Following Bliss (The Quest series)

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Following Bliss (The Quest series) Page 18

by Strang, Heather

  Then, in December 2011, I began waking up in the mornings in a lucid dream state with messages for a male friend of mine. In these messages, I was told things that I couldn’t possibly know. After much internal debate, I finally decided to share these messages with him, primarily due to the intensity in which it was insisted upon that I share with him. His mother had passed on 15 years prior, and began giving me very specific messages to him about practices he needed to follow and healing work he needed to do. While he admittedly thought I was partially crazy (and yes, even I was beginning to think so!), the information I gave him could not be denied. Much of what she shared about him and what he needed was factual. And while he did acknowledge that the information rang true for him, ultimately, he chose not to follow the guidance and the path that she shared with him. It was shortly after this that she stopped giving me messages for him.

  In May 2012, I came together with a man who was almost identical in nature to the Scott character featured in my first novel, The Quest: A Tale of Desire & Magic, even sharing the exact same initials as the character. On our first date, I began hearing, “Tell him I’m proud of him,” over and over again until I was so irritated (we were about to kiss!) that I had to blurt out the message. His father had passed on 10 years earlier and during the first three months of our relationship, we regularly felt the cold breeze, light, and heat around us, signaling that his father was with us. I was also given guidance from his father that he had supported us in coming together, and that our relationship would be deeply healing for the both of us.

  On a walk in August 2012, the opening paragraphs that you read in Chapter 1 began appearing in my consciousness. While I batted them away, asking that they return when I was actually at a computer, it came in with such urgency that I stopped walking and sent myself a text message with the opening paragraphs (I didn’t have a smartphone at this time due to my sheer defiance of technological conformity!). The words came out so fast, I could barely keep up. As I continued to write this novel, things transpired much as they did for Daniel—I would close my eyes and let my fingers do what they needed to do. The characters and story essentially wrote itself. I never knew where we (me and the characters) were going, but trusted that the story that needed to be told would come through.

  If you had told me any of this would happen to me a few years ago, I would have told you that you were crazy (along with the fact that I wouldn’t be caught dead writing sex scenes, much less spiritual/paranormal romance novels!). But, as it turns out, there is so much more in store for us than we realize. Including that the other side is consistently communicating with us and doing their part to support us in fulfilling our soul purpose in our lifetime, as well as who we form partnerships with.

  As I wrote this novel, passed loved ones began making more of a presence in the one-on-one sessions and healing circles I provide via my private healing practice, further confirming the power and impact our non-physical loved ones have in our lives.

  What I know for sure is this: we are not alone on this journey of life. We have access to tremendous non-physical support—in finding our next true love, in our soul’s purpose, in our family relationships, in claiming our abundance—and so much more. Every day can truly be a day of connection and magic, we simply need to believe it’s possible.

  Do you believe?

  I know, I do.





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