the owner waited outside. “But, it feels like this is the place for us. Should we go for it?”

  Daniel had never been so impulsive in his life. It had taken him years to save up the money and courage to leave his job behind to focus solely on his dream of writing full-time. And here he was about to move in with a woman for the first time in less than three weeks, after only spending a half hour in the home. He could hardly recognize himself, but at the same time, he knew to his core that he was on the right path.

  Shelby hesitated in answering. Inside, she felt a “yes!”, but she also had never made a decision so quickly before. She usually took time to at least speak to Kathryn or Laney about it. She sighed, looking up at him.

  “Too fast?” Daniel asked.

  “Too perfect.” Shelby answered. “Seriously, all of this is happening so quickly and it all feels right, but my mind is having trouble keeping up.” Shelby rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. “My heart is saying yes and my mind is saying, ‘what are you doing?’ Make sense?”

  “Absolutely,” Daniel said, rubbing her shoulders. “The battle of the head versus the heart. Right now, I feel like going with it. It’s been working thus far. Why don’t you take a minute and go outside, close your eyes, get centered and see what comes up?”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll go do that.”

  As Shelby walked out the front door of the house, she had a strong feeling of déjà vu. Had she been there before? She steadied herself and walked out to the yard, waving to the owner. “I’m going to take a few minutes to get clear about this,” she said to him.

  He smiled, motioning over to his car. “I’ll be over here, so let me know when you’re ready.” He was a peaceful man, who seemed unattached to whether they took the place or not. He seemed at ease with himself, the home, and anything that came his way.

  Shelby wished she could be more like that—more at ease and certain. She doubted herself far too much, especially in a situation like this. She wanted to believe people could fall in love, leap, and the Universe would totally support them. And so far, it had. But moving in together so quickly, and into a place that seemed absolutely perfect for them, was slightly (if not totally) unimaginable. Her overwhelm was coming on stronger than before, as her mind worked frantically to keep up with the rate at which she was manifesting. Shelby had heard of this happening before—manifesting so quickly that one’s mind is unable to maintain pace with all of the goodness coming in. So, in an effort to feel better, the mind has to do something, anything, to get back into a more comfortable place.

  As Shelby sat down cross-legged on the lawn, she realized that more comfortable place was often in her own sheltered space, not in togetherness. Yet, as she reflected on her life, time and time again she would make decisions that would keep her in that comfortable, safe space. Being with Daniel certainly felt comfortable and safe, but living together and really diving into their partnership made it all the more real. She was really doing this.

  Shelby closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She quietly called in her guides and angels of the highest light, asking them for a message. Was this the home she and Daniel were meant to be in? Was it okay for them to move in together this quickly? She took several more deep breaths and, as her mind focused in on the chirping of the birds, she heard, “Yes.” It came through breathy and soft, but a yes all the same. Shelby felt her heart open up a bit more and she relaxed into that space. Slowly she opened her eyes, looking out at the other houses around her. They seemed familiar, and the feeling of déjà vu returned. She was home.

  # # #

  Daniel walked through the house again on his own, taking it all in. He felt joy fill his heart as he imagined he and Shelby making a life together in the home. When he walked into the pale blue room, he thought he heard children laughing, catching him off guard. He knew he and Shelby had joked about having children someday (like 10 years someday), but wasn’t certain how or what that would look like. He had toyed with adopting, but it wasn’t something he and Shelby had spoken about extensively. He shook his head and kept walking. Something about the house was oddly familiar, although he couldn’t quite place it.

  He walked back into the living room and took a peak at Shelby. She was sitting out in the grass, so peaceful, the breeze slightly blowing her hair. He took a deep breath, realizing how much he loved her and how much he trusted whatever outcome came in for her. He felt the house was theirs and, while he hoped she did as well, he knew that in order to move forward, they both had to be fully in agreement—which showed they were aligned on their path together. Otherwise, they would be working uphill and that never worked—for anyone. Going with the flow was the only way to proceed.

  Daniel stood in the center of the living room, closing his eyes, noticing that tears were now filling them. He felt his heart chakra expand, and he knew. This was their home.

  Shelby interrupted the quiet, “Daniel,
let’s do this. This is our home.”

  # # #

  The next two weeks were a whirlwind, as Daniel and Shelby made the necessary arrangements to fully claim their new home, while letting go of their current residences. Shelby was managing this in the middle of increased orders for her jewelry line, while juggling her job at Hello Portland. Daniel found it effortless to let his studio go, but noticed that when he wasn’t able to write, he became more easily irritated and frustrated. He found himself beginning to focus on what wasn’t working—no word from Jonathan or any agents/publishers he had sent the manuscript to, and lag time in receiving payment from The Sun, a magazine he had recently written for.

  “Shelby,” Daniel said one night after they had spent several hours packing up boxes at her place. “I think I need to have some energy work done. I’m cranky and definitely not in the flow like I want to be. Have you noticed that too?”

  Shelby brought Daniel a glass of sparkling water with lime in it and stroked his hair gently. Tilting her head to one side, she said rather seriously, “I’ve noticed you curse a lot more when you’re packing boxes, yes.”

  Daniel took a long drink, trying to contain his grin. “Well, that’s one way of answering the question,” he said poking her lightly in the side. “But really, are you feeling like you need energy work at all? Cause I think I definitely need my energy field balanced and whatever else they can do to me.”

  “Surprisingly, I’m doing okay. It’s a lot to juggle, but I feel so excited about what’s happening with us and with my little side business growing, it’s all okay. What kind of energy work are you thinking?”

  “I’ve had a couple of BodyTalk sessions in the past with this delightful British woman and I feel like contacting her for another one. When I was at the beach in Maui after you left, I got a sign from my mom that I should schedule a session with her and that she could support me with all of these transitions. It feels like I’m definitely overdue for a session. It seems like it will get me away from focusing on what’s not working, and back aligned to where you are—in seeing all the good that is happening for us with this move.”

  Shelby nodded, suddenly inspired to shift Daniel’s energy on her own. “That’s awesome honey. I love how your mom was guiding you to receive energy work because she knew these transitions with us were going to happen. And in the meantime…” Shelby said, as she put on her best seductive smile, playfully raising her right eyebrow. “Let’s shift some of that downtrodden energy with a little energy work by Shelby.” She then gabbed Daniel’s glass of sparkling water, took a long sip, and led him into her mainly packed up bedroom.

  # # #

  It was t-minus two days until move-in when Daniel went to see Gabby Adison, a BodyTalk practitioner and intuitive healer with a thriving practice and lovely healing space in Multnomah Village. While everything had come together extraordinarily well with the move, Daniel still noticed his tendency to get irritated about little inconveniences and his almost addictive email checking to see if he had heard from anyone about his novel. After continuous checking on his payment from The Sun, it finally appeared, but not without too many stressful thoughts about money and how everything was going to come together. Daniel needed to re-center and he hoped that’s exactly what his session with Gabby would bring.

  Gabby was in her late forties with flowing blonde hair, effervescent blue eyes, and an English accent that held all her American clients captive. She had been practicing BodyTalk since it was developed in 1999, after spending many years as a physical therapist and yoga instructor. With BodyTalk, Gabby used muscle testing to tap into Daniel’s deeper wisdom to find out what systems in his body needed to be balanced and harmonized for his highest health and good. For Daniel, it was an opportunity to commune with his deeper wisdom and find out what the messages were in his increased irritability and hyper-vigilance around finances and his career—especially since it had gone into such a state of flow and abundance since meeting Shelby.

  As Daniel lay on the table, surrounded by candles and a soft beige blanket, Gabby’s soothing voice and the healing energy of BodyTalk began to sink into his consciousness. Soon, he felt like he was floating.

  “We’re releasing a fear of not making it in the world, while balancing your adrenals and pituitary.” Gabby tapped lightly over his head and chest, and while he could hear her words perfectly, he felt like she was far away as he drifted in and out of a sea of consciousness. He saw the ocean and smelled it, too.

  “Daniel, is your mother passed on?” Gabby inquired.

  This brought Daniel back to the table, with Gabby’s voice coming in more strongly. “Yes, she passed on 11 years ago.”

  “Yes, we are balancing her to a package with Shelby and your heart—both physically and energetically—as well as the belief system that you have to do everything perfectly for it to be a success.”

  Daniel felt as though he were being hugged from behind, as energy began to move all around his chest and upper back. The hairs on his neck and arms rose as he felt a cool breeze brush over him.

  “Gabby, do…do you feel that?”

  She patted him lightly on the shoulder. “Just breathe into whatever you’re feeling Daniel. Trust it.”

  With those soothing words, Daniel drifted up and out again, floating as Gabby continued the session. In what seemed like only minutes later, she patted him again on the shoulder, whispering that she wanted him to lie there for another 5 minutes or so while the healing formula downloaded. She would come back in with some water after that and he could get up.

  After Gabby left, Daniel continued to feel movement in various parts of his body. A lot of activity was happening in his heart, and he also felt movement down at his feet. He focused on breathing into whatever area of his body became activated—remembering Gabby’s words to trust what was taking place. At one point, he thought he saw his mother, like a wispy figure, floating along with him. But as soon as he noticed it, his conscious mind kicked in and she vanished.

  Shortly after, Gabby returned.

  “How are you feeling Daniel?”

  “Light, like I was floating most of the time. And my mom—she showed up briefly, but once my mind recognized her, she was gone.” Daniel sat up on the table and Gabby handed him a glass of water. He hadn’t noticed it until then, but he was dying of thirst. He quickly gulped down the water as Gabby stood across from him watching. “You know what’s weird? My mom was sending me and Shelby lots of messages, but since we visited her head stone, she’s been totally quiet. It’s strange…but when I saw her, I got the impression that she was moving on to something else, although I’m not sure what. Maybe her next life…” Daniel’s voice trailed off as his rational mind attempted to make sense of his vision and the message that was being transmitted to him.

  “Go easy Daniel. We moved a lot of energy for you. Keep drinking water—you’ll want to stay well hydrated while this healing is integrating more fully into your consciousness. Can you rest after this?”

  Daniel looked over at her, noticing how the colors in the room, which seemed muted when he came in, were now more vibrant. The blue and green hues popped out and Gabby’s yellow tunic seemed much brighter than before. It was like he was seeing with new eyes.

  “I think I might be able to squeeze in a nap. We’re moving in two days, so it’s kind of go-time right now. But, I do feel like I need to sleep for a few hours.”

  Gabby took the now empty glass from Daniel. “Honor whatever it is that your body needs. When you do this, you’ll be surprised about how easily things flow. We tend to think we need to work harder to make things happen. What we don’t realize is that all we have to do is be more of the time and let the Universe do the rest.”

  Daniel nodded. “Well, I wanted more flow, so I will follow your advice and do whatever my body asks for.”

  He got off the table, having to steady himself a bit and gave Gabby a big hug. Right now, he felt so in alignment, there wasn’t a doubt or a worry in his mind

  # # #

  Two hours later, Daniel awoke to the sound of his phone chiming. Rubbing his eyes, he couldn’t believe how long and hard he had slept. He picked up his phone to discover several messages. One was from Jonathan and another from Shelby. He hadn’t heard from Jonathan since Hawaii and was immediately curious. Opening up the email, he found the following:


  It was such a joy to connect with you and Shelby in Maui, even amidst such unusual circumstances.

  I’ve had a chance to read your manuscript and share it with a few other editors here. We really love it and would like to discuss publishing your novel. Do you have time for a phone discussion about this tomorrow around 1 p.m. PST/4 p.m. EST?

  Look forward to working with you further.



  Daniel blinked, rubbing his eyes and reading the message again.

  He was moving in with the love of his life this week, and was potentially being offered a publishing contract.

  “Damn. That BodyTalk is good,” he murmured as he dialed Shelby’s number.

  # # #

  Moving day came without incident, and as Daniel and Shelby unloaded the last few items from the moving truck, they couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

  “Can you believe this is our life?” Shelby said as she carried a box into the bathroom (complete with an above-the-counter bronze sink bowl).

  “It’s pretty ridiculous,” Daniel said as he set down the last box filled with books for the living room.

  Shelby galloped down the hallway and into the living room.

  “You have a book deal! We live in this amazing house! My jewelry biz is booming!”

  “And you’ll be giving notice at Hello Portland soon,” Daniel added.


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